Stitch By Stitch || Haikyuu!!

By himitsumints

246K 8.7K 12.3K

"And maybe this is proof that even if you think you'll be stuck in the dark forever, there will always be som... More

Stitch by Stitch
end note.
just a little update ;^^


3.5K 187 657
By himitsumints

rip, free time doesn't seem to come easily anymore >^<

Third person

Wow... I've never been to one of these before...

That was the first thought that entered Cosette's head when she followed Kenma inside the ballroom.

It's beautiful.

The music had just started, and Kuroo spotted them easily.

"Hey, you two! Kenma, Konimi!"

The two second-years turned.

" you have to show up as soon as we arrive?" Kenma sighed, faking irritation.

"Ouch," Kuroo said, though he was grinning. "Sorry if I was interrupting your alone time."

" really don't sound sorry at all."

"Just returning the favor~~"

"Etto... it's alright, I don't mind," Cosette said after a moment, causing both of them to look at her in surprise.

"You... don't?" Kenma blinked.

"Are you okay?" Kuroo peered at her.

"...why are you acting like it's the most unusual thing you've heard?"

"I thought you still hated me."

"And I thought I made it clear to you yesterday that I don't."

"So! Can I call you by your first na---"

"Zettai ni. I already said no," Cosette narrowed her eyes.

Kenma looked amusedly at both of them, shaking his head.

"Haah, you seriously scare me sometimes," Kuroo sighed, then let out a rare, genuine smile, "but I won't deny that you look great tonight."

The blonde's expression softened considerably. "...thank you."

Kuroo leaned against the wall. "Anyway, what took you so long? You got here pretty late."

"...we got lost," Kenma said monotonously.


"He said we got lost," Cosette repeated. "This place isn't easy to find, you know?"

Many people were already dancing in the middle of the room, but Cosette recognized nobody there.

"With that said... did Sei---I mean, Onishi-san come?" she said, directing the question at the third-year.

"I don't think so, no," he shrugged. "Honestly, I'm a little disappointed she turned out to be such a---"

"Kuro, if you're going to curse, I'd rather you don't," Kenma interrupted.


"I think she's just confused," Cosette said after a while. "I don't know whether she's really a good person or if she isn't, but, if Naomi is right... she's just way too jealous for her own good."

"Well, in any case, I expected better of her," Kuroo shrugged, just as the music stopped.

A specific redhead appeared on stage, and Kuroo, Kenma, and Cosette looked at each other.

Speak of the devil.

"Nani nani? What's going on?"

"The music just stopped..."

"Look! There's someone on stage."

"It's two people!"

"What are they doing?"

"Ano... forgive us for interrupting your night," she spoke into the microphone. "This is Onishi Seira, third year class 5."

"And I'm Honda Ayame, third year class 4!"

"We would like to perform a little number, directing it at a few people we'd like to apologize to."

"Well, mainly you, Seira-tan," Ayame added, grinning.

"...shut up."

The music started, and Cosette immediately recognized it as an English song.

"So glad you made the time to see me
How's life tell me how's your family
I haven't seen them in a while ..."

"She's... really apologizing..." Kenma muttered under her breath, shock clear in his tone of voice.

"Naomi must have gotten through to her..."

"So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you
Saying I'm sorry
For that night
And I'd go back to December all the time ..."

"... Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had
When you were mine
And I'd go back to December
Turn around and make it all right
I'd go back to December all the time ..."

"... How you held me in your arms
That September night.
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if you loved again I swear I'd love you back
I'd go back in time and change it
But I can't
So if the chain is on your door I understand ..."

"... So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you
Saying I'm sorry
For that night
And I'd go back to December ..."

"... Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had
When you were mine
And I'd go back to December
Turn around and make it all right ..."

"... I'd go back to December
Turn around and change my own mind
Yeah I'd go back to December all the time."

"They make a good enough duo," Cosette commented quietly, though out ouf the corner of his eye, Kenma could see a small smile on her face.

"Cosette-tan, Naomi-tan, Kuroo-kun, Yakkun, and Kenma-kun," Ayame said after the song ended, "this song was dedicated towards all of you."

"Naomi, you were right, I was acting a bit too rash, especially towards Cosette. I'd like to apologize for that, and for causing any trouble for Kenma or Yaku. And..." Seira took in a deep breath, her eyes meeting Kuroo's. "Kuroo Tetsurou---I'm sorry for everything. You still mean a lot to me, but if you choose not to accept my apology, I can understand that."

"That's all~! Thank you all for your cooperation, and we once again apologize for interrupting the night! Yosh, DJs! Turn the music up~!" Ayame grinned, then dragged her friend off the stage.

The music started once more, and everyone's attention turned to dancing.

"I can't believe she apologized," Cosette shook her head.

"Sou," Kenma agreed

"Iie," Kuroo said, directing the second-years' attention to him. "I was expecting her to do it sooner or later. Not in that way, but..."

"You were?"

"I got a note in my locker yesterday, it was a simple sticky note, and the only word written was, 'sorry', accompanied with her name."

"I see..." Kenma and Cosette glanced at each other.

Naomi's words must have really hit her.

"Anyway, Kenma, what the heck are you waiting for?" Kuroo turned his head to a certain pudding-head.


Idiot. Ask her to dance!

Kenma blinked, taken aback by Kuroo's intense glare.

So soon...?

"What did you come here for, then?!" Kuroo cried, pushing his best friend towards Cosette.

She may have feelings for Yaku, but that gives Kenma no right to stop trying, especially if he doesn't really know.

"Um?" Cosette glanced, from Kuroo to Kenma, frowning in concern as the latter was pushed forward and showed signs of struggling to straighten himself.

"Mata ne," Kuroo said, walking off and waving over his shoulder.

"Um, Kenma...?"

"Sorry... about that..." he said sheepishly. "He was acting weird."

"Acting weird?"

Kenma sighed, holding out his hand as a slow song began to play. "...may I have this first dance with you?"

Cosette's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

Kenma... never really stops surprising me. I guess that's because there's a lot I don't know about him.

"Gladly," she said finally, taking his hand with a smile. "Arigato."


"Ano... Kenma, is it alright if I go out for a minute?" she said, leaning in to whisper in his ear due to the loud music. "I just want some fresh air. I'll come back in a while."

"Okay. Kuro messaged me, anyway. He wanted to talk to me."

With that, the two temporarily parted ways.

I haven't seen either Morisuke or Naomi this evening, yet... they left before Kenma and I did.

She sighed, heading towards the door to the balcony, then stopped, seeing the two people she was just thinking about.

Her heart twisted, and yet, even if she didn't want to see the two of them together, she could not move.

Being away from the speakers made it easier for her to hear their conversation, and although she was unwilling to listen in, she did, anyway.

"It's weird, how much two years can change," Naomi said, resting her chin in her hand.

Yaku let out a hum in reply, his gaze fixed on the stars.

"I'm really sorry, you know? About the accident... and the fact that I had to leave you after that..."


"And I guess I forgive you. It hurt, especially since I needed my best friend then, you know?" he smiled ruefully. "It was the final blow, knowing you were moving the day right after the funeral."

"I-I had no choice, my dad---"

"Yeah. I know." his attention turned to her, and Cosette caught a somewhat sad, nostalgic expression on his face.

"What made it harder was the fact that I... back then, I..." he let out a soft laugh, "I actually really liked you."

Cosette let out a small gasp.

No way... he...

"R-really?!" Naomi's eyes widened considerably.

"Yeah, it's crazy."

"That's... wow," she laughed quietly.

"I know you said you like me... and..."

"Wait, I'll correct that---I probably don't just like you, Morisuke. I... at this point, I'm... pretty much in love with you. But I guess you haven't noticed all this time, huh?"

Cosette bit her lip, finally stepping away from the balcony.

I can't... listen to this. And, there's one thing I don't understand. If he liked her, then why did he... try to kiss me? Why did he have to say all of that, if his feelings were for Naomi, and not me? Why did I fall for it?

She shut her eyes and inhaled deeply.

I told her I'd support her, she thought. But... no... I can't. I can't do this.

Seeing them together like this clawed at her heart. She was never supposed to fall for him, but she did anyway. Despite her promise, despite the fact that she knew it was a big risk, despite it all...

She had come to fall for Yaku Morisuke.

She hated the fact that she liked him, and she hated the fact that her best friend liked him too.

I'm not going to lose Naomi for a guy, even if it is Morisuke... but it hurts, it hurts so much.

Shakily taking out her phone, she messaged Naomi the only thing she could think of.

To: Naomi
Subject: n/a

I'm sorry. I couldn't keep our promise.

Naomi was quick to recieve it, and her eyes widened slightly, but then softened.

Cosette-chan... I always knew you wouldn't be able to keep it. You were already too far in deep.

Turning towards the door, she caught sight of familliar multi-colored hair.

She heard! But based on her reaction, she didn't hear the first few words I had said to Mori-kun. That idiot...

"Cosette-chan!" she cried, calling her attention.

But although Cosette heard her friend's voice, she didn't turn.

"Gomen ne, Naomi," she whispered to herself. And, turning around abruptly, she made to run towards the exit door.

"Wha---Cosette! Matte!"

This time it was Yaku who spoke, and he grabbed her wrist, preventing her from leaving.

"Hanashite kudasai..." she said quietly, "please let go of me."

"Cosette, did you... hear...?"

The blonde looked at Yaku, hurt seen clearly in her eyes, and nodded helplessly.

"Iie," Naomi said, stepping forward. "She didn't hear everything."


"It's okay," she smiled sadly at her friend. "I always knew."

And I already lost... so it's not your place to give up.

"I'll leave you two," the ravenette said, silently slipping past them.

Yaku's grip on her wrist softened as a blanket of silence covered the two, and Cosette pulled away, averting her gaze.

Neither one moved, and, unlike their previous comfortable silences, this one was anything but comfortable.

Things have changed, haven't they?

"Ano... Cosette---" Yaku began, touchung her shoulder to get her attention, but she shrugged him off.

"Hidoi... hidoi ne..." she whispered, "You're so cruel, Morisuke."


"How... can you do that?"

"Cosette, look, I---"

"Is it so easy for you to pretend like nothing had happened? And then you say that... you like Naomi..."

"Listen, I... I don't, okay? I don't like Naomi in that way!"


"I told her before all that happened," he said, turning her around to face him. "She's the one who confessed, but I... turned her down."

Cosette frowned. "You... what?"

"That was in the past. I liked her, but... I gave up soon after she moved to America."


"And what happened that night..." he sighed. "I'm sorry. I did it without thinking, and if you don't want to remember that, it's fine, I---"

"You idiot," she mumbled, looking away. "I don't want you to forget it. Did you hear nothing I said earlier?"

Yaku blinked. "I thought..."

"The reason I was avoiding you was not because I was upset you tried to do that. But I guess, if it meant so little to you, then sure, let's just forget it happened." Cosette turned around. "If all you're going to do is pretend nothing happened, then I---"

"If that's the case, I'm not going to leave you without trying again," he cut her off, pulling her closer to him. And before she could react, he pressed his lips to hers.


Cosette felt her eyes widen the minute he kissed her.

This... can't be happening... is he really...?!

She had no idea how to react. She felt so numb that she couldn't move, and she seemed to be unable to think straight.

Of everything that had happened today... I... can't believe it...

Pulling away, Yaku looked at her with a small, sheepish smile, his cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink. "Are you... still mad at me?"

Cosette opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it and looked away.

"I don't know," she whispered quietly, stepping back.


"I'm sorry, I just... I need time to think over everything..."

"In any case," Yaku sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "if that wasn't clear enough, I'll say it."

"Say wh---"

"Daisuki da yo," he cut her off, locking eyes with her. "For a while now, I've... really liked you."

"...oh," was the only word that escaped from her lips, before she lowered her head.

It's true that I like him... but... is this... real? Do I really want this, after all?

"Gomen ne," she added, biting her lip as she turned away. "I... can't. It's complicated, and I just... please give me some time."

With that, she made for the exit door of the ballroom, not bothering to look back even when he called out her name.

Damn... was that another mistake? Yaku clenched his fists, staring after her retreating figure. She's so hard to read!


Cosette closed the door behind her and leaned against the wall, sinking down to the floor.

The hell is wrong with you, Cosette? She thought, drawing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on them. Why... did you let your doubt get the better of you? You like him and he likes you back. Couldn't it be more simple?

"I thought I saw you run out the room," a familliar soft-spoken voice said.

Cosette flinched slightly and looked up to see a certain pudding-haired second-year holding out his hand.

Taking it, she stood up, unsure of what to say. And, with all her thoughts and emotions in a jumble, she merely pulled him into a tight hug, crying quietly into his shoulder.

"Tonight will likely be a difficult night for her, Kenma. I want you to do everything you can to comfort her---because unlike before, Yaku will not be able to do that."

Kuroo's words filled his head, and Kenma bit his lip, wondering what to say.

"It's Yaku-san, isn't it?" he said finally, wrapping his own arms around her and resting his chin on her head.

" were there, weren't you?" she said, her voice muffled. "You saw..."

"...more or less, yeah."

There was a short silence.

It was inevitable, Kenma thought with a small sigh, stroking her hair. They were always really close, anyway.

"Cosette, you... you like him, don't you?"

He hated himself for asking.



"...yeah. I do."

...what am I doing? Rubbing salt into my own wound... Kenma closed his eyes for a moment.

"I don't want to... but... I do..." her voice trailed off.

And Kenma was prepared to hear her say it, but it still sliced through him.

There's nothing I can do about it. I already knew, from the very beginning, that I'd lost. All that's left to do is simply support her and Yaku-san.

"I see," he replied softly, betraying no sign of the pain he felt.

I didn't want to have to hide it from her for this long, but... confessing right now would... probably make her feel even worse.

"But I... don't know what to do," she shut her eyes, clutching Kenma even tighter. "I like him, but I'm... scared..."

"What are you scared of...?" he forced his voice to be gentle and reassuring as he tried his best to ignore the slight aching in his heart.

Give it up, Kenma. Her happiness is more important that yours.

"...getting left behind."

Cosette pulled away, wiping stray tears with the back of her hand.

"I... it's just that, anyone I've ever cared about this much... ends up getting taken away from me, and I don't want a repeat of that."

"Yaku-san... wouldn't do that."

"How are you so sure?" she frowned. "I get that he's taken care of me until now, but..."

"He wouldn't," Kenma repeated, "because he knows what it's like to get left behind."

"If you're talking about Naomi---"

"It's not just that. I haven't known him as long as Naomi has, but..." his voice trailed off, his eyes meeting Cosette's. "Have you ever seen his father around?"

"Eh...? No, I..."

"Back when he was younger, and Haru-chan was just a year old, his father and mother fought a lot. He was often mean to him, and one day, he just decided to take leave. He left the house with already no attention of coming back, but... within a few days, it had been brought to their attention that he had died in a car crash."

"And right after that, Naomi moved away..." Cosette finished in a whisper.

"I've just experienced it before. Nobody deserves to be treated like that."

That's... right... he's mentioned something like that before...

"Like I said, it would be very unlikely for him to leave you," Kenma said, and, taking her hand into his, he gave her a small smile he hoped looked genuine enough. "Believe in him."

"I... guess so..." Cosette averted her gaze.

"...and smile for me, okay?" he lifted up her chin, making her look back at him. "I won't forgive you if you don't."

Because more than anything, that's all I want to see. Even if it's not with me, as long as you're happy, I... can deal.


um hi that was long(er than the last one)... 😅

and sorry for this being a late update as well---i thought i'd have more free time with it being summer vacation, but i guess not ://

(seriously, why are holidays somehow hectic, too?!)

I'm trying tho, so, pls bare w me >^<

anyway, dedication goes out to KhristynZoeBas for her lovely support on not only this book, but actually all of my works so far. i really appreciate you for that, so this is a big thanks ❤❤

will try to keep up with the updates, but free time isn't coming easily, so </3


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