The Criminal's Eyes - Daniel...

By UrieTreasure

6.2K 327 170

How can you fight for love when your name defines who you are and you've already been set up with the eldest... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

310 14 6
By UrieTreasure

Sorry if this is confusing, but I'm changing the perspective from 3rd person to 1st person :) + this chapter is dedicated to hett03
- thanks for the votes :D, you're literally my motivation to update this.

The rain that had stained the paper was doing a good job of making it hard to read. It was torn at the edges and in the middle slightly, but not enough to make it the writing illegible. For a brief moment I almost don't want to read it, scared  of what it might say, as if I know it'll be written that he left me because he just didn't want to be around me and he regretted the whole thing. More scenarios of pure rejection cloud my thoughts before I realise I'm overreacting. How bad can it be, right? I sit up, as if that'll help me concentrate, and start to read:


please don't think I ran away from you. I didn't. I ran away from the situation. If anyone saw me and recognised me in the daylight, it's not just me that'd be caught, but you'd be interrogated and possibly charged for association with me, or even not reporting a fugitive on the loose, I don't know. Obviously I don't want to be caught, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I got you in trouble or put you in any sort of danger - because, the truth is, if the police didn't interrogate you, the gangs that want me dead definitely would. I'll be in the neighborhood for two more nights. If we're lucky enough to cross paths again, I'll label it as fate, but, if not, please don't come looking for me. I'm bad news. I'd say more but I've run out of space on this paper.

You may be as perfect as Juliet but I'm not fit to be a Romeo.


I spend a few moments in pure shock, just gazing at the words on the page as if i hadn't read any of it, it wasn't processing in my mind. Then, after a few moments, it begins to sink in and I feel the ghost of tears in my eyes, threatening to well up. 'Please don't come looking for me' - what if I never see him again? It was the most complicated thing but yet, when we kissed, staying with him felt like the easiest decision I'd made in a long time. For all I know he could be more dangerous than the 'gangs' he mentioned but I don't even care anymore. I want to find him. I want to be near him. I want him to need me like I do, I want him to feel the hole that I can when he's not there because he's everything I didn't know I needed.

Beginning to feel relief that I hadn't been rejected in any sort of way, I try and focus on the positives. being the pessimist I am, this is hard for me due to all the times I've had to be the third wheel to every pair. I think about it more and conclude that the content of the note could have been much worse, and Dan was only thinking of our - my - safety... but if it's so positive why do I still feel a gaping sense of emptiness inside me, as if the past day was just a cruel joke to give me a taste of what i didn't know existed in the world, only to have it taken away from me again.

I realise that my grip on the jacket had tightened immensely and release it from my grasp, taking deep breaths, still recovering from all the thoughts and emotions that had decided to flood my mind in the past three minutes. 'Have some composure' I think, closing my eyes. 'Where is your posture?' I sit up straight once more after realising I had re-assumed my slouch position.

Jumping at the sudden sound breaking me from my thoughts, I hear a yell of my name in the voice I recognise to be my mother's.

'Yes, mum?!' I shout back, trying not to get frustrated at the interruption.

'I need you for a second, please come downstairs, love,' she says with a warm tone, and then I become mad with myself for daring to feel irritated my my sweet, well-meaning mum. Less reluctantly, I get up from my bed, putting the jacket down, and I make my way down the stairs to where she stands near the front door, clutching something in her hand.

'Look, dear, the Lesters have sent us an invitation to their annual ball - their Phillip must have taken a liking to you, this is the first time we've been on special request,' she says, and I can already see the excitement in her eyes.
"It's a costume party, mind - ooh! We can get you some angel wings, that should do nicely, but it is all last minute, with the ball being tomorrow and at such short notice but I'm sure we can-"

"Are the Howells invited?..." I interrupt, and my mum lets out a sigh of exasperation.

"Kira, you know how the Lesters and Howells feel about each other-"

"And you know how I feel about their feud!"

"But we're lucky enough to be liked by the Lesters, do you really want them to ignore us because you've decided to ask about the Howells?" she says hastily, crease lines now more prominent on her forehead, and she sighs again before putting an arm around me.

"I'm sorry, dear, it's just that we can't help their feud, and it's better to be on the right side of one family than the wrong side of both. Will you look for a guy at the ball, even if you only have to dance with Phillip, please? For me?" She says, and once she uses the 'for me' card, I know I'm going to give in.

"I'll look to like if looking liking move, but no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent give strength to make it fly... in other words, okay mum," I smirk when I realise she recognised my choice of words.

"God knows why I couldn't have been given a daughter that quotes Vogue instead of Shakespeare" she laughs, and I roll my eyes as she presses a kiss to my forehead in thanks for my co-operation.

Making my way back to my room, my thoughts are too occupied with the Howell-Lester feud to go back to the pros and cons of my previous dilemma, so I make a desicion - I'm going to find him. I have to.


A/N: Thanks for reading! If you haven't guessed, I've decided to put a slight Romeo And Juliet theme on this, allowing Phil to make an appearance bc i love him and, I mean, who doesn't - so expect the odd quote in here from R&J. Except, they don't die at the end... probably ;)

I didnt proof-read so sorry if I spelled anything wrong :/ :)

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