The Boss Affair {ManxMan}*Sho...

By SailorPeach5

255K 5.9K 1.1K

Alex's story on how he fell deeply in love with his deviously handsome boss..By starting a accidental affair... More

The Boss Affair {ManxMan}*Short Story*
6th+The Disturbance
7th+ The Advertisement
*Sneak Peak* {Chapter 8.5+Drunken After Party}
9th+The Envelopes
10th+ The None Accidental Accident.
11th+ Nutella Kisses and Complications
11.5+ Unexpected Twist Ending? (Belated April Fools)
12+Preparation for a Downfall
60K reads!?? Thank you!!
13+ The Discussion
14+The Hospital Bed
15+Startling Feelings
16+ Current Feelings

8th+The Confusion

12.6K 358 73
By SailorPeach5


I'm so sorry that I didn't update last week! I got a job and I've been working my ass off. Got my first paycheck. Went to my first homecoming. Had a great time actually.


COMMENT if you want Sebastian to be with Alex, tell me why.

COMMENT if you want Liam to be with Alex, tell me why.

A lot of people thought the last Liam X Sebastian vote was unfair. So this time its COMMENT only. Okay?

Oh and @Marilyntan suggested a DOUBLE ending? Hit me up if you like that idea! :)

The next chapter is going to be SPECIALLLLL~~~~ First person who gets it gets a dedication! And the satisfaction of getting it xD LOL


@XxIm_nobodyxX AND @Devontaynm : For being my friend :D AND @Tifferspiglet : for being my hundredth fan!

Alex gasped as he bolted upright surrounded in a unfamiliar territory. His hand immediately went to grab his heart that was thudding hard under his shirt. He felt arms wrap around him tightly, that's when he realized that he was in Spain.

With Liam.

Smiling softly to himself his breathing started to regulate. He turned his head back in forth on the bed, his hair bouncing as he took in his expensive surroundings. As though time stood still his eyes were fixated at the balcony.

Maybe he would go on a walk on the beach..

Rubbing his eyes he used his free had to undid Liam's arms that were wrapped tightly around his waist, pulling away. Sitting up he swung his feet off the side of the bed landing on the door as he staggered toward the door half sleep. Opening the doors he didn't care about the rushing winds that filled the filled the room once he opened it.

He stood toward the edge, his arms lazily his eyes gazed over. Groaning his threw his hand though his hair cursing himself mentally. Why the hell did he decide to get up so early away. Sighing he looked up out onto the beach.

Suddenly wide awake he gasped at what he saw. He wasn't sure if it was because he was half alseep, or maybe he wasn't up at all. He blinked shaking his head. Maybe he dreaming? There was no fucking way. No fucking way this was happening. Shaking his head he decided maybe he should just crawl in bed.

Suddenly a rush of guilt and anger filled him. He needed to be reassured. He needed to see with his own eyes that he was indeed still dreaming that. He was wrong and Sebastian wasn't walking on his beach at 2 in the morning.


Sebastian sighed deeply as his feet sunk into the sand underneath him. He didn't fully understand why he came out here at such a hour. He knew rationally that it would make since to sleep so he could find Pierce the next morning. But his heart told him to get the hell up, stop moping and take a walk in the beach.

Maybe his heart didn't know what the hell it was thinking because this only made him feel worst.

Reaching down he touched the sand, grabbing a handful only to have it seep out through his fingertips. Why was he being like this? Why was he acting so...depressed? He hoped coming to Spain was going to help him relax.

As soon as he returned to his hotel room after having his evening coffee, his mood took a turn for the worst. What if Pierce was back at the states? He couldn't be near him, so far away. What if the blunette was seriously injured? What if some pedophile took a liking to him and that's why nobody can find him.


Shaking he head he glared at his now empty hand.

There was no fucking way that happened.

He wouldn't let it.

If he closed his eyes tight enough he could still see Pierces blushing face as he kissed him senseless on the sand that felt so much like the one he was walking on. He could still feel Pierces soft fingers as the ran though his hair, gripping it with need when he wanted to be kissed harder. Which Sebastian happily did.

Why did he push him away? Could he have possibly loved someone else?


Sebastian accept that either. He just...couldn't. His heart wouldn't let him.

He couldn't truly make up his mind at this point. His rational side was that maybe he should give up, it was taking up so much time and money just for a boy he may never see again? That maybe didn't even want to be found?

His emotional side was nipping at his conscience. What if he really liked you? What if there was something wrong? He knew that there was a connection there? He knew Pierce could feel it too. Was that why he ran? Cause he was scared? He did question a few things afterward.

Suddenly hearing ruffling he turned around sharply ready to head on any stranger that dared to get in his way this later night. His eyes widen slightly as a man stood a few feet away in the darkness. He couldn't see the face. But he defiantly saw the features. The fluffy hair that moved in the wind, the small body structure that had his hands balled.


Before he could rush over and grab the younger man, kissing him senseless. Owning him, Claiming him as his. Taking a step forward he smiled widely his arms outstretched. A loud shout stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't! Do not come any closer!"

Sebastian tilted his head in confusion. No accent. But, the voice was thick with emotion. So alike, yet so different come what he knew.

Was he wrong? Was that not his lovely bluenette?

"W-why...Why are you following me? W-What do you want?"

Gasping his heart began to move faster in a chaotic rhythm. He slowly moved, step-by step toward the shadow. He needed to be sure. He needed to know! All the time it took...all the heartache he was having.

Taking in a sharp breath Alex noticed the movement of Sebastian ready to approach him and quickly turned around and bolted back into his hotel. Reaching out his head he immediately grabbed the door handle and closing it behind him as he was 'safe' behind the security of the wooden door. But 'safe'? 'Safe' from what? Coming clean to the lies that gradually got out of control?

Why did he say anything?

He only wanted to check. To see if his eyes were playing some sick joke on his half sleep state of mind. He didn't really expect the it was real. Maybe he couldn't handle the fact that he was there and deep down he wanted to tell him so many things. How he was sorry. How he felt.

Alex glared at the ground as he ran a rough hair though his hair. His heart on haywire. What the fuck was he thinking? He was confused. Why didn't he just ignore his instincts and curl back in bed with Liam and have what he secretly wanted?

To be in Liam's arms?

Self absorbed, arrogant, wealthy...caring, giving Liam.

But as he saw the figure of the man who kissed him so passionately at the beach. He wanted to see him again. Have a conversation with him. Go on the beach and just, be with him again!

"Fuck!" Alex screamed as he took the walk back to his overpriced hotel room. Why was he fucking acting like that annoying brunette on twilight. Didn't know who the fuck he wanted to be with! He was still new to this gay thing! How did normal gay guys do it? So much trouble.

This was more frustrating from the time where he asked out a girl for the first time.

And he thought that was hard!

Once reaching the room he threw off his shirt and jumped into the safety warm embrace of the bed. The covers thrown everywhere on his side the pillows just placed anywhere and everywhere. He looked at the clock next to him.


Groaning he covered his face with a pillow and grabbed on the side, cuddling against it. Sighing ,his body began to relax.This is what he needed. The feeling. The feeling that everything was going to be all right. No more boy problems, no more Sebastian and no more Liam (even though he could never ignore the warm body heat coming off next to him) no more problems. Why couldn't every second of everyday be like your drifting off to sleep.

The drifting feeling of...peace.


"So you brought me all the way here to plan for your sisters party? I thought it was supposed to be a vacation?"

Liam smiled and leaded back against his chair smiling as he held into his Samsung tablet, nodding his head off. "Of course not! Who else could I pick to help me with this wonderful, extravagant soon to-be party? If you wanted to go on a vacation you should've just told me!" Liam sugar coated.

Alex stayed silent as he started thinking, he hated Liam's sister. She was sassy, overly attractive and she used it to her advance buy getting guys to buy her things and pay for the nicer things in life she wanted. That made Alex mad, especially since she tried to hit on him one day. The bleached blonde bimbo pretty much threw herself at him.


Alex smirked as he leaned back in his chair, chuckling to himself. Thinking back, maybe he should've handed it more professionally. Maybe.

"Hey? Are you the new assistant?"

Alex looked up from his desktop and smiled polity. Silently judging the female in front of him with black hair, blond tips curled big down to her waist. Obviously fake. Her face beautiful, but coated in Mac makeup. She had a innocent aura around her, despite her tight fitting clothes and flirtatious attitude.

Alex being the crippy, happy camper he is, answered back with a smile. "Yes, Alex Maxwell. Nice to meet you" He said outstretching his hand. Her soft delicate finger touched his and grabbed onto his tightly, lingering unnecessarily. Alex jolted for a second trying to pull away, but couldn't by his hand being death gripped.


"Excuse me? Your hand?"

"Oh" she said as she just stared at him and "tripped" causing Alex to have to catch her before she hit the ground. "Oh my goodness. Thank you sweetheart.How can I ever repay you? Would you like to have coffee with me?" She asked as she battered her eyelashes and her hands started to wonder lower to his suit.

Blushing he pushed her away causing her to fall on the ground. Her hair now wild from her fall as she glared up at him reminded him of a pissed off Medusa. "You threw me you little prick! We had a connection! Couldn't you feel it! " Alex felt his eye twitch slightly.

A...connection? Alex shivered. This girl was fucking insane.

"I'm going to tell big brother on you!" She screeched as she struggled to stand her high heels. Alex mentally panicked. It was only like his first fucking week. There was not firetucking way he was going to let some tramp ruin it.

Glancing at the door he weighed his descions. There was waiting until his boss came and fired him.

Hell no.

Or...he could call security and escort her out and deal with it later?

Which was actually sounding good. Yeah, getting security sounds so much better than actually dealing with the girl personally.

Alex calmly walked over and his intercom, called security and had her leave the building.

That was their first encounter and it wasn't a happy one for the both of them.

Liam watched as Alex adjusted his sunglasses and thought about everything. Maybe this would be a great distraction for him, to forget about everything that has happened lately. Lately Liam hasn't been feeling very well, his chest felt heavy. He couldn't explain it but he felt like he needed to get a few things off his chest.

Alex rested his head on his hand, lost in his thoughts. Liam noticed this and decided to comment on it.

"Alex? Why are you wearing sunglasses when were in the shade?"

Alex looked up in surprised that his boss commented on such a little thing that secretly head a hidden meaning. Alex wore the sunglasses to hide his dark eyes, the dark eyes he received from not having the sleep he needed from thinking about his secret love interest.


Even though that was the answer he wasn't going to stay that. Fuck no.

"I didn't get enough sleep." Wasn't a lie.

"Oh...You should sleep more often. Or I'm going to worry about you.." Liam said quietly as he reached for Alex's hand. He gripped it tightly, silently letting it how that he wasn't just his boss he wanted to be a friend too.

Alex gasped looking up as he felt his bosses bigger hand enclose around his. He felt his face flush a light pink at the gesture. All thoughts of Sebastian, the beach, everything out. Just him and Liam, holding hands. In their own bubble.

"Liam...why are you-?"

"Alex, I know that I've been immature and a dick. I know I have , but I want to apologize for everything. I want to be a more mature boss and person-" He gripped Alex hand again. "- and I want you to stand by me, I want you to be next to me to criticize me about how much you find my past habits annoying. I want you to help me plan my day because god knows my day would be chaotic without you...What I'm trying to say is that...I need you."

Liam said happily smiling as an invisible weight lifted. He felt so much better as he said that. He finally said the thing he kept hidden in the bottom of his heart. Well most of it. Deep Down he felt like he wanted to say something else. But he couldn't figure out what.

Well that was for another day.

Right now Alex couldn't help but blush, that sounded a lot like a love confession? But no, Liam didn't feel like that right? He didn't like Alex the way Alex liked him...right?

"Liam...i don't know what to say but...I actually-"

"Have you seen me?"

Alex froze mid sentence and stood up immediately. His head snapped toward the television so fast his cheap sunglasses feel shattering as they touched the ground from sudden impact. No way!

No fucking way!

"h-how did he catch that on tape?" Alex mumbled under his breath. How did Daniel catch that intimate moment he shared with Sebastian? The feeling of the hands on his bare waist while his arms were wrapped around the taller man's neck. He treasured that moment! Now the whole natio-WORLD was fucking watching as well!

"Have you seen me?" He was trying to find him? Was that it?

Liam followed his eyes to where Alex was staring at angrily. The television. His eyes widened and a unchararistic pink blush covered his cheeks as he spotted "Pierce" who he didn't know was actually the man next to him. Even though he swore to himself to grow up and quit his man-whore ways behind him.

He could make an exception. Just for this mysterious blue haired stranger. "Alex, I want you to find that model for me! A beautiful blue haired international model in our agency! Imagine that!" Liam said with a happy glint shinning in his eyes.

Was it werid that Alex was getting a little bit jealous of....himself?

The aura around Liam damped comepletly as he spotted the man with Sebastian. "Why is he with Sebastian!" Liam said angrily.

Alex now snapped out his faze but the now loving mood ruined. "I never did ask but, you seem to hate Sebastian. Why?"

Liam looked up at Alex who stood next to the shaded table they were recently sitting under and smiled up at Alex filled with grief. "He took my parents away from me."

Alex tilted his head not understand. Took his parents away?

Dazing off into space, lost in old forgotten memories he glared at anything in his view. "He's my brother"

Funny how one question can fuck up everything.

Did you like the twist? :) hate it? Love it? Tell me!

How was it! Already started on the next chapter! What did you think about Liam confession?

Its going to be very special! Very Special! And the first person to get how special it is gets a dedication xD HAHAHA

COMMENT!!!! (COMMENT WAR! Comment for SEBASTION or Comment if you want LIAM!)

VOTE!!!!(If you enjoyed the twist!)

FAN!!!(Because SHARING is CARING!)

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