Bad boy vs. Badass

By adorelicornes

174K 5.1K 1.4K

Hazel is the new girl in SouthRiver high school and well instead of being the shy,innocent new girl she is mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Party pt. 1)
Chapter 6 (Party pt. 2)
Chapter 7
Part 9
Part 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
um hi

Chapter 8

9.4K 285 145
By adorelicornes

Okay, can we just appreciate how fucking pretty she is......thanks.



"Ugh" I said as I quickly grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm. The only reason I have Jacob Saggy-Titties song as my alarm is because it actually make me want to get out of bed.

"Why does school exist, why can't we all just be nice, loving hobos?" I asked as I looked up at the sky, which was actually my ceiling.

When I finally put on an outfit which was an Autumn red color tank top, with my black leather jacket that said 'Guns N' Roses' in the back ,with some skinny jeans and, combat boots and my heart shaped necklace that I wear everyday.

Once I grabbed all the things I needed and put my hair in a messy but cause I really did not want to deal with it, I hoped on my motorcycle and headed to school.


As I parked my bike I was greeted by no other than...


"You" she said as she pointed her finger, more like her nail I swear her nails where like 4 inches long.

"Me" I responded sarcastically.

"Yes, you, I heard that Blade gave you a ride home" she said as she took a step closer.

"Yeah, and?" I asked.

"Blade is mine" she said and took another step closer. "Only mine" she took another step closer.

I swear if she take one more step I am going to punch her.

"Okay, he's yours I could care less" I said.

"Just stay away from him, new girl" and she of course took a step closer and jabbed me with her finger.

That's it

Soon Britney fell down on the floor with a shriek.

"What the hell?!" She shrieked as she grabbed her nose.

"You popped my personal bubble" I said as I turned on my heel and walked inside the school.

"Hey Hazel" said Lily as she walked up to me.

"Hey" I said.

"OMG is that blood on your knuckles?" She asked worried as she grabbed my hand.

"Yeah, but it's not mine" I said as I opened my locker.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

When you nod your head yes but you wanna say no.


"Um, what?"

"What do you mean that's not your blood?"

"Oh, yeah I punched Britney" I said casually.

Lily's eyes widened.

"You what?!"

"I punched her"

"But, why?"

"She was in my personal space"


I was now in 4th period.

Math, the Devils work.

Like seriously when in my life is someone gonna come up to me and ask what is x on a triangle.

When suddenly...

"Please report Hazel Harper to the principles office" someone said through the speaker.

"Ugh, that so far" I complained.

"Hazel you are excuse" said my teacher Mr.Rich more like Mr.Bitch.

"I'm going" I said as I grabbed my bag, "it's better than being in here, bye suckers" and with that I was out the door.

I finally reached the office as I stepped inside their was also someone else.


"Hello Ms.Hazel" he said.

"Sup" I responded as I took a seat.

"My daughter here tells me that you brutally punched her, is this true?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't say I punched her brutally" I responded shrugging my shoulders.

"What?! Yes you did, you could have broken my nose" she said.

"I wish I did" I said.

"Ms.Harper detention after school!" He yelled.

"Fine" I said as I grabbed the slip and headed onto lunch.

Before I headed to lunch I decide to go outside and smoke a little. Look I'm not addicted or anything, but I'll have a couple of puffs once a while.
When I went outside I was greeted by Davis.

"You smoke?" He asked surprised.

"Not regularly, what about you?" I asked as I lighted a cigarette up.

"Only when I feel the need to" he said as he brought it the cigar up to his lips.

"So, what do you think about Anna?" I asked out of nowhere as I took a puff.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just asking" I said.

"Look if your trying to set me up with her, it's not gonna work out" he said.

"Why not?" I asked crossing my arm.

"She's to nice and cute" he said.

"And what wrong with that?"

"Nothing, it's just she's to good for me"

"You're kidding me right?" 

"What? It's true"

"She thinks you hate her"

"That's not true though"

"Well, that what she thinks" I said as I took one last blow from the cigar before I crushed it on the ground.

"Fuck, what do I do?" He asked.

"I don't know" I said as I went back inside.


I was finally at the cafeteria grabbing my food.

"Where were you?" Asked Anna as I got to the table. She scrunched her nose  up in disgust "and why do you smell like cigarettes"

"I was outside taking a few puffs" I said as I brought out my bottle of perfume to hide the smell.

"Ooh, now you smell like Bath and Body Works" she said as she continued to sniff me.

"Woah, calm down Fido"I said.

"Um, hey guys" said Lily.

"Hey" we both said.

"Do you mind if I have lunch with you guys?" She asked "I just don't feel like sitting with them."

She pointed where Britney and Belle were sitting which was in laps of some football players.

"What, not at all" I said.

"Great, so I was thinking if you guys wanna come over to my house?" Asked Lily as she took a seat.

"Ugh, I wish ,but I got detention from punching Britney" I said.

"You punched Britney?!" exclaimed Anna.

"Yeah, that little brat went off and told her daddy" I said "I didn't even punched her that hard"

"Your kidding?" Asked Lily "Her nose is so swollen it looks like theirs a smurf sitting on her face."

That caused Anna and me to burst into fits of laughter.

"What so funny?" She asked.

"The fact that you compared her to a smurf" said Anna in between fits of laughter.

"Oh...... Ohhhh" said Lily before she soon started laughing.


It now the end of the school day which meant detention.

I walked all the way to the detention room where I was greeted by,

"Hey, Hazel"


"Hey, Blade" I said as I took a seat next to him.

"No talking!" yelled the teacher that was watching us.

"Hey Mrs. Simon" I said, she's my English teacher and I know she has a huge crush on Mr.Rich. They are both single and in their 40s.

That gives me an idea.

"Hey Mrs. Simon?"I asked.

"Yes Hazel" she said as she was fixing some papers.

"Um, I heard the Mr. Rich was gonna be in the break room alone, he could really use some company after that horrible divorce of his" I dramatically sighed as I put my hand to my heart acting like I actually cared.

"You two kids are fine alone, right?" She didn't even wait for our response she just bolted out the door.

"Wow, you sure do some good acting" said Blade as he got up.

"I wasn't acting Mr. Rich always goes to the break room and cries about how women always leaves him" I said.

"That's sad" he said.

"Yeah....well bye" I said as I got out the class and headed to the parking lot.

"What your just gonna go home?" Said Blade.

"Yeah" I said. "Where else would I go?"

"Follow me" he said as we got outside.

"Why?" I said.

"I wanna show you something" he said as he got on his bike and I got on mine.

"Alright" I said "Wanna race?"

"Alright" he said.


"You cheated"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

No I didn't"

"Yes you did you ,took a short cut"


I was accusing Blade of cheated since he knew his way and I didn't know where we where going. We where walking now for like 20 minutes when.

"You brought me to a tattoo parlor?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said as we walked inside.

"Hey Blade, my man" said some dude who was covered in tattoos.

"Hey Romeo" said Blade as they did that weird man hug thing.

"Who is this?" He asked as he looked at me.

"This is Hazel" said Blade putting his arm around my shoulder.

"You better move that arm if you want to keep it" I said as I glared at him.

"Feisty, I like it" said Romeo as Blade took his arm off.

"So what brings you guys here?" Asked Romeo.

"Well, he told me too follow him and he brought me here" I said.

"I want to get a tattoo, duh" said Blade.

"Alright, come on" said Romeo.

30 minutes later

"Alright all done" said Romeo.


"Your turn" said Blade.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Come on you know you want one, its Romeo he's one of the best" he said.

Well he wasn't wrong it's been a while since I got a new one, I only had 2 tattoos right now on on my middle finger which was just a heart and the one on my back.

"Screw it" I said.


It was now later. Blade and I have left Romeo. Blade ended up getting a tattoo of a ship on his thumb and I got a gun tattooed on my side.

"I'm hungry" I said.

"Same" he said.

"Let's go eat" I said as I ran to my bike.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Just follow me" I said.


"What the hell?" Said Blade "why did you bring to some old diner?"

"You'll see" I said as we stepped inside.


Oh how much I miss that voice

"Bella" I yelled as I ran towards her and gave her a hug.

Bella is the owner of this diner. I used to come here all the time with my mom. You might expect Bella to be a small old sweet lady, she's the complete opposite of that. She was in her 40s, but looked like she was in her late 20s, she had a whole arm tattooed with the most random stuff. She and her husband open this place when they where 18 and it's pretty popular every time I came ,the place was always packed.

"Ooh, I see you got a new tattoo" she said as she noticed the plastic rapped around my rib.

"Yup" I said.

"Your mom would be proud" she said as she gave me a hug. My mom loved tattoos, she thought they where so beautiful and how cool it was to get something you love tattooed onto you forever.

"So who's the cutie?" She asked me pointing at Blade.

"His name is Blade and before you say anything, we are not dating" I said strictly.

"No yet" she said.

I just rolled my eyes.

"What may I get you two?" She asked.

"I'll have the space burger" said Blade.

"Sure thing" she said as she gave him a wink, which caused him to look really uncomfortable, which caused me to laugh.

"I'll have the same thing" I said.

"Well aren't you a little copycat" said Blade smirking.

"Nope, I have gotten that same thing since I was 12" I said smirking back.

"If you say so" he said


"That was probably one of the best burgers I have ever had" exclaimed Blade.

"Yeah they sure are good, well I better get going" I said as I hopped on my bike.

"See ya around Hazel" said Blade as he drove off.


I was now finally home when..

"Where have you been?!" Exclaimed Megan.

"Out" I said.

"You've got to help me-" she was gonna say something else when "did you get a new tattoo?!"

"Yeah" I said.

"Dads gonna be pissed" she said.

"No he won't, plus he has the same tattoo" I said. My dad does have a couple of tattoos he has one sorta like mine, but his is more bigger and it's in his upper arm.

"Whatever, I need you to help me get ready?!" She said.

"For what?"

"My date with Sean!"

"Oh yeah"

"I have 2 hours to get ready"

"Well let's go!"


"Quit moving or I will burn you" I threatened as I tried to finish curling Megan's hair.

"Fine, what time is it?" She asked as she got up the chair.

"7:10"I said.

"Oh god, I'm late" she said as she grabbed her stuff and ran out the door.

She could have at least said bye


Hey guys!
So here's another chapter, the next chapter will be about Megan's date only so yeah, and I was listening to Chocolate by The1975 and Since I don't Have You by Guns N' Roses on replay cause why not?.
Goodbye my fellow unicorns🦄


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