The Outcast (1)

By athlete68

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My love torn away. My will gone with her. I am already hanging off a thin thread. When this new kid, a son of... More

New Camper
Zne Council
What I did for love
The Winged Warrior
The Living Legend
Aliens Glossary
Book 2

I Am...

4.1K 186 122
By athlete68

Dedicated to mojo_horse & Decided_Palm_Tree

PJ characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

The first feeling that came back to me was pain, obliviously. Also annoyance because of that female general who was probably feeling smug, End got me, but technically it was their fault for distracting me. I felt kind of sparky, like one of the Grace's electrocuted me. I groaned in my head deciding not to channel it because I really don't want my captor to know I'm awake.

If I do, usually that's when the worst part happens... the evil monologue, then of course the torture, but those monologues always make me want to start snoring. They're always so boring, like my history teachers.

I spread my senses around the room and entire complex just for further escape routes. It didn't smell that bad so I probably wasn't in an old dungeon type of place. I took a deep unnoticeable breath, the air was cold and fresh like Alaska. Probably an expensive place with air conditioner because the bad guys always gotta have the best, besides Tartarus' dump.

Feeling through the water in the air, I found the door behind me with a long corridor, really taking the one way in and out seriously with a number of hallways and doors leading to dead ends. At least for me, I stayed quiet and unmoving even though it was particularly uncomfortable. When you can't move all you want to do is move, and my ADHD was not helping, I needed to do something.

Shaking my head slightly and clearing my head I journeyed down each hallway and into each room noting in my head what was where and who was there. I kept searching and memorizing until I found several escape routes keeping as far way from End and the most dangerous minions for convenience.

Letting go of my powers, sensing no-one with me, I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a an empty gray room, concrete walls and no accessories or decorations to entertain my mind. I was facing away from the door to help keep the feeling of mystery and fear for End and hanging from the taller than usual ceiling with chains around my wrists and one around my right ankle.

I looked up, one lightbulb was burrowed into the ceiling with glass over it. Glancing around, there was a camera in every corner of the room pointing at me. No privacy, I shifted a little to get some feeling back into my sore muscles and rapidly numbing arms as my feet did not quite reach the floor when I felt a sharp pain in my right wing.

Gasping silently I cautiously turned my head and lifted my arm ignoring the stabs of pain and looked at my wing. The half connecting to my—what. the. hades. I was naked except for my belt which only I can remove, my necklace which is enchanted to return to me unharmed, and my mask. Other wise I was completely nude, I do not like that.

Although I was familiar with the concept, doesn't mean it didn't bother me. Ew, why so many cameras too. Having enough of it I glared at the camera to my right front, pointing my right pointer finger at it, a stream of fire shot from my finger right into he middle of the camera lenses rendering it useless and burning away the inside.

Repeating my actions to the other 3 cameras, I gathered more chain in my right hand lifting my right side painfully higher until my left hand could reach my right wing. Calling upon the power of the hearth I healed my wing. It snapped back into place as I bit my tongue. Pulling my glowing hand away I gathered just as much chain in my other hand in my left.

Now I was hanging closer to the ceiling, an idea popped into my mind. I tried to crawl higher up the chain dropping the extra in my hands except for the parts hanging off the ceiling when a tug on my right ankle stopped me. I couldn't go higher and I wasn't high enough.

I sighed lowering myself until I was in my original position. Looking up again I grabbed the chains and started burning them until they were white hot. Greek fire erupted from my hands, but did nothing to the chains as they stopped glowing after a few seconds and returned to normal.

I narrowed my eyes and went with a different tactic, calling upon my ex-fathers powers and freezing the chains until I could no longer bear it, I willed a sword made of ice with fire burning within into my right hand and swung at it the frozen chains.

As soon as contact was made, an explosion of sorts blew the made up sword out of my hand and against wall shattering it instantly. My chains blew me backwards too, I didn't hit the wall as the chain around my ankle roughly yanking me back into place.

I channeled out a growl as my frustration grew, I didn't try vapor or fire traveling yet because that took up a lot of energy, but right now I would. I closed my eyes and gathered the water in the air, willing myself to break apart into molecules. Right as I was about to disappear, electricity raced down from the cuffs and up from my anklet into my body making me arch my back in pain and open my mouth in a silent scream.

The voltage was so powerful I felt my eyes vibrating within my skull. Feeling like it was lasting a lifetime instead of seconds I collapsed in my chains when it stopped. Singing back and forth slightly as I caught my breath. Note to self, using any powers that require transporting equal a taste of lighting, others powers are capable.

Going off that thought I summoned my pants to try and cover myself, nothing happened. I tried my shirt, again nothing happened. Gritting my teeth I tried my robe and sword... they didn't appear. Maybe the no clothes thing is a tactic to make me feel vulnerable and exposed, End doesn't know my past so he wouldn't know it isn't working, it's just annoying.

Frustration swelled within me as I dangle helplessly in a gray room with absolutely no entertainment. The swinging of chains was getting on my nerves, but I took a deep breath calming myself like how I learned when I was with the elves. They taught me patience, silence, and how to be as fast as them in return for getting rid of a monster that they had no knowledge on, turns out it was a snaktor from Dusmon that End managed to send to them.

I calmed myself and opened my ears to the silence. Listening to every little sound whether it be the air whistling through my chains or the footsteps in the hallway...coming my way. Preparing myself I relaxed all my muscles and took deep soundless breaths.

Salvaging energy and getting rid of any evidence of my attempts for escape I closed my eyes and waited...

***Line Break***

Star POV

Chaos erupted as those three little words took effect. Snake just about collapsed before I pulled him up on his feet. He clutched my arm like a life line, his pupils were blown as he panicked. He stuttered out his story, but no one could make out what he was saying.

"Stop. Stop. Just stop Snake, calm down and breathe" I grabbed both his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. He focused on me and nodded slowly taking deep breaths.

"Sister Star, let me just show you guys, then you'll feel the impact of it" Snake said putting one hand on my shoulder and turning towards the rest of the team including Order and Chaos he closed his eyes and focused.

White mist appeared as he used Order's power. I saw myself get knocked out and my two captains follow Snake's unspoken order to take me and get me to safety. Watching Snake charge at the man we now know as End and being stopped by End's power. By the end of the memory, Apóvli̱tos was taken and End got away. When Snake opened his eyes I saw the look of despair in his eyes, I knew he thought it was his fault.

"Brother Snake, I know what you're thinking and you better stop right now or I'll put an arrow where it hurts" I threatened. Snake nodded and with an understood agreement we all turned towards our leader.

"Go sleep and tomorrow morning go and find Apóvli̱tos, get him back from End and bring him here" Chaos said sternly.

"Why not tonight mi'Lord?" The captain that first was incapacitated by Apóvli̱tos asked.

"You all are far too tired and need to be at tip top shape if you are going into End's territory, especially if push comes to shove and you end up facing End" Order explained.

Sighing I glared at the rest of my team and they all nodded and headed off to bed. I motioned for Snake to follow me into my room. He came in and snapped his fingers changing into comfortable clothes while I did the same. I patted the bed spot next to me and he silently came. I knew he needed someone to comfort him tonight and make him sleep because if no one did then he'd be up all night and go into End's territory without a clear mind.

As my co-general we bonded, brother and sister bond because my past still affected my choices in relationships. I'd rather be a strong independent leader without a relationship to drag me down, not that I had any opinion if someone was in a relationship, but I preferred to stay single. Snake on the other hand was bi and not in a relationship because every person in the army he dated were mostly guys, guys who wanted him because of his title.

After that was revealed they somehow ended up in a random place black and blue with detached genitals. No one knew how they ended up that way and they wouldn't talk. Oh well, but I have a feeling Apóvli̱tos being taken affected Snake more because he felt something for him.

"Sleep brother dear, thou shall sleep" I whispered and stroked his hair soothingly singing a lullaby of the old.

***Time Skip***

Star POV

At dawn we were all gathered in the signal room. Awake, refreshed and ready to get Apóvli̱tos back. Snake was standing at my side and the team was at our sides in the V formation.

"Find Apóvli̱tos, get him here even if tries to resist, but if he vanishes trace him using my power and bring him here. End can not keep him" Chaos ordered

We nodded and formed a circle orbiting to End's place. We appeared outside, not caring to observe we ran inside. Quickly I performed a spell using my Lady Order's power to hide us from all, just our sound and if we made contact with offenders alert others to our presence. I messaged my team with Order's power letting them know.

We crept silently and diligently down hallways until we found a long corridor which we knew held Apóvli̱tos behind the door. Luck had it that the door opened as a we reached it and someone ran out of it. Quietly I softly stopped the door from closing and closed it slowly as my team rushed in. With one last glance at the retreating minion I shut the door.

When I turned around all I was met with was my team standing stock still staring at what I assumed was Apóvli̱tos. I couldn't tell from behind them so I lightly shoved my fellow comrades aside coming to stand beside Snake. Studying his face I could read in his eyes horror, pity, and overall agony, for himself who failed Apóvli̱tos and for Apóvli̱tos who I had not yet laid eyes on.

Bracing myself I turned toward him, shock crossed my face before I completely wiped my face void of emotions. I stood stiffly and grit my teeth as quietly as I could. I could feel my hand opening and closing in a fist and my face pale as I gazed upon Apóvli̱tos.

He was completely nude except for a golden chain with a gold oval hanging from it, which usually made my other woman captain and I uncomfortable, but the situation shook us out of it before we could even start. Apóvli̱tos was laying on the floor on his right side and stomach facing our way. Right arm folded under his head and left next to his head. His wings limp behind him, both looked broken with missing feathers.

We couldn't see his face, but I could see tear streaks. His left arm was at an odd angle and both legs I could see some bone poking through. His torso was a mess of color, not the good kind, black, blue, red, and his chest looked like it had a hard time breathing so ribs too I noted. Electricity danced across the red skin I could see. Apóvli̱tos' bottom on the other hand... I could see a mix of white think liquid and red pouring out of it.

Quickly I turned away and urged the others eyes not to linger for the sake of his dignity. I focused on studying the rest of the room. Chains hung from the top of the ceiling, but they didn't look like they were loosened or opened so I took another look at Apóvli̱tos arms.

Both thumbs on his hands were broken to fit through the cuff. A bulb was hidden in the ceilings above. End was in front of us and Apóvli̱tos facing his prisoner. In the corner to our right was a mask, belt that held throwing knives, a strap that held 3 daggers, a sword, spear, and folded robe.

Next to that, folded neatly was a set of black clothes which I immediately knew were Apóvli̱tos, maybe to taunt him or just where End put them, I didn't know, but I walked over to them and grabbed them. Handing Snake Apóvli̱tos clothes and robe, I kept his weapons and we turned back to the victim.

"Who are you really Apóvli̱tos?" End said startling us as we were too shocked to actually realize time was moving.

He started circling Apóvli̱tos with his hands behind him like a true villain. Heavy breathing came from the black haired boy as he lifted himself up on his forearms, broken one and not. Head still down watching the gray shoes circling him until they stopped in front of his face.

He lifted up his head. Sea-green/brown connected with obsidian and I felt myself gasp along with Snake as we took in his face and added the main color of his eyes, ignoring the brown and cackling fire within. Apóvli̱tos was Perseus Jackson.

Snapping out of my shock I quickly, but quietly slapped a hand over Snake's mouth as a soft hiss of air started forming a name. Percy Jackson, the little boy I remembered had grown up, he was a master at the weapons he carries and has new powers. He learned how to hide from warriors, assassins, and beings as powerful as the Void's children.

The question is why he left Earth. What about his friends, his family, Annabeth. I don't know what happened, but I intend to find out. I noticed the way he watched us warily and how he slightly flinched whenever someone touched him without him noticing. The scars peeking out from under his clothes which would be visible now except for the amount of bruising and blood now covering him.

I know Chaos and Order want him as Apóvli̱tos to be our new commander. Before I was so so about that idea, but now I'm all for it. For the information Apóvli̱tos won't provide about his past, Snake and I certainly can except for when we died, then Percy would have to fill in. Though from the looks of it, it won't be easy to get him to talk... well channel. I decided to call him Apóvli̱tos since that's who he chose to be now, he left behind his past and I shall respect that.

How did he lose his voice anyways? I heard traumatic experiences sometimes the cause of the loss of voice, but what would be so bad that a demigod, Percy Jackson of all people to lose his voice?

A hiss of pain brought me back to the present as End gave a hard kick to Apóvli̱tos face knocking him on his back and broken wings exposing everything, from his wounds to his manhood. A shaky breath sounded from Apóvli̱tos as his back arched in pain. His hands clawed at the cold metal floor which certainly didn't match the concrete walls.

"Answer me!" End shouted at Apóvli̱tos as he glared furiously at his prisoner who glared right back.

"I have taken everything from you! I took you're mask. I took you're weapons. I took you're powers. I'm about to take Twizne as we—well I speak. I even took you're virginity! Everything just for your identity, so why, why won't you give me it?"

End waited for an answer as Apóvli̱tos lowered his gaze and focused on us remaining silent. His eyes switching from Snake and I, back and forth, but lingering on Snake a tad bit longer. He knew we were here and could see us even though Order's power hid us from End, but I saw the brown band in his eye glow a little more as he watched us. I stared back stone faced while I could feel Snake's uneven breath on my hand.

I feared if I took my hand off his mouth, he would speak, or even worse, rush at Apóvli̱tos and blow our cover. End is too strong for us to face alone, we have to wait as much as I hate it, until he leaves. From what I could tell, it was going to be awhile, so I ushered everyone silently to the corner that previously held Apóvli̱tos things which now were in our possession invisible as soon as it touched my hands. Apóvli̱tos kept his eyes on us as we moved.

Suddenly his eyes glowed as End's words hit him. He met End's gaze yet again and I could sense the fury rolling off him. Apóvli̱tos face contorted into masked anger, only the hint of emotion was through his eyes as not even his body shook.

A miracle happened as Apóvli̱tos pushed himself to his feet. On broken legs and a painful behind he slowly stalked towards End whose eyes widened in surprise and backed away from the angered demigod.

When he chain on his ankle reached its limit, Apóvli̱tos pulled his right leg forward with so much force it broke flying towards them, hitting the evil one. Apóvli̱tos used his non broken right arm to grab the front of End's shirt and lift him off his feet, his fist erupting in Greek fire.

"1—the mask is just part of my outfit to keep the fame and attention away. 2—anything can be a weapon, I just prefer mine. 3—my powers were never taken, you just suppressed them in the chains, which I'm free from as of now. 4—you touch Twizne, I will hunt you down and torture you like you and others have to me, but a million times worse until you die in the most painful way possible, so you better call off your warriors. 5—I'm not a virgin, that's already been taken from me by previous captors. My identity is the one thing that will never be taken from me, I know who I was in the past, I know who I am in the present, and the future is who I'm working to become."

After his speech Apóvli̱tos fire fist caught onto End's clothing spreading until End realized he was burning. His face formed into a scowl and hate. He smacked away Apóvli̱tos hand and landed on his feet. Taking a step back he glared at Apóvli̱tos who just sent an even worse one back.

"Naked and afraid... that's the way you are now. You don't scare me mortal, and I will destroy Twizne, so have fun trying to save it"

With that said End disappeared into a gray flash. Apóvli̱tos looked at us, we cautiously walked forward. I could see the tremble in his legs as he fought the pain. I nudged Snake who held out Apóvli̱tos clothes, his hands shook slightly as Snake's face was pale and worried, but I could still see the emotion of attraction in it. He still crushed on Apóvli̱tos, Percy or not, I wished them luck, but from what I know I think Percy's straight all the way.

Apóvli̱tos eyes lingered on Snake before lowering to the clothes in his hand. The sea green in his eyes glowed a bit as the cloth disappeared from Snake's hands onto Apóvli̱tos body. I held out the weapons and mask, they disappeared as well going back into place.

Red bled through the black cloth and I saw the small wince as the cloth rubbed in all the wrong places causing him pain. Ignoring his pain he walked forward grabbing my right hand and Snake's left.

"I need you to orbit to Twizne, I don't have much energy left so I need to save that to protect the planet that claimed me as its own" Apóvli̱tos channeled.

Without further argument I nodded and forced the others to grab hands. I orbited us to Twizne with the help of Snake. We arrived to see the planet flames, dead bodies scattered everywhere, and End right in the middle of it grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"It's too late Apóvli̱tos, everything and everyone is gone. I ended this planet" End said smirking.

"You have no idea what you just did and who you just messed with" Apóvli̱tos channeled with stiff posture.

"And who might you be?" End goaded.

Apóvli̱tos stepped forward, his eyes glowing in anger, the fire cackling and storm raging within. The fire behind us rose up to skyscraper level, the waves crashed 3 stories high topping each wave beneath, the sky darkened as lightning crashed around us and thunder sounded. The wind blew fiercely blowing all our hair back.

Apóvli̱tos drew out his sword twirling it and spinning it around himself. He stopped it right at an offensive angle in front of him. He held out his left hand at his side, green fire burned in his palm facing the dirt, water swirled around it boiling until it froze into ice that continued circling the fire. Glaring at End right in his cold eyes Apóvli̱tos channeled the fiercest coldest words I ever heard and wouldn't hear again for a very long time.

"I am Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast and I will be your end..."

Tell me what you think...

July 15, 2016
47, 803 total words

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