Redneck Romeo [Completed]

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

301K 6.3K 933

(Excerpt) I looked up into his gorgeous, honey-colored eyes and felt my heart begin to thrum with the love t... More

Redneck Romeo
*Chapter 1*
*Chapter 2*
*Chapter 3*
*Chapter 4*
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 10*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*


8.7K 239 28
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

<Third Person Omniscient>

*5 Years Later*

She walked off of the stage, waving to her fans. Droplets of sweat fell from her face, leaving wet spots on her already sweaty plaid button-up. Thanking one of the roadies that handed her a towel and a bottle of water, she found a good place to watch as her boyfriend of almost six years, Luke Anderson, performed his show.

He walked past, acoustic guitar in hand. He sent her a dashing smile and was flooded with pride when she blushed and sent him one back. Not caring about how sweaty she was, he walked up and wrapped her in a big hug.

"You did great,"he whispered into ear.

She giggled,"Thanks. Not get up there Mr. Famous, I hear your fans screaming for you."

He chuckled and sent her one more wave before casually sauntering onto the stage, the vision of sexy. The crowd broke out into applause and he introduced them before starting into his most popular songs. He continued through the set list, wowing his audience members with his smooth voice and excellent guitar playing.

When he finished his list of songs, that Isabelle had practically memorized, she prepared to congratulate him. But, Luke didn't come off the stage like he was supposed to.

"I hope ya'll don't mind, but I'd like to do a cover for ya,"the crowd exploded in 'yes's.

He chuckled before bringing a stool from beside the stage and sending her a wink. He settled onto the stool and adjusted the mic. He looked back at the back-up band, causing them to usher from the stage.

"This song is dedicated to my amazing girlfriend that you might of heard of,"he said sarcastically, the fans screaming in response.

Without further ado, he began singing a song that she immediately recognized.

Home is where my heart is still beating
I don't know when I'll see her again

I hate to see her cry when I'm leaving
But now I'm a thousand miles away again

She feels like Carolina
Looks like California
Shining like those New York lights on Broadway
When she looks back I'm behind her
I'll always be there for her
She makes me feel like home's not so far away
She feels like Carolina

It's hard to understand the way I'm living
I know you think I'm never coming home
But I miss your pretty smile, and I'm coming back in a while
But I'm a thousand miles away again

She feels like Carolina
Looks like California
Shining like those New York lights on Broadway
When she looks back I'm behind her
I'll always be there for her
She makes me feel like home's not so far away
She makes me feel like home's not so far away

No matter how far I go, you know I can't stop thinking about her
And there's nothing like the way I feel, the way I feel when I'm beside her
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

She feels like Carolina
Looks like California
Shining like those New York lights on Broadway
She feels like Carolina
Looks like California
Shining like those New York lights on Broadway

Like home's not so far away

She feels like Carolina 
Looks like California
Makes me feel like home's not so far away
Makes me feel like home
Makes me feel like home's not so far away

She clapped along with everyone else when he finished, his eyes captivating her's throughout the whole song. She was on the verge of tears, because she understood why he sang the song to her. He knew that she had been slightly stressing over the fact that he was going on tour without her, leaving her at home to record her new album. But, now her nerves were at ease, just like he knew they would be efter he let his emotions out in that one song. Once again, she was ready to embrace him and shower him with kisses when he walked off the stage, but he didn't.

"Oh, and one more thing,"he spoke into the microphone,"I want to invite the love of my life onto the stage."

The crowd aww'd and cooed as she blushed and walked hesitantly onto the stage, where an hour before she had felt so comfortable, she now felt antsy. He gave her a reassuring smile and took the microphone off the stand.

"I just thought that our fans are a big part of both of our lives and they should witness this big milestone,"he spoke without looking at the crowd.

Then, in a blur, he was on his knee looking up at her with a hopeful smile, the mic still held up next to his mouth. She numbly felt tears start pooling in her eyes before falling down her cheeks.

"Izzy, you are truly the love of my life. You've been there always, even after I hurt you. I never should have done that, but now thinking back on it, I don't regret it. Sure, it was torture being without you those few years and seeing you with another man, but in some way I think that it brought us closer than ever. It made me realize how truly important you were to me, and still are. I only hope that you feel the same way. The last six years have been the best of my life, because you were there with me. And I hope to make the rest of my life just as special. I want you to be by my side, be mine, forever. So Iz, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"his heart was racing, hoping with all of his heart that she gave a postive answer.

Throughout the speech she hadn't looked away from his gorgeous honey eyes, her hands covering her mouth in shock. Even through the tears, she had managed to focus on his face. Now, her focus was forced to his hand, roughened by guitar callouses, which was holding out a stunningly beautiful diamond ring inside of a pristine black velvet jewelry box.

The mere seconds that it took her to finally answer, seemed like years to Luke, but he somehow managed to keep the hopeful smile on his face throughout the whole endeavor.

"Of course,"she finally said, frantically wiping at the tears streaming down her face, wiping off the little bit of make-up that had managed to stay on throughout her performance.

His smile grew with relief, a returning one on his now fiance's face as well. He gently grabbed the ring out of the box, and placed it on her outstretched ring finger. Then, he stood up and picked up the girl of his dreams, her brunette hair flying out behind her in gently curls as he spun the mboth around before putting her down and kissing her until they were both gasping for breath.

Though the crowd had gone silent during the heartfelt speech, as soon as those two words came out of Isabelle's mouth, they burst on in cheers, not that the two lovebirds noticed. Now, as they pulled away, they took in the enormous crowd whooping, some of them even crying. Izzy blushed a bright red, making her look even more beautiful in Luke's opinion.

"Good night Tennessee!"he called into the crowd, which also happened to hold their closest friends and family in the front row, since it was a hometown show. She barely caught Jess's discreet wink as she was pulled off the stage by her sweaty fiance.

However, mere minutes after they had made it to her dressing room, her family and friends burst through the door, some of them in tears and others sending her bright smiles. Her parents engulfed her in a massive group hug, her mothers tears falling onto her shoulder. She patted their backs and sent them happy smiles before moving over to Luke's mom.

"Hey future daughter-in-law,"she teased, not a trace of tears on her face. Izzy just laughed and hugged the petite woman.

Next, came her friends. She accepted their congratulations with a smile and a 'thank you'. Finally, she came to stand in front of a tall, brunette boy. No, not the one that stole away her heart, but the one that she was oh-so lucky to have. The scar was still very prominent on his forehead, though now it shone against his tan skin a pale, puckered pink.

"Hey Jared,"she smiled and hugged him, feeling his arms go around her in response. It made her heart beat painfully thinking that one rash decision is the reason he was able to hug her, the reason she was able to still smell his light cologne.

"Congrats Izzy,"he smile down at her as she pulled away, his mind too wandering to the morbid thoughts.

"Thanks. Not that we were the first. You totally stole our thunder,"she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

What she said was true, he had proposed the day after he woke up from the surgery that everybody said he wouldn't live through. Samantha had been surprised, in tears, but overjoyed at the same time. It was beautiful, everything about it screamed cheesey and romantic, but nobody cared how weaird it felt. Because, in the end, Sam and Jare were made for each other and evrybody knew it.

They had tied the knot a year later, Sam in her gorgeous white dress and Jared in his handsome suit. Izzy had, after all, been the maid of honor. Samantha claimed she deserved it the most, still feeling like she owed her something, which Isabelle repeatedly told her that she didn't.

"Well, what can I say? My proposal definetly wins,"he smirked.

"Whatever,"she slapped his chest.

They both burst out laughing. She turned, just in time to see Jess typing quickly on her iPhone, most likely texting her boyfriend. No, she was not dating Aarron anymore. In fact, after graduation none of them had really talked to him much. For the last couple of years, Jessica has had a few boyfriends, none of them serious. That is, until a few months ago.

Izzy, God help her, had to stand by and watch as her best friend dated her brother. When Jessica had first shyly asked her if she was okay with hit, she had hesitantly obliged, though under certain circumstances.

First, Jess was not aloud to make out with him in front of her. Second, Izzy did not want to hear abouth their sex life. Third, if her brother broke her best friends heart, she was aloud to cut off his balls and feed them to a dog while John had to watch. Jessica had easily agreed.

Now, she watched as her friend's face lit up when her phone dinged, letting her know that she had recieved a text. She turned and came face-to-face with Izzy, a hug smile lighting up her face.

 "I sent your brother the video of the proposal,"she started.

"Thanks,"Izzy said easily to her friend,"What did he say back?"

"He said to threaten Luke's life for him, but I don't think I'm going to agree. He's just being silly. I know that he is secretly happy for you,"she said, elbowing her friend lightly in the side.

"I know he is. He loves Luke, even though he won't openly show it."

Jess squealed unexpectantly,"I can't wait for little godchildren! Awww, I can just see tiny little Luke's and Izzy's running around!"

Her mom must of heard Jess's outburst because now she too was standing there with a smile on her face,"Yes! I need grandchildren! I'm not getting any younder you know."

Isabelle groaned and covered her blushing face with her hands, a pair of strong arms embracing her from behind.

"We'll get right on that, Mrs. Scott,"Luke said in his husky voice before spinning her around and giving her yet another heart-stopping kiss.

She could definetly get used to this.


I hope that you liked it :) It's dedicated to brokensoulwords because she won the mini little contest :) Go check out her poems! 

Anywho, just thought I'd let you know that there will be a spin-off, which I already have the first chapter written for. Once this chapter gets ten votes I'll post it :) The description:

All Jessie Anderson ever wanted was a normal life. Instead, she has two parents that are constantly on the road, an empty manison, and no real friends.

When Bryan Jacobs moves from New York to Tennessee, he is in for a rude awakening. His city boy ways don't help him fit in, among other things. When he meets Jessie, the only one who knows how he really feels, he knows that she is something special.

Will this twisted relationship workout? Or will outer forces get in the way? Only time will tell if Jessie can help to show Jake how country feels.

Song to the side is Carolina by Parmalee>>>

Picture to the side is Izzy's engagement ring>>>>

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