The Other Girl

By Pepsi-Girl

649 17 16

I've always been the other girl. I was the secret lover to a guy I thought actually had feelings for me that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

129 4 6
By Pepsi-Girl

Friday had came and I was more than happy for it to be the weekend. But the weekend would not happen until five thirty to be exact. Detention was a bitch.

"This isn't fair coach! Davina was the one who clearly started this! She decided to mess with my buttons! It isn't my fault I developed my father's temper," Laura whined as she threw a glare at me, trying to look scary. The pimple on her forehead was scarier.

"First of all, when trying to 'roast' me on social media use the proper grammar and punctuation. Honestly, it's stupid when you can't even spell right and you are trying to pick a fight," I snapped at her as I made myself comfortable on the floor. Which was basically having my gym clothes behind my head and my legs on Marvin's lap.

"Why don't you quit arguing with my girl, new girl. You're the reason we're all in this mess," One of Cole's friends growled as he stood towering over me. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Kola. You're just mad because my girl Davina actually made you speechless. She buried you in the ground!" Paco Pedraza hollered as he took a seat in the chair that was to my left.

The whole thing was stupid and was Laura's fault. It all started with Jessie showing me the app that all the students in the school had. ChitChat. Some kid and his friend created it so everyone in the school could communicate with one another in group chats.

Laura being the nicest person I ever met started to talk crap on me. So I made an account and defended myself against all of her friends and ended up being ruler of making them wish They weren't alive. Long story, short we were all caught texting when we weren't supposed to.

"Enough! All of you! I want you all to do something productive besides ruining your lives! Now!" Mr. Jefferson roared making people jump out of their seats and the librarian drop her books.

Everyone gets to work on something as I take out my phone and watch Netflix. Sons of Anarchy deserved my attention more than homework. Always.

"He's going to take your phone away," Marvin whispered as he did the English homework we were assigned. I haven't done it either, but I liked to procrastinate. It was in my blood.

"Jackson Teller is more important than anything right now Marvin. I am on the very last episode of the series. Plus he's cute. I see why Tara loved him," I replied as he shakes his head at me. I take out my churros which were hidden in the bag I carried and begin to feed myself while my other hand held my phone up.

"Danm girl, you got the hookup," Paco whistled as he took a churro from my bag and ate it, making sure his mouth was hidden with a book.

Twenty minutes into my show and half of the churros gone I felt a presence looming over me. I pause my show and look up to see Mr. Jefferson.

"Netflix isn't productive Davina," He sighed as he shook his head at me.

"It can be productive. I can learn many things about whales in captivity from Blackfish. Cartel Land shows me the violence in Mexico and what some people are doing to right it. Food Inc. shows me-"

"Jax commits suicide at the end of this episode," Mr. Jefferson simply said as he plucked the phone from my hands and pocketed it.

I felt my heart shatter. I was going to have a heart attack. This was the end. The blood drained from my face and time stopped. Seven seasons worth of a show only to have it spoiled.

"How could you?!" I shouted as I got up and stared as he walked away from me.

"Do something productive Devereaux. Doing your makeup doesn't count. Why don't you work on that poster thing you have for Knight?" He responded with as I took deep breaths and closed my eyes. Jackson Teller does not die. Jackson Teller does not die. Jackson Teller does not commit suicide.

"What's the point of going on if you just ruined the show finale for me? I just started this last week and I have been hooked Mr. Jefferson. Last week! This is not acceptable. If you ruined it for me what is the point of not letting me see the last thirty minutes of it?" I argued as I angrily ate my churro, the sugar falling down onto my shirt.

Jefferson takes out his phone and was texting someone for about five minutes before actually replying to me. "I just let the quarterback of my football team out of practice because that poster is supposed to be done tomorrow and I am almost positive you two haven't even started. I cannot have him failing his classes when he just started!"

"Cole's coming?" I along with the sweetest bitch alive questioned. We turn to face each other and she looks at me with confusion.


My head turns towards the direction of the sound of a small feline, a smile on my face. Animals were so adorable. Especially evil cats. With small fluffy paws that hide sharp claws that can make me bleed. Big  adorable eyes that are the gates of hell.

All wrapped up in a cat.


"Does anyone hear the cat noises? They sound close, but then again I think my phone is vibrating in my pocket, but it isn't," I loudly say, everyone suddenly becoming silent. Even Jefferson fell silent.

"The legend is true," Paco whispered as the cat meowed again.

"What legend?" I asked as everyone turns towards me and shushes me. I glare at all of them as Marvin hands me his phone.

Urban Dictionary.

The Feline of Landon Academy. It all started with two cats going at it like a Twitter war. It was funny at first, but then the claws came out. K.W, also known as The Feline was near death against fiery T.S, also known as a bitch. She scratched K.W's face and bit into her beautiful brown fur. K.W, managed to escape, hanging on by a thread. Her spirit lives on in the academy's library. Anyone with information on The Feline or The Bitch, please feel free to give your own version.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" Cole said as he entered the room, only to be shushed by his friends. He approached his girlfriend and kissed her, making her turn a bright red. My mood instantly went down as he made eye contact with me, an arm wrapped around her waist.

"The Feline is alive," Jefferson whispered as I rolled my eyes. It was just a kitty.

"We are now on lockdown! Anyone who finds that cat will no longer have detention, detention immunity for the rest of the year, and principal Woods will buy you fast food for a month. Let's not forget the eternal gratitude of the janitors and librarians of this school!" The oldest lady in school suddenly screamed as she appeared out of nowhere right next to Jefferson. He even jumped with surprise at the lady that appeared out of thin air.

People get up and start running as if it were black Friday. Even Marvin disappeared. So much chaos with people shouting, "Come here Feline, Feline, Feline!"

I, on the other hand just stayed laying down on the ground. It just hit me full force. Jefferson was the hottest, worst kind of person there is in this world. He spoiled my show. He ruined my happiness.

"Devereaux, may I ask why you aren't searching along with your fellow acquaintances?" Jefferson questioned as he took a seat where Paco was just a minute ago.

"I can get fast food and easily get out of detention if I wanted to. It is just a cat that hasn't done a bad thing," I sighed. I was almost tempted to add, "The age gap between us also makes me sad."

But I didn't.

"That cat has been here since I started working here, five years ago. It has torn pillows and the couches the library has. Books have been knocked down. The coffee machine shattered to pieces. This cat has even gone as far as to pee around on the floor," Jefferson explained. Even as he said that I just stayed on the ground, turning my head to the right. "Does that not bother you? It probably peed where your head is."

"This is exactly like Orange Is The New Black. Except instead of a chicken it's a cat. No one is going to catch them. They barely escape your grasp and you are then just called a liar," I glumly replied as I saw small kitty paws lightly tread the floor.

"Are you okay kid? Did I break you during gym class? You're starting to compare your life to Piper Chapman's. Are you running a fever?" He leaned over and put a cool hand over my forehead and then to my cheek.

"That cat has adorable baby paws," I mumbled as the brown paws stopped, ignoring the fact that he watched the show.

"You see the cat? Listen, I'll give you a break from trying to break your spirit during class. All you have to do is get the cat and bring it to me," Jefferson told me with a firm voice. "I'll buy you churros. Or ice cream. I don't know where they sell churros."

"Will I get out of detention?"


"Can Marvin get out? Paco? They didn't even do anything wrong."


"I hope the cat pees in your coffee."

"Ugh! Fine! Just go and get it!"

"Can I have my phone?" I sweetly asked as I got off the floor and got up. I even added a smile.

"Do apples grow on plants?"

"A tree is just a really big plant."  I replied and he shakes his head at me.

I let out a sigh as I drag myself towards the corner of the library, where no one happened to be. "Marvin! Paco! Over here!"

The two boys coming running over to me while looking everywhere for the cat. They begin to ask questions, but I instantly shut them up.

By telling rhem, "Shut the hell up. No offense. I know where the pretty kitty is."

"I want detention immunity. Both of you can fight over the gratitude and food," Paco said as I began to laugh.

When we went to the corner the cat was it was lazily laying on the floor, licking its paw. Well it tried to, it had a hard time considering how small the legs were.

"Look how cute it is," I gushed as I pulled on Marvin's arm.

"Give it a churro. It'll come and get closer to us and we can grab it," Paco whispered as he stuck his hand into my purse and thought he pulled out a churro. Instead he pulled out a small tube that had chocolate inside of it. "Really?"

"They're good with chocolate," I snapped at him as Marvin jogged towards the uncovered corner. To both cover it from the cat that could possibly bolt the minute we got closer to it and the enemies.

"Is it me or does the cat not have a nose?" Paco questioned as we both stepped closer to it, a churro in hand.

"It's so cute! He or she doesn't have a nasal bridge. Aww! It's like a mini Voldermont!" I squealed as the cutie slowly approached.

"There it is!" Laura screamed at the top of her lungs. One minute it was just three of us and a cat. The next minute it's eight of us and no cat. "Mr. Jefferson! Mr. Jefferson! We found it! We found it!"

"Bitch get the fuck outta here. Davina, Marvin, and me found it first," Paco snapped at her as we looked for the cat. The tail hanging off the top of the bookshelf caught my attention.

Before anyone knew it I was kicking my heels off and climbing the very unstable bookcase. What was the point of even having a bookshelf taller than a person? How were you supposed to get a book from the very top shelf?

"Devereaux! What are you doing?" Jefferson shouted as I turned my head and saw him approaching us.

"I'm getting my cookie dough ice cream with chocolate syrup over it and an Oreo cookie! That's what I'm doing!" I chirped as I got to the very top of the bookcase and sat there. The cat had jumped towards the other bookcase.

"You're going to hurt yourself! Get down immediately!"

"I got him! I got him!" Laura squealed as she began to climb the other bookcase. Cole and the others were already on the other side starting between me and her.

I do the superhero landing as Deadpool himself described in his movie and start to climb the bookcase.

"Not if I get to him first," I say as I got to the top faster than her. I was playing my chances of falling to my death by not completely putting my body on the top of the bookcase. The only thing keeping me up was my feet that were above a cloth that was beneath all of the books on the shelf.

"No he's mine!" Laura grunted as she tried to grab at mini Voldermort's leg, but only grabbed at air. The smart cat got closer to me and I was able to grab it by the belly and pull it towards me.

It happily meows at me and licks at my fingers, which were slightly sticky from the sugar.

And then the next thing I know is that I was falling. I lost my standing and I was falling off the bookcase. I let out a scream as I hold onto the cat for dear life. For all I know this was my last moment. At least I would spend it with this adorable cat.

"Devereaux...what did I tell you?"

I open up my squeezed closed eyes and see Jefferson's beautiful face. It was such a relief and such a headache. I was going to get a scolding for sure.

"To get the cat. You didn't specify how I should get the cat. Can Marvin, Paco, and I leave now? You said we-"

"I know what I said. Give me the cat and I'll see you Monday." Jefferson demanded as he sets me down and narrows his eyes at me. I give him a big grin as I cradle the cat like a baby. She was adorable.

"What if I want the cat?"

"You aren't getting the cat. Animal Control is on its way for the cat. Get out before I regret my decision and make you stay until six." He told me as I step away from him and go to Marvin and Paco who were high fiving each other. Everyone else had given up and were back at the tables. Except Cole and his friends.

"But I want the cat. Look how cute it is. I am lonely at my house. I need a pet. This little cutie will do just fine." I cooed as the cat meows and begins rubbing her head on my chest. Paco goes to pet it and it ends up scratching him.

"Go to the animal shelter. She'll be there by tomorrow. Now give me the cat before I give you another detention. Devareaux, this is not up for discussion." Jefferson snapped at me as he glared me down. I just stare at him until he fishes out my phone and hangs it over me like a toy.

I go to grab it and he raises it up higher. "Why are you so mean?"

"It brings me joy. Give me the cat and I'll give you your phone. You can resume Sons of Anarchy and continue on with your life." He taunted me with.

I want the cat. But I want my phone. But I could get another phone. I wouldn't be able to get a cat like this. Phones were expensive though.

"Agh! Fine! Here, here, here! I swear if she isn't at the shelter I am going to be pissed! Give me my phone. Marvin lets go. You too Paco. And I better get my icecream!"


By midnight I was already on the couch with wrappers and junk food surrounding me. I didn't feel guilty one bit. I was just sad. Hotshot was already home and in bed. I needed someone to talk to about my feelings and he was my only option. So I climbed in Hotshot's bed and burrowed myself in his covers.

"Davina," he groaned, "I need to sleep. You hog all the covers so get out of my bed."

"I need someone to talk to. My bestie is currently on a plane to here and the guy I talked to has a girlfriend. My mom is dead, my not actual biological father but feels like my biological father, is somewhere in the other side of the world doing some mission I can't know anything about. My cousins are sleeping by now. Marvin and Jessie are also probably sleeping. You're my only option and your covers are really warm. Please don't kick me out." I whined as he turned away from me and pulled the covers away from me. I pull them back and we have a tug of war with the blanket until I just ended up scooting over to him to get some more blanket than what he was giving me.

"Call your boyfriend that isn't your boyfriend but you tell me he is. Why are you so close to me? This is an invasion of privacy. Get away from me." Hotshot said as his hand touched my face and he tried pushing me away.

"Please! I need to vent! It can't wait until midnight when I have to go pick up my bestie." I begged as I continuously tap on Hotshot's shoulder. He gives up on kicking me out and turns on his lamp, but doesn't turn around to face me.

"You have a minute."

"Jackson Teller died in Sons of Anarchy and I wasn't mentally prepared for this. He just left his kids with his exwife and they're orphans now. Well one of them anyways. They don't have anyone besides each other. Their father, uncle, mother, grandma, grandpa, so many people that weren't their blood family but were club family, all are just dead. It just...he lost the love of his life and now he's dead! Tara shouldn't have died! She shouldn't have. Oh my God, this isn't what I expected. It was just like I was hit by a truckload of emotions. Oh God! Just like Jax was hit by the semi." I sobbed as I threw my arm over Hotshot and hugged him. He tried to shrug me off but I just held on tighter. I was just so emotional at the moment.

"You woke me up to tell me about your show? I kind of love you Davina, but right now you make me want to strangle you. Quit touching me. You're passing the limit of how many seconds you can touch me. Get out of my room. You're making me uncomfortable. You and your mother never understood boundaries." He muttered as I heard my phone ring from downstairs.

"I'll get it!" I screamed as I leap off the bed and run through the house to get downstairs to pick up my phone.

"Bestie! Are you here yet?!" I squealed as I didn't bother to check caller I.D. when I jumped over the couch to get my phone.

"Wrong person. Davina it's Jessie. Me and my little brother decided to go to the party I was telling you about and we're drunk. Shit faced drunk. Marvin is dead. He looks dead anyways. Mom is going to kill me. Oh, I called because I need a ride. They can find Marvin's body tomorrow after the party. Can you come pick me up? Then when I can properly say my ABCs I'll come and get my car tomorrow. Please? Hey don't touch him! You're going to get thrown in jail for the murder of my little brother!" Jessie slurred out as my mood dimmers down, I wanted it to be Dion.

"Davina! What did you mean by Dion being on a plane?!" I heard Hotshot shout from upstairs.

"Yeah just send me the address. Make sure Marvin is actually alive and breathing though." I say as I go upstairs into my room to put on some appropriate clothes. Like sweatpants and a hoodie.

"I told you not to touch my brother! They took Marvin. He's on a boat floating away! So just pick me up. I'll send the address. By the way, make sure you're pretty. I mean you're already pretty with your little French accent and that killer body, but look even prettier. There is this pretty boy and I think you would like him. You would make pretty babies. When you have babies can you name one after me? I like to have things named after me. Like dogs. Dogs are so faithful and loyal. We take them for granted and they just want to love us. Like man-"

"Jessie the address." I interrupt with as he turns into a sobbing mess.

"Right. I gotta go. Bye. Look pretty."

He hangs up and I pull out a comfortable black t-shirt dress. I slip it on and start to pull it dowm when Hotshot enters my room with his blanket wrapped around him. Half awake and asleep he drops onto my bed.

"What is Dion doing by coming over here?" He asked as he turned off the light and looked at the glow in the dark words I had written on my walls. He let me decorate it as I pleased so I decided to write quotes in glow in the dark paint.

"He's freaking out Hotshot. He's about to have a kid and I was supposed to help him raise the little booger. You know how his soon to be wife isn't a major fan of me, but he needs me to help him. So he decided to come to Landon and find a home. He doesn't need to try because he's going find a home. Besides video chats aren't the same as being face to face. By the way, Marvin and Jessie are at a party and they're kind of drunk. I'm gonna go pick them up since they aren't dumb teenagers who try to drive while drunk. Do you need anything from the store? I might have to go since I ran out of flour." I say as I turn on the light and go to my makeup table, looking at my face.

I looked fine. I just needed a swipe of mascara, eyeliner, and some lipstick. Brown, to match my craving of eating brownies. It was also such a pretty color. It went great with black.

"Just order a pizza. Papa Pizza is open. I'll online order and you get them. Your friends are probably gonna get hungry. I bought one today. It's in the cabinets with the rest of your baking items. Bring me beer from the party. Parties always have good beer." Hotshot mumbled before lightly snoring.

I swipe up my eyelashes with  mascara and quickly draw the black line over my eyelids and the previous black line that was still on them.

I grab a pair of socks before turning off the lights and quietly going downstairs, finding the pair of booties I wore yesterday. While searching for that I take out my phone and dial my new favorite pizza place, Papa Pizza.

"Thank you for calling Papa Pizza. What can I get you for tonight?" My new friend Xiang said as he answered on the first ring. He was the one who delivered the pizzas the other day I ordered.

"Hi Xiang! It's Davina Devereaux. Can I get my usual order of pizzas with some breadsticks and some wings. Make them spicy though. Like the hottest you guys have. While you're at it add another pep-pep-pepperoni and a cheap cheese one. Both larges." I say while I grab my keys and go to the garage where my booties layed on top of the hood. I put the phone on speaker and slip on my shoes before grabbing my keys and purse.

"Davina Devereaux! My favorite customer. So your order is two pep-pep-pepperoni, two cheap cheese, one supreme leader,  a meaty meats, and these are all large. Then some breadsticks and some chi-wings extra caliente. Would you like ten, fifteen, twenty, or party platter of wings? Party platter comes with a lot of chi-wings. More than thirty." Xiang questioned as I open up my bag and count the money I had. I had a credit card but I needed dollar bills for the tip.

Ninety dollars and six cents.

"Give me the party platter. I'm feeling extra hungry tonight. Mix it up with all the flavors of wings now though. And that should be it." I chirped as I get in the car and open up the garage door with the small remote I carried. The engine of my car roars to life and I was already driving out of the garage before it completely opened.

"Okay. Your big order will be done in half an hour. Total will be eighty nine dollars and twenty-four cents."

"Alright then! Thanks Xiang!"

"No problem Davina."


By the time I arrived at this party Jessie talked about there was absolutely no parking. I literally had to drive around the woods a couple of times until some car left and gave me the blessing of a close parking space by the very large home.

It was a large home in the middle of the woods. It was a nice place with it's pretty little bushes and three story home with balconies in almost each room. It had a big front yard and even bigger backyard from what I could tell. It was just the cliche rich person's home.

And as I ventured towards the house I could see that it was completely trashed. Cups, toilet paper, plates, even food, was thrown all over the yard and some people sprinkled it also. The music was loud, really loud as in I could feel the vibrations of it and I wasn't even inside the house.

"Davina! My girl!" Jessie slurred as he popped up out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around me. "Come on I gotta introduce you to people. Come on, come on, it's not like you were doing anything important." He exclaimed as he pulled me along behind him, walking around the house.

"Where's Marvin?!" I asked as I searched for the innocent looking male. He was nowhere to be seen. Jessie didn't answer my question either as we walked to over to a bonfire.

"The one with the white t-shirt is your future husband. He's in college in some other state but he visits Landon all the time. He's better than Cole. He has tattoos too. His name is Max. Now go!"

Before I knew it I was pushed forward and without the proper balance I usually had I fall. Into someone's lap. I was literally bent over the guy's lap. I don't think I was ever this embarassed. To make matters worse the beer the guy had spilled out and onto the ground.

I hear the collective "Ooh" and whistles as I feel my cheeks heat up. I don't even want to look at the guy as I get up and straighten myself up.

"Davina! You made it!" I look up and see Marvin being entertained by a girl who sat on his lap. When I glare at him he pushes the girl off and throws the beer he had onto the ground.

"Davina, huh? Well Davina you owe me a new beer." The male person I fell over said as he stood up and towered over me.

He was definitely older than I was. He had light brown skin that showed off his bright green eyes well. His hair was a dark color that slightly resembles black but I wasn't sure since the only lighting I had was the orange flames. He didn't keep it long but he didn't keep it short either. It looked soft to the touch with all the volume it had. The stubble on his face made him even hotter than what I thought he was. He was well built and has tattoos all over his arms. I couldn't see what they were or said but I was already interested in them. And him.

"Well I don't know where the beer is or where anything is. I came here for a reason and getting you a new beer is not it. Your legs seem to be working fine though. So maybe you can use those and get the beer yourself. Marvin let's go." I say as my eyes dart between Mr. Hotness and Marvin who was looking anywhere but me.


"Oh shit!"

"She told you!"

Marvin gets up and stands by my side like a little pup. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close to him, the smell of marijuana strong on him.

"What did we miss?" Jessie asked as he drinks a beer and appears with Paco and Marcus. The two boys were on the verge of passing out as they held on to one another, swaying like palm trees. "These two need a ride too by the way."

"Nothing. Come on, let's go." I say as I turn around and begin walking back to my car. I didn't make it far when Jessie pulled my arm.

"Did you see Max? Did you talk to him? When's the wedding?"

"A wedding? I love weddings!" Marcus exclaimed as he appeared next to Marvin and put his arm around him.

"I don't know if I saw him. I was looking for Marvin. I didn't talk to anyone since Marvin and you were my priority. Besides I don't like party guys. They're not my type." I replied, trying to push them all away from me. My personal bubble was being invaded. I needed space. Drunk and being high was not helping.

"So I don't have a chance of seeing you again?"

I turn around and see tattoo sleeve guy with my phone in his hand. This was Max. The guy Jessie was talking about. Oh. I see why he said we would have pretty babies.

"Not really. Can I have my phone back?" I say as nicely as possible and stick my hand out.

"This is awkward. I feel like I'm intruding on a moment. So I'm just gonna go. Come on guys. We'll wait for you in the car." Marvin said as he looked at me and then at Max. Then he starts running with the others to my car.

"That kind of hurts. I thought you were kind of hot." He replied as he put his hand on his chest where his heart was. He fakes a hurt expression and I roll my eyes.

I step forward to snatch my phone but he was quicker and took a step back. I go for at it again and he steps to the right.

So I did what makes guys uncomfortable. I cried.

It wasn't full on sobbing, but it was the tears streaming down my face girly crying. Nothing like before when I cried to Hotshot.

"Oh no. What's wrong? Are you okay? I'm sorry, here's your phone. Take it." Max said as he stepped closer to me and handed me back my phone. He tried to hug me but I sidestepped him and ran with my phone.

"Thanks sucker!" I laughed.

By the time I went to my car I was regretting my choice of wearing the boots instead of my Converse or some sandals. My feet were aching and I was out of energy.

"What are you doing here? Why is there a dog? What happened to Marcus?!" I say as I enter my car and see Cole in my passenger seat and the other boys, but no Marcus.

"I'm in the trunk!" I heard him shout from behind Marvin and the other two.

"My friend was intoxicated and lost his keys. He needs a ride and a place to crash. So I offered your home as we're having a sleepover." Paco replied as he leaned over Marvin to put his head between Cole and I.

"I didn't lose my keys. I am being a safe person and asking for a ride. Can I have a ride Davina?" Cole muttered as he turned to look at me with his pretty eyes.

"Sleepover! Wooh! We can have a pillow fight, talk about girls and boys, watch movies, oh and Snapchat everything so everyone knows we're all friends!" Marcus cheered in the back as I let out a sigh and close my eyes for a moment.

"Fine. Fine. But I'm kicking you all out tomorrow morning."

I was sure to regret this.

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