Yes I Am (A Demi Lovato Fanfi...

By lovatic001

350K 9K 659

"My eyes followed her movements outside. Red hair, against grass soon to be white with snow, flicked over her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
The Final Chapter
The Final Chapter Version 2

Chapter 39

5.4K 182 30
By lovatic001

*2 Months Later*

Demi’s P.O.V.

 “Demi?” Amelie broke me out of my day-dream. I stared at her in her hospital bed, everything about her so frail.

“I was just remembering that first night we brought Elli home, and you played me the guitar for the first time.” I smiled and kissed her bald head, she’d lost all of her hair and a whole lot of weight from the chemo drugs, but still managed to be completely beautiful.

“I was just thinking. If I give you a list, can you go buy some cards and presents? I want to buy them for Elli’s birthdays. So she can have presents from me.” She smiled, but her lip was definitely quivering. I nodded and handed her my phone so she could write the list. She took it and started typing furiously, I watched her focusing and almost started crying. I’d been spending every day, all day, in this room with her. Then I’d go home to my mom and Elli. Sure, I was missing out on the first part of her life, but I felt like the last part of Amelie’s was more important.

“I think I’m done. Can you get me cards with each of those ages on them? I want to write her birthday messages.” She handed me my phone and I nodded, reading down the list.

1st Birthday: My teddy bear (It’s in a box in the attic, and it’s called Bruce.)

5th Birthday: Mirror, preferably with pink frame

10th Birthday: Charm bracelet

13th Birthday: Necklace with a silver drop charm

16th Birthday: Silver ring

21st Birthday: Some nice writing paper

“Writing paper?” I questioned, looking up at her.

“I’m going to write her a letter. Is that a bad idea?” Her face fell as she asked.

“No no it’s a good idea! I thought you were giving her blank paper...” I cringed, this was possibly the sweetest thing anyone had ever done and I was making her doubt herself.

“Do you want me to go get them now?” I asked, she had her eyes shut, and I knew she’d fallen asleep. I left her a note taped to the side of her bed and left to go get her the things she’d asked for.


When I returned to the hospital I had bags upon bags of stuff. I’d bought her cards for all the birthdays she wanted to write cards for, and all the presents she’d asked for, with the exception of the bear, I’d have to get someone tall to climb into the attic for that one.

“Hey baby, are you awake?” I asked softly, pushing the door to her hospital room open. She looked over and smiled.

“Yeah, I’m awake.” She said, and grinned at the bags I was holding. I sat down next to her and we started from the first birthday present.

“I couldn’t get into the attic, I’m too short.” I explained, “But I got you the card.” I handed it to her with a pen and she spent a few minutes writing in it, painfully slowly, I could tell that it was taking her a lot of effort. Then we moved on, “I got the mirror, it’s pink, just like you asked for.” I smiled and pulled it out of one of the bags.

“Do you have a marker pen?” She asked as I carefully put the mirror in her lap, careful not to hurt her.

“Yeah, I think I do actually.” I said, rummaging through my bag, eventually finding one that I often used for autographs and handing it to her. She uncapped it and started writing on the mirror.

‘To my baby Elli,

Happy 5th Birthday beautiful, I hope you get some nice friends at school and learn lots. I’m sorry I can’t be there with you, but remember I love you and you’re a very special little lady x

Lots of love,

Your mommy x’

I took the mirror and put it back in the bag, both Amelie and I were almost in tears knowing that that message on that mirror was going to be the closest Amelie would ever come to seeing her 5 year old daughter. I pulled out the card and Amelie laboured over it for a bit longer now, writing becoming harder as she wrote. Next I pulled out the charm bracelet and handed it to her, she brought it up to her lips, kissed it and handed it back to me to put in the box. She spent even a little longer writing in the ‘10’ card, stopping in the middle to rest her hand. Everything about her screamed exhaustion, but she still smiled when I handed her the necklace with the 13th birthday card. This time she looked up at me, looking upset.

“Can you write for me? I’ll dictate.” She sighed and handed me back the pen and the card, just holding the necklace in her hands. She shut her eyes and started speaking. “To my dearest Elli. Comma, new line. Happy thirteenth birthday my not so little girl. I hope you know that you’re beautiful and try not to grow too much taller than mom. Love, your mommy.” She finished, smirking about her height remark. But I wrote it and closed the card.

“Sixteenth?” I said, wondering if maybe we should continue this tomorrow.

“No, don’t be silly, I want to do this now.” She insisted, sitting up a bit and opening her eyes. She handed me back the necklace and I handed her the ring and the card. “I’m going to write a short card so I can write her a long 21st letter.” She said, and opened up the card. She spent about a minute, writing just a few words and handed it back.

“Here’s the letter writing paper, did you want me to write it?” I asked pulling it out of its packaging.

“No, I have to write it, but thanks.” She smiled and took the paper off me, starting the laborious task of writing. She swirled her pen across the page, faster than before, her cursive script was slightly untidy, but she still had beautiful handwriting. She got halfway down the page and stopped.

“Are you alright?” I asked, watching her chest rise and fall, her eyes were shut and her hand was lying on the paper.

“Mmm. I just need a wee rest is all.” She whispered, still not opening her eyes. My heartbeat settled back to a normal pace. Eventually she started writing again, slower this time, her eyes occasionally falling shut. She was starting to write on the other side of the page when she put the pen down. “I’m too tired. I’ll write the rest of it tomorrow. You should go home to Elli now.” She said quietly. I took the pen and paper from her and left that in a bag beside her bed.

“Goodbye, I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, and kissed her forehead. She was already asleep.

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