The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

205K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Don't Bark at Me

1.3K 52 46
By just-A_potato

Here's another bonus chapter!

In this one, if the title wasn't a hint, the gang is werewolves! This one has some cynical humor and yes, I am kinda picking on the werewolf stories here on Wattpad. But only a tad and this is just what from I've read, seriously, hardly any difference when it comes to the storyline.

In this the gang are in their early twenties, meaning matured immaturity.

Keep in mind, this isn't serious, just for fun.





"You did it again, didn't you?" Anna stared at us with that blunt, judgment glance of hers.

"That bitch looked at Mel wrong," Reason huffed, encircling me in his arms.

Anna tiredly ran a hand down her face, already done with the day, "For once, could your dumbass not start a fight with another pack?"

"He was protecting me. Plus, it's only the Moon Moon Brothers, bunch of morons." I snickered, "And this gives you a chance to hit on the Alpha, you gold-digger."

"Oh, you're just mad because your brother is the Alpha and not you." Anna said, walking a head and leading the way to the Alpha's huge ass mansion. Honestly, that guy doesn't really need a house bigger than Michael Jackson. I mean, all he does is order everyone around, but when you're the Alpha of the most badass wolf pack in the nation and the government pays you to keep quiet and to watch the other packs, you get luxuries.

"I'm the Gama, third in line and basically useless but pretty kick ass." I skipped along the cobblestone path, poking Reason's side and trying to bring out a smile.

"Mel, just walk like a normal person, would you?" Reason swatted my hand away.

I roll my eyes, "No, I'm still mad at you. She looked at me wrong, big deal, but I could've handled her. You don't have to fight my battles, Reason."

Anna laughed, "He's a guy and your mate, its in him to jump if you're even remotely in danger."

On the way to the Alpha's big mansion, that he did not need, mind you, we ran into a pair of mates. See, mating is a complicated process with the werewolves. Oh, yeah, in case you didn't pick up on all the Alpha-pack-bull we're werewolves, a part of the Bloody Paw Silver Moonlight Man Walking On The Moon pack. Once again, naturally we are the most badass, notorious wolf pack gang there is in America, I mean the story would be boring if we were in some average pack, right? Because not everyone hates average packs, wants to hunt them and such as much as they want to for the most badass wolf pack. The Bloody Paw Silver Moonlight Man Walking On The Moon pack is known for starting shit because our members can't keep their damn mouths shut. But luckily we have the man power- errrr- I mean, wolf power to back up their shit talk.

Okay, off subject. What part were we on? Oh, the mates. Okay, it's not love at first sight. That's stupid. Firstly, you cannot be in love with someone by just looking at them, unless its Beyoncé, then it's okay. To begin the mating process, you must find the one that you imprint on. Imprinting is basically a special connection you feel to someone who is most likely a complete ducking stranger but for some reason that's okay. Once you know that person/werewolf/hoe/whatever the duck they are, you can start courting one another. Yes, people, go old school. Go out on a ducking date and get to know them, buy them cute gifts, whisper dirty things in their ear, make them feel freaky. Then you fall in love, but not always, and that's okay because being alone isn't all that bad and you can always imprint on another, prettier motherducker. If the courting stage works out, to become fully mated, y'all must get kinky and bite each other during sex, which isn't that bad, really. Now, should your mate want out, you kill them.

Reason is my mate. We imprinted at 15 but I really made him work for it. I wasn't about to jump in bed with Reason any time soon. I'm 25 and I barely let him bite me, and complete the mating process, last month. I had to make sure we were right for each other, that just because we were mates wasn't the only thing keeping us together. We got married before I would let him mark me. It was a long and hard road. Many fights, screaming matches, stubbornness. But there was always sweet kisses, romantic moments, times when I knew we'd be together. I'm proud of us, and very happy with where we are.

Back to the fully mated pair!

Ester and Dmitri break apart from their sloppy kiss when I threw a rock at them, "We have dorms!"

Dmitri gave a small smile and brushed his hair back. In the beginning everyone assumed he was gay but he shocked everyone when he completed the mating process with Ester. "You would know,"

I sigh and roll my eyes, "I would, which is why I'm telling you."

"Ester, have more class." Anna scolds.

Ester, unfazed by her friends' insult, said, "Where are you losers headed?"

"The Alphas, dumb-dumb here started another pack war with the Moon Moon Brothers." Anna said, already walking, wanting to get to the Alphas and see him.

"Hey, that whore kept barking at Melody, Ilwe were out for a run but no." Reason tugged my hand so we could catch up with Anna's fast walk. Dmitri and Ester trail behind.

We come to a stop at one of the pack houses. A wild party seems to be going on despite it being the middle of the day. Naturally, Dmitri ran inside. The others follow more slowly. But this wasn't the type of party we originally suspected. It was a drug induced celebration of the upcoming blood moon that was to take place later that night, all lead by the most well-known medicine woman, Vivian.

Vivian held up the peace sign, "Aw, my fellow sisters and brother. Come, join the festivities, we were getting ready to undress and worship the body we were given."

Before Dmitri could commit to staying, Anna grabbed his elbow and slowly backed them out, "Thanks but no thanks."

We finally made it to the Alpha's house and Anna politely knocked but I just opened the door and went straight to the kitchen, "You forget, I live here." I quickly made a mountain of a sandwich then went to the basement. Which was like the man cave of the Alpha. It was predictable that my brothers' dorky friends would be over.

"The Moon Moon Brother want some of us," I said, taking a bite of my sandwich and laying on the sofa.

"My fault," Reason stated, sitting on the couch.

Jordan rolled his eyes, "For once can you understand that your title as my sisters mate does not mean you have the right to provoke other packs." Yes, Jordan Pickles is the Alpha and older brother to me. Half older brother, just to make that clear.

"Yeah, that's what I said," Anna jumped next to Jordan and pushed Aliyah to make room next to him. They imprinted in middle school and everyone knew Jordan would be the Alpha and he didn't want to have any distractions. He's refused to mate with her but has no problems having flings with the pack sluts. Which makes total sense, right? I mean every pack has a few sluts because its not like these girls have potential mates out there and wish to meet them. No, definitely not. And even when they do have mates, they discard the poor fella in favor of the Alpha who would never really go for them.

"In his defense, it was the she wolf that I got into it when I first shifted. You all know she's had it out for me cause I took her ear off." I say before I got in a wrestling match with Cherry for the sandwich.

"You sent a threatening message to them," Aliyah said, not bothering to glance up from the game she was currently engaged in.

"SHE barked at MElODY. That was threatening, I was simply defending the packs- and our own- name." Reason said.

"Yeah!" I agree. Having had it with Cherry, I kicked her gut. She gasped and I was able to devour the sandwich.

"Why don't we ask them to join us tonight in running under the blood moon?" Ester suggested.

Dmitri smiled in a very queer way, "Good idea, babe."

"Sure!" Anna said in a mocking voice, "Then we can braid their fur, go hunting and maybe even combine packs."

Everyone started shouting diverse retorts to Anna's comment when Jordan held his hand up, effectively silencing the room. "That's not a terrible thought. The Moon Moon Brothers have been gaining numbers recently, I wouldn't mind being allies with them,"

"Ugh, totally, you're so smart!" Anna gushed, clinging onto Jordans arm.

Cherry sighed, "Girl, grow a back bone, would you?"

Jordan shrugged Anna off and stood up, "Someone call Zane, I'm going to need my Beta."


"Where the hell is his shirt?" Ester whispered, staring at the extremely buff Alpha of the Moon Moon Brothers.

"Firstly, who cares?" Cherry smirked, "Secondly, no point in whispering, werewolves have sensitive hearing."

"Shut up," Jordan hissed, his ear actually twitched.

Zane, Jordan, Reason and I stood in the front lines, with some of the better Warrior Wolves directly behind us who were Cherry, Dmitri, Aliyah, Zayden, Larkus, Seth and a few other wolves. Safely behind them were the witnesses with Anna, Vivian and Ester among them.

"Jordan," The Alpha acknowledged.

"Kyle," Jordan replied.

"The mate of your sister, the Gama, attacked one of mine," Kyle pressed his thin lips.

Reason scoffed, "She started it, barking at my mate like that."

Jordan hit Reason's shoulder and discreetly shook his head, "Yes, but we did not come for war, we come to invite the Moon Moon Brothers to our celebration of the blood moon."

Kyle turned to his Beta, Declan and he said, "Fuck it, let's party."

For some odd reason, all the members of the Moon Moon Brother pack present were only males who lacked a shirt. Maybe it was an intimidation technique they were trying, but frankly even Anna could take them. The group look skyward as crimson red slowly took the white moon.

"Are we doing this?" Kyle offered his hand.

Jordan shook it, "Brothers,"

"Let's get naked!" Cherry said, transforming into a light grey wolf.

Howls filled the night as the Bloody Paw Silver Moonlight Man Walking On The Moon pack ran with the Moon Moon Brothers. In the morning they all woke up to either barf, in a pond, next to an awkward hook up, with a raging headache, wearing only a headband, or some other weird shit. Anna was finally able to start the mating process with Jordan, Melody and Reason were eating ice cream. Zane and Kyle had an extremely situation to wake up to; both them naked in the same bed. Dmitri, Declan, Ester and Vivian all seemed to have had an epic night of deer hunting. Cherry and Aliyah some how wound up in Mexico.

The Weird End

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