Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 46

17.1K 734 384
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Jason's POV

Dizziness, nothing but pure and utter dizziness all throughout my head and body. I know it had to be the amount of alcohol I had consumed back at the club; but damn I never thought it would make me feel this buzzed and jittery all over. I cannot stay still more than a couple of seconds, my eyes can barely stay open, I keep sweating profusely, my hands keep shaking more than usual, and on top of everything I'm not understanding what is going on with me.

"You good, bro, you look a little weird?" I hear someone's voice from the side of me in the backseat of the car. "Huh?" I slowly turn to face the voice; my sight displaying double vision.

"Jason, I'm right here." I hear the snap of fingers bringing my attention, to whom seems like Za, speaking to me. "Oh." I try to widen my eyes, seeing now that I'm talking to my window.

"We are almost home, little brother." Alex slurs over his words, speeding and swerving in and out of traffic. Oh God, please get us get home safely. "Okay." I yawn loudly, as well as weirdly letting out a hiccup.

Then all of a sudden, I feel as if something is crawling on me, causing me to shoot forward in my seat! Its roaches, it has to be those damn roaches! Joel is forever bringing those nasty bugs from Christine's house... and they are crawling all over me.

I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt, swinging my door open and jumping out of the moving car. I being very intoxicated at the moment; I do not realize I'm trying to get these roaches off me in the middle of the street. In the distance I can hear people–my friends calling to me; however I'm too focused on getting these bugs off me.

I begin to tick uncontrollably, feeling the nasty roaches now make their way all over my neck and face! I'm not quite sure why they aren't getting off of me, if I'm shaking and hitting them away. It's like I keep hitting them away, but they keep coming back.

"Jason, get out the street dude, get out the street!" I hear someone yell to me, yet I don't listen. I'm too focus on getting these insects off of me. "Get out of the street, there are cars coming!" Someone else screams, yet again I do not listen.

The last thing I see are bright lights displaying all the roaches crawling over my body. The very last thing I hear, are loud honking horn sounds, and afraid shouts from the gang. And just like that, I feel the impact of me being taken down. Causing everything in my vision to become complete darkness.


I see brightness flashing against the closed lids of my eyes; along with hearing movement around me. I stay still in place, not being able to move my body whatsoever. My eyes stay closed, but my ears take in the sounds around me. I hear the sound of muffled voices, with the hint of sirens in the distance. I feel a shake to my body, though I still do not move, nor speak a sound.

"Jason, Jason are you alright?" I hear a faint voice to the side of me, followed by several more shakes to my body. "Jason, baby bro, wake up. Wake up, man, you are scaring all of us." I recognize this voice as Alex's.

"Do you want me to place my lips on his again?" That voice is definitely Cal's. "Hell to the fucking no! I don't want your lips on my brother, especially since he isn't gay! You'll scare the complete shit out of him!" Alex voice is quite loud in my ear, making me wince.

"Mmm." I groan, slowly fluttering my tired eyes open. "Oh thank goodness, Jason, you are okay." Cal throws his arms around me, hugging me warmly, as he rocks me back and forth.

"Jason!" I hear the rest of the guys respond in unison, huddling around me. "What is going on? Why is everyone yelling my name? What happened?" I dare to ask, sitting up quickly, but laying back down due to me feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. "Take it easy, man." Alex, slowly helps me up to a sitting position.

"Here, drink this." I am handed a cold water bottle from Za. "Shit! You guys, the cops are coming! We have to go, we have to go now!" Ryan speaks in a panic tone, with us guys drunkenly looking where he's pointing to.

Indeed, there is a cop car coming directly our way. I go to say something, but I'm quickly being picked up by my brother and Ryan, and thrown into the backseat of our truck. I'm still too drunk to understand what's going on, but I still try to get out the car to say hello to the officers.

"Jason, what hell are you doing?! Don't go trying to open up the fucking door, are you crazy?!" Ryan closes my door, as he frantically hits on the back of Alex's driver's seat. "Go Alex, hurry up, man!" Za shouts at Alex from the passenger seat, sounding extremely nervous as hell.

And just like that, we are speeding down the late night streets, trying to get away from the police car that's behind us. For some strange reason. We don't have anything illegal on us, so I don't understand why the guys are nervous. Well, I don't have anything illegal on me.

"Alex why are we driving away from the police car behind us?" I ask, almost sobered up, but still feeling woozy. "Hurry up, Alex! Hurry up, Alex!" Cal frantically taps his foot on the ground, biting his nails.

"I am, just shut up!" Alex hits the car steering will, still speeding down the road. "Pull over your vehicle. I repeat, pull over your vehicle" The cop speaks from a loud speaker; while  Alex doesn't listen at all.

"Okay, what the fuck is happening? Why in the hell are we running from the cops, Alex?!" I grow angry, just wanting answers–needing answers. "Damn it Jason, we have drugs all in this fucking car! Let's not forget we all are fucking drunk and high!" He looks at me through the rearview mirror, then back onto the road.

"High, what the fuck do you mean high? I'm not high, I'm just a little drun– AHHH! The roaches, the roaches are crawling on me again!" I yell out loudly, causing Alex to swerve the car due to my panic written screams. "Jason calm down, there's nothing on you. You are tripping out, you are just super high right now. Fuck, why did I lace that cake?" Ryan groans, trying to hold me down from getting out of the car.

"Hold his ass down, before he jumps out this car again! I won't be able to save him this time if he does. Please hold my brother down, we're headed towards the busy strip." Alex shoots orders to Cal and Ryan, who are at moment, really trying to hold me down. It's the roaches, it's the roaches I tell you!

"No, let me go. Please, my whole body is crawling with them." I slur my words, probably giving Ryan and Cal a heavy whiff of the alcohol remnants all over my breath. "Be still Jason, you are going to hurt yourself if we let you go." Cal really tries to talk this out with me, but I'm not hearing him.

"The roaches are all over me, they are crawling all over me. Please, please let me go, so I can get them off of me." I try to pry not only Cal's hands off of me, but I try to pry off Ryan's as well. "Damn, you are so fucking high. All those big ass cake slices you had, geez." Ryan grits, holding me tighter.

"Pull your car over!" The officer honks his horn, demanding us to pull over. "Fuck this shit!" I hear Ryan roll down his window, firing a couple of shots at the police officers car!

"NO! What are you doing?!" Cal and Alex both yell at once, watching as the cop's car spins in multiple circles, leaving us to drive off in super speed now. "What did you do?" I widen my eyes, still scratching my body all over.

"I fucking got rid of the problem!" Ryan brings his body back inside the car, rolling his window up. "You know we do not kill the innocent, and people who aren't threats anymore!" Alex roars, turning down a random block. Whoa, Ryan has never done anything like this before.

I begin to strip out of my clothing, still itching like crazy. No one pays me any mind; everyone is too focused on Alex yelling at Ryan for his bad choice of decision. I get to the waist band of my briefs, just about to take them off– nearly butt naked, but Cal's gasp startles not only me, but the others too. I stay in place, looking at Cal, looking at me.

"Jason is getting naked in here, you guys." I pop my mouth open, not believing he just snitched on me. "Christ, Jason! Put your clothes back on." Alex groans, turning down another street... our street to be exact.

"No, I'm too itchy." I refuse, whining as I stay sitting with my briefs and socks on. "Okay, whatever, then. But look here, we keep what happened between us five!" Alex looks to everyone, as he opens up the garage to the house. "Between us five? Where is Wyatt and the others?" I look behind our car, not seeing another truck there.

"They all headed home once we got to the parking lot of the strip club. They have been home, Jason. Whereas, we're just getting home, because of you jumping out of a moving car. You are welcome by the way, I saved you from getting hit." By the way he's talking, I can already tell he is irritated. "Well aren't they just lucky to already be home? I guess they weren't drugged by their so called friends and brother, huh?" As I say this, he pulls into the garage, and parks the truck.

I wait until the trucks ignition is fully off, before I storm–stumble out towards the garage door that leads to the house. I also didn't make an effort to put back on my clothes. I'm in my boxer briefs and socks, and I don't care if anyone sees me or not.

As I reach the door, I turn around to see Alex holding Ryan up by his neck, against the door of another car in the garage. He scolds him in a hushed manner, probably nothing but threats and curse words.

"Night you guys." I make a wave gesture, walking into the darkly lit house. Damn it Mal, it's too dark in here. "Wait, Jase, wait up." I hear Cal from behind me, as I make my way up to the staircase.

"What's up, man?" I look at him, waiting on him to speak. "I um, I just want to say I'm sorry. You know, about kissing you... and about the guys drugging you. I swear I didn't know, but I'm sorry anyway." He gives me a weak smile, shifting on his feet.

"Dude, it's all good. You helped me; you saw I was struggling to come to my senses. The senses I still don't really have right now," I begin to scratch my chest again; starting to feel things crawling on me. "Look Cal, I have to go. I'm feeling all weird and itchy." I quickly excuse myself, sprinting up the stairs.

I need to take a shower immediately, I hate feeling itchy. But I especially hate feeling as if I smell, and going to bed feeling that way. It's gross, and I don't like it. I pull my phone out of my pocket, looking down at the screen. I see 3:48 am appear on the screen, making my eyes widen a tad. Whoa, it's super late–or early in the morning.


I finish up my shower in about thirty minutes or so; taking my absolute time to scrub and get the grungy feeling off of myself. Before that though, I puked up the several rounds of alcohol beverages I consumed earlier, knowing that it's just the beginning of my coming hangover. I'm surprised Mal didn't hear me in here, seeing as she has really good hearing and all. Then again, she is passed out drunk in our bed. I smelled the alcohol lingering all throughout our room, when I stepped inside. But she still managed to smell like her Raspberry body wash.

I brush my teeth for the second time, making sure to get the remaining alcohol and cake off of my tongue. Not feeling satisfied enough, I go on and gargle down some of my and Mal's shared mouth wash. I hold the burning liquid in my mouth for about sixty seconds, going on and spitting it out in my sink.

"Ah." I poke my tongue out, fanning it with my hand. "Damn, that's that extra hot." I speak to to no one in particular, as I look back at myself in the mirror.

I simply look tired, and drained. I widen my red eyes a little bit, wincing as I feel a painful sensation on my head. I stare at the mirror closely, now seeing a red lump on the side of my head, just inches away from my temple. I lightly move my fingers over the red lump, not understanding how I gotten it. Hell, another thing for Mal to get upset at.

She wants my face to be cuts and bruises free on our wedding day. I don't blame her, I wouldn't want her to have any on her face as I recite my vows to her, also. It will be okay though, she'll still marry me. I know she will; she loves me way too much to let a couple of scratches and bruises keep us apart.

"I need some ice," I tilt my head to the side, getting a better look at the little knot. "I'm too lazy, so this cold water will do." Yawning loudly, I run a small towel under the cold water, placing it directly on top of the lump on my head.

While I focus on getting the red lump down on my head, I think about what happened earlier in the men's restroom at the strip club. I just cannot believe I thought they would be in there with me. In a strip club of all places; knowing there couldn't be any possibility of them being out yet. I guess memories are forever. I just wish most of them could be erased, and filled with good ones.

A light knock sounds against bathroom door, followed by Mal stumbling in. My attention is instantly brought to her, and her beautiful everything. She kisses my my arm, hugging me from behind.

"You smell so good." She buries her head into my back muscles, tightening her hands around my stomach. "You do too, way better than me." I murmur, clasping our hands together.

"No way, I still smell like wine. Even when I took a shower two hours ago, I still smell like it." Her giggle makes me smile, pulling her with me to our room. "Trust me, you do smell good. Your smell lingers around the bathroom, and in our room. Especially when the smell is all in your hair. Mmm, raspberry shampoo and conditioner." I bring her head closer to my nose, sniffling away at her scalp.

"Babe you're acting like a creep." She pulls me closer to her body, rubbing my back. "I know, but sorry... not sorry." Pulling away from her, I stare in her eyes sadly as can be. I notice she does the same.

"What's wrong? Did you not have a good time tonight?" She looks at me with curiosity, and a hint of concern. "I had a great time. The guys and I went out to eat first, then they took me skydiving out of a plane," she gasps as I say that, pulling me over to our bed. "We also went to the gun range, and shot targets and I had such a wonderful time there. Then we went to strip club, and I absolutely hated it." I speak my mind, looking at her face for a reaction. She didn't give me one, she just looks at me with her undivided attention.

I get up from our bed, slowly walking over to my drawer to find some underwear. I'm still wrapped in a towel, and I don't want her to get the wrong impression of me wanting some tonight. I mean I do, I just want to be fully sober for it. Plus, I'm still feeling queasy, and I wouldn't want to throw up all over her, as I'm thrusting in and out of her. I'm getting very off subject here.

I continue on searching for some comfortable underwear, finally deciding on a pair of white boxer briefs. I slip them on easily, making my way over to the bed. I so happened to look down at my hands, realizing I'm still holding my towel, so I throw it on Malarie's vanity chair.

"Are you better now?" She questions, as I get comfortable leaning against all of our pillows on the bed. "Yeah, I am. So, what did you do at your party?" I turn to face her, waiting for her response.

"We just drove around in a party bus, getting completely wasted. We had snacks on the bus, and stripping poles, but that was it." Mal gives me a weak smile, sighing lowly. "You don't sound like you had a good time." I state almost matter-of-factly.

"I did, it's just I feel–I feel bad." She gives me sorrowful eyes, scooting down to lay back on her pillow. I do the exact same, facing her. "It's funny you say that, because I feel bad too." I admit, receiving a nervous look from Mal.

"Did you have sex with someone?" She dares to ask, closing her eyes tightly, but opening them back up to look back at me. "No, definitely not. Did you have sex someone?" I hold my breath, balling up my fists behind me.

"No, I most certainly did not have sex with anyone tonight." She confirms, mentally causing me to release my breath, and unclench my balled up fist. "Well what did you do?" Raising my eyebrow, I curiously question her.

"What did you do first?" She ignores my question, asking me one. "I'm not saying anything, until you tell me first." I retort calmly, not wanting to jump to any conclusions. It may not be anything.

"No, I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to say it." Her response puts me on the edge a bit; especially since her face shows a hint of guilt. "Okay, how about we say what we have to say... at the exact same time?" I suggest, really wanting to know what she could have done... if she didn't have sex with someone.

"Okay, on three?" She looks me in the eyes, with me nodding. "Yeah, we can say what we need to, on three." I agree to this, clearing my throat to count down.

"One." I say, beginning to count. "Two." Mal continues our count down. "Three." We both say at once, then blurt out what we have to say.

"I kissed a man tonight on the party bus." Mal says at once. "I was kissed by a woman and Cal." I then blurt out, us both gasping at our confessions.

"I was also dancing on the strip pole wildly, and received a lap dance from a male stripper, and I flashed a crowd of people my breast as we drove past the strip in Vegas. It was a dare, and I now I'm feeling like a slut." Mal confesses to her doings tonight; the whole time not looking at me as she spoke the words from her mouth. "How many times did you kiss him?" Her kissing another man is all I got out all she said.

"Huh?" She looks up at me confused, her eyes displaying a watery look to them. "I said, how many times did you kiss the man that gave you a lap dance?" I speak my words slowly, truly trying to keep my cool. "Oh. I kissed him just once." She seems nervous; which she should. We agreed no kissing other people.

"Did you like it?" I test her, seeing if she's going to give me a smart remark. "No, his lips weren't soft and moisturized like yours. I only kissed him, because I was dared too." She gulps, twirling her pointer fingers around each other.

"So the flashing of your boobs, was a dare too? From the other women, am I right?" I question, wanting to get this right. "Yes it was." Her head hangs down lowly, almost as if she's ashamed of herself.

"So if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you? Or let's see; if they told you to have sex with the dude, would you?" My voice is sharp, and quick. She jumps in place, looking at me nervously.

"Of course not, I was just having fun. I was drunk–still am. I told him to stop grinding on me, he didn't listen. Now the kiss, I admit I did kiss him, but only to shut up everyone telling me to do it." She tried to defend herself, grabbing ahold of my hand. I throw it off my own, getting up to pace.

"You still kissed him." That's all I say, hearing a scoff from behind me. "Oh stop it Jason, you said you kissed a woman, and Cal kissed you. We both kissed people tonight." Her voice in uncaring, and attitude filled.

"Correction, Malarie, I said I was kissed by a woman and Cal. I never said I consented to the kiss. Meaning, I didn't want to kiss them. You are the one who cheated. A kiss in my book, is cheating!" I shout at her, pointing my finger at her with each word. "Oh for the love of all above, it was a freaking dare! I am sorry if me kissing one guy was so wrong. But please don't be hypocritical right now. We both know you've kissed by loads of women... and men in your lifetime." She childishly throws back my past in my face.

I almost lunged towards her... just to shake her out of spite. Although instead, I storm inside our bathroom to angrily splash water on my face. I need to cool down, I need to stay in control of myself. I'm not going to hit her, I'm not going to yell or curse her out. I'm just going to keep splashing this water on my face!

I am so very proud you Jason.

So you're just going to let her slide. She kissed another asshole. She cheated on you! She needs to be punished!

You both had your lips connected on someone–or in your case, two people. Let it go, shit happens.

I close my eyes tightly, wanting to ignore the three annoying ass voices in my head. I have been taking my medicine faithfully, but today I decided against it. Only because alcohol, drugs, and my meds do not mix well at all. I'm better off going without them, instead of me being on them while I'm intoxicated or under the influence.


I'm not sure how long I have been inside the bathroom, I just know I've taken a seat on the closed lid of the toilet, just thinking about a lot of stuff. Mal tried to come in about five times, but each time I turned her down, and shooed her out. By the fourth time, I knew to lock the door. She of course got mad and tapped on the door a bit louder and harder. I just ignored her, not wanting to talk at the moment.

"Jason." I hear Malarie's voice from outside the bathroom door, followed by her lightly tapping away. "I'm not in the mood right now, leave me alone." I tell her like it is, placing my head in my hands.

"Babe, I'm sorry, okay? Yes, I did kiss another man, and if you want me to call it cheating, I will. You can be mad at me all you want, but don't shut me out like this." She continues her light taps on the door, with me shaking my head in refusal. "I love you." She tries the 'I love you' tactic on me, knowing damn well I love her too.

Seeing as I'm not going to say anything, she sighs sadly, walking away. I could hear her footsteps, pad against the wood flooring. I sigh as well, knowing I'm stubborn as hell. Though she's a stubborn person, too. She has her moments when she wants to be big baby, and others when she wants to be in charge of things. I always say she's undiagnosed with Bipolar disorder like me. She just waves me off, and says I'm being silly.

When I think she's has left and gone to bed, I hear her footsteps come towards the door again. I shoot my head up, waiting on what she's going to say or do. My Bunny Rabbit has a little tempter of her own. I wait and see if she's going to bang and hit on the door like she did before, or if she's going to lightly tap and beg me to come out like she's tried as well. She doesn't do neither; a slip of folded notebook paper shoots from underneath the door instead.

I get up from the toilet, quietly walking towards the slip of folded notebook. I take a seat on the cold tile floor, unfolding it, to see what it said. It read:

I am really, really, really, really, sorry I was a major bitch earlier. :(

My frown that has been on my face since I've darted in here, lightly turns into a small closed mouth smile. I guess she figures I cannot respond back to her, so a blue pen rolls underneath the door, hitting the side of my foot. I sigh lowly, thinking of something to say back to her. I go on write back to her.

You aren't a bitch Malarie. You were just defensive because I was chewing out. :/

I quickly fold the piece of paper back the way she had it, slowly pushing it under the door. I guess she was quite eager, because she literally snatched it up before I could push it all the way underneath the door. I heard the notebook paper being opened, and the sound of her writing away against the wood flooring outside the door.

Then the paper is pushed halfway under the door, yet it's pulled back out, and I could here her writing more. And then the slip of paper is pushed back under the door towards me.

You had every right too. We both agreed not to kiss people, and I did. All because I didn't want to feel pressured anymore. I should've just stuck with my word, and said no to kissing him. I will understand if you don't want to marry me anymore. :( :( :(

I can tell the last portion of her writing was when she pulled it back under the door. I shake my head at her silliness, quickly scribbling down my response.

I am still marrying you silly ass!!! I wouldn't call off our wedding for a meaningless kiss. It was meaningless right? My kiss between the stripper and Cal was definitely meaningless.

I hurry and push the paper under the door, scooting closer to the door. I hear a giggle, and give the door three knocks. I mimic her, and give the door three knocks too. The paper is then slid back under the door, hitting my foot once again.

It was very much meaningless. I swear on all of my life that it was. You know I never swear on anything, Jason. I'm happy your kisses didn't mean anything to you also. I love you, and I want you to come out already. I want a hug, and I want a kiss, because I'm feeling jealous about you kissing Cal. :/

I chuckle at her words, deeply rolling my eyes about the Cal situation. I did not ask to be kissed by him, and to be completely honest I want to forget about it. It's weird, and it's not something I would share with others.

I stand up to my feet, slowly unlocking and opening up the door to see Mal sitting on the floor crossed legged. Aww, she looks like a cute little girl in preschool, waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson. She looks up to me with big puppy dog eyes, with her bottom lip pocking out. Damn, that right there, that's why I'm always forgiving this girl.

"Come here." I use my pointer finger, motioning her to come to me. She complies, standing up and walking over to me. "I'm here." She stares up at me, looking like sad.

"There's no need to be sad about what happened tonight, okay?" We share an intense gaze, with her nodding to my question. "There is also no need to be jealous of Cal. He kissed me, because I was having a nervous meltdown in the men's bathroom. Don't ask me why, because you already know I'm not ready to talk about it. One day I'll share what happened to me in prison... and in the asylum, but as of right now... I'm not ready. Let's just say by Cal placing his lips on mine, he helped me come to my senses." I tell her all that I want to tell, knowing she's a little disappointment in my lack of explaining myself.

"I'm okay with that. Whenever you would like to tell me, or just want me to listen to what you have to say, just let me know. But babe, please don't wait too long. I'm an impatient girl, you know." She squints her eyes, rubbing her hand over my lump on my head. She start to talk, yet I beat her to it. "I somehow hurt my head." I shrug, not knowing myself.

She nods unsurely, as if she doesn't believe me. I needing to do so, I lift up her chin, placing a tender kiss upon her lips. She's taken back at first, though she kisses me back with the same amount of passion as I have.

"You are forgiven, but don't go kissing other men on the lips, except me... and our sons. Do you have that, Malarie?" I hold her face back, so she could see my warning face. "I understand, Jason. I'm sorry, and I love you." She hugs me tightly, kissing my bare chest.

"I love you too, potato ankles." I peck the side of her head, leading us out of the bathroom and into our room. "I'm going to act like I didn't hear you call me that." She chuckles, throwing back the blanket on the bed.

"But I did." I turn off the main light in our room, hopping into our bed. "You are so freaking weird... but I love it. I couldn't imagine you without your horribly weird nicknames." She yawns, snuggling up to me.

"Yeah, that's just one of my traits I just can't shake it if I wanted to. Get some rest, Apple Worm." I rub her back, hearing her gasp. "You just called me Apple Worm! As ugly and stupid the name is, I actually missed it. Aww my babe, goodnight, love." She kisses my lips with the sound effect at the end, closing her eyes.

"Goodnight, future Mrs. McCann in a week," I look at her smiling bright as can be. "Oh how lucky I am to have someone like you. Thank you so much, God, for placing this amazing girl in my life." I whisper to myself, and then I'm too closing my eyes in tiredness.


- I apologize for the delay, but Chapter 46 has now come to an ending! Nope, there wasn't going to be any drama. It's not needed... yet.

- Thank you for reading, you all are amazing!

- Alexis -

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