Second Chance Point

By twelveohone

121K 878 547

If torn between pleasing yourself and pleasing others, what would you choose? Between Thomas Torres and Kiefe... More

Introduction & Prologue
1: The Return
2A: Meeting
2B: The Meeting
3: Regrets
4: Thomoment
5: Jump Ball
6: Comparisons
7: Wave 2!
Edited 7: Wave 2
8: On A Red Day
10: Double Dribble
11: Point Guard Lover Chef?!?
12: Break Ups
13: Where are you?
14: Thomas's Assist
15: Fair Play
16: What Happened After Breakfast?
17: Sam's Turn
18: Torn
19: Steal
20: Winning and Losing
21: Choices
22: Brothers
23: Fixing and Breaking
24: The Royal Squire
25: Wrong Movie
26: The Sequel
27: Breaking The Ice
28: Our Borrowed Time
29: Unsung Hero
30: One Last Cry
31: Estranged

9: Lo! Defensa!

3.5K 23 18
By twelveohone

9: Lo! Defensa!


Today is Saturday and the scheduled friendly match between UST and DLSU sponsored by Gatorade to be held at the San Juan Arena.

Our group decided that we'll just use JC's car in going there instead of the riding the DLSU bus.

JC: So who's driving?

JC asked us as we are about to go to the parking lot of our tower.

Jeron: Not the three of us, of course.

JC nodded. Srsly, can driving affect their performance during the game?

Hanna: Not me. I'm having a hard time walking, driving pa kaya.

Hanna sprained her right foot after her 5 inch heels fell off last Thursday.

So it's just between Nica and I.

Nica: Okay guys. You're giving me no choice, I'll drive!

Hanna/Jeron/JC/Thomas: NO!

Nica can't drive. She's been practicing but no progress since who knows when. She's just too gutless for driving. If you've seen how Barney Stinson drove during the 18th episode of HIMYM season 2, that's how she drives.

All eyes are on me now.

Sam: Do I even have a choice?

JC handed me the keys to his car. I was expecting Tho to get the keys from me just like the old times but he didn't. He just walked past me like nothing happened.

Actually, he's been ignoring me since yesterday. He just acknowledged my presence with a simple nod then ignored me for the rest of the day. Yesterday, I asked him something about his sister's favorite cupcake and he just shrugged and turned his back on me.

How can guys be this frustrating? First si Kiefer tapos si Thomas. I won't be surprised if I end up being old and unmarried which I am actually considering right now.

Tho occupied the frontseat while the couples are back there being so clingy with each other. Tho plugged his earphones and closed his eyes. Tss.

As if Tho, you never sleep with music playing on the background.

Sam: Can you old married couples be less clingy out there? You're distracting me.

All four of them laughed. Something that I don't need right now.

Jeron: Too much hate, best friend?

Sam: Why would I hate? You're just distracting me. End of discussion.

Nica: We're not even doing anything in here.

And they are not. Jeron and Hanna are just listening to Jeron's ipod sharing over an earphone. Oh please, too banal. I have read a lot of stories with scenes like this.

While Nica is just trying to sleep with her head on JC's shoulder and my brother's arm around her waist. I hate this one because it reminds me of last Thursday.

Oo na, bitter na nga ako. Tss.

No one said a word after that. The old people at the back continued their sweetness (pfft!) with each other.

I decided to drive really fast to keep them awake. Makaganti man lang. I just want to get to that place as fast as we could which we really did.

The moment I stopped the car, I got out and slammed the door behind me. The air blew strong and it's like a movie scene with a dramatic entrance.

JC: You'll never get to drive my car again, Samantha. Never!

Jeron: That was one heck of a ride! I thought we'll never arrive here alive!

Nica: I am never riding with you again!

Hanna: Was that a plane ride?!? Since when did you get your pilot's license?!?

All of them are complaining except for Tho who's still in his snob mode. As much as I want to avoid saying this but it makes him look hotter than usual.

I think we arrived earlier than we're supposed to because both DLSU and UST buses are not yet here.

We entered the arena. The boys went straight to the dugout while Nica, Hanna and I went to our reserved seats. A sea of yellow and green are starting to fill the arena by now. Wow, I never thought that this game will be taken by fans this seriously.

Hanna: Sam, what's with Tho? He doesn't seem fine to me.

Sam: Oh please, Hanna. I have no idea. He's been avoiding me since yesterday.

Nica: Hmm. Did you have an argument?

Sam: No, there's nothing to argue about.

Nica: Makes sense. I don't know. He's not telling me anything.

Few more minutes, Tho got out out of the dugout. I can hear a lot of screaming from the crowd.



Okay, those two are normal.


Me too. I love you, Thomas. :( Please stop being snob.

Tho raised his hand to acknowledge the fans.

Weird, he's in his usual clothes he then sat beside Nica.

Nica: What are you doing here?

Thomas: Coach banned me from playing today.

Our eyes grew wide upon hearing that. He won't be playing. Why?

Hanna: Why? Did you hit somebody again?

Thomas: Who will I hit, Hanna? I missed practice last Thursday. It's one of the consequences.

So, now I know why he's not talking to me. It's my fault. I suddenly feel ashamed of myself.

Hanna: Why did you skip practice?

Thomas: I had to attend to something more important than practice.

He looked at me and I avoided him. I'm really ashamed of myself.

I bowed down. I have no face to show to anyone most especially to Tho's fans. They came here expecting to see Tho play.

Sam: Guys, I'll just go out to buy water. Do you want anything?

Nica: No, I'm fine.

Hanna: Yeah, you want me to come with you?

By the sound of their voices, I know that these two are having a clue of what's going on. These two are smart enough to know.

Sam: No, I can manage.

I stood up and took two steps away from them. At the back of my mind, I am hoping that someone would grab my hand and insist that he would go with me.

I looked back, Tho's there still sitting beside Nica. His eyes are locked on the empty court. Sam, that guy loves basketball more than anything so don't expect. EXPECT LESS, HURT LESS.

I just got back to my senses when Hanna looked at me as if asking me if everything's fine. I gave her a weak smile.

I started walking with my mind still busy thinking about what happened when all of a sudden...


I hit my head on someone's chin. Ugh, it hurts. I looked up

Sam: I'm so... CHECKWA!


What a coincidence. It's a friend from the UST Tigers, Kim Kaizen Lo!

I have known him since high school and our mutual friends call him Checkwa so there. He calls me Chick, parang sisiw lang. *insert poker face here*

He touched my forehead as if checking on something.

Kim: Were you hurt? I'm sorry. I was busy texting my brother that I didn't notice you.

Sam: No, it's my fault. I'm sorry.

Kim: What a nice surprise though.

He finally stopped touching my forehead.

Sam: How are you? I haven't heard a thing from you for a long time. Ganyan yata talaga pag sikat na, tsktsk.

He smiled at me. Gosh, he's really cute and his eyes are just charming. Please don't judge me. He's really cute.

Kim: Ako pa? Ikaw nga 'tong pa-model model na lang. Who are you with? You're alone? Samahan muna kaya kita? It's early pa naman eh.

Sam: No, I'm with Hanna and Nica. You're silly. You go to the dugout right now. I'll just buy water. It's kinda hot inside.

I don't mean temperature wise hot. Tho is just too hot for me to handle. Ugh, he's snob side is really working on me.

Kim: Samahan na nga lang muna kita.

Sam: No need. Sige na.

I playfully pushed him away from me.

Kim: Sige na nga. Basta, cheer for me later ah?

Sam: Yes, I will. Good luck on your game.

I waved my hand and watched as he walk away from me. It's nice to see an old friend.

I was about to start walking when someone poked me from the back.

"Ate Sam, pwede po ba kaming magpa-picture?"

And there I saw JC's fans. I know them by faces 'cause I've seen them for more than ten times already.

Sam: Tara!

I don't have any idea as to how many they are but it's nice to know that they are people supporting JC all the way.


I looked at my watch. Okay, it's been 30 minutes since she went out to buy water and the game is about to start. Srsly, how can buying water take her that long?

I've been tapping my foot 'cause I'm losing my patience in here. Should I follow her? No, I shouldn't. Hold your horses, cowboy!

I've been avoiding Sam since yesterday not because of any other reason aside from I'm just sparing my heart from getting hurt. Deep? I know.

Nica: Thomas Christoper Torres, will you please stop that irritating tapping sound?

I faced Nica and gave her what-are-you-talking-about look.

Nica: Oh, c'mon. I'm not just your friend, Tom. I am your cousin so I know what you're up to. You didn't follow her outside tapos ngayon ganyan-ganyan ka. What the heck is wrong with you?

Thomas: Nothing's wrong with me. You're making up stories.

Nica: Have you seen how disappointed Sam is? Why do you have to make things complicated? Do I really have to tell you everything? Gee, I never thought that being on Team Thomas is this frustrating. Tell me, should I sign-up on Team Kiefer already? Cause right now, Team Thomas' main man is losing his touch.

She's pissed at me right now. Really pissed. I have never heard her say things like that before.

Thomas: Will you please stop heckling?

Nica: Why are you avoiding her?

I looked straight into her eyes. I don't want to repeat this again. I want her to know my reason.

Thomas: Because I don't want to hurt myself again. I know that sooner or later she'd be with Kiefer and what would happen to me by then? Nica, she's slowly falling for the guy! I don't want to lose her. I don't want see her go. I have to start detaching myself from her.

I bowed my head down. People around us are busy with some other stuff and it's really noisy in here so I think no one heard that aside from her.

Nica: So, that's it?!? You're really giving up on her?!?

Thomas: I'm just preparing myself for the worst case scenario.

She tapped my shoulder.

Nica: You have the choice not to lose her. Life is a matter of choice and not of chance, Tom. If you don't want to lose her then don't say it. Do it. Don't lose her.

Then, there's silence. As if she's letting me think about everything.

Thomas: But, what if...

Nica: Screw the what ifs, Tom! Like you said, sooner or later. If that's the case then you can still do something about it now. How soon is soon? How later is later? We don't know but if you won't do something about it then it may be sooner than you think.

Do something about it. Do something about it. Do something about it.

I closed my eyes and thought of everything. I heard Nica starting to talk to Hanna about stuff unrelated to Sam and I.

Hanna: Oy, Samantha! Where have you been?

I looked up and saw Sam without a bottle of water but with a red mark on her forehead.

Nica: Where's your water and why do you seem so happy?

Sam sat down and yes by the look of her, she's happy. That red thing on her forehead is really disturbing me.

Sam: I bumped into Kim Lo outside. Well, literally bumped. His chin hit my forehead. Haha.

Hit?!? So that's the story behind the red mark?!?

Thomas: Were you hurt?

I swear, I won't let that Kim Lo live another minute if Sam's hurt.

Sam: Oh, kilala mo na ako ngayon?

Nica gave me the most annoying look ever. I stood up and transferred to the empty seat beside Sam.

Thomas: Were you hurt?

Sam: Paulit-ulit, Tho? Unli? No I am not.

I gave Nica a give-us-a-moment look that she answered with a nod and a smile. She started talking to Hanna then.

Thomas: So, what took you long?

Sam: Am I?

Thomas: Yes. I was about to go outside and check on you. I thought you've been kidnapped.

She chuckled and touched my forehead.

Sam: Oh, wag ng kumunot yang noo mo. Tatanda ka ng maaga. And if ever, I guess I'll be the first kidnap victim inside the San Juan Arena. Srsly, watch less movies. I went picture taking with JCers.

I hold her hand and locked it on mine.

Thomas: I'm never letting you go again.

She looked behind her and then tried to remove her hand from mine.

Sam: Tho, you're fans are looking at us.

Thomas: Let them. Overthinking once killed my happiness. I won't let it have a piece of me again.

She shrugged and just sat there. Few more minutes and the game finally started. Cheers and drumbeats everywhere. It's just like a real season game.

The first five of our squad was introduced. JC and Jeron are both included. No regrets though.

"And the starting five for the UST Growling Tigers,...."

"Small forward, number 5, Kim Looooo!"

Sam/Nica/Hanna: AAAAAH!

I looked at the three girls beside. Are they seriously fangirling over that Kim Lo?

Thomas: I'll just pretend like I didn't hear you cheer for that guy.

Hanna: No haters please.

They continued watching the game. UST won the tip-off and what luck he has, Kim Lo got the ball and shoot a three right away.


Kim Lo (okay, I have to repeat his whole name over and over again) pointed his finger at Sam and winked at her as he is chasing Jeron.


I noticed through my peripheral vision that Sam is staring at me so I looked at her.

Thomas: What's with the stare, babe?

Then her face turned red. It's nice to know that I still have that effect on her. So, Kiefer is talking about his kiefedge? Doubt that! #Thomadvantage.

Sam: I'm not staring, conceited young man. Your facial expressions are just bothering me. You okay?

Thomas: You want me to be okay? Then, do me a favor. Stop cheering for that Kim Lo.

She grinned at me.

Sam: Uy, selos.

She hugged my arm and pinched my nose.

Sam: I never thought that a jealous Thomas Torres can look that cute.

She let go my arm. I almost stopped her from doing that.

Thomas: It's just his lucky day. If I were not banned today, he wouldn't be scoring even a single point.

Sam: Yiee, na-threathen siya.

Thomas: No, I'm not. Why would I?

Sam: But seriously, he's on my top 5 list of the cutest players in the UAAP.

Okay, I need to know that.

Thomas: Enlighten me.

Sam: Excluding my brother and my best friend, of course. There's Kim, he's just charming.

What's charming with that guy? I can't even see his pupil.

Thomas: Okay, then?

Sam: Secret. You don't have to know everything.

Thomas: Okay, just one last question!

Sam: Go ahead. You're disturbing me.

Thomas: Am I included in that list?

Then she laughed at me like I said something funny. WHAT?!? I WANT TO KNOW!

Sam: HAHAHA! Okay Tho. That's a good one. HAHAHA.

Thomas: So I'm not? Okay.

I faced the court and let go of her hand. She then pinched my cheek. Resist her. Resist her.

Sam: So you're not talking to me again?

I ignored her.

She stood up. Walk out na naman?


Tss, she should have just walked out than cheer for that Kim Lo.

I looked at her and pulled her down. Tss. The UST crowd then started cheering..

"O! Defensa! O! Defensa!"

Okay, seriously, it's like they are cheering for me. Lo! Defensa! Lo! Defensa! No wonder, they are Thomasians.

Thomas: Okay, sorry. So, ano? Am I?

Sam: Yes, of course. You're my ex-boyfriend. You should be cute. May taste kaya ako.

Taste? How come she replaced me with Kiefer then? Layo ah.

Thomas: Then why are you dating Kiefer?

Sam: Akala ko ba last one?

Thomas: Bonus question!

Sam: Okay basta you'll answer my question din ah.

Thomas: Sige, I'll answer it during the halftime.

She nodded.

Sam: I find Kiefer charming.

Thomas: Remind me to get offended the next time you use charming to describe me.

Sam: What?!? I have a good taste kaya!

Thomas: dati may taste ka pa ngayon wala na.

Sam: What was that?

Thomas: Wala. *pointed my finger to the court* Yun oh, nakashoot si JC. GO BRO!

Go bro?!? Srsly, Tom?

Sam paid her attention on the game once again. Srsly, I just want to spend the day talking to her and having more thomoments with her than watch this game.

By the end of the first half, score is tied at 36. Kim Lo never had the chance to score again after his first basket. I told you, beginner's luck. Aljon Mariano, Kevin Ferrer and Karim Abdul caused us too many turnonvers though.

I was busy tweeting the game updates when someone poked my side.

I looked up and saw Sam with a very big grin on her face.

Sam: Hey! I have a question!

Oh yeah, that question!

Sam: Why were you ignoring me yesterday and earlier? Have I done something wrong?

I got her hand and start tracing lines on her palm. Her hand is just so soft.

Thomas: I tested myself as to how long can I stand not talking to you.

Sam: Why?

Thomas: I just don't want to get used to the feeling of you being around me.

Sam: So, you don't want me around?

She paused for quite a long while.

Sam: You can tell me everything, Tho. You don't have to do that.

She was about to stand up when I grabbed her hand.

Thomas: Hey, walk out na naman? Hear me out first, okay?

Thomas: However, I failed. I realized that I can't do it. You're too clumsy to be let alone. Just a day without me, nauuntog ka na. Baka pag nagtagal pa wala ka ng ulo.

She glared at me.

Sam: That's insane.

Thomas: Insane pala ah?

I pressed the red mark on her forehead with my pointer finger.

Sam: Thomaaaas! Mahapdi!

Then she started tickling me. Haha. This is fun.

Thomas: Oh sige na baby. Stop crying.

Then I start blowing her forehead.

Thomas: See so stay close, okay?

Sam tickled me again.

Thomas: Maaaaants, serioooously stooooop! Hahahaa.

Sam: Then stop messing with my hair, weirdo.

I tucked the lose strands of her hair behind her ear and brushed her face with my hand.

She was about to react when her phone rung. She checked her phone and then smiled.

Thomas: Oh, please tell me it's not the blue heart emoji guy.

Sam: You can call him Kiefer.

Thomas: Whatever.

Sam: Eh, bahala ka nga dyan. Check your phone.

I did and I saw a tweet from Nica.

@vrncajames: Just threw my application form for Team K. Watching them > the game itself. @iamthomastorres @samtorregoza #TeamThomas #thomoments (IG link)

She posted a collage pic. One is her and Hanna's pic with Sam and I on the background whileSam hugging my arm. There's also a pic of me blowing on Sam's mark and two other pictures. I actually saved it on my phone.

Hoping these pictures will stop me from doing foolish acts again.

Sam: Gee, Tho. No where is safe. We got paparazzis everywhere.

Thomas: Haha. For whatever it is worth, thanks!

Nica winked at me.

Nica: Assists are easy to make as long as the player you're assisting wastes no shot.

The game went on.

During the break before the 4th quarter, I remembered something.

Thomas: Mants, have you heard a word from Kiefer?

I can see in her eyes that I said something that made her upset. Screw you, Ravena!

Sam: No, I haven't. Well, maybe, he's just busy with stuff. You know. I really haven't see him tweet for the past few days. I tried calling Thirdy last night but he said that he's in a rush and he can't talk.

Crap! You have no idea when that one woman you dream of is being taken for granted by some jerk.

She sighed.

Sam: But you know what, I almost forgot everything about it.

She squeezed my hand while her other free hand pinched my nose.

Sam: Thank you, Tho. Thank you for everything. Thank you for always having my back. That girl, whoever she is, is really lucky. I just hope you would find her soon.

She smiled at me.

Sam: Kasi kung hindi siya magmamadali, babalikan talaga kita. She better hurry up.

She looked away from me. Her last statement gave me hope. Patience, Tom.

If I really need her which I know I do, fate won't let me lose her. Fate will bring her back. It may not be soon, but she'll come back. She'll come back, Tom.

Fourth quarter went on. Last 24 seconds in the fourth quarter and DLSU's ball possession. DLSU leads by 2. I feel it's a sure win. Until,


Sheriff stole the ball from JC with 10 seconds remaining. He passed the ball to Kim Lo with 5 seconds remaining. Lo steps back.

Thomas: No, he won't make that.

2 seconds.


JC runs over Kim blocking his landing spot. Kim's shot didn't make it but a foul is called on JC.

Then the buzzer.

Sam: What a reckless decision by JC!

Thomas: no doubt he's your twin brother.

Sam: Come again?

Thomas: Nothing.

Sam: Why do you keep on whispering things?

Thomas: You're imagining stuff.

She shrugged then locked her eyes on Kim Lo.

First shot, goes. Second shot, goes. Third shot, goes.

Sam: Please don't blame my brother.

She sounded sad. Yes, fans will be blaming his brother but I don't think this be taken seriously by anyone in our team or in UST's team.

The game ended with UST bagging the bacon, 80-77. Thanks to the heroics of Kim Lo.

The UST crowd started cheering 'Go USTe!' while the DLSU crowd is clapping in approval of their win. We're a nice crowd, you know.

Everyone in our team gave their warmest congratulations to the UST team and our wishes of a good season for everyone.

Sam ran straight to his brother who is sitting still on the bench. I followed her because that is what a good boyfriend does. ;)

JC stood up as soon as he saw Sam coming. Sam hugged him and kissed his cheek. Heck, JC's one lucky guy.

JC: I'm sorry.

Sam: It's not your fault. This is just a tune-up game. You did fine. It's just one mistake. You'll do better during the season, right? Cheer up, kuya.

This is the only time that I have heard Sam call JC, kuya. I will never understand these two. A lot of cameras are on JC and Sam right now. Sam let go of the hug then pat JC's head. I tapped JC's shoulder.

Thomas: It was a good game, buddy. We beat them once. We'll just do it again next time, okay?

JC: Yes, buddy. Thank you.

Nica hugged JC. I pulled Sam there and lead her outside.

Thomas: I think I also deserve a hug. Don't you think?

I said as we were walking away from the court. My hand is holding her hand. It's just perfect.

Sam: You didn't even play.

I gave her a knowing look.

Thomas: Kasi nga...

Then she stopped walking and hugged me. Who will say no to grace? I hugged her back.

Thomas: I'm joking. You know that, right?

Sam: I'm just making sure that you're not mad at me.

Thomas: Sus, you broke up with me in a fastfood store and I didn't get mad. Ito pa kaya?

She hugged me tighter this time. Yeah, I've been avoiding Mcdo ever since that day. I've also been avoiding Jollibee because of Kiefer.

Sam: Tho naman eh. Don't ruin the scene.

Right, seize the day!

Thomas: Joke lang. Ito talaga oh.


Then Sam pulled herself away from me. Tss. Istorbo!

Sam: Hey Kim, congrats!

Sam is about to give him a hug when I pulled her close to me. I placed my hand around your waist as I whisper..

Thomas: you are not going anywhere. you are staying here with me.

She gave me a knowing look, shook her head and smiled at me.

Sam: High five, Kim!

Kim: High five!

Then they high fived. High five is fine. Minimal skin contact. Just fine.

Kim: I just hope JC's fine.

Sam: He will be. Besides, we'll beat you during the season. Haha.

Kim: We'll see about that then. Ahm, Tom, you have no plans about crushing Sam's ribs, right?

I gave Sam a am-I look that she answered with a dont-listen-to-him look or that's what I think it is.

Thomas: Just making sure that she's not gonna hurt herself again.

Kim: Oh no, Sam! Did I cause that bruise on your forehead! Wow, my chin's hard ah. I'm really sorry, Sam and Tom.

Sam: My skin's just sensitive during this point of month.


Sam fished for her phone. I didn't see who's calling but I think I saw that it's someone with a blue heart emoji. Wow, just great.

Sam: Excuse me, guys. I'll just get this one.

Sam left.

Kim: By the look of you, not even a million break-ups can make you hate her. Srsly, since when did you guys get back together?

Thomas: No, we haven't gotten back together. Not yet.

Kim: She's a keeper, bro. Too bad you didn't keep her.

Thomas: You don't have to rub it on my face. I never forgot that but I'm trying to win her back.

Kim: Good luck then. And, don't see me as a threat. I may have a huge crush on Sam but I'm letting the archrivals do the fighting first. If the two of you screw up then that's the time the tiger shows up.

I offered my hand to Kim which he gladly took and shook.

Thomas: Good to hear that, bro. I'm just waiting for the right time.

Kim: You can't always wait for the perfect time. Sometimes you have to dare to jump.


A man called Kim.

Kim: Pano bro, una na ako. Extend my thanks to Sam.

I nodded and he left.

Just in time, Sam returned. Her face is just worried and she's trying to hold back tears. WHAT THE HECK DID THAT RAVENA DO THIS TIME?!?

Thomas: Mants, what's wrong?

Sam: Kiefer.. He's in the hospital.


Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope that you liked it.

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I have read some tweets, your comments and messages and you have no idea how happy I am. 2.1k reads and counting... You guys are the greatest! Thank you so much!

Stay happy and God bless you. Till my next update! <3

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