
By Le_Purple_Panda

398K 7.7K 1.3K

Kaylee, a normal 16 year old girl at a normal teenage party. However, on her way home her life changes. The t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

16.2K 370 35
By Le_Purple_Panda

-Kay POV-

We finally stop for gas and a quick pit stop. I head inside and go to the bathroom. When I finally get out of that nasty thing I head to the food isle. He said I could have whatever I wanted... I pick out Doritos, Snickers. Twix, Chex Mix, and some soda. Ehh why I'm at it I grab a tea for the road. I take my items to the register.

"Are you sure you grabbed enough?" Heath asked with wide eyes and a smile on his face.

"No, but it's what I could carry," I shrug my shoulders and smirk at him.
He pays as I walk outside. I have a baby coughing fit and shake it off. Before I could walk much father though a big hand grips my arms.

"Kaylee?! Your the missing girl aren't you!?" A smile forms on his lips. Damnit.. Everyone knows me it seems like...

"I don't know what your talking about," I try yanking my arm from his grip. He doesn't budge.

"I know it's you. Your face is every where," he grins bigger. "I bet imma get a good reward," he nods his head in agreement with himself.

"Let go!" I demand. When he doesn't I fear what is going to happen..

"Hey, let go of her!" I hear an angry Heath. The guy swings around.

"What are you going to do about it pretty boy?" the guy sneers. Heath shakes his head and before I know it the guy is on the ground holding his throat.

"I hate to do that but we have no time," Heath steps over the guy and grabs my arm. He pulls me to a totally different car! Its a black Kia with a glossy over coat. I look at him confused. "I had my butler trade me vehicles.. I told him to be here and be ready to trade," he unlocks it and I get in the front this time. I nod my head to show I understand. He gets in, quickly pulling away before the guy on the ground causes more problems.

Heath and I have been talking and he is actually quite a good guy. Parents are still around but they live in Texas. No family lives near him but they still kinda talk. I guess stuff happened in the past but he said he didn't want to talk about it.. I told him about my life an the more I talked the more I realized I really miss it. I had everything I always wanted.. But here I am sick and in a car with a total stranger who bought me in an auction. I am on a hunt for my friend and no idea what to do if she isn't there. Why?? Why me? I look out the window and wonder what is going to happen..

-Max POV-

Patrick looking like a rabid dog just stands there..

"Well?" I ask with a hint of sarcasm.. Ok a lot of sarcasm... He just grins.

"Do you know what?" I look at him with the hairs on the back of my neck raised. "I'm going to let you go. However, I'm going to make it impossible for you to get out alive," His evil grin remains plastered on his face.

"Challenge accepted," I grin back and pick up number 36's forms folding them up and putting them in my jacket. I start to walk towards the door. I didn't know if I should trust him, but he always liked his games.

"Wait!!" Lisa shrieks. I turn to her and she has her arms around my neck kissing me in an embrace."Good luck," she whispers into my ear. I regain my focus and step in front of Patrick. He side steps and lets me through. Before he changes his mind I run.. I round corners and take familiar hallways till I'm near a never used study. I step inside and start to glance over the documents in the dim light of sun-set streaming in from the window. I scroll down to where the buyer would have to sign... I look at the sloppily scribbled name and I can't believe what I am reading...

-Bri POV-

I sit on the hotel bed with the envelope on my lap.. Kill Max? He never said much or did much.. I guess in this case it was a problem to the Dominants. I just wondered why it had to be me.. So many questions and no answers to follow them up. I shake me head.

I slowly open the envelope like it may blow if I do it wrong. I dump out the papers on my lap and start to examine my mission.. I sigh and wish I never agreed to talk to the Boss that night at the club.

*_(This is a flash back of when she got recruited.. at the club haha)_*

\Flash back/

I stumble to my seat with another drink in my hand. I sigh and wish my life didn't consist of a fake ID and older men ready to buy me shots hoping to get my affection. More like get in my pants.. either way they never do and they just waste their money. I rest my head on my arms that sit on the counter. Music blares and it is making my head throb. The lyrics of "Gas Pedal" have never been so agitating. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I slowly look to the side.

"Hello Miss," he removes his hat and gives me a smile. This tall man with such a dark long face looks at me with what I think is concern. "Are you okay?" He asks and I smile up at him.

"Doing fine Sssir," I slur. He cocks his head to the side and puts out his hand.

"Mind coming with me outside to talk?" He ask so sweetly but it startles me and even scares me.

"W-why?" my tongue twists as I try to reply.

"Trust me. I am not here to hurt you and have no intention to. Just want a quieter place to speak with you." His hand is still frozen in the air. I hesitantly take it. As soon as I do a bad feeling washes over me but it is too late... His smile widens and he leads me through the dancing people and the flashing lights. When we finally break free and get out the door it is almost dead silent. No more music, no more voices, just us. I gulp as I look around. My head is spinning and I am not confident in my standing skills.

"Soo.. Whatya need?" I look at him and his dark figure towers over me.

"Well I was wondering if you could do something for me.." He grows serious and a lump forms in my throat. I don't say anything so he goes on. "I have a very special group and I need more recruits. I have had my followers everywhere... Watching, waiting to find more people they see fit for our missions. Usually I don't come out and personally talk to the noobies we want to join. I send others to do this. However, by pictures and description I know you are not 21 and usually the younger ones are sketchy and afraid to talk. I am not the friendliest looking person but I am very sweet at heart," He gives me a reassuring grin. I process what he is saying.. Pictures have been taken of me and I have been watched? Friendly is the last word I would ever use... My head starts to spin even more as I try to wrap my mind around everything...

"I- I don't know," I shake my head and look at him.

"Well I am a gentleman and I will not take advantage of your judgement while you are intoxicated. I will give you a card with a place where to meet and a time. Be there so we can talk," He takes out a card and pen. Using his hand he scribbles something down and hands it to me. He wraps both his hands around mine. His grip is tight and his long fingers are very cold.. "Hope to see you there Brianna," He swiftly walks away into the night. His trench coat swaying behind him. I head back into the club where I was sitting. I take out the card and look at it.

-Tomorrow, 450 Thorn Street, 2:00p.m.-

I blink a few times and slip it back in my pocket. Something feels off about this but what do I have to lose? I take my phone out and start to dial for a taxi.

I step back out into the cool air. I look left, right, and all around. He said they were always watching... The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

How did he know my name??

\End of Flashback/

*_(We are now back to Bri in the hotel room with the open envelope.)_*

Obviously I chose yes as my answer to joining. Now here I am planning a guy's death. I didn't even plan it. I just have to go and do the dirty work. I gaze down at the pictures of Max. Nice and strong looking. Bright blue eyes and brown hair that looks like milk chocolate. It's a shame that they want him dead. One way or another if I don't he will be killed and if it isn't by me.. I will be too. Those are the rules. Sometimes you can get lucky and get a good beating but not always.. I have never really been lucky..


How do all my loves like it? :3 Greatly I hope xD I have two things to tell you guys :D 1. I would love if someone could try to make an amazing cover for my book :b To be honest I just kinda found that picture and called it good.. So if one of my readers is creative and has time please make me one and send it to me c: (very grateful)
2. I am going to start another story.. ;) Im going to call it "The Goth Kids" soo please check it out! It will be up soon.. :3

Vote, comment, recommend!!
Much love! <3

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