Nentarli [COMPLETE]

By EscapeInFiction

3.3K 399 41

What if you were suddenly told that everything you'd ever known about yourself was a lie? What if you also fo... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fifteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-one ~
~ Twenty-two ~
~ Twenty-three ~
~ Twenty-four ~
~ Twenty-five ~
~ Twenty-six ~
~ Twenty-seven ~
~ Twenty-eight ~
~ Twenty-nine ~
~ Thirty ~
~ Thirty-one ~
~ Thirty-two ~
~ Thirty-three ~
~ Thirty-four ~
~ Thirty-five ~
~ Thirty-six ~
~ Thirty-seven ~
~ Thirty-eight ~
~ Thirty-nine ~
~ Forty ~
~ Forty-one ~
~ Forty-two ~
~ Forty-three ~
~ Forty-four ~
~ Forty-five ~
~ Forty-six ~
~ Forty-seven ~
~ Forty-eight ~
~ Forty-nine ~
~ Fifty ~
~ Fifty-One ~

~ Fourteen ~

75 11 0
By EscapeInFiction

We travelled in the same formation, heading in the same general direction we had been when the storm had hit. Kayle said he could find us a way through the hills and back onto the road we needed. So he was at the front of our group, a little way ahead with his Slingers in hand. Blaike and Kaleb were at the side of us, as it was becoming their usual place and Merkell was right behind us. He seemed more wary than he had before and there was no light in his face, he was so focused he barely spoke.

A few hours passed this way and I turned to ask Blaike about a bird I had just seen, that seemed to have two sets of wings, when I noticed that puzzled look on his face again.

I knew I wasn't going to get the truth but I asked anyway, "Blaike, is something wrong?"

He shook his head and his expression forcibly lightened, "No, I just do not want to be caught off guard out here, that is all."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, that might not have been a lie but it wasn't the cause of the look he'd had either. I decided not to push it, watching him turn back to the surrounding countryside, his expression was guarded.

I leaned closer to Emy, who was watching Kayle up front and muttered quietly into her ear.

"We should have stayed with Elandi, at least she gave us real answers and not cryptic cr-"

Emy cleared her throat and interrupted me with a look of bemusement. I knew I sounded like a spoiled child but I couldn't help it. We'd gone almost a week without a full nights sleep which made us irritable and every time I wanted to actually know something about this new life we'd snow balled into, the guys just dismissed it with some excuse.

I sighed and Emy's smile turned sympathetic.

"Once we get to this village, I'm sure we'll get all of our questions answered and it will most likely be from our parents. I can't believe it's been this long since we've seen or spoken to them." Her smile faded and she looked ahead to Kayle again, who seemed the most casual of us all.

I frowned and bumped her shoulder gently, "We'll see them soon and we can get this whole stupid mess straightened out."

She nodded but didn't smile, still looking ahead and I fell into my own thoughts. We weren't used to not seeing or speaking to our parents, usually we'd go see them at least twice a week and talked on the phone even more. However, that wasn't all that bothered me. When we see them again, they'll have their memories and identities from this world. I didn't know those people, I didn't know if my mum and dad would be the same people I had known my whole life, the same people who had raised me.

I was left to wallow in my depressing thoughts as we descended into near silence for the rest of the day and through the night. Nobody had anything to say it seemed. We stopped for a break in the early hours and had a drink of water with the treats Elandi had supplied us with. Emy and I stayed quiet throughout, lost in our thoughts and barely listening to the plans about where we'd be heading next.

Once they'd finished making the plans, the men of the group glanced over at us, probably surprised that we didn't have any questions or complaints. I could feel their eyes on us but I didn't look up, I didn't feel much like talking. All I wanted was to get to wherever we were going, I didn't care how that happened anymore. Exhaustion and frustration were gnawing away at me and I didn't want to take it out on them, again.

Merkell was the first to break the ever constant silence when he stepped over to us.

"A change of plans, we will be making our way closer to the Trading Road and then we will set up camp to rest a little."

Nobody responded, I heard shuffling and looked up to see that they were packing things up. Emy and I stood up to lean against each other while we waited.

Emy sighed deeply, "The amazing senses of Merkell strike again."

Her voice was tired but lighthearted, I was surprised considering she was usually the moody one when she was tired. I half smiled, moving into the formation and peering at the guys surveying the landscape, despite it being almost pitch black, the moon was hidden by clouds. This wasn't how I thought I'd feel going on an adventure like this. I'd imagined all different kinds of scenarios in the past and in all of them I was excited and hyperactive, fun and inquisitive. My mind was immersed in those thoughts when we set off again through the hills.

Hours passed and we finally left the hills behind us, we walked through what Merkell called 'Marshlands'. The guys had started to recognise more places and sights around us. Emy and I looked at the things they pointed out and smiled at some of Kayle's attempts at lightening our mood.

The few times I met Merkell's gaze, I could see the understanding and worry in his eyes, though he didn't call us out on it. It took us until late morning to navigate through the Marshlands. My gratitude for the boots Merkell had given us increased tenfold, not only were they waterproof but they didn't get stuck in the mud- I knew my trainers would have.

It must have been around midday by the time we reached the last of the Marshes and came to a hill overlooking a wide, dirt road. It was roughly marked out by the wear of numerous people, horses and thin wheels, by the looks of it it was well used by all kinds of traffic.

"I think this is a good vantage point, we shall stop to rest a while."

Merkell moved a little ways back down the hill and took his bag off to sit down. Emy and I followed, and Kaleb, Blaike and Kayle decided who would take the first watch. We dropped our bags and slumped down against them. I laid my head back and saw Merkell take something out of his bag, it can't have been of much interest because my eyes drifted closed of their own accord and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up groggily, it had to be hours later because the sun was setting with the brightest of colours; blue, pink, orange and white. My eyes flickered around the group; Emy was sound asleep next to me, Blaike, Kayle and Kaleb were all laid in a half circle opposite and were all asleep too. Merkell wasn't there but his bag was and when I sat up to look for him, I saw him sat on the peak of the hill facing the road.

I stood up carefully, my legs were aching and I pulled my cloak around me to fend off the chill in the air. As I reached Merkell, I could see that his shoulders were tensed, as though he was concentrating hard.

I was about to tap him on the shoulder when he exhaled sharply, "Hello, Cassandra, did you sleep well?"

He turned his head to look up at me and smiled, although it didn't quite reach his eyes.

I pulled my cloak tighter around me and sat down beside him, looking out over the edge of the hill.

"I did, not as well as I would have in a bed but it was nice to rest more than we have been."

I slowly turned to face him, he was giving me the same look he had earlier that day.

"That is good to hear, I can still sense your frustration though. Would you like to talk about it?"

My brow creased and I shrugged, "What's the point? It seems like you can't answer anything I want to know... Do you know how stressful and kind of upsetting it is to find out your whole life has basically been a lie?"

And there it was, the real reason I was feeling so disinterested and angry, I just hadn't realised it until right then.

Merkell gave me a sympathetic look. "No I do not, I would not even pretend to imagine what it must be like for you and Emily, but I will say this... It was all done for you, to protect you and as soon as we reach your village you will be told everything. If you have any questions after that, I will be only too happy to answer them... if I know the answers."

I was surprised he spoke so openly, I pursed my lips and looked out over the dusty road. I knew my mood was misdirected at him and the guys, all they had done was help us.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been, I thought I was prepared for this journey, mentally and practically but I was wrong on both counts." I spoke just loud enough for him to hear.

I watched my breath rise in the chill of the early morning air, anything to keep from getting upset.

He rested a hand on my shoulder, "You are too hard on yourself, Cassandra, nobody could have been prepared for something such as this. No apologies are necessary, I think yourself and Emily are coping quite well under the circumstances."

I looked sideways at him and saw him smiling encouragingly, I half smiled despite my mood. Noises from our little camp made us turn, Emy was awake and it looked like she had tripped over Kayle's foot. They were arguing while she got to her feet, it made me smile wider that some things hadn't really changed.

We ate and drank once everyone was awake, and had calmed down, then set off down onto the road. Merkell decided we would travel by night on the road and rest just off of it during the day. He also requested that Emy and I walk with our hoods up, while the guys pulled their collars up and lowered their heads.

Emy opened her mouth, I guessed to ask why when she closed it again without a word and shook her head. She knew as much as I did that it was pointless to ask why we did certain things, instead we walked along this wide, open road in near silence.

The men of the group changed formation too, Kayle was still in front but he was joined by Kaleb. Their height difference was considerably more noticeable, as if Kaleb had been hunching all this time. Blaike walked behind us now with Merkell, I guessed it was to stop us from looking conspicuous but it made me feel on edge.

We walked along the road for two nights and rested during each day, we didn't get much sleep however, the bustle of the road was too loud and distracting. I could hear all kinds of noises from where we were camped, some familiar and some not so much. When Emy and I weren't trying to sleep we would make a game of trying to guess the unfamiliar sounds, which were more numerous than I first realised.

"That has to be a bear or something," Emy said as we listened to a low grumbling noise, between the loud but jovial shouts of two men.

Kayle shook his head and laughed, he was cleaning his Slingers with some kind of oil.

"No, it's not a bear, why would anyone be travelling with a bear?" He grinned, glancing between us.

I shrugged and leaned back against my bag as I listened again, "I don't know... Okay, what about one of those pig things you mentioned?"

He chuckled, eyeing up his work on the Slingers before he slipped them back into his sleeves.

"No, it's not a Triorn, they sound pretty much the same as a pig anyway. Do you give up?" We both nodded and he smirked, holding up his hands, "It's a Bovine... a cow if you need a translation."

Emy went to swipe for him and I frowned in disbelief.

"A cow? Really? That sounded nothing like a cow, it was growling!"

He laughed loudly, shuffling out of Emy's reach, "Well that's what it is, that's the noise they make here and at least it is not as ridiculous as that 'mooing' they make in that other world."

He chuckled harder and we rolled our eyes when Kaleb and Blaike joined in the laughter.

We played for a little longer until the noises, and the sun, started to go down. That's when we got ready to set off again, Merkell had mentioned that we would get our first glimpse of the village that night and I was a little apprehensive. Dumair, it was meant to be our home and I didn't know anything about it, except we were born there and then taken away.

We walked until the moon was high in the sky, there were no clouds tonight, not a single one and with no trees around to block my view, I could see the stars as well. It made my jaw gape open, there were thousands of them and they were so bright. I had never seen the night sky like this back in our world, even in pictures it had never looked as brilliant as this. I looked around when I felt eyes on me and saw Merkell watching, I grinned and looked up in awe.

"The sky hasn't been like this on any of the nights we've been here, has it?"

Emy turned to watch our conversation and somehow we managed to keep walking along the road, like our feet knew where we were going.

Merkell smiled and looked up at the sky, Blaike did too for a second before going back to scouting our surroundings and I could have sworn I saw him smirk.

Merkell drew my attention back to him, "You are right Cassandra, it has not and the reason for that is a simple matter of the seasons. We are about to change from Summer to Autumn. During the week of the Change, the day's weather is unpredictable but the night sky becomes bright and vivid. With each night that passes it grows more beautiful and wondrous, as though it is celebrating the transition with tones of blue woven between the blazing stars... and then at the end of the Change it returns to its original state, no less beautiful however."

Emy and I listened, awestruck at the wonderful image his words painted into our minds. I had never known anyone speak like that, not even in the old films where everyone spoke like they were getting ready to sing. Somehow this was reality and Merkell spoke with such finesse, it fitted him, everything about this world fitted with who he was.

"Wow, I can't wait to see that happen," Emy said as she looked up at the sky again.

I nodded in agreement and turned to look ahead, this world was becoming more stunning and unbelievable with each passing day. I was starting to like it and yet, something was niggling at me that I couldn't put my finger on. I was about to ask more about the changes in this world when I heard Emy gasp, bringing my attention back to the present situation.

We had climbed a hill while I had been lost in my thoughts and now, stood at the top of it, we could see a huge, sprawling village below us. Even in the bright moonlight I couldn't tell how far it spread out, it just went on and on. There were lights dotted everywhere, like tiny fireflies in the distance. I couldn't tell if they were in the houses or not but there must have been hundreds.

Merkell topped the hill just after the rest of us and there was an audible sigh.

I could hear mixed emotions in his voice, "Ahh... there it is, finally. Cassandra, Emily, welcome to Dumair, welcome home."

He emphasised the word 'home' as though he wasn't just saying it to us.

We turned to look at him and he was smiling so brightly it almost eclipsed the stars, however there was something underlying it. I could tell that Emy had seen it too but with a quick nod between us, we decided this wasn't the time to bring it up and turned away.

It wasn't really sinking in that this village was supposedly the place we were born. From what I could see, there were no paved roads, no cars, no brick houses with tiled roofs, nothing of what I was used to. Instead the road we were on was just dirt, it wound down the hill and into the village; where it then dissected into lots of smaller dirt roads that ran around little clusters of houses. I couldn't see much movement or hear any noise but there definitely wasn't any traffic going in or out of the village.

It was decided that we'd have a quick break and then head down. Merkell seemed eager to get into the village before the sun came up, although from what I could guess, we had another hour or two before that happened. Emy and I shared a cup of water as we sat on the peak of the hill and stared down at the village, I bit my lip nervously. The butterflies had started flitting around in my stomach and I wasn't sure what was causing them; nerves, excitement, fear, all of them combined. Emy nudged me and brought me out of my thoughts, I glanced over at her.

She had a strange smile on her face but her voice came out much more serious. "Hey, don't look so worried, our parents are down there and we can finally get answers." She linked her arm in mine and rested her head on my shoulder. "Besides, whatever happens down there, you'll still have me, no matter what."

I returned her smile, nudging her head gently, "I know that, it's the only reason I haven't run all the way back to the crossing and tried to find my way back home."

She chuckled and we turned to watch the village with anticipation.

As soon as everything was packed up, we gradually made our way down the hill. The formation had changed once again and this time Merkell was up front alone, just like he had been at Hawksend. Blaike and Kaleb were behind him, then we followed and Kayle was at the back.

Usually I could decipher some kind of reasoning to the formation but this one was confusing, wasn't this supposed to be 'home'? We gradually closed the distance to the village and I started to see it in more detail. I would have liked my first glimpse of it to have been when it was light but this was just as wondrous.

The houses were massive, possibly bigger than the majority of those in Hawksend. They looked like oversized town houses I'd seen in museum photos from centuries ago, possibly made of wood or stone, I couldn't tell at that point.

The ones at the outskirts of the village that I could make out, all had gardens with little fences or hedgerows around them; a few held some kind of vehicle or contraption but it was too dark to see what they were. We trudged towards the village in almost complete silence, except for the occasional, what sounded like, excited mutterings from Kayle.

Emy and I looked back at him after a particularly loud gasp, he grinned and shrugged.

"I haven't been home in over a year, I have missed it... and they've changed some things."

I smiled and turned away as Emy rolled her eyes, she leaned closer to me.

"Are we sure he's really my cousin? Maybe there was even more of a mix up and someone just accidentally claimed him as part of my family."

I snorted quietly, my eyes on the village as it got closer.

"You get excited over a new pair of shoes, I think you're definitely related." I tried not to laugh, I knew she'd be narrowing her eyes at me.

"There's nothing wrong wi-" she stopped abruptly.

We almost walked into the back of Blaike and Kaleb, I frowned at the lack of warning and leaned around them to see what had stopped us. Merkell was stood a little in front, his head was down and his hands were out in front of him.

I peered up at Kaleb, who was right in front of me.

"What is he doing magic for? I thought we'd just be able to walk right in?"

He briefly glanced down at me, his face set in concentration.

"The village is protected by a wall of magic, none of us can get through unless someone on the inside allows it. Not even Merkell can get through and he built it."

He widened his eyes like he had said too much and peered over at Blaike, he didn't seem to be listening at first and then he shrugged after a side glance at Kaleb. It seemed that telling me something they shouldn't wasn't a big problem right now. Kaleb looked back to Merkell and I stood still and quiet, processing what he'd said.

Merkell had the magic to protect us back in our world, to fight with Sabella against the Scavengers and who knew what else. All of that and he built this wall of magic who knows how long ago. Just how strong was he? And what else didn't we know about him? I peered across at Emy, who was looking around the other side of Blaike, she seemed as confused as I was.

I pulled her closer and was about to explain what Kaleb had just let slip when the sound of rushed footsteps drew my attention away.

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