
By leximarinelli

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Caroline quickly recovered from her shock, closing her gaping mouth. "Well you aren't welcome here," crossing... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

873 37 2
By leximarinelli

After the terrible night when Caroline had lost her boyfriend and all of her friends, Caroline had been a robot. Sleep, eat (well drink may be a more appropriate word), school, repeat. Sleep, drink, school, repeat.

Caroline had been avoiding her friends- or ex friends- and trudged through school every day, trying to catch up on her missed work and trying to make it through senior year. That was all Caroline wanted to do, she just wanted to leave. Leave Mystic Falls, leave her relationships, leave her past.

Klaus hadn't tried to contact Caroline and neither did any of her friends. She would have thought that after the falling out with Tyler, her best friends of more than 10 years would try and talk to her and see what had happened. But of course they didn't.

Caroline wasn't important.

Caroline had always felt second best in her relationships with her friends. Especially since the Salvatore's showed up. That's why Caroline felt ecstatic when she was with Tyler, she was first. But then Hayley popped up in the picture



Ever since Tyler had come back from his breaking-the-sire-bond trip because Klaus had decided to leave for Europe, Tyler brought something with him. And that was Hayley.

Caroline had a feeling that her and Tyler would have ended it sometime soon because of her, Hayley had created a break in her and Tyler's relationship. But Caroline never thought that their relationship would have ended so soon, or the way it had ended.

As Caroline let all these thoughts pass through her head, she walked towards The Grill. Hoping, praying even that none of her friends were there. As Caroline walked in, she found that it was mostly empty, except for the presence of a few random people, and man at the bar and a couple bartenders and such. Caroline breathed sigh of relief, glad that no one that she really knew was here.

Walking in, Caroline sat herself down at the bar. Looking the bartender, Caroline focused in on his eyes, squinting hers a bit.

"Give me something. Strong. Now," Caroline demanded to the bartender.

"Wow, I didn't know you were the type to compel people to drink."

Of course he was here.

"Can I help you, Klaus?" Caroline bit out with false perkiness laced in her voice.

Caroline watched as Klaus moved a seat over so he was right next to her. Caroline tensed at the closeness; she could even feel the heat radiating off of him.

"Actually darling," Klaus began, gulping down the shot that was in front of him, "You can."

Caroline's eyebrows shot up, how was she supposed to help him? Klaus was bad and she was good. There was no working together with these two. Although Caroline could use some time with someone else considering all of her friends had abandoned her, even if it was Klaus who was keeping her company.

"And how can I do that?" she finally replied, gripping her hands around the shot of bourbon that had finally been given to her.

"Give me some company. That's all you have to do."

"Company?" she questioned, releasing her drink from her hands.

"Why do you need my company when you have your hybrids?"

Caroline's breath hitched in her throat as she watched as Klaus leaned forward a bit, his cologne wafting into her nose. She noticed that he actually smelled really nice....not like this concerned her in any way or anything.

"I want someone else, someone who chooses to be with me," Klaus muttered, seeming that he was almost embarrassed by this confession.

Caroline quickly felt a sense of guilt for the hybrid in front of her, he wasn't even able to make eye contact with her when he said this, he simply directed his attention to his drink and the bar counter in front of him.

And for that quick moment that Klaus had let his guard down, Caroline almost felt the need to wrap her arms around him and tell him it was all going to be okay. But this was Klaus that she was talking about, she couldn't do that and she never would.

Recovering from that strange feeling for Klaus, Caroline decided that she would go with him. Standing up, Caroline gulped her drink in one swallow, and grabbed her purse, strutting towards the door.

Turning around to see that Klaus hadn't followed her, Caroline turned around to face him, "Well, are you coming?"

Using his vampire speed to reach her, Klaus scooped her up in his arms as she squealed in surprise at the contact.

"Absolutely," he smirked, opening the door and taking her out to his car.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Stefan watched as his friend's mouths were left gaping open like fishes.

"Well there ya go for a plot twist," Damon finally threw his comment in chuckling.

Stefan along with Damon, Tyler, Elena, and Bonnie were standing a little ways away from the entrance of The Grill when the witnessed no other then-

"Caroline in Klaus' arms!" Elena finally spoke up, interrupting Stefan's thoughts. Throwing her arms up around herself, Elena continued to yell at the image that they had all witnessed. "This is exactly what we were worried about! Think of all of the things Klaus could be doing to her! This is absolutely terrible! Stefan you have to do something!"

Turning his head, Stefan observed Tyler, his jaw was clenched and his hands were set in fists.

"Tyler, your jealous is showing," Damon sang, taunting Tyler.

"I'm not jealous!" Tyler snapped, storming off into the restaurant.

"And correct me if I'm wrong," Damon continued, turning back to face Elena, "but Caroline almost seemed happy to be in his arms. Don't wanna piss any of you off but she didn't look scared in any way."

Elena scoffed at Damon's comment and started walking into the direction they came in, "Well I am going to find them and get Caroline back. I don't care if I haven't spoken to her in a little bit, she is still my friend and I am always here to help her. If any of you would like to join me that is fine with me but I'm going anyways," she said sternly, never even turning back to look at them.

Making eye contact with Damon, Stefan knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Fine, I will go with the new cranky vampire, you can stay with the werewolf brood and out witch. Should be fun," Damon said with displeasure very clear in his voice.

Noticing he hadn't even said a word, Stefan shrugged heading into The Grill.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: There is chapter 4! I know that it is short but I hope you guys liked it! Thank you to everyone for all the views and comments and votes and stuff! Everything is really appreciated! I will hopefully have chapter 5 up soon! Much love<3

-Lexi xx

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