Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

4.3K 99 35
By itshelbs

Camila's POV

The sunlight was shining through the curtains, and piercing through my eyes. What a way to wake me up. I yawned while rubbing my eyes, trying to get them to adjust to the brightness. To my surprise, Lauren was sitting up, against the head of the bed. A buzz sound was heard.

When my eyes opened completely, I was able to see her with my phone in her hands.

"Lo, what are you doing?" I groggily asked while sitting up next to her. 

Another buzz was heard, "Ugh, you messed me up," she groaned. Had she been playing flappy bird this entire time? She yawned, seeming really tired. And yet, she kept playing.

"How long have you been playing?" I leaned over, looking at the phone screen. 

"I don't know, since like eight," she concentrated on the game. "Shh, don't talk to me right now," her tongue stuck out to the side, showing how focused she was.

Wow, she needed help. I looked at the clock that hung from the wall. It was nine in the morning, what the hell, she had been playing for an hour now? She was going to kill my phones battery. Oh wait, it was still charging. At least she was smart enough to keep it that way.

"Lauren, you need to stop playing, it's been an hour," I tried pulling the game from her. She gave me her puppy eyes and pouted. It was making me weak. Too bad, I still had to take it from her. "Babe, let it go," I lifted her fingers off the phone.

"But I keep getting close to beating my highest score," she claimed. "I need to beat twelve," she stared at my phone as if her life depended on it. 

She needed to get a grip on herself.

"Some other time," with that said, I placed my phone on the nightstand. In order to do so, I had to lean over her. Her hand rested on my back while I was still fixing my phone on the nightstand, making sure that it wouldn't fall off. "Can we go get breakfast?" I asked while sitting next to her again.

"Always hungry huh Camz? Of course we can," she rubbed her eyes and then her hands slid down her face. 

"Unless you're tired," seriously, she looked exhausted.

"No," she smiled weakly. "I'm okay," she assured and got on her knees, on the bed. Cupping my face, she pulled me towards her. Kissed my bottom lip, nibbling on it. My hands held hers, while she still held my face.

On second thought, I wasn't all that hungry. Just a little but enough to have a heavy breakfast. Maybe a walk on the boardwalk was what we really needed. Eating ice cream of course. That sounded just about right. Besides, we needed to enjoy the beautiful sight.

"Instead of having breakfast, can we walk around?" I asked when the kiss broke. 

"Whatever you want," her forehead leaned against mine. I loved seeing her smile. She pecked my lips before climbing off the bed. 

Well we had to get ready. Looking in the mirror, I realized how terrible I looked. My hair was messy, ugh, I couldn't believe Lauren's seen me like this. How embarrassing. She didn't even seem to mind. She still saw me with the same eyes as always, as if in her eyes I was still beautiful. No matter what my appearance was.

"I call shower first," I claimed. 

"No, I do," hey, that wasn't fair of Lauren. Too bad for her, I called it first. She was too slow. 

"Uh-uh," I replied like a child.

"We'll see about that," with that said, Lauren ran towards the bathroom. Oh hell no, she wasn't allowed to do that. 

"Get back here!" I ran after her laughing. Lauren got there first and attempted on closing the door, to lock me out. Lucky for me, I was able to keep it open, somewhat. "Don't you dare," I laughed. "Lauren, let me in," I tried pushing the door open.

I could hear her laughter. 

"No," god, she was loving this.

"I thought you were an adult," I retorted, playfully. "You're behaving like a child," I stated. 

"I tell you what, I'm willing to share the shower with you," hmm, that was not a bad offer at all. Okay, Lauren was really smart, she probably planned this all along.

"Sounds good," I bit my lower lip. The door opened and I walked in. Lauren gripped my waist, pressing me against her. As my hands wrapped around her neck, our lips met. She walked backwards while I led the way to the shower. "Did you plan this?" I asked skeptically.

"No, but I'm glad the idea popped into my head," she pecked my nose, causing me to giggle. I held her chin between my fingers and directed her lips to mine.

"You're so smart," I spoke on her lips. Lauren nibbled on my lower lip, stopping me from talking. I could feel her fingers on my bare skin, already lifting my tank top up.

So far, this trip was going great. No real complaints, yet. 


I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. I tilted my head to the side and pulled my hair to one side, exposing the other side of my neck. Indeed, there was a hickey there. Lauren wasn't so careful in the shower this time. She was really intense. Of course I enjoyed it, but now I needed to make up an excuse, for anyone who was going to ask about it.

"Hey," Lauren came up from behind me. I saw her reflection in the mirror and smiled. She kissed the hickey. "You're mine," she spoke on my neck. My eyes closed while I felt the tingly sensation, all because of her hot breath on my neck.

"Well what am I going to say to everyone?" I questioned. 

"Tell a lie," she spoke as if it were so simple. "Tell them that you burned yourself with the curling iron," she chuckled, remembering the incident from a while ago. From when I left a hickey on her neck and Ethan saw it. He even pointed it out. Oh god, Lauren was so nervous and embarrassed.

"Sorry about that," I looked down to the ground, feeling embarrassed myself. 

"At least there were no consequences to it," she tried cheering me up. "There won't be any consequences for you either," she stated, sounding confident about it.

"I guess," I fixed my hair on both sides of my neck, letting it hang from my shoulders. I turned around and slipped my arms around her neck. "Let's go eat some ice cream," I grinned.

Lauren licked her lips, even though she wasn't trying to be seductive, I still thought it was pretty hot. She motioned for me to start walking. I unwrapped my arms from her neck and headed towards the door. Lauren followed behind me.

When we were about to walk out of the hotel, she held my hand in hers. Again, bragging about it. Of course, it was the purpose of the trip. I was getting used to this, being seen in public with her. I wasn't even scared anymore. Scared of anyone seeing us, anyone who we knew. I was just enjoying the moment.

We walked on the boardwalk and stared at the little shops that we were passing. There was a t-shirt shop, to where we stopped at. We entered the little store and walked around, checking out all the shirts. All the sayings on them. There were some pretty funny ones.

"Camz, look at this one," Lauren held up the shirt, extending it out so I could read it. 

It read, Retired. I was tired yesterday and I'm tired again today! 

I burst out laughing.

"I so want that!" I motioned for her to toss it to me, which she did. I caught it and took another look at it. This shirt was awesome, I was gonna buy it and possibly wear it to school tomorrow.

"I don't like this one," Lauren held up another shirt. 

It read, I was born intelligent but education ruined me.

Haha, of course she wouldn't like it. She was an educator, that was offensive to her. Awe poor baby.

"It's just a shirt," I stated. She made a face and threw it on the rack. Didn't even bother to fold it properly, like she was doing with the other shirts. Just then, I unfolded one. Haha, this was so true. "Laur, look," I held up a shirt now.

It read, Student + Dying = Studying 

Lauren rolled her eyes, playfully, "Whatever," she chuckled, shaking her head slightly. Then went on looking through the other shirts.

There was another shirt that I wanted her to see. Oh yeah. 

"Look at this," I held it up. "Exactly," I smirked while she read it. 

Which read, Yep, I'm picturing you naked.

Haha, I loved her face expression. Her eyebrows arched and she smirked. 

"You saw me naked like an hour ago," she stated in amusement.

"So what, I can still picture it, I don't ever get tired of it," I blew her a kiss, causing her to blush. 

She went back to looking at other shirts. I unfolded another one and read it.

It said, She's too young for you Bro. 

Haha how ironic. It made me think about our relationship. I was too young for her, well not really... right? Hmm, yeah I was, but that didn't matter to us. Either way, I wasn't going to show her this shirt. I didn't want to make anything awkward.

"Hey, girl," I heard a guy's voice next to me. I looked up and noticed him leaning against one of the racks, trying to look cool. "Can I get your name?" by the look on his face, we was trying to flirt and was desperate. I didn't even want to answer him. "So?" he insisted.

"It's Camila," I replied, hoping for him to walk away. 

"That's a cool name," he had a grin plastered on his face. "I'm Austin," oh my god, out of all the names, it had to be that one? Wow, unbelievable. I smiled, in attempt at being polite. Then started walking away to get away from him, without having to be too rude of course. "Hey, where are you going?" he followed behind me. I rolled my eyes at that, although he didn't see it.

"Over here," I was trying to look for Lauren. Shit, she wasn't around anymore. Where did she go? She didn't even say anything to me. 

"Oh, well can I get your number?" the grin was still plastered on his face. Cocky bastard. 

"No," I shook my head. 

"Why not?" he looked shocked by my response.

"Because she has a girlfriend," that was Lauren's lovely husky voice. It was heard behind the guy. Both of us turned around, seeing Lauren standing right there, with her arms crossed and her eyes shooting daggers at this Austin kid.

The guy's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. 

"Wow, you're hot," he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

I cleared my throat, "Excuse me, that's my girlfriend," I claimed and walked past him. Stood by Lauren's side and threw my arm over her shoulder. Her hand reached up to hold my hand and our fingers intertwined.

His eyes flickered, "Awesome," ugh, such a prick. He must of had the happiest expression ever. His eyes sparkled. "Hey, I wouldn't mind going out with the both of you," he stepped closer to us.

"You're a pig," Lauren insulted, jealousy was heard in her voice. "Come on," she pulled me and we walked away from the idiot.

"Oh come on," the guy said after us, laughing mockingly.

Lauren was pulling me out of the store, so I left the t-shirt behind. Eh, I didn't want it anymore anyways. We didn't stop, we kept walking on the boardwalk.

"I didn't like seeing him look at you like that," Rebecca said possessively. 

"Me? Lauren, he barely even paid attention to me once he saw you," I chuckled, skeptically. "His eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw you," I added. "Why do you have to be so damn gorgeous?" I questioned.

Her eyebrow arched before her head shook in amusement.

"I don't care about anyone else," she stated. 

"I don't care about anyone else either," I assured.

She hooked arm with mine, "Come on, let's go get that ice cream," she kissed the corner of my lips. God, she knew that was my weakness. I couldn't help but smile in return.

Leaving the incident behind, we focused on having fun. Mainly, focused on the ice cream. Luckily, the ice cream shop was close by. We entered the little shop and started ordering our ice cream cones. I  got a strawberry flavored one and Lauren got a vanilla one. When the employee handed the cones to us, we walked out and continued our walk.

Lauren held my hand and directed me to the beach. We had to take off our sandals, in order to walk easily in the sand. Little kids were running around, apparently playing tag. It was fun watching them. They looked like they were having so much fun.

Girls rested on the sand, getting their tans.

This was nice. Being able to walk freely. I loved being seen with Rebecca. It was really satisfying. I just wanted to snuggle up real close to her, and you know what, there wouldn't be a problem. As long as no one we knew saw us that is.

I could feel the sand slip through my toes. It made me want to close my toes, to see if I could trap the sand in but no. It still slipped through, hehe. 

We took advantage of the walk. We walked in front of as many people as we could. We were like a real couple.

We were sitting on the sand, looking out at the water. My head leaning on Lauren's shoulder.

"This is beautiful," I yawned. It had been a long day and I was exhausted already. Thinking about the car ride back home made me even more tired. 

"You sleepy?" Lauren asked. 

"Somewhat," I admitted.

"Well it's getting late, we should be getting on the road already," she stated. It sucked that the trip had come to it's end, but she was right, it was time to leave. At least we had a great time. I appreciated everything she did this weekend. "Let's go get our things," she stood up and helped me to my feet.

Taking one last look at the water, we walked away from the beach. 


The car came to a stop and since I was only half asleep, I was able to notice. My eyes opened fully, seeing that we were parked at the corner of my street. Lauren couldn't drive me straight to my house.

"We're here," she informed. "I don't want to separate from you," she kissed my hand. 

"Me neither," I rested my head on the headrest of the seat. "I've gotten used to being with you all the time," a smile crept to my lips. 

"I know," she breathed out. "We'll see each other tomorrow though," she caressed my face. It was so soothing feeling her gentle touch, stroking my cheek. "I'm missing you already," she grinned.

"You're so cute," I held her other hand. "I have a question," it's the question I had always wanted to ask her. "What were you even doing at the zoo the day we met?" I asked.

She wanted to laugh, I could tell, "Just watching the animals," she answered. 

"No, seriously," I wanted her to be honest.

"It's the truth, I love animals and I had nothing else to do, so I went to the zoo," she was actually being truthful. "And you know what, I'm glad I did because I met you," she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I held part of her face, keeping her close. I bit on her lower lip before ending the kiss. Lauren smiled widely.

"I'm glad that my friends cancelled on me that day," otherwise, I wouldn't have met her. She probably wouldn't have approached me if I hadn't been alone.

She looked me in the eyes, "I love you, Camila Cabello," her smiled was so charming. "Camila Cabello-Jauregui," she rephrased. Haha, I loved it.

"And I love you, Lauren Jauregui," I returned the smile. "Lauren Cabello-Jauregui," I mimicked. "See you tomorrow," I opened the car door and put a leg out. Lauren gripped my arm and pulled me back in slightly.

Gave me a peck on the lips. 

"Bye," she released me.

I waved goodbye while closing the car door. Lauren drove off and I started walking down the street to my house. The daylight was almost gone. There was still a little left though.

Well this weekend was absolutely perfect. It was like going to heaven. Unfortunately, we were back to reality. 


Ugh, my mom wouldn't stop texting me, demanding me to explain the hickey to her. She saw it this morning and barely even cared. Suddenly, she wouldn't stop asking me about it. Why her sudden change of attitude in a matter of minutes? She was being weird.

Shawn kept examining the hickey, he too was asking me questions. He desperately wanted to know who I got it from. I told him that it meant nothing, but he wouldn't leave me alone about it.

"Hey, where's Dinah?" I asked, in attempt to get him off my back. 

"I don't know," he shrugged while I put my phone in my pocket. I had to thank her for covering for me during the weekend. First period was going to start in a few minutes, I couldn't wait much longer to see her. By the way, I was dying to see Lauren already. "Mila, you have to tell me," he insisted. "Who was sucking on your neck?" wow, he was such a curious boy. Sometimes he liked gossip more than the actual girls. And he wasn't even gay.

"None of your business," I stuck my tongue out at him. His mouth opened to say something, but just then, Dinah and Vero showed up. "Hey," I greeted them. Dinah smiled in response, but Vero didn't even look at me. She avoided all eye contact and kept walking. What the hell, what was her problem now? Was she still upset because I didn't want to date her? "What's wrong with her?" I asked Dinah.

"She's upset," she answered. My eyebrows connected in confusion. "She found out that you weren't really with me over the weekend," she explained. 

Oh, no wonder. Either way, she had no right to get upset about it. I didn't belong to her, I belonged to and with Lauren. Even the hickey said so... even though it wasn't planned. Now I was more than happy Lauren left a hickey behind.

"Oh well, I can't do anything about it," I wasn't going to worry about Vero right now. 

"I don't think that she'll ever get over you," Dinah pressed her lips together. Poor her, she really liked Vero. Dinah couldn't give up though. She had to keep trying.

"She will," I assured. "Just keep trying," I hugged her, letting her use my shoulder as support. 

The bell rung. 

"Mila, you're so lucky, you get to see Miss Sexy every morning," Shawn stated. And wow, that's his nickname for her Lauren now? Haha, that was a nice one.

"U-huh, well, see you guys later," I waved to them and headed to my classroom. Finally, I was going to see Lauren again. 

At the classroom door, before entering, Lucy stopped me. She blocked my way inside.

"Hello Camila," she somewhat greeted, a bit mischievous. "I bet you had a great weekend, huh," where was this even coming from.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Nothing," she answered. "Hey, isn't Miss Jauregui the best teacher ever? She's so close with her students," she smiled mockingly, as if hinting something. "So dedicated," she added.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I played it cool. 

"Aha, sure," she looked me up and down. "Well, have a nice day, I bet you always enjoy this class either way, right," she winked and walked into class.

There was something fishy about Lucy. Did she know anything about Lauren and I? It seemed like she was hinting it. Ugh, maybe it was all in my head. I had to stop thinking about it. I wasn't going to let Lucy ruin my day.

I walked into class and saw Lauren, writing on the whiteboard. I took my seat and waited for her to turn around. When the final bell rang, she turned around to look at the class, but glanced at me with a smile. That made me feel butterflies all over again, and gave me a heart warming feeling.

"Good morning, class," she greeted. "I hope you all had a wonderful weekend," again, she glanced at me. "Please take out your textbooks and turn to page 510," she instructed.

Suddenly, loud and heavy knocks were heard at the door. The whole class looked at it immediately. Lauren was going to go open it, but there was no need. The door was harshly opened. The principal and police officers came in all at once.

"Lauren Jauregui," one of the police officers approached her. 

"Yes, what's going on?" she stood by the whiteboard.

"It's her!" My mom came in shouting. What the hell? My heart pounded against my chest. I breathed heavily. I was confused. Wait no. 

"Lauren Jauregui, you're under arrest for being sexually involved with one your students," the officer turned her around to handcuff her. No! This couldn't be happening. I was feeling light headed.

"No! Stop!" I stood from my desk and ran to the officer. "Let her go, she hasn't done anything wrong!" I tried getting the handcuffs off Lauren. 

"Karla, stop it!" my mom shouted, I looked over my shoulder and saw her crying. 

"Holy shit," that was Ethan's voice. I looked at him and that's when I realized everyone's shocked expressions. They were all so quiet and staring at us. Their eyes kept wandering to Lauren, staring at the handcuffs.

I looked at Lauren and she had her head down, I noticed that she was crying. Tears were cascading down her cheeks.

"Please officer, let her go," I pleaded as I cried. I couldn't stand seeing Lauren handcuffed.

"Karla," the officer held me. 

"Let me go!" I pushed him off, harshly.

"Mila, calm down," that's when Ramon held me instead. I tried escaping his grip but I couldn't. He was much stronger than the officer. 

"Camila, please calm down, I'll be fine," Lauren spoke up. It broke my heart to see her in handcuffs and in tears. Ramon released me a bit. Even though this wasn't the best time or place to do so, I couldn't contain myself from hugging her.

I launched myself at her.

"Lauren," I cried. 

The officer pushed me off. 

"No physical contact allowed," he spoke firmly, almost shouting.

"Don't yell at her," Lauren retorted.

Whispers were heard among the class, all very shocked.

"I am very disappointed in you Karla," my mom stated, still crying. How in the world did she even find out? Did she call the police or did the school board? I had no idea. "I'm glad that someone showed me this though," she held up a photograph. A photograph of Lauren and I kissing in her car, from yesterday when she dropped me off. My heart sunk to my stomach, I was going to be sick. This couldn't be happening. "I had to call the police immediately," my mom cried.

My eyes wandered to the class, they were trying to get clear view of the photograph.

"Please, this is no place for this," the principal said to my mom. "Let's speak in private," he tried directing us out the door. 

"No, I just want Lauren to be let go," I attempted at freeing her. 

"We have to go," the other officer said, hurrying the one who had Lauren handcuffed. He began taking her away. 

"No!" I yanked on her arm.

"Camila," Ramon held me firmly. "You need to stop, please," he held me tightly. 

"Please Camila, don't cry, I'll be fine, okay?" Lauren tried assuring, but it wasn't working. How was I supposed to calm down when the love of my life was being arrested? She was no criminal! She didn't deserve this.

"Let's go," the officer practically dragged her out. 

"Stupid officers! Don't take our awesome teacher!" someone in the class shouted when Lauren was taken away. Ramon still held onto me. 

"Hey, quiet down," the principal spoke firmly to the person who shouted. "Ramon please escort Miss Cabello to the office," he instructed. "Mrs.Cabello, come with me," he showed my mom out the door. They left together.

"Come on, Mila," Ramon said softly, being considerate. I couldn't stop crying though. 

This couldn't possibly be happening.

The class was left unsupervised. I looked at Lucy, it had to have been her, she must of been the one who took the picture and showed my mom.

"It was you wasn't it?" I questioned her. Unfortunately, I couldn't beat her ass since Ramon had a good grip on me. 

"Woah now," on please, she played innocent. "Stop accusing me of this," she retorted. I couldn't believe that she had the nerve to deny it. 

"Camila, why did you hook up with Miss Jauregui though? Yeah, she's extremely hot, but come on, she's our teacher," Ethan stated. 

"You don't know the whole story," my voice broke and I was able to escape Ramon's grip. I took off running, out of class. 

"Camila, wait!" Ramon ran after me.

This couldn't possibly be happening. Everything started to fade away. My lips were feeling cold and dry. Suddenly, I lost strength, I couldn't even stand on my feet. I dropped to the ground. All audio faded. I was barely able to keep my eyes open. I was losing consciousness.

Ramon squatted to my side. He was saying things, but I couldn't hear him. And then... darkness.

A/N: My babes! Fuckin Sinu... I'm so sorry, but something big had to happen eventually right?? This update is long overdue:( and I feel horrible for making you all wait this long. I'm going to be converting some other books, so follow me if you want to get notified. You can also follow me on instagram with this same username as this one.

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