My Savior or My Captor? (Seto...

By BriAWatson96

507 7 14

Rose, our heroine, is in love with the rich billionaire, Seto Kaiba. He won't admit that he likes her and she... More

~Chapter 2: Seto's Succeeded Attempt~
~Chapter 3: Atem's Planning~

~Chapter 1: Meeting Yugi & The Gang~

137 3 11
By BriAWatson96

Hey guys~!!! This is THE latest installment of "My Savior or My Captor?"

And I'll dedicate EVERY chapter too my lovely followers!!!

Hope you like it~!! :D


~Chapter 1: Meeting Yugi and the Gang~

"Ashy-boo!" Rosalie, or Rose, cooed. Gently shaking her brother awake. "It's time for school."

"Five more minutes, sis," Ashworth, or Ash, mumbled. Burying his head further into the pillow.

"Get up now or I WILL use the ice water," she said. Then pushed him out of the futon with a tiny giggle.

He landed with a soft 'thud' on the floor. As quickly as he fell, he got right back up.

"What was that for, Rose?!" He yelled. Clearly he was annoyed. A natural reaction from him.

She gave him the most innocent smile. Time was good to her. Her baby fat was gone, not a pimple in sight, and she had her own confidence. She wore her own style and never cared about what people say about her.

"I did nothing of that sort," she responded, fighting hard to keep the smirk off her face.

"You pushed me out of our bed!" He yelled, sulking slightly.

"It was the only way to keep our bed from getting wet," she pointed out before going into the kitchen to make breakfast. "Omelets, bacon, and sausage sound good?" She asked him from the kitchen.

"Alright!" He said, going for the bathroom. "Greenpeppers, onions, and bacon in my omelet, please?"

She did his request without a word of protest.

When he got out of the shower, and she was done cooking breakfast, she set his paper plate and plastic fork at his spot on the dining room table.

"Bon appetite!" She told him, when he came into the dining room.

He was wearing his school uniform. Which was a red shirt and pants. His collar was buttoned up all the way, like its supposed to be. And his collar is white.

"You look so cute!" She gushed, walking over to him. Then gave him a big hug.

His face looked like his uniform. "Sh-shut up," he mumbled, wiggling out of her arms.

"Eat your breakfast while I change into my uniform," she instructed, heading for the bathroom. For she had already ate.

He began to eat his omelet and drink his orange juice. After he was done, he threw his trash in the garbage.

Once she was done changing, she scowled at her reflection.

Eventually she left the bathroom, grabbing her bookbag on the way. She has to wear a big blue bow on her neck, a pink blouse, and a blue skirt. A short skirt, too.

"Ready, bro?" She asked, grabbing her house keys. There was only one key and she only lets him have them when he's planning on coming home late.

"Yep," was his reply, doing the same. Except minus picking up the key.

She took his hand, kissing his forehead, in a motherly way, and left the apartment, with him in tow. Locking the door before they headed out. For their new schools, Domino Middle (Ash) and High (Rose).

After dropping her brother off, she began to walk down the street.

A block away, she thought, giggling. Totally loving the school!

"Hey!" cried a young man's voice behind. He sounded like he's from Brooklyn, New York.

She turned around to face a shaggy, dirty blond haired boy. Whom had hazel eyes, as well

"Ya new?" He asked, grinning at her. "Domino High?"

"I am, actually," she said, still curious.

"I'm Joey," he said, a bit flirtatiously. "Joey Wheeler."

She smiled, ignoring the come ons, and held out her hand for him. "I am Rosalie," she answered, giggling. "Most people call me Rose, though."

Joey took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Pleased to meet ya."

She rolled her eyes, walking next to him. "What's the school like?" She asked.

"Annoyin' staff membas and classmates," he responded, laughing at the end. "But my friends aren't annoyin'. Moneybags thinks othawise."

"Who's moneybags?" She asked, unfamiliar with the term.

"Seto Kaiba," he answered, looking up. Spotting a black tinted limo outside the schoolgates, he began to snarl. "Speak of da devil..."

She looked confused but, nonetheless, watched the driver open up the back door.

Out came a brunet haired boy. She couldn't see what he looked like.

Until he turned in their direction, icy blue eyes on Joey.

He's gorgeous. She thought, her breath escaping her lungs. But why is he angry?

"I see you finally found a bitch (A/N: He meant a female dog)," the brunet said, smirking.

"I'm not a damn mutt," Joey said. While Rose reponded "I'm not anyone's bitch!"

After she said that, she walked right up to the brunet and punched him in the jaw. Using as much force as she can.

"What you get for calling an innocent girl a bitch," she remarked, smirking.

The brunet was on the ground, trying to recover from the shock. He was holding his jaw, looking up at the new girl.

She shot him a cold glare, flipping her hair over her shoulder while she walked through the gate.

Joey was smirking at Seto. "She's amazin'!" He cried, raising his hands in the air. Then followed her.

Rose had a big smirk on her face when Joey finally caught up with her.

"That was AWESOME!" He cried again, looking at her with bright, excited eyes.

"He deserved it," she said. "He had no right to call me a bitch. When I did nothing to that motherfucker."

Seto was still on the ground, in complete shock. "I can't believe that she did that," he whispered. "That peasant punched me..."

Then the bell rang. He quickly stood up and ran to his homeroom.

Rose was sitting next to Seto's seat, staring out the window.

When Seto was nearing the room, he slowed down and fixed his uniform. He collected himself before opening the door.

"Glad you could make it, Mr. Kaiba," Mr. Watts said, marking him tardy on the seating chart.

When the brunet passed by the substitute, he handed the student a detention slip.

"So, class," Mr. Watts said, looking at the seating chart. "We have a new student today. Ms. Watson?" His hand was raised in Rose's direction. "Please come up and introduce yourself."

Rose, ignoring Seto's gawking, stood up gracefully with a smile and headed for the front of the room. Standing in front of the class, she bowed. "I'm Rosalie Ashlen Watson," she said. "I preferred to be called Rose. And I would be happy to answer any questions you may have for the next -" she glanced at her watch, "- five minutes."

A bunch of hands shot up in the air.

Rose picked one kid with jet black hair and red eyes. "Are you single?" He asked.

"Yes" came her response.

"Do you have any siblings?"
"A little brother."

"What's his name?"


"How old are you?"


"Didn't you like your old school?"

"Why did you move?"

"Long story."

"Do you have time to tell it?"

"Meet me outside by the sakura tree and I might tell it."

"What're your hobbies?"

"Reading, writing, drawing, and playing music."

"Where -" The next girl was going to ask when Rose interrupted her.

"Sorry," she smiled apologetically to the class. "The five minutes are up." She went back to her seat, ignoring Seto's stares, again.

She wasn't afraid to tell every about herself. Seto thought, quite curious about her. She has a nice personality. Tall, but not as tall as me. Confident in herself. Nice because she didn't mind opening herself up to complete strangers. Then he caught himself. What am I thinking!? I could not possibly be falling for this chick! The chick who punched me in the jaw! Scoffing to himself, he shut his brain down and focused on his school work. All thoughts of Rose flew out the window.

Rose was paying attention but was staring out the window. Staring out at the beautiful scenery. Her eyes lit up at the idea, turning to her backpack to take out her sketch pad to capture the landscape outside.

 Mr. Watts didn't know that she was drawing. He was just doing the lesson that the original teacher left.

 Seto, however, was watching Rose draw. He watched her hand move, very carefully, to make the perfect strokes.

Eventually, she stopped and turned to him. Very angrily.

"What do you want, Mr. Kaiba?" She hissed in a low tone, wanting him to stop the stares. Then she resumed her drawing.

"You're a good artist, Rose," he whispered.

"You, sir," she said, stopping her artwork and looked at him dead in the eyes. She looked very serious, too. "May call me Watson. Just like I'll call you Kaiba."

Seto huffed in annoyance. "I'll call you whatever the hell I want to call you."

She rose her hand for the teacher.

Mr. Watts turned around, calling on her. "Yes, Ms. Watson?" He asked.

"May I be excused to go to the restroom?" She asked, giving the sub a sweet and innocent smile.

"Of course," he said. Quite easily falling for her charm.

She, again, stood up with grace and elegance. "Thank you," she said, politely.

Walking past the teacher, she grabbed the bathroom pass before she left.

She did her thing, handing the pass back to the teacher. She gave him a kind smile and went back to her seat.

Then she continued to draw.

When the bell rang, Joey was right by her side. "Let's go outside," he suggested. "We can eat by the the trees and I can introduce you to my friends."

"Maybe she wants to hang out with me, mutt," Seto piped up. Not knowing what compelled him to say something like that. But, he's not going to back down from the challenge. The challenge was to win her over; her heart.

Rose shot a glare in his direction. "And maybe I don't want to," she hissed. "I don't like to hang around rich, spoiled assholes." She grabbed her stuff, leaving the building with Joey leading the way to his friends. She met Atem, Yugi, Tristan, Tea, Duke, Bakura and Ryou. They happily accepted her into the group, although a few were flirting with her. She just dodged them.

Seto watched her for a few minutes. Wanting to see how she interacted with the "Geek Squad," as he called them. She wants to be genuinely happy with her new friends. Goofing off, hitting one of the boys who were hitting on her (Joey, Tristan, and Duke mostly), and talking about Duel Monsters.

"My favorite card is Neo-Daedalus," she said. Then decided to do something really amazing. She took out her deck, laid them all out on the ground. "Pick one and I'll pick after you."

They all obeyed, picking one card from her deck.

"Everyone picked one?" She asked them.

A chorus of "yeah"'s were received.

"My turn." She picked a card out and smiled at them. "Reveal your cards first."

All of them laid their cards on the ground. Bakura had Shark Stickers (ATK 200/DEF 1000). Ryou and Tristan got A Legendary Ocean (Spell/Field Card). Téa got Tornado Wall (Trap/Continous Card). Joey got Mermaid Knight (ATK 1500/DEF 700). Duke got Drill Barnacle (ATK 300/DEF 0). Yugi got Star Boy (ATK 550/DEF 500). Atem, or Yami, got Levia-Dragon—Daedalus (ATK 2600/DEF 1500).

"What the/da hell?!" Joey and Bakura screamed.

Ryou slapped Bakura for his language. Which got an "ow" from the former thief.

While Ryou, Tristan and Téa looked like they had no problem with their cards.

 Duke was staring at his card like, "Is this thing for real?," inside his head

Yugi was staring at his card like it was adorable, even though the monster has one eye.

Atem was proud of himself for picking the strongest monster. "What did you pick?" He asked the blonde. Then a chorus of agreements followed after his question.

She just put her card down when they crowded around her. Her card was the Ocean Dragon Lord—Neo-Daedalus (ATK 2900/DEF 1600). Aka, her most favorite card.

"Wow," came the response of her new friends.

"Dat's one strong monsta," Joey complimented.

"Thanks," she said with a smile. "Want to hear the best part?"

"What's that?" Ryou asked, completely interested.

"I can see monsters," she admitted. Almost sheepishly. "Or, as they call themselves, Duel Spirits."

"What's mine?" Ryou asked.

"Your is Change of Heart," she answered.

"Mine?" Bakura questioned.

"Digibound," was her answer. Then shuddered upon hearing his name.

"What about me?!" Joey excitedly asked.

"Akai," she said. When he gave her a confused look, she elaborated. "Your Red Eyes."

"Oh!" He said. Looking away while he blushed a light pink.

"Mine?!" Yugi and Atem asked at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Mahaado and Mana," she said, turning to each male when she gave the names. Mana for Yugi and Mahaado for Atem. "The Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl." She smiled at them both after telling them.

They high-fived each other. While Yugi blushed a light pink.

"Tristan's is Cyber Commander," she continued. "Tea's is Magician of Faith."

The two brunets accepted this with a smile.

Then they began to talk amongst themselves.

Seto stopped listening, to them and began to think.

When the bell rang, everyone got up to head back to class.

Rose was talking to Yugi and Atem, blushing whenever the ex-Pharaoh complimented her.

Seto walked a little ways behind them

Rose waved bye after she was at her locker. Opening it up to switch out her books.

Seto's hand slammed next to her head, smirking at her. "Are you trying to make me jealous?" He huskily said in her ear.

She turned around, looking unamused. "Are you trying to piss me off?" She countered.

He was a bit shocked, but he never showed it. "No," he said, truthfully.

"Then fuck off," was her response as she pushed him to shut her locker. Walking a bit away before turning toward him. "You need an attitude adjustment. Then try your luck with me."

Seto was shocked to hear this, clearly showing it because she was smirking.

"Good luck," she answered as she walked into the room.


I'm typing up Chapter 2 right now. However, I'll be using my phone, since I don't have a laptop at the moment. It might take longer than expected to post it.

Sorry for the inconvenience~!

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