Falling For A Villain-Peter P...

By EnaChiaraTeglovic

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Clary Wolf is a 15-year-old girl, and she lives in Canada, a city named Toronto. One night she said the word... More

Glowing Eyes
Peter Pan
Welcome to Neverland
The game
Lost Girl
Run, run lost girl
The cliff
Mermaid Lagoone
Peter Pan never fails
The pipe
The Game
Bloody Demon
I guess you got me
Pan like Pan
The test
Lost and unloved?
The Guilty Meadow
Is it all just a lie?
Am I falling for the demon?
Liam and a mermaid
Drive me crazy
Day with Peter Pan
He is a killer
What is going on?
The cage
Read please
New Lost boy
I fell in love with him
Race with Pan
The real Neverland
Pixie dust
Peter Pan
My Lost Girl
My life now
Your lover dead
Thank you!

Accepting me

6.4K 142 39
By EnaChiaraTeglovic

Chapter 28

Clary's P.O.V

"Get up!"I heard someone but ignored it. "Clary you have 3 seconds or I'm going to throw cold bucket of water on you, again." I just groaned in response. 

"One." Seriously?

"Two." I just want to sleep. Is that so bad?

"Three." I sit up and make myself open my eyes. I glared at Pan, but then all the memories from last night made me look away.  

"What do you want?" I asked rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

"We are going to hunt," he said excitedly.

"Okay? Then go? Why are you saying that to me?" I asked while yawning. and laid down again.

"You and I are going to hunt. Not the boys. Get up!" he was getting angry. 

"Why not the boys?" I asked rolling over.

"Because you have to learn how to hunt. " He explained while crossing his arms. 

"Can we go later, I'm hella tired," I said yawning again.

"We need to go now. Get up!" He ordered. I rolled my eyes and got up slowly up. I looked my self in he mirror and gasped. My hair was a real mess, and yo could see that I just woke up.

"Can I go take a bath first?" I asked turning to Pan who was sitting at my desk.

"No." He said and I looked back to the mirror. I put my hair in a bun and put my high boots on. And looked again in the mirror. "Stop looking at yourself in the mirror. You look am... good." He said looking away, making me grin. I thanked him and then followed him to the training zone. He gave me the bow and arrows.

"Follow my sleepy head." He said with a slight smile as he walked to the jungle, and I followed. and went into the jungle. I rolled my eyes at my new nick name. 


We found a quiet spot in the jungle to practice. To hunt. Basically, I would hunt Pan.
"So first you need to know is to hear really good." I raised my eyebrow.

"Close your eyes." I looked at him weirdly and he stepped in front of me. "Close them." He told and I obeyed. "I will walk around, and you try to point the place where you think I'm." He explained and I nodded. I didn't hear a thing. Not even a crack. Or his breathing.I started to think that he left me and I was completely alone. I tried to focus on more sounds, like the wind rustling the leaves, my breathing, my heartbeat, the distant sounds of birds, the sea...And then footsteps. But the footsteps were so light, I could barely hear them. Left of me? I pointed with my hand to the place I thought he was.

"Well done." He said and I opened my eyes. "Second thing is you need to be really sneaky, fast, and careful. You need to walk like you are flying." He said stopping in front of me. Well that explains the lightness of his footsteps.

"Third. Think like a hunter. What is your favourite wild animal?" He asked.

"Wolf," I answered and he smiled.

"Then think, hear, see, walk and hunt like a wolf." He said and I nodded again. I'm a girl wolf. How cool. 

"Come." He said taking my hand in his. And I could feel my heart begin to race. We were in some part of the jungle that I have never been to before.

"Now, hunt," Peter said letting go of my hand. But I could feel him close by. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I concentrated and hear something in the bushes. I opened my eyes and turned slowly to the bush on my right, and raised my bow. I smirked and let the arrow go. I put the bow done, looking at the bush. I moved the bush and saw a big rabbit. I gasped. I just killed an animal.

" Well done," Pan said proudly. .

"I.. I just killed an animal." I said and he laughed.

"That's obvious." He thought I was making a joke.

"I never like ever wanted to kill an animal, but here I just did. " I said and he tilted his head.

"You know that we need to kill to survive?" He said and I looked again at the rabbit.

"Yes," I said. Maybe I'm weird, but I love animals. To much. And okay, I will eat them, but to kill them. It's different. But when I heard that movement in the bushes, I didn't think of any of that. I just thought that I'm now a hunter, and that is my prey. I'm changing. But am I changing for good or bad?

"Can we go back?" I asked and he looked at me. He took the rabbit and took my hand. He teleported us back to the camp. He let go of me and gave Thomas the rabbit, and then he just left me to stand there.

"Clary!" I heard someone and I turned around to see Felix.

"Hey!" I said and smiled weakly.

" Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it's just, I never thought that I will ever kill an animal," I sighed as I crossed my arms.

"If you want to survive you need to do it." He said and I just shrugged it off.

"Your breakfast." I turned around to see Thomas with a big smile.

"Thanks," I said and took the food from him. Rabbit. I didn't let myself think much, it was food, and I needed it.  After eating I went back to my tent. Some thoughts just hit me unexpectedly. I was changing. Everything was changing. I didn't live in Toronto with my family, but on Neverland. I miss my family, but I didn't want to go back. I preferred to feel free. 

*Flash Back*

"Clary, what are you doing?" My mom screamed coming into my room.

"Reading," I said and turned the page.

"What are you reading now?" She asked with annoyance clearly in her voice. 

"The mortal instruments; City of bones," I answered simply and she sighed. I loved those series, especially because the name of the main girl character was Clary, and some characters had names like my friends. It was a fun coincidence. 

"Why are you reading books like that?" She placed her arms at her hips.

"Books like what?" I asked as I closed the book.

"Imaginary books. Story books, vampire books, harry potter, that book. They are just stories, Clary. They aren't real, honey. You need to wake up." She said. I traced the book with my fingers, letting a smile form on my lips.

"And  where does that imagination come from?" I asked looking back at her. 

"I don't know, but those stories and books you are reading are not real. Accept that, you aren't a child anymore. " She told, making me lash out.

"They are real!" I said sternly and she rolled her eyes.

"Come here." My mother called me to her. She turned me to look in the mirror. 

"Look at yourself. You are a beautiful young girl. You are going to be a woman soon. You need to stop reading that stupid books and start reading something more mature. Something that will prepare you for the world.  It's time for you to grow up." My eyes widened. Even though her words were sincere, they didn't feel right. Grow up?

"No, I don't want to grow up!" I said moving away from my mother. My mom laughed.

"Well you will, honey. Everyone does." I shook my head.

"No, they don't!" 

"Clary, this is not Neverland. And Neverland doesn't exist. Or Peter Pan. Stop being silly" She said before leaving my room. 

*End of the flashback.*

I smiled at the memory, that was a year ago. I wish to show my mother neverland, just to prove her wrong.  I have never lost faith in Neverland.  I'm definitely not the same girl when I appeared here. I know how to use a sword, and how to use a bow, I killed an animal, and I think differently. And I'm not going to grow up. Ever.
That made me smile. Maybe this was the right time to accept who I'm. I need to forgive myself for my past and accept my past and myself. All the mistakes. Everything. All that matter snow is- the future. I guess Pan helped me to understand that. With his twisted ways, yes. 

"Hey" I hear someone getting into the tent. It was of course, Pan. Without a thought, I got up to hug him. He was frozen. When he realized I wasn't letting go, and it wasn't a game, he finally hugged me back. 

"Thank you, Peter," I mumbled against his chest. 

"For what?" He asked confused.

"Everything. I'm finally accepting myself, and my past. I feel... stronger. " I said looking up at him. 

"Well, there is a little small hole. You still have some weaknesses. But I will fix that too." He said that with a small smile, as he moved my hair from my eyes.

"I need to show you something." He said while moving away from me. 

"What now?" I asked dropping my hands to my sides.

"You will see sleepy head." He chuckled. 

"I don't like that nickname," I sighed.

"But you like when I call you love?" He asked raising his eyebrow and I bit my tongue to stop myself to say anything. Anything smart or dumb. He nodded in understanding.  "I'll call you however I want, love." He winked as he reached for my arm.

"Asshole," I mumbled as I took his hand. He pulled me close to him, and my breath got stuck in my throat.

"Don't let go, love." He said as he flicked my nose, and then we were on our way.  

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