Another Bad Blind Date [SPINO...

By ravsisrekt

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{SPINOFF/SEQUEL to The Bad Blind Date} Jungkook and Y/N fell in love and got their happy-ever-after. But what... More

Chapter 1: Stay Away
Chapter 2: she wasn't you.
Chapter 3: I'm Back!
Chapter 4: She's Nothing
Chapter 5: I Made Her Cry?
Chapter 6: That's Your Friend's Girl...
Chapter 7: Shawn Go, Go Fuck Off.
Chapter 8: You Like Him?
Chapter 9: I Like Iris
Chapter 10: Bye Shawn...
Chapter 11: I Miss You
Chapter 12: Of Course I'm Jealous!
Chapter 13: Frickle Frackle?
Chapter 14: I love you too Race.
Chapter 15: Pull Out Game Strong
Chapter 16: Surprise Present
Chapter 17: Best Present Ever
Chapter 18: Fuck You Jimin
Chapter 19: Korean Fight Club
Chapter 20: We'll Find Him
Chapter 21: My Future Daughter-in-law
Chapter 22: Pretty Boy and Gangs?
Chapter 24: A Break?
Chapter 26: I Do Know Where He Is
Chapter 27: Way Too Easy
Chapter 28: Be Here With Me
Chapter 29: Aftermath
Chapter 30: Rainbow Drink
Chapter 31: Let's Get You Home Safe
Chapter 32: No Touching
Chapter 34: it was worth the wait.
Chapter 35: Baby Girl
Chapter 36: Love
Chapter 37: Please Marry Me.
Chapter 38: Hoseok's Wedding
Chapter 39: WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE YOU?
Chapter 40: Family
Epilogue: The List
Prologue: She's not my type
One Shot: Jin & Faera
One Shot: Taehyung & Serina
One Shot: Jimin, Shawn, & Kai
One Shot: Kylie & Huli
One Shot: Hoseok & Freeda
One Shot: Jungkook, Y/N, & Senko
One Shot: Namjoon
One Shot: The Children

Chapter 23: Dares

37.2K 1.5K 3.6K
By ravsisrekt

"Kai?" Shawn mumbled in his sleep, snuggling into the pillow underneath him as he slowly found consciousness. He smiled slightly in his sleep when hearing a soft voice call out for him.

Tired and aching eyes fluttering open to meet a familiar face he had been seeing for the past few days ever since he woke up from the induced-coma, Shawn smiled lightly when seeing the brunette before him. His heart however sunk when realizing that he wasn't with Kai but with Kylie in a closed off medical-friendly room.

"How long was I out for now?" he asked, his voice cracking near the end since it was still so hard to form sentencing after waking up a few days ago..

"This night you slept for 6 hours without waking up terrified," the woman sang out irritably, "good for you."

"I'm sorry my nightmares inconvenience you," he spat, moving slightly underneath the blanket. He tried not to wince when he moved his once broken leg, the strain on his muscles agonizing. No wonder they had me in a coma for this painful shit...

"I've been trying to leave for months and when I finally got my out, they brought you here," she grumbled, laying down next to him. They had been forced to share the bed since the start, Kylie was stuck to taking care of him and making sure he didn't die. She was happy he woke up and was alive, but hated it almost every time he opened his mouth to talk. Can he just fall back into that coma again?

"What were you doing again?" Shawn piped, trying not to groan when he moved his stiff knee.

"I was studying to be a doctor," she mumbled, annoyed that she was stuck here, "that was before they pulled me into this mess."

"Well consider yourself a graduate," Shawn piped out, "you saved my life."

"I did," she let out smug, grinning to herself.

"We'll get outta here," Shawn said under his breath, jaw clenching from swearing when he moved his body to sit up.

"I might," she said slowly, still laying down, "but you probably won't Shawn."

His brows furrowed deeply at that. "Why would you say that?" he asked completely confused over her negative attitude towards the idea of his freedom.

About to spill the beans on what Gri and Huli were up to, Kylie thought of Kai and Shawn's life. Gri and Huli now knew everything possible about the boy and she knew they'd use it as leverage against him. They knew everything.

"Because you're here to fight now," a voice lowly let out, breaking the silence between Kylie and Shawn when the door opened up from the outside.

Shawn's eyes narrowed when spotting Gri. Gri, being the man who beat him to almost death, Shawn would recognize him as the one who stole his jacket and his smokes. Huli followed after Gri into the room. Shawn rolled his eyes at the sight of Huli. The man didn't make him as angry compared to Gri. The very presence of Gri made Shawn uncomfortable.

"Hi hi pretty boy," Gri sang out, flicking at his tongue near the end of his greeting.

"Suck a dick," Shawn piped, struggling in standing up. Kylie helped him slowly as she got up too and he thanked her. He was so grateful to have her around for the past few days. The fact that she actually managed to put his bones back together again was almost a miracle in Shawn's eyes.

"Don't roll that way," the man piped before tossing over the ring's container over to Shawn. Shawn caught it, his eyes hardened immediately when knowing it was the ring.

"Where the fuck did you get this?" Shawn spat, anger and concern filling his insides. "I swear if you hurt anyone I-"

"Oh hush," Gri spat back, "we haven't hurt anyone."

"Yet," Huli piped, grinning as he stood by his friend.

"Don't go near her," Shawn said slowly, his knuckles going white around the velvet holding of the ring.

"Who?" Huli popped amused, towing around with Shawn who saw right through the bullshit.

"Ohhhh," Gri sang out, grinning himself, "you mean Kai?"

Shawn's jaw flexed.

"We won't go near her, we promise," Huli popped, leaning off the wall and walking over to a tense Shawn, "we won't touch her as long as you follow everything we say."

Shawn's eyes narrowed.


Yoongi's eyes narrowed when he spotted a bruising scratch mark on the back of Iris's shoulder blade when she slipped on her shirt. Having his head rest under his hand as he still lay sprawled on her bed, he watched her get ready, eyes softening at her still so bright and bubbly.

He however was still shaken up over the incident at the ice cream shop about 2 weeks ago. Iris had reassured him that she was alright and that she understood...but he couldn't get the image of fans attacked both him and her when they tried to leave the place. Nasty attempts at bringing both of them down was taken, people were shouting, people were clawing, people were hating. Yoongi didn't know how to handle it in that moment, he remembered just wanting to get Iris in the car safely and past the screaming heard of people. None of it worked however and he couldn't get over how scared and sad he felt after. They hurt Iris, they all hurt her...whether it was with their words or accidentally gripping her too hard when she tried to rush away. They hurt her.

"Stay," Yoongi said softly, wanting to grab the woman and simply hold her in his arms for longer.

Iris smiled over at him as she put on her socks, wobbling a bit, her clumsy self giggled as she almost fell. "No, I've got classes remember?" she chimed, grinning before grabbing at her bag that lay at her computer desk. "And you've got to get back to the building and work," Iris scolded, knowing Yoongi was falling behind on his work ever since the incident.

"You sure you'll be alright at school now that everyone knows?" he asked worried. He knew she was being tormented at school but didn't force her to spill out and tell him. He didn't want her to be messed by anyone, but he knew that no matter how many times he tried to tweet out or make videos, there was always going to be those small number of fans that wouldn't ever budge and simply be happy for him and Iris.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she teased before leaning over and pecking his lips.

He held the back of her neck in attempts to have her continue kissing him but she simply whined, pulling away. He smiled, still upset and she could see.

Biting down at her lower lip, she pecked his cheek before moving to the bedroom door. "Get up and ready okay? We've got to go to the clinic today," she cutely reminded.

Yoongi smiled, nodding as he watched her leave. The clinic, right, we'll find out if we're having a baby today.

Yoongi smiled to himself, his heart fluttering at the very idea of a little Iris running around.


Shawn's jaw clenched when he was shoved into the the middle of the roaring crowd. Looking over at Huli take off his sweater, freeing his bold arms, Shawn tensed further when there was another shove behind him. It was Gri. "There are people here that have put a lot of money on you kid," he muttered, "now show all of us what you're truly capable of."

"Fuck you," Shawn spat, irritated that he was stuck in such a place to begin with. He just wanted to go back home. He wanted to go back to Kai...

"This is your life kid," the man sighed out, "it always has been since high school. You have these urges that you can't fight forever."

"I can," Shawn said slowly, the crowd getting louder, "I can fight against them. You know why? Cause I have something to live for, I have a fucking family you fucktard."

"Hush up on the language or I'll knock your teeth in," Gri growled, pushing Shawn into the crowd.

Shawn grinned, stumbling back. "You've been asking me why I didn't swing at you back that night right?" Shawn piped, amused.

"I already know why," Gri said through his clenched teeth, hating Shawn's cocky persona. It's as if the boy wanted to get beat black and blue again...

"I'm a mess," Shawn admitted, smile faltering as anger consumed him immediately, "I was a hurting mess that night and needed to compensate emotional hurt with physical harm instead. I'm an idiot, I know. I know I am. I was selfish and didn't think of what would have happened if I died that night from not fighting back."

"Your child would have no father," Gri chimed grinning, "he still won't have a Dad. You're never going home, I know it."

Shawn's jaw clenched as he looked over at Huli who taunted him with his eyes, urging for to come at him and showcase his potential. "I'll simply let him beat me again, I'm strong enough to move past this life," Shawn said through clenched teeth, looking over at all the people who were eyeing him with challenged gazes. They all wanted to see where exactly he fit into this underground team. I'm done with this life. I have been done for years now...

"You go all in or we've got your baby mama on lock," Gri piped grinning hugely.

Shawn's eyes softened immediately at that, he is arms falling limp.

"Kaiiiiii," someone sang out from the crowd, laughter roared from the the pits of people as everyone started to sing out her name. Mocking and threatening the man with their facial expressions changing every moment.

Shawn's stomach fell to his guts, upper lip twitching as he eyed the ground. Gri grinned hugely at the man getting angry. "If you don't beat Huli until he bleeds, Kai and her pretty pregnant self will be pulling into this mess quicker than you can punch."

"I swear if you fucking touch her-"

"We've beat pregnant women before," Gri grinned, shuffling his body weight from one leg to the other, "we'll have extra fun doing it to your little wife."

Shawn lost it at that. Hands gripping over the amused man's shirt, Shawn's eyes glazed over red as he let his inner anger spill past all mindset. "Lay a hand on her and I swear I will rip your guts out with my fucking teeth," he growled, eyes staring into Gri's, "I won't hesitate."

"Maybe I'll get your idol pal to fuck her first before beating the shit out of her," Gri popped, laughing when Shawn's eyes darkened further. The boy was shaking with rage.

"You want a fight?" Shawn spat, tossing the man towards the direction of Huli, "both of you, come at me fuckers."

Gri grinned over at Huli who fisted bumped the side of each other's hands. Shawn's chest rose and fell with annoyance as he stood before the two, glancing over at the crowd of people who started cheering.

Shawn grinned evilly as he stretched out his fingers, his once broken one still numb and twitching uncomfortably. "Now choose boys," Shawn sang out, stretching out his once broken leg, his knee cap popping out a huge crack as he limped a bit over to the center of the circle, "would you want the easy way? Or the hard way?"

Gri was weirdly proud when seeing the anger in the man's face when asking that.

Huli responded for the both of them, eyes teasing a raging Shawn. "The hard way kid," he popped out, mimicking Shawn's pick week's back.

"I'm sorry if I end up killing you," Shawn spat, moving towards them swiftly, "it's just the moment you dare talk about Kai the way you just did, wife or not, the mother of my baby or not, the love of my life or not...she's a fucking human being."

"So you're going to kill us because we talked about her disrespectfully?" Gri asked, chuckling out loud when every seemed to be highly amused.

Shawn's jaw clenched. "Yeah bud, I am. I've got a major issue when it comes to people disrespecting someone that low. Especially women, they've been through enough already don't you think?"

"Kai hasn't been through anything yet," Huli piped laughing, "after we're done with her she'll know what it means to be a worthless cunt."

Shawn's jaw clenched harshly at that. "Shut the fuck up and have some dignity you assholes," he snapped, hating that these low-lives had no respect when it came to the very thought of women as equals.

"I'll fuck her, then Gri will fuck her," Huli sang out, squaring up, "then we'll call Jimin to fuck her- that was his name right? Jimin?"

Shawn grinned at them trying to rile him up. Although it was working, he studied their stances, picking out the flaws that he could use to his injured advantage when finally brawling.

"Kill us," Gri piped, grinning, "we dare you kid."


"I dare you," Freeda challenged, her voice soft.

Hoseok swallowed harshly when staring over at the woman who stood by the opened door. Grinning like a nervous idiot, he swallowed harshly when remembering the afternoon he had with her in her bedroom.

At first he was completely into it, the moment he had started kissing her and reciprocating back, both fit well and great together. But as soon as they were finished and she tried to get closer to him and cuddle, he was a nervous puppy wishing for Kai to come home to their shared apartment so he couldn't pop away. He just didn't know what to say around her without coming off as an unconfident moron.

"I can't," he said, nervously chuckling as he tried to fix up his jacket that wasn't completely on him just yet. He knew he looked like he just had sex, trying to maintain his exterior and appearance, Hoseok struggled with his hair for the longest time. The fact that she called it "cute sex hair" simply made him want to laugh nervously off a cliff.

"Why not?" she popped out, moving her bare leg out from the threshold. It was almost a threat for her to come closer to him and Hoseok swallowed as he took a step back, fixing his jacket.

"'Cause Kai might be coming y'know, and I should get back to the building," he explained, looking over at her in just a robe. He found his palms to sweat when she moved closer to him, her fingers gripping at the ends of his jacket as she arched her head up.

"I dare you to kiss me," she said softly, eyeing down at his lips in awe.

Freeda found it cute that he was so awkward around her, but at the same time, she wanted him to take control at points. All she remembered was their time together and how hot it was when the sweet and caring Hobi would turn hungry and animalistic so quick.

Hoseok pursed his lips slowly, trying not to let his fascination of the shape of her lips get to him, he gulped down air again.

"Go on," she said softly, eyes staring innocently at his.

He nodded, slowly leaning in to kiss the woman goodbye.


"And yeahh," Shawn laughed out, grunting as he kicked the man that tried to get up from the ground. Smile faltering when his knee buckled, Shawn cursed out loud, hoping on one foot for a moment as he tried to painfully pop his knee back into place. Grabbing onto the shirt of an insanely big guy, Shawn grinned over nervously at the man that looked at him hard.

"Hello," Shawn said, tasting blood in his mouth from the time he had been punched about ten minutes ago. Shawn moved his hand over the front of the man's shirt, pretending to tighten an imaginary tie, "good day sir," Shawn chimed, laughing dorkily in attempts to have the man laugh.

The man didn't even crack a smile so Shawn simply hopped off of him, upper lip twitching as he tried not to swear loudly when his knee popped back into place. "MOTHER SHIT!" Shawn growled out, heaving in a long breath of air before he wiped at the blood that trailed at the side of his mouth. Some wounds from before had opened up, but not much had been done to Shawn as the one's in deep trouble were the one's crawling on the floor, trying to get up again.

Shawn watched as Huli got up, moving to tackle the man, Shawn roared in anger as he went to punch over and over at the man's face. Not feeling his own injured hand starting to have the same bones shatter again as he went ape-shit on the man below him, Shawn groaned when being pushed off the man by another body diving for him. Being punched repeatedly, Shawn yelled out, having enough of the shit before he managed to push Gri off of him and lunge forward with his good knee, having it smash into Gri's stomach as he spat out blood and tried to breath desperately for air. Watching the two lifelessly lay on the ground, Shawn's anger slowly diminished, eyes softening when seeing what he had just did to the two.

The crowd instantly started roaring his name while he panicked and moved to each of the men and their necks, checking for a pulse and or a sign of them breathing.

"Please don't die," he begged, moving Gri to spit out blood without choking on it, while getting Huli help immediately. "Oh fuck, fuckface wake up," Shawn piped, lightly tapping at Huli's face in order to keep him awake.

Huli grinned, his mouth destroyed, "Didn't kill us, but good job nonetheless."

Shawn swallowed harshly as he watched the two before him get aid while being dragged away. Wiping at his bloody mouth slowly, Shawn blinked over at the woman who was suddenly at his side. "Kylie?" he asked softly, watching as she tried to take his arm and pull him away from the jumping and hollering pit. "Let's get you stitched up," she mumbled, rolling her eyes, "again."

Shawn finally felt the pain strike immediately at his knuckles when Kylie tried to grab hold of his hand. Flinching away, Shawn simply followed the woman who ruthlessly walked forward, not caring to look back at him wobbling back to the extra rooms in the far corner where the recovery of beat attendants took place.

"Great," Shawn mumbled to himself, looking down at his broken hand that had just recovered about a week ago, "time to put humpty dumpty back together again."


"I used to love that story," Iris chimed, staring over at the fairy tale and myth book that Yoongi flipped through, "humpty dumpty's story used to be my favourite."

"Oh really?" Yoongi asked, grinning before shutting the book completely and putting it on the stand next to him.

Iris nodded, brows furrowing slightly when seeing him nervously twitch in his seat. Trying not to laugh when he kept glancing at the time, she watched his knee frantically moving with nerves.

"Hun it's totally okay," Iris said softly, moving her hand over onto his hand that rested above his knee. "We'll deal with this," she said cutely when he looked over at her pained, "together remember?"

He smiled tightly, nodding as he tried to relax himself and not think about the fact that both, him and Iris, were in the waiting room of a clinic, waiting to be called in and told their fate.

"If you are pregnant..." he trailed off awkwardly, "would you want to, uh, keep it?"

Iris thought to herself, thinking about her situation and her state at the moment. She sighed, moving her hand over the lower bit of her stomach, "I don't know."



"We'll figure it out together," Yoongi said sweetly, lacing his fingers with hers, "so's okay."

She smiled at him.

He loved her smile.

"Iris Sommers?" a voice at the beginning of the hall called out.

Iris's nose scrunched and Yoongi chuckled, watching her nervous self get up.

Yoongi got up too, smiling at the fact that his knee was no longer shaking.

He wasn't nervous anymore. He was anticipating what was going to become of the future news about to hit both Iris and him like a bus.

Yoongi followed Iris to the room to meet the doctor and the machines, he had his arm at the lower bit of her back, rubbing her reassuringly with his palm when seeing her grow more awkward when told to lay on the bed before the three of them after changing.

Watching Iris go to the bathroom to change, Yoongi couldn't help but smile hugely, rolling onto the back of his heels as he thought all possible outcomes.

I'm ready....


A/N: eh eh

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