Another Bad Blind Date [SPINO...

By ravsisrekt

2.2M 87.5K 267K

{SPINOFF/SEQUEL to The Bad Blind Date} Jungkook and Y/N fell in love and got their happy-ever-after. But what... More

Chapter 1: Stay Away
Chapter 2: she wasn't you.
Chapter 3: I'm Back!
Chapter 4: She's Nothing
Chapter 5: I Made Her Cry?
Chapter 6: That's Your Friend's Girl...
Chapter 7: Shawn Go, Go Fuck Off.
Chapter 8: You Like Him?
Chapter 9: I Like Iris
Chapter 10: Bye Shawn...
Chapter 11: I Miss You
Chapter 12: Of Course I'm Jealous!
Chapter 13: Frickle Frackle?
Chapter 14: I love you too Race.
Chapter 15: Pull Out Game Strong
Chapter 16: Surprise Present
Chapter 17: Best Present Ever
Chapter 18: Fuck You Jimin
Chapter 19: Korean Fight Club
Chapter 20: We'll Find Him
Chapter 21: My Future Daughter-in-law
Chapter 23: Dares
Chapter 24: A Break?
Chapter 26: I Do Know Where He Is
Chapter 27: Way Too Easy
Chapter 28: Be Here With Me
Chapter 29: Aftermath
Chapter 30: Rainbow Drink
Chapter 31: Let's Get You Home Safe
Chapter 32: No Touching
Chapter 34: it was worth the wait.
Chapter 35: Baby Girl
Chapter 36: Love
Chapter 37: Please Marry Me.
Chapter 38: Hoseok's Wedding
Chapter 39: WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE YOU?
Chapter 40: Family
Epilogue: The List
Prologue: She's not my type
One Shot: Jin & Faera
One Shot: Taehyung & Serina
One Shot: Jimin, Shawn, & Kai
One Shot: Kylie & Huli
One Shot: Hoseok & Freeda
One Shot: Jungkook, Y/N, & Senko
One Shot: Namjoon
One Shot: The Children

Chapter 22: Pretty Boy and Gangs?

43.9K 1.6K 5K
By ravsisrekt

A/N: happy birthday to @Jimintrashedmylife ! Happy birthday babes! :)

ps. sorry for possible errors


Days of paranoia with Iris. She would throw up at the smell of eggs immediately, and would sleep in for hours at a time, tired. She was a mess and it didn't help that she kept going back to the idea that the pill she had taken that one intimate night backfired...

Yoongi watched the woman before him panic as she looked before her, gawking over at the stalks and rows filled with different pregnancy tests. He made sure not to say anything to her distraught form in the car, but seeing her freaking out even in the store, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

"It's been only a month and a bit," Yoongi started, the mask around at his mouth a small distraction as it muffled his voice. He hadn't taken it down since moving into the store, his hat on to hide his hair, as his sunglasses hid his eyes. Upon Iris's request, Yoongi was trying to blend in to everyone else. The last thing both wanted was for any of his fans to catch him with a woman in front of a row of pregnancy testing sticks...

"I know it's too early to really tell," Iris whined, touching at about four sticks, "but I can try."

"It's a waste of money," Yoongi tried, "why not just wait a few more weeks? Or, better yet, wait two more weeks and we can go to the clinic to get a thorough checkup and see what's up."

"I don't have time for two more weeks," Iris spat, her chest heaving.

Yoongi was scared.

"I might be pregnant! We might be pregnant!" she softly yelled, having trouble breathing, "Oh no no, we just pulled a Shawn and Kai. We just pulled a Shawn and-"

"Or situations are totally different," Yoongi said softly, trying not to smile when the woman asked for a paper bag to blow into, "I'd actually be here for you."

Iris's eyes widened at Yoongi's remark, her mouth gasping open, she gasped. Shoving Yoongi away a bit, he simply chuckled, shrugging. "It's true, pregnant or not, I'll be there every step of the way," Yoongi piped, amused with himself when seeing his girlfriend start to get more irritated.

"Quit being a tool and help me," she squeaked, tossing in about four pregnancy tests into the empty basket Yoongi held.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You want my help?" he asked sternly, looking over at her past his dark shades.

"Yes?" she popped, not knowing where he was about to go with this. The teasing aurora that raged off of him however never truly left his face as he spoke up, "Fine, but you're not going to find it here in this store."

Brows furrowing at that, she was no longer going off the rails when feeling his hand slowly slip into hers. He moved his mask down so he could kiss her cheek. Tugging her away from the aisle, he dropped the basket next to the cash line before pulling Iris towards the exit. "Where are we going?" she asked confused, and slightly breathless when realizing he was jogging when reaching the motion-detector that swung open the doors.

"Somewhere where your stresses will wash away..." he chimed, chuckling when Iris looked incredibly confused.

"You trust me right?" he piped, laughing at her suddenly fall scared at what he was suddenly planning.

"Yes, but-"

"Alright great," he popped, grinning hugely before yanking her away from the shop and towards his car once again.

What both failed to notice was that his disguise he had walked in with wasn't intact any longer, a few eyes caught Yoongi pulling an oblivious Iris away. Some of those eyes recognized who he was instantly, squealing and wanting to run after him. Some however, eyed Iris carefully, watching Yoongi and Iris's every move as they got to the car and drove off.


Freeda glanced over at Kai who was struggling with keeping her sweater from rising past her baby bump as she worked with Shawn's mother with flyers.

Having Kai's eyes meet hers, Freeda smiled lightly at the woman. Kai pouted, looking away immediately as she eyed down at the flyers. Freeda's heart hurt when remembering the day both Shawn's mother and Kai had found out about Shawn's disappearance...

Kai was angry and yelling over at everyone for keeping it a secret from her. She had made everyone feel incredibly terrible as they watched her flip from extremely mad to in insane tears. She had broken down that day, completely shut off in her room and her own space.

Shawn's mother hadn't take it well either. However, she did seem to cling next to an unstable Kai more than ever the past few days. She had an eye on a hurting Kai...heck, everyone had an eye on the pregnant woman in distress.

Seeing how she got that day made all of them feel bad for hiding the fact in the first place. They had lied to her and it could've potentially harmed her and the baby with the way she had found out. We would have refrained from this happening. I should've told her.

Watching the woman numbly walk about with Shawn's mother, Freeda sighed before focusing over at the rest of the people that were here to help. Moving over to Serina, Taehyung, and you in attempts to pair up with them, Freeda sighed when they walked away. Pursing her lips, she awkwardly stood by the team's coach, looking over at a few basketball players that seemed to be eyeing her down.

"Freeda, come with us," a voice chimed from behind her as everyone started to clutter a part and out the gym.

Freeda looked back to spot Racy smiling sweetly over at her. Smiling sweetly, Freeda nodded before moving over next to the girl. "Who's us?" Freeda popped slowly, counting over at how many flyers she had in her fingers.

Looking up when a man walked awkwardly next to Racy, Freeda smiled at the sight of Hoseok.

"Oh hi," she sang out kindly.

Hoseok smiled lightly back at her as a hi, glaring over at Racy who looked over at him incredibly amused. Walking in between the two, Racy couldn't help but pop out a remark when leaving the gym. The remark took both Freeda and Hoseok off guard.

"Hoseok finally found your bra in his room," Racy sneakily let out, "since he didn't bring it I'm assuming he's gonna keep it as a kinky souvenir."

Hoseok's eyes widened, almost bumping into the exit door when leaving the building.

Freeda pursed her lips from smiling when Hoseok instantly looked at her and started to shake his head. She simply nodded in reassurance, knowing Racy was trying to tease him purposely by the obvious glint in her eyes.

Hoseok laughed nervously before shoving Racy roughly with his shoulder. Racy simply dodged it by moving forward, causing Hoseok to stumble a bit to his side, chest bumping lightly over into Freeda's shoulder. She whipped her head in his direction at the sudden movement, eyes meeting his.

Hoseok flushed, apologizing as he stepped away from her and bowed.

Racy laughed.


Taehyung glanced over at Serina sweetly, trying not to smile so largely to himself when she smiled in his direction.

"How you feeling? You alright?" Taehyung asked softly, leaning into her ear a slight bit in attempts to talk to her without you hearing.

The girl visibly flushed when he made that step and he pursed his lips from smiling as he looked down at the ground while walking. "I've been okay," she said slowly, "I've just been really weirded for Shawn."

Taehyung nodded, smiling painfully over at her now. "Y-Yeah I can only imagine," he said softly, breath getting caught in his throat when she unknowingly leaned into him. His eyes softened as he let her get what she wanted, moving his hands around her shoulders slowly and hesitantly. When she didn't flinch away, he tried not to focus on his heart racing and try to view trees in the distance instead.

"Taehyung oppa?"

"Hm?" he mumbled out, her scent clouding his mind. He was surprised he could still walk straight without tripping over himself.

"Do you think we'll find him?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible.

Taehyung blinked. Looking over at the flyers in his free hand, he tried to read over the font on the sheets, the writing practically begging strangers to keep an eye out for the Canadian boy. Sighing, Taehyung licked at his bottom lip quickly before nodding. "We will," he sighed out, squeezing at her shoulder in hopes that she'd smile. When she did smile lightly, he could've swore he swallowed down a patch of butterflies because of how crazy his stomach was fluttering.

"We will find Shawn..."


"We're supposed to be helping find Shawn and I'm here eating ice cream," Iris mumbled under her breath, taking a pathetic spoonful of her multi-layered cup full of the dessert.

"You've been banned from the search parties for a while Iris," Yoongi chuckled out, "you almost hurt yourself the last time they went to search around the woods behind the school."

"I could be of help," Iris whined, moping as she ate.

"You'd slow them down."

"Excuse me?" she piped, brows cocked as she looked at her boyfriend with testing eyes.

Yoongi pursed his lips at her expression, trying not to smile so huge as he focused on his ice cream, he glanced over at her a few times when she mumbled irritably under her breath. He grinned when she whined again. She was still upset and scared...

"Iris it'll be fine," Yoongi said softly, reaching his cold hand over to grab hers. She looked at him slowly when his thumb rubbed at the outside of her palm. "If this is just a scare, great! Awesome. And if it isn't, then still, great! Awesome," he sang out, laughing when her brows furrowed over at him.


"You sure about that?"

He grinned, nodding, leaning over and pecking her lips unknowingly. Iris freaked for a moment as she pushed him slightly away. "Yoongi we're in public," she chimed out quick, glancing around them while sitting at the table.

Yoongi playfully moaned softly by her cheek, grabbing at her hand that pushed at his chest as he simply pecked her lips again, hovering over the table more, Iris squirmed away when he kissed her neck. "Yoongi!"

"Ay!" he chimed, eyes teasing but expression mimicking irritation.

Iris tried not to smile at that. "Sorry," she piped, playing along to his playfulness.

"What are you sorry for?" he asked, voice still very authoritative. Iris giggled when he grabbed at her wrist, "Nothing. I'm not sorry for anything," she teased, puckering her lips at him in order to mock his attempts at trying to play cute.

"It's Yoongi oppa," he piped lowly, whispering the last bit by her hear. He grinned when she visibly shivered a bit when his breath hit her neck.

"No," she said smirking, trying to pull her hand away from his grip.


"No, it's just Yoongi," she sang out, yanking her arm away from him before putting the spoon into her mouth again. She grinned at the look he had on his face.

"I'll give you one more shot-"

"Or else what?" she challenged, pretending to be uninterested in him as she focused on the ice cream.

"You'll end up screaming it the right way later," he purred, grinning when Iris almost choked on her spoon. He laughed when she shoved him away from her.

Cheeks going red as she tried not to look at him stick his tongue out, she watched him point it before licking a bit of ice cream from his cup. Smiling a gum-filled smirk when she instantly looked down, Iris's chest heaved faster when she felt leg graze the side of hers with his shoe.

"You'll scream it," he sang out, grinning as he leaned back into his chair and simply eyed her in the most arrogant way known to man. She tried to compose herself as she remarked back, "no I won't stop," she piped annoyed and watched as he simply maintained his grin and started eating his ice cream again.

Iris swallowed down ice cream when she felt his shoe go higher up her leg.


"She's pregnant?" one girl spat out, completely bewildered over what she had been hearing the couple say from her table beside them.

"Yoongi oppa kissed her," one cried out, hating the very sight of Iris and Yoongi so close to one another as they ate their ice cream.

"Who is she?"

"He has a girlfriend?"

"She's probably making the pregnancy look like an accident, I mean why else would Yoongi oppa stay with a girl like her?"

The two were in distraught, staring and whispering together as they eyed Iris and Yoongi...

They weren't alone.

Fans were starting to crowd when hearing about the news of Yoongi being spotted with a girl in the shop. It didn't help Yoongi's case of him being so touchy-feely with the woman, making it completely obvious to the world that he was in a relationship with the woman in glasses.

Complete chaos broke out online and in real when seeing the new couple in the once barren and partially empty ice cream shop...


"Were you close to Shawn?" Freeda asked slowly, a little curious over how hard the man was incredibly working almost every day when it came to search for Shawn.

Hoseok glanced over at the woman, swallowed slowly as his palms sweat with more flyers. Ignoring her for a moment as he gave the flyer to a woman passing by with her child, he smiled over at them before finally looking over at Freeda. "I uh, not quite," Hoseok said softly.

Freeda's brows furrowed. "Why are you so bent on them finding him then?" She asked softly as she passed away a few flyers to certain people too.

"Although I didn't know him well, he doesn't deserve to be out there alone," Hoseok said slowly, "plus he's got a family to come to...Kai, Serina, his"

Freeda's gaze met Hoseok's at that. He smiled lightly at her, slightly nervous before looking forward and trying to find their third partner. Begging for Racy to come back to them and not be chattering away with people on the other side of the sidewalk.

"That's very sweet of you," Freeda said slightly taken back, "selfless..."

Hoseok smiled nervously at the woman before waving over Racy with his free hand without Freeda seeing. Watching as Racy saw him trying to bring her over, she grinned to herself as she pretended she couldn't see him and focused on giving out her flyers.

At one point she was in deep conversation with a really adorable college student and tried not to blush as she talked to the woman. She kept hearing your voice in her head telling her to hit it quick and grab numbers, laughing to herself internally, she smiled hugely at the woman with such bright eyes as she looked down at the flyer and asked questions.

"It has taken a huge toll on Kai and his family," she said softly, "I'm just glad we're all in this together now."

Hoseok was trying not to glare over at Racy so much as he focused his attention to the blonde. Swallowing, he smiled, "and so I've seen," he said as a response.

"But why me?" She asked under her breath, genuinely curious.

"Your Kai's best friend," he said shrugging, "I can see it hurts you to see her hurting this also care for Shawn greatly and I sense that."

Freeda bit her lip from smiling as she softly thanked him for being sweet again. Looking forward, Hosoek tried not to react to her arm brush against his when she leaned over to him more. Feeling a light peck at his cheek, he snapped his head over towards the woman's direction only to have her gently kiss his lips. He pulled away, nervously laughing.

Freeda pursed her lips from laughing as he moved backwards, almost falling into strangers as he rushed to cockblock Racy hitting it off with the woman with the bright eyes.


Racy grinned as she saw Hoseok and Freeda repeatedly exchanging glances while walking back to the campus's front. Looking over at the woman who walked far before them, Racy nudged Hoseok's side. "Go to her," she said laughing when his bumbling form looked over at her.

"Wha-no, I'm okay here," he mumbled, hating that he couldn't control his gazes. He simply looked down at the flyers, forcing himself from looking anywhere else.

"You're so nervous around her it's hilarious," Racy snorted out, looking over at Freeda who was so confident and put together in comparison to the man who walked alongside her.

"Well can you blame me?" He mumbled annoyed, accidentally glancing over at he blonde again.

"She sexy," Racy said as she looked over at Hoseok, "she's confident and knows what she wants...that's what scares you."

Hoseok swallowed harshly, "I uh, she doesn't fit my ideal type that's all..."

Racy rolled her eyes. "Right, cute and passive is your type, I forgot," she sighed out, shaking her head at Hoseok being so selective even though he clearly had a thing for the blonde. "Why not go for Serina then?" Racy piped teasingly and Hoseok glared over at her.

Racy laughed, "go, go talk to Freeda, go." Hoseok didn't move and Racy let out a low grumble. "Fine," she popped as she rushed away from Hoseok and moved to walk with the woman instead. Hoseok's eyes widened as he tried to grab for the woman, begging with his eyes when Racy looked back at him amused.

"Oh shit," Freeda popped, laughing as she tried to maintain her shocked form over Racy coming from no where.

"Hello," Racy said grinning, practically hearing Hoseok groan in frustration behind them.

"Hi," Freeda said confused, eyes narrowing at the grinning woman.


"Do you like Hobi oppa?" Racy asked quick.

Freeda's eyes widened at that, lips parting in shock over such an abrupt questioning session, "what?"

"He likes you," Racy said grinning, "I think you two might be able to hit it off if-"

Racy's breath hitched loudly when a hand moved over her mouth and dragged her away from beside a surprised Freeda. Shoving off of Hoseok who was furious, Racy simply grinned hugely, waiting for him to unleash his bottled up anger on her as they climbed the campus's stairs.


Hoseok noticed Freeda eye him almost every second she got. Growing awkward as he cursed Racy off in his head almost every moment, he tried his best to listen on to the community members all talking about their plans next week and how they should just wait to hear if anyone sees anything at this point.

Watching as everyone started to chant out their 'goodbye and good luck' verses, Hoseok chanted it slowly, his voice cutting off when he felt a hand slowly move into his. Looking to his side quickly, his brows jumped when he spotted Freeda biting down at her lower lip as she smiled over at him.

"Did you need something?" He asked softly, looking over at everyone who was slowly starting to scatter out and away.

She nodded, tugging at his hand slowly when walking towards the exit of the gym. Hoseok swallowed hard as he glanced over at the others that were crowding around one another slowly, only Racy was grinning like an idiot on her own as she tried to distract the others from focusing on finding Hoseok or Freeda.


He shut up when the woman shushed him, moving through her school hallways with his hand in hers. Seeing the hallways clear out as they went deeper into the school, his palms started to sweat against hers.

His confusion simply grew when she moved in front of the women's bathroom and let her back lean against the door in order to open it.

"You need to use it?" He asked, his voice cracking when viewing her expression. He was surprised he wasn't a sweating mess while staring over at the attractive woman giving him kiss-me-eyes.

"Not quite," she slowly let out before moving in and pulling him into the bathroom. He laughed nervously when she locked the main door behind them before moving over to him.

"Woah okay?" He popped out, swallowing hard when she moved in to kiss him, her hands at his chest. "L-Let's not, I mean the others might be waiting-"

"I don't care," she popped lightly, pecking his lips quickly. He shut his eyes immediately as he kissed her back.

When she tried to deepen the kiss, he arched his head back, eyes squinting shut. "No, we can't-" she giggled as she used him arching his head up as leverage when sloppily kissing down at his neck, sucking near his Adam's apple when hearing him softly have his breath hitch.

The moment he relaxed with her touch, she smiled, moving her hands off his chest and down his stomach, feeling the toned muscle underneath before her hand tipped over the top of his belt and jeans.


"You like me?" She asked softly, staring over at him against the tiled wall.

Hoseok opened his mouth and closed it, not knowing what to say. Freeda smiled at him growing red, "you don't have to answer it if you don't want to," she said softly, blinking slowly as she stared down at his lips, "I'm okay with not knowing and going through with this."

"Going through with this?" Hoseok asked pitched, his voice incredibly high from the nerves.

Freeda bit her bottom lip from smiling as she nodded slowly. Pecking his lips, he didn't really have enough time to kiss her back when spotting her going down on to her knees in front of his form.

He lost his shit and she giggled at his so nervous as she unbuckled his jeans that were by her face.

"We really should-" his breath got caught in his throat when he felt her lips trail along his bare hip, her hands slowly tugging down his jeans, "shouldn't," he finished softly, eyes shutting.

His breath quickened when letting her have her way with him, heart hammering in his chest when he let his eyes open in order to few the woman pleasuring him.


"Ah! Shawn Letsbi! Toronto's favourite little heartthrob!" The taller man sang out, grinning as he looked down at all the sheets and records he had before him. Glancing over at the men and women who stood before him, he pasted them each a bar of cash, evenly distributed as he bowed and thanked them for the new knowledge on the boy.

"Petty theft when he was young," the shorter man, Huli, seemed to be singing out as he moved through each document, "got arrested once for stabbing a boy during a gang fight. Gangs? This pretty boy and gangs?"

"He was the leader," a woman piped, moving the block of her money into her bag.

The taller man grinned, every second he spent learning about Shawn the most he grew interested. "He's a fighter," Huli breathed out shocked as he read up a police report, "underground...missionary based in Canada. Looks like the kid has experience."

The taller man licked his lips slowly. "Why didn't he fight back then?" Remembering beating where Shawn's lifeless body had to go through. The boy was barely breathing when they had been done with him...

"Probably for the same reason he ended up leaving his gang in Canada," Huli sighed out, shrugging.

Intensely eyeing down the scattered sheets, Huli rubbed at his head, glancing over at the schedule near the huge calendar that listed all the fights recording to take place. "You think he'll be able to fight by next week?" Huli asked slowly, knowing that Shawn was full on capable of being a part of their team.

"Even if he isn't, he'll have to try," the taller man snapped, tired of having to wait for the boy to recover from his injuries from the night they had had their way with him. It was hard enough keeping him and helping him heal without other teams finding out, but they were running out on valuable supplies already and Shawn's induced-coma-self wasn't helping their situation. "We'll break whatever barriers he has hung up on trying not to fight anymore...we'll bring out that anger within him," the taller man continued, grinning by the end of it.

"He's gonna have a son Gri," Huli sighed out, remembering all that Shawn had been going on about in his night terrors, "we can't just sell him off to a brawl buyer if he does well."

"We have to," Gri snapped, moving off while against the wall before moving to pick up some papers from the table. They needed to make business if they were going to continue this business, "We have to...we've got no other choice."

"We could kill him," Huli piped, grinning over at Gri who rolled at his eyes and walked past the crowd of people still.

"We already tried," Gri piped, opening the rusted and caged off door, "it didn't work. Pretty gang boy is still alive and surviving."

"For now," Huli popped, moving back to collect the papers and dismiss the men and women who had collectively helped them.

"Wait," a man piped, grinning as he tossed over a small velvet-textured box.

Huli caught it, looking down at it curiously before looking over at Gri who stopped by the door, light from the brawling room shining into Huli's work environment instantly.

"He had it stashed in a bank he shared with his mom," the man explained, "we were able to gather it when he took it out and had it buried in his car."

"You managed to get to his car?" Gri asked, shocked and slightly impressed.

"Yes," the man said grinning, "we also know where he lives now."

Gri grinned at that hugely. Licking at his bottom lip as he watched Huli inspect the box, Gri waited impatiently, urging Huli to work faster. Huli opened at it, eyes gleaming with amusement when seeing a simple and cute diamond ring lying between the fabric within the small container.

"It was next to a letter," a woman shared, giving the man a letter along with the other sheets she had managed to find on Shawn and his life here.

Huli read the name the note was addressed to.

"Well well," Huli laughed, "looks like pretty boy might've been ready to propose."

"The one carrying his child?" Gri asked, laughing as he almost slid against the door frame of the opened door.

"Yes," the man who obtained the ring sang out, "we thought by bringing the ring and the might help you get control over him more easily."

"Seeing those, knowing that we've seen her and know her name-"

"We could easily turn him," Gri finished, smiling when realizing they had Shawn at the tips of their fingers. They were weirdly proud over how much control they had managed to maintain throughout.

"What's the cunt's name?" Gri spat, his tone disrespecting. It would have disturbed the average being over how revolting the man's tone was, but being used it it, Huli, neither did the others, flinch at all.

Huli smiled to himself, shoving the ring and the container into his pocket before mixing up the letter with his records collected.


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