My Sire Is A Myth

By Lady_Escapist

1.4M 64.8K 7.2K

My head snapped to the side as he slapped me forcefully on the cheek. I kept my head down not allowing him to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Bonus chapter

Chapter 18

19.8K 940 110
By Lady_Escapist

Hey guys, just a fair warning don't get grossed out.....much rather I'd like you to get engrossed..... hehe! ;)

This the longest chapter I have written so far.....enjoy.

- Please spare a vote and comment, thank you.

Layla's POV

I stared at the guy who I had thought was the guy of my dreams. To many emotions and thoughts swirled around in my mind to make sense.

All I saw was his eyes and the way they would flicker between black and red. They attracted me, an undeniable urge to go to him forced me to take a step closer.

Your vampire mate!

His words echoed in my mind. Was this some kind of sick joke? Why was there blood all over Leo's shirt. Why was Officer Gabe telling me to run away? 

Vampire mate!

I shivered. What?

Vampire mate!

Suddenly my mind snapped into action.

"Leo", I yelled frantically, running towards him, his eyes where half way closed and his breath was shallow, "Leo, oh my God Officer what have you done?", I screamed.

Leo's crimson orbs lifted up to meet mine, "Blood", it was a whisper, but it made me go cold.

Realization hit me.


My hands began to shiver they where touching Leo's shoulders. I closed my eyes when unfamiliar tingles went up my arms and shuddered through my whole body.

Vampire. Mate. Vampire. Mate. Vampire. Mate.

I was frozen in place until I felt two moist hands wrap around my forearms, my eyes snapped open and I was staring into those enthralling red eyes.

My sight flickered to Officer Gabe, he was holding the cuffs and a bloody stake in his hands and looking at me with concern then turning to Leo, "Don't harm her", and walked away.

My attention returned to Leo, his hands around my arms where bloody and he seemed to be in pain.

Forgetting what I had just found out I went to put his arm around my shoulder and hoisted him up. The little strength he had left,  helped me to get him inside. With a grunt I lowered him to his couch.

"What do you need?", I asked him softly.

He looked at me, and a hint of fear crossed his features.

"I'm so sorry Layla," remorse covered his low voice. "you weren't supposed to find out like this."

"How then," I smiled softly, I had no idea why I wasn't freaking out. This was an imbalance in nature. Vampires only existed in literature.

"Different", he mumbled.

"Its ok", I stroked his dirty hair and picked out crumbs of rock and dirt, I had no idea how that had come there but I didn't ask.

"You aren't freaking out", he stated.

"I know, I was wondering about the same thing," I continued raking my fingers through his dirty hair.

 Suddenly he moaned and clutched his chest.

"What is it?", I asked my eyes wide.

"He stabbed me, that makes us weak.", he hissed between clenched teeth.

"Aren't you supposed to be immortal and strong?", I was surprised at my own question. Something was wrong with me I was taking this way to calmly.

"Im weaker than most, I try to live like a human.", his explanation confused me.

"What do you need," I asked him again.

Suddenly he jumped off the couch and I felt how my back hit against the wall. I opened my squeezed shut eyes to find Leo lurring over me, he looked scary and dangerous but at the same time mouth watering.

 He dipped his head down and stopped only inches from my face, his breath fanned my cheeks and his gleaming eyes bore holes into my neck.

My body was aroused by his closeness, and my mind turned fuzzy I couldn't form a single thought that didn't involve naughtiness, for which I mentally slapped myself. But I couldn't deny the strong pull I felt towards him.

"Ask that again," he huffed roughly. 

My stomach tingled and my mouth opened without my consent "What do you need, vampire mate."

Leo's grip tightened on my waist and a low growl escaped his lips, which sent me into frenzy. He leaned down and planted a single kiss on the left side of my neck. 

"You," he purred, "you alone, it's all I want."

Mhh cheesy, I laughed at my thoughts but I was quickly overwhelmed by his dominating grip and growl that rumbled in his chest.

"Have me," I whispered, my eyes widened at my own words. I knew he wanted my blood and I allowed him? 

I gasped in shock not able to utter a stronger sound as I felt two pointy teeth enter my flesh which brought bittersweet pain.

Avery's POV

I writhed in agony my whole body was on fire again. I could almost see the flames devouring my body. I was laying on the cold stone floor turning from side to side which helped from the evil burn, occasionally moaning.

The pain had started after Leo had left without letting me out of here, my heart had hurt so much which eventually had changed into physical pain. My clothes were drenched in sweat by now. My mouth was dry and  I needed to drink but I didn't have anything.

The night had passed and the pain had gotten stronger and stronger, sunlight peeked through the small window on the wall so I knew it had been morning for a while now and the pain was the strongest now. All I could hope for was that somebody would come and see my misery.

It was as if somebody was pinching needles into my feet and go up until my whole body was covered in them, then they would take them out, pour alcohol over the wounds let it burn and start at my feet once again, the same sensation over and over.

And when they got bored of the needles it was as if then they would take a razor blade and slide them with the sharp side along my legs until reaching my stomach leaving deep burning and tingling cuts, then they would take the cut flesh into their hands and press on it to squeeze out the blood and even pull the cuts apart so it would tear deeper. 

Not only once had I propped myself up on my elbows to verify that I didn't have needle pinches or razor cuts.

The other horrible agony was that as if they would force my eyes open and pour liquid acid in them, then they would hold me down not allowing me to rub it out and try to stop the burn, no I was frozen to the ground when that would happen.

Next thing I knew was as if they would blow million articles of sand into my eyes and make me blink over and over the crusty sand edges.

But that would not even explain halfway the pain I felt, I begged my body to shut down and just let me go into eternity, I wanted to die.

Officer Gabes words echoed in my mind 'Don't give up, whatever happens.'

But he hadnt been bitten by a vampire had he? He hadnt gone through this pain.

"Oh my God Avery, what's wrong", I winced at a females loud screeching voice.

I didn't know who she was, she just had a horribly loud voice.

"Castor", she yelled, "Castor come here." I winced again 'Damn woman shut up. And who's Castor?'

Suddenly a second voice sounded way too close to my ears.

"Why are you yelli....oh shit.", this was a male.
A cold soothing hand touched my cheek and I snuggled myself into the relieving coolness.

"What is wrong with her?", the woman's voice had gone lower and I mentally thanked her.

"It's the vampire venom", the male's voice was comforting it was cold and distant but nonetheless comforting.

Another hand joined the other side of my cheek.

"She has a ravishing fever. " It was the male.

'Fever? No, my body is on fire'. 

"What does she need," the female spoke softly now.

I groaned as a sudden heat wave blazed through my body.

"Avery, can you hear me," she called me.

'Go away, I want to die.

"Avery, wake up," the voice got louder.

'Leave me alone.'

"She's not fighting anymore, her thoughts are telling you to leave her alone.", the male's voice was low.

'Yes, finally someone who understands.'

"Is her body resisting the bite?", her tone interlaced with worry.

"No, her body is trying to accept it, but she has too much venom in her system or should I say the venom is too strong."

"Oh my....", the female was seemed to be actually worried, "what can we do?"

"I know what they did to me when I changed.", the male spoke.

"Then do that to her," she exclaimed.


"What?" , I winced at her once again loud voice.

"It's forbidden, you know that", he sounded bored.

"Oh damn, the main law has been broken anyway, she's going to die like this."

"Maybe its better if she dies.", the male's voice was cold and I could help to feel hurt. Yes, I wanted to die but having others want me to die was very uncomfortable.

The female growled and shook my body.

"Wake up," she screeched.


'Gatáki listen to her'

I froze. 'Velvet'  

That's all I could think, shivers ran through my spine and I fought for my next breath, the velvety voice sounded familiar. Why was I hearing it? 

'Gataki?'  What did that mean? 

'Listen to her'

Who was he? I began to restlessly move from side to side again. It was as if the order that voice had given me was one I had to fulfill. But who was he?

"Avery," I knew now who the female was. "Wake up."

My eyes snapped open and I sucked in my breath with a loud gasp.

"Oh my God", Seline smiled into my face "you're awake."

My eyes darted around and I met the male who wanted me dead. Of course, I should have known who it was. His eyes formed small slits around his raven orbs. I couldn't rip my gaze of his eyes. 

"Stop, hiding your thoughts", his low voice rumbled through his chest.

I looked at him in surprise. "I'm not doing anything", I whispered half in fear. 

He leaned closer and suddenly I felt a force tug in my head. "Open up," he growled.

"Ouch, I'm not doing anything, please stop, " I gasped in pain.

Just as fast as it had come, just as fast it went away and I sighed.

"Im thirsty", I said quietly.

"Here", Seline handed me a bottle of water "are you hungry?"

Thankfully I took the water and drank deeply. I set it away and told Seline that I was hungry.

She unwrapped a plate of food that she must have brought with and offered it to me. Suddenly a jolt of pain ripped through my stomach making me yell and clutch my abdomen. 

Seline grabbed my shoulders and steadied me so I didn't hit my head on the floor.

"What's wrong?", she soothed with a soft voice.

"It hurts", I croaked.

"Her body doesn't want water", Sir Castor spoke just as softly.

"What does it want?", Seline asked.

"Think, what would it want?", I looked at him confused when I heard Seline's sharp intake of breath "Oh my", her voice was less than a whisper.

With speed I couldn't keep up with, Sir Castor was out of the cell and I stared after him. I turned to look at Seline's beautiful eyes. She was looking at me with an unreadable expression. Suddenly I felt Sir Castors presence back and he was holding a metal cup.

"Here", he handed me the cup, "try this."

"What is it?", I looked at its content and scrunched my nose in disgust. A dark liquid with a bronze scent met me.

'Is this blood?'

"I can't drink that", I said in disgust.

"You want that pain again?", Sir Castor squated down to my eye level, "Do you enjoy feeling like your whole body is on fire, and you just want to die?"

I looked at him trying to read of his expression but it was dead.

"No", I mumbled  in horror, remembering the agony I had been in moments ago. I was still utterly uncomfortable.

"Then drink it," he gazed into my eyes and I felt the power in his words. Without further comment I set the metal to my lips and let the dark liquid flow into my mouth. The bronze taste hit my tongue which sent a shiver of disgust down my spine. I swallowed and felt the liquid leaving a burn all the way down to my stomach and it revolted.

Without preview notice I gagged forcefully clutching my abdomen once again. The pain was much stronger than before from the water and I moaned loudly.

"What now?" Seline exclaimed.

Sir Castor looked at me with confusion on his face as I coughed and grunted. His hand came and took the cup from me and at once I was paralysed at the sight of the veins running across his smooth skin. He caught my action and stopped his movement.

Slowly  I went to touch the slight bulge on his skin that his veins provoked on his upper hand. Softly my fingertips caressed the vein and a foreign desire crept upon me.

Sir Castor took the cup with his other hand, gave it to Seline and motioned her to leave.

She left in silence as I was still in trance, my fingertips gliding further up his arm where his veins grew thicker. I licked my lips and Sir Castors eyes followed my movement, I reached out with my other hand to touch the soft veins.

I looked up into Sir Castor eyes and shivered slightly, black no longer reigned his eyes for a deep red had taken over.

I returned my gaze to his veins and softly caressed along their lengths.

"Do you want it?", I was startled at his soft and smooth voice close to my ears.

"I....don't know", I whispered back confused not knowing what was going on.

"I know you do," he spoke softly. My eyes darted to meet his,  he was gazing intensly into mine and again I shuddered.

"I don't know what it is", I admitted.

"It's alright" he soothed " I know what you want."

Suddenly his arms wrapped around me and in the next instant I was seated between his legs while he was leaning on the stone wall. My breath hitched at his sudden closeness.

I turned around and looked at him. "You want it right?", I was nervous at his abrupt change of attitude.

"Want what?". I muttered in confusion.

Slowly he lifted his hand and placed his wrist over his mouth which I saw as he opened it was armored by a pair of gleaming white fangs. I gasped in shock as he bit into his wrist, his eyes never leaving mine.

With his other hand he turned my head around and pressed my back into his chest. 

"You want this", his hand appeared in front of me and he turned his wrist. There was blood trickling from the holes his fangs had created.

Once again I was in trance at the sight of his blood slowly oozing out of the wounds. But then I remembered the taste of the blood in the cup and shook my head no.

"Come on, taste it" he whispered persuasively into my ear.

I went to take his wrist but then I stopped.

'This is crazy shit, I'm human and I DON'T drink blood.

'Gatáki drink'

I was frozen again.  That voice made icy shivers race up and down my spine.

'What does Gataki mean?'  Why was he calling me that or who was it?

"Drink", Castors voice brought me back to the presence.

He guided his wrist close to my mouth, there was now blood on my already dirty black leggings which I was still  wearing from the day they had found me.

An epic scent of something foreign entered my nose and my tongue flickered out to lick the drop of blood that had been about to fall.

A dark sensation swept over me, I closed my eyes and the taste exploded in my mouth, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced or tasted. It was deliciously warm and intoxicating. It's sweet texture dissolved amongst my saliva, leaving me craving for more.

I grabbed his wrist with a strange growl escaping my lips, pressed my mouth against his wounds and began in a combination of licking and sucking, to rid his wrist of blood.

It ran down my throat like satin, a rainstorm in a desert, soothing the painful burn and leaving a refreshed trail of an epic, blissful sensation.

A grunt left Sir Castor lips and he cursed under his breath. His arm tightened around my stomach and pressed me further into his chest.

Slowly I began realizing what I was doing and turned to look at him in shock, his eyes were full of wonder, surprise and confusion.

"What are you becoming?", he mumbled.

TO BE CONTINUED............

Sorry for any grammatical errors

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