I Never Thought It'd Be You {...

By xNeverSayNeverx

52.9K 659 45

Katy Mantell is a 17 year old girl that happened to get dragged to a Justin Bieber concert by her best friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - FINAL CHAPTER

Chapter 17

1.6K 21 1
By xNeverSayNeverx

- Katy -

"Kaaaty, oh Katy, Kaaaaaty," Justin kept whispering to me as he gently poked my stomach.  I slowly opened my eyes to see a smiling Justin right beside me.  "Ah, lookit, my beautiful shawty is awake," he said to me.

"And my... beautiful Bieber is awake..." I said, but the last part came out more questioning-like because I just made a nickname for him on the spot.

"Beautiful Bieber? I like it," he said with a smile.  He suddenly sat up and stood up.  "Go get dressed. Wear something not too fancy, but more than casual," he quickly said as he walked into the bathroom.

I smiled as I thought of possible things he might have planned for today.  I walked over to my duffel bag and searched through it for the perfect outfit.  Crap, I only brought casual things with me.  Maybe Pattie has some clothes I can borrow?  I walked over to the connector door and knocked on it.  Pattie answered a few seconds later.

"Oh, hi sweetie! How are you? What do you need?" she sweetly asked me.

"Justin's taking me somewhere today, and he says to wear something not too fancy, but more than casual. I didn't bring any fancier clothes with me, so I was wondering if I could borrow something of yours?" I explained to her.

Her face lit up.  "Of course I have something! I know what will make him love you!" she exclaimed as she motioned for me to come into the room.  I followed her as she walked over to the closet.  She opened it up and dug around for about a minute, then she grabbed something out of it.  She held up a knee-length purple ruffle dress with a thin black belt.  {A/N: The dress looks exactly like the dress the girl wears in the "Mistletoe" video, except this one just has a thin black belt too. :D}

I gasped.  "Pattie, it's gorgeous!" I exclaimed in awe.

"Well, it's yours for the day," she replied, all cheery, as she handed me the dress.  "Oh, and take these too!" she added as she handed me some black flats.

"Thank you!" I said as I took the dress and the shoes.  "Oh, do you mind if I get ready in your bathroom? Justin's in ours," I added.

"Sure thing! You can use my make up too, if you need it, sweetie!" she happily replied.  She is so sweet, oh my gosh.

I simply smiled back and walked into the bathroom.  I looked at the small make up case sitting on one side of the sink.  I opened it, and it had what I needed and more.  All I need is some eyeliner, eyeshadow, and a touch of blush, which Pattie's make up case had tons of.  It looks like a small case from the outside, but once you open it, it's like overflowing with make up.  Pattie doesn't wear a lot of make up though.  I guess it's just an adult thing, because I've seen many women that have overflowing make up cases but they don't actually wear a lot.  I went through Pattie's make up and picked out a nice, deep purple eyeshadow with black eyeliner and light pink blush.  I carefully applied the make up, making sure not to mess up.  Then, I slipped on the dress, and it fits perfectly.  I guess this is one of the advantages of Pattie being younger.  Before heading out of the bathroom, I also gave my hair a quick curl.  Not too curly, because then it'd be too fancy.  I put the flats on and I walked out of the bathroom.  I saw Pattie and Kenny chatting on the other side of the room.  Pattie caught a glimpse of me and she gasped.

"Honey, you look stunning!" she exclaimed in awe as she quickly walked over to me.

"Well, I have to thank you the most, Pattie. You're so very kind," I said to her, and I meant it.  She's a really nice person and I feel like she's my older sister.

"Don't mention it!" she kindly replied.

I walked over to the connector door and slowly opened it.  I walked inside our room and shut the door.  I turned around and before me stood a very handsome Justin.  He's wearing a black leather like jacket with a gray shirt underneath, some black skinny jeans, and black and white supras.  Once he looked at me, his jaw dropped.

"Katy... you look... magnificent..." he slowly said, in complete awe.

I chuckled and blushed.  "You don't look so bad yourself. You clean up nicely," I said and chuckled again.

He took a few steps towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.  "I say you clean up more nicely," he whispered in my ear.  He tried to kiss me, but I remembered something and gave him a peck on the cheek instead.  I broke out of his grip and walked towards the bathroom.

"I forgot to brush my teeth!" I said, feeling embarrassed as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly.  I did so and walked back out.  Justin was laughing slightly.

"Now, you owe me a kiss," Justin said as he walked towards me again.

"I do indeed," I said as I pulled him by his jacket close to me.  Our lips met for a few moments, then he pulled away.

"We better get going," he said as he grabbed his cell phone.  "Gotta call my limo driver. Don't worry, when we're in Atlanta we can use my car that I have there so we don't have to call a limo and draw attention to ourselves all the time," he added as he dialed a number.  He talked to the limo driver for a few seconds, then he hung up.

Before we walked out of the room, I noticed something.  "Whoa, wait, Justin, what happened to Ben?!" I asked, looking at the other bed in the room and seeing it perfectly made.

"Oh, he left early this morning. He woke me up and told me that he wanted to go home to pack for Atlanta and take care of unfinished business, whatever unfinished business means," he explained.

I didn't say anything because I was too busy thinking about what "unfinished business" could mean.  Maybe he wants to visit his aunt and tell her everything that happened, since they're really close.  Yeah, it's probably that.

Justin broke me out of my thoughts by taking my hand and pulling me outside the hotel room.  We walked to the back of the hotel and the limo was outside waiting.

"Cover your face with your hands," Justin whispered and I did as instructed.  He pulled his jacket up over the sides of his face.  "Annnnd, run!" he exclaimed and we dashed out of the hotel and into the limo.  He took a deep breath as he sat back.  "I think we ran fast enough so a pap couldn't get a good picture," he said, still taking a few deep breaths.

"I think so too," I replied, taking a few deep breaths as well.  The limo was silent for a few moments and I thought the driver would have spoken up and said something by now, but he didn't.  "Where are we going, anyway?" I asked Justin.

He looked over at me and smiled.  "I figured since this is the last day you'll be in New York for a while, we go to your favorite places, then end the night with something special, which is a surprise for now," he merrily said.

I gasped a little, like an excited gasp.  "I think I'm going to look way too formal for the places we're going to go, though. And people may recognize us," I said with a sigh as I looked down at the dress I was wearing and thought about the paparazzis and fans around.

Justin sighed too and was silent for a few seconds, but then he spoke up.  "We'll just have to change some plans around. Hmm, how about we go to one or two of your favorite places around here, then we maybe start what I had planned for later a little early," he suggested.

"Sounds good. But I reallyyy want to know what's going to happen later!" I whined.

"Soon enough, my beautiful shawty, soon enough," he said and our hands intertwined.  

I told the limo driver that I would like to go to my favorite coffee shop that's downtown.  It has the best coffee EVER.  The ride was pretty silent with some small chat here and there between me and Justin.  Soon, the limo came to a stop.

"We're behind the place. I'll be waiting out here, come out when you are finished," the driver kindly said.  I flashed him a smile, even though I doubt he could see it, and Justin got out of the limo to get me out.

"Why thank you," I sweetly said to him as he helped me out of the limo.  He simply smiled and we walked to the front of the place.  "Chrissy and I used to come here everyday. Now, not so much, but we still do every once in a while. This place has the best coffee ever," I whispered as we walked through the front door.  You could immediately smell the fresh ground coffee.

"Order whatever you want," Justin whispered to me.

"So I can order a pony?" I asked and laughed.

"I'd prefer you order something that's on that menu," he replied while he laughed.

People were staring at us, but I guess I'll just have to get used to it now that my boyfriend is Justin Bieber.  I'm surprised no one has stampeded us yet.  I bet people are also staring because we're wearing fancy-like clothes.  Oh well, let them stare.  I'm happy and that's all that matters.  Justin and I got in line and I looked up at the menu board.  I'm going to order my favorite drink here; a caramel latte.  Justin was also looking at the sign.  Sometimes we would have to stand up on our tippytoes because there were tall people in front of us.

"May I take your order?" the cashier blankly asked whenever we got up to the counter to order.  The cashier wasn't even looking at us.  She was doodling something on a notepad.  She's a blonde, maybe sixteen years old, and she has quite a few piercings.

Justin cleared his throat.  "Uh, m'am? It would be nice if you would actually make eye contact with your customers and say things with more expression. Maybe then you'll actually get tips," he said as he held up the empty tip jar that was by the cash register.

"Look," she began to harshly say, but then she looked up and saw Justin.  She dropped her pencil and her jaw dropped.  "You're Justin Bieber!!" she exclaimed, quite loudly and full of expression.

Justin rolled his eyes.  "Can we just order?" he impatiently said.

"Wow, you're rude in person," she snapped.

Justin rolled his eyes once again and told her our orders.  Two minutes later, we got handed our cups.  "You just lost a fan" I said with a laugh as we walked away from the counter and sat down at the last empty table in the place.

"Oh well," he began to say, "if you're rude and ignorant to me and my girlfriend, I'll be rude and ignorant to you. I wouldn't want a fan like that anyway."

"I totally agree with you," I replied.  I pointed to his cup.  "Drink it, you'll love it for sure," I excitedly said.

He took a sip of it and his eyes lit up.  "Whoa, this stuff is good!" he exclaimed.

I smiled, feeling satisfied.  "I told ya," I said as I sipped some of mine.  Ah, so good.  I'll certainly miss this place.  But who knows, Atlanta may have some awesome coffee places around.  Justin and I drank our drinks and talked.  I'm really enjoying this.

"That was awesome," Justin said as he threw our cups away.

"I'm happy you liked it," I replied as we walked out of the place.  We quickly walked back to the limo with our hands covering our faces.

"Next stop?" the limo driver asked once we were in the limo and settled.

"I'd like to go to that ice cream place we went to yesterday after the phone store," I replied.

"Ah, yes, the place you ran out crying from," Justin teased.

"Oh shut up," I said as I slapped his shoulder.

"Owuch," he blankly replied.

I laughed and the limo started up.  We started going and like last time, me and Justin just talked about random things.

"Same drill as last time," the driver said when we arrived.  Justin and I both thanked the driver as we got out of the limo.  "No, thank you. You are the people that help me to keep my job," he kindly replied.

We walked into the ice cream shop and I ordered what I usually get every time I come here; a Cotton Candy Explosion.  Justin ordered a Snicker's sundae.  "Ahhh it's so good," I said as I took my first bite.

Justin took a bite of his.  "Oh man, what is up with New York? You guys have awesome food," he said like he was in Heaven.

"We're pretty special," I said in a matter of fact way.

"Canadians are better," Justin joked.

"Sorry Bieber, but New Yorkers are better," I said defensively.

He laughed.  "No need to get defensive," he said and laughed again.  "But Canadians are better," he whispered after a few seconds.

I laughed.  "Keep dreaming," I said with a small smirk.


Author's Note: Now the chapter looks normal! Enjoy :)

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