greed ( cedric diggory ) ✓

By badliarr

529K 21.2K 14.4K

❛ she's beauty, she's grace, she punched malfoy in the face ❜ cedric diggory x o... More

0; evangeline nott
1; the very beginning
2; cedric diggory
3; games
4; conscious thoughts
5; the first task
6; a little help
7; frenemies
9; exes and ohs
10; yule ball
11; the second task
12; aftermath
13; lazy days
14; purple quills
15; one dance
16; the final task
17; the stages of grief
18; parting sorrow

8; rejection

20K 998 779
By badliarr


Avena Detroit sighed staring listlessly at the swirling onyx stone that was part of her common room. All the Slytherin students from Forth Year and up were sitting there waiting for Snape to talk. Avena preferred not to look at the man with his greasy black hair, hooked nose and cruel dark eyes. The man was anything but her favourite teacher, sure he let her get away with anything but there was something about him she just didn't like. Of course saying something bad about Severus Snape to any Slytherin resulted in a black eye and Avena was smart enough to know right from wrong.

"Professor Dumbledore and the other headmasters have decided that we shall hold a Yule Ball before the second task," As he spoke the room's atmosphere changed and Avena saw Pansy Parkinson send suggestive glances towards Draco. Most likely trying to hint to him to ask her to go. Snape held up a finger, "This Ball has been a tradition for the Tournament since the very beginning. Come Christmas Eve you will all be expected to be in your best dress robes and with a date to attend. And as representatives of Hogwarts I expect the very best of behaviour from each and every one of you,"

The excited chatter grew as Avena shook her head preparing herself for what was going to undoubtedly be one of the most painful few weeks of her life. Lead ups to events this bug where never that much fun.

"And I must remind you that this is a ball and you're all expected to dance," Snape continued slowing to a halt, "So if you need lessons I'd advise you to take them,". He let out a sigh staring at the students all sitting expectantly in front of him, "I'd also like to add if anyone acts up at this Ball the consequences would be.... Painful," The way the teacher said the last word sent a shiver down her spine as the other students wiggled around nervously. She tilted her head catching Draco's eyes, her smiled arrogantly at her making her glare straight back at him. If he thought they'd go together he was sourly mistaken.

Avena Detroit stood in front of the mirror of the school bathroom staring at her reflection. Looking at each and every flaw she could see. She chewed her lip sourly at she fixed her hair letting out an annoyed groan, punching the table. She'd gotten enough courage to apologize to Cedric yet apparently not enough to ask him to some stupid Ball. She straightened shaking her head, it wasn't like he'd say no. She was the Avena Detroit, hottest girl at school who didn't have any issues with her self esteem. She repeated the thought several times before nodded at the reflection.

Cedric was fairly easy to find, a group of Beauxbaton students talking avidly to him. "Cedric," Avena said loudly getting his attention, "I need to ask you something,"

"Sure," He smiled at the blushing girls, clearly not noticing the fact half were flirting with him, "Be back in a second," She took his hand pulling him away from the girls and taking a few seconds to collect herself. "So Ave, what did you want to ask me?"

"Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me," She asked calmly and slowly, a cool expression on her face. One she'd spent several seconds practicing, she hadn't wanted to come across as desperate.

His smile faltered and he began to stutter, "I-I it's just, Draco- everyone- says you're going with him and I asked C-Cho,"

"You asked Cho," Avena nodded trying to remain calm, "And you believed what my ex-boyfriend said," she laughed shaking her head causing Cedric to uneasily laugh along with her. "Well then have fun with Cho," Avena said walking backwards, "After all she's such good company,"

"Ave, I just-" Cedric began but she held up a hand turning around and exiting. Her cheeks were bright, bright red and she knew exactly where she was headed. Of course Draco assumed that if the guy she wanted to go with already had a date she'd come running back to him. And yet, something he continually forget, was that she was in fact much smarter than him and an angry Avena wasn't someone to mess with either.

Avena wasn't so much upset as she was angry. She normally came across as calm yet know her face was consumed in anger. The fact that Cedric had believed the rumors and that Draco had started them only gave her more fuel. Her nostrils flared and her eyes flashed dangerously, her pent up emotions boiling. Her hands were closed, muscles tensed giving her the demeanor of someone ready to punch someone. Her lips were pursed together unblinking everything about her echoing a lioness all the students stepping out of the way. All eager not to become her next prey. Avena Detroit was out to kill.

Luckily for Draco Malfoy, he was no where near her and she resorted to a much more passive-aggressive response. She figured that if she was going to annoy Draco, why not annoy Cedric too?

The Golden Trio were just exiting a class all talking as Avena walked forward taking Harry Potter's arm and pulling him away with her. "What the hell Detroit?" He exclaimed pushing her way and shoving his glasses back up his nose.

"Look I'm doing you a favour. Want to piss off Draco then go to the ball with me! And don't bother about saying no because you may be the Boy Who Lived but you have zero social skills. Okay?" she patted his shoulder and stalked off before stopping and dramatically turning around. "Also your little crush is going with Diggory," she smiled brightly at him before turning around leaving several stunned onlookers.

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