The Tutor » Ziall AU ✔

Por ZiallSmut

1.3M 40.3K 23.5K

[Completed] • Zayn Malik. Everyone knows him in Bradford High school. He's the school bad boy. Every girl in... Más

★ Prologue
★ Chapter ①
★ Chapter ②
★ Chapter ③
★ Chapter ④
★ Chapter ⑤
★ Chapter ⑥
★ Chapter ⑦
★ Chapter ⑧
★ Chapter ⑨
★ Chapter 10
★ Chapter ①①
★ Chapter ①②
★ Chapter ①③
★ Chapter ①④
★ Chapter ①⑤
★ Chapter ①⑦
★ Chapter ①⑧
★ Chapter ①⑨
★ Chapter 20
★ Chapter ②①
★ Chapter ②②
I'm so so so sorry! :(
★ Chapter ②③
★ Chapter ②④
★ Chapter ②⑤
★ Chapter ②⑥
★ Chapter ②⑦
★ Chapter ②⑧
★ Chapter ②⑨
★ Chapter 30
★ Chapter 31
★ Chapter32
★ Epilouge

★ Chapter ①⑥

36.1K 1.1K 341
Por ZiallSmut


Warning Ziall fluff incoming! :D

***** Niall's POV *****

After visiting Louis and Liam, me and Zayn decided to go back to my house and just chill and cuddle. Stuff like that.

We're currently sitting in the sofa watching um... I don't even know.

Zayn fell asleep on my lap a few minutes ago. He's so cute when he sleeps. Zayn seriously looks like an angel when he sleeps.

I started to run my hand through his raven black hair and just play round with his hair.

Maybe is should call Harry and check if he's okay. I took out my phone from my back pocket, carefully trying not to wake up my Zaynie.

Once I took out my phone I checked to see of I have awoken Zayn. Luckily no I haven't.

I unlocked the phone and scrolled through my contact list and when I found his number I clicked the 'call' button.

After 3 rings he picked up.

"HeeelllloooOOOooOoo?" He said dragging out the 'O'.

"Hello Harry" I said, my accent thick.

"Can I help you bud?" He asked.

"Nah, I was just wondering how you are and whatnot" I said truthfully.

"Yeah I'm fine" Harry paused, then spoke again "Hey Niall, can I ask you a serious question?"

"Sure what is it mate?"

"Did you change my ringtone to that lousy marimba?!" He asked, he basically spat out the word 'Marimba' as if it were poison! haha!

I laughed loudly, forgetting that Zayn was sleeping "Yes! haha man I should of haha bin there haha to see your haha reaction haha" I said in between laughs. Soon enough Harry start to laugh along.

"Niall, what's so funny" I heard Zayn say. Oops? I woke him up.

"Harry haha Marimba haha" I said laughing. I laugh about anything.

"You're so cute when you laugh" Zayn cooed while smiling at me.

Oh gosh, I love his smile. It was perfectly straight and white. His tongue poked the back of his teeth made him look cute. The crinkled in his eyes just makes you're heart stop. That's how you know he was truly happy.

Me in the other hand hate my smile. I have crooked teeth, but that didn't stop me from smiling. (A/N: Yes, Niall has crooked teeth in this story because I wanna and he looked so cute with his crooked teeth!! :) My smiled compared to his was nothing.

Zayn noticed I trailed off because he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "hello? Niall?"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts. Zayn just chuckled at me, "you just trailed off for a few minutes"

"Oh" Was all I said.

Zayn got off my lap and pulled me closer. So now we were cuddling in the couch. "What's on your mind?" He asked while playing with my hair.

"Nothing" I said as I looked at Zayn, he gave me a knowing look that says likewise. I looked away "Fine, it's just that you're so beautiful and perfect and you have this amazing perfect smile that makes me feel ugly when I'm around you" I confessed truthfully.

"Niall ... " Zayn said while making me look at him by grabbing my cheeks and turning my face in his direction.

"I feel in love with this crazy, carefree lad who loves to eat and have fun. But at the same time is caring, supportive and understandable. Looks were just a Bonus" Zayn winked at me causing me to smile.

Zayn pointed at my lips "See, and that beautiful smile of yours. You may not have the best teeth but you have this amazing smile that can light up anybody's world. Especially mine"

I cuddled closer to Zayn's sides. "Thank you Zaynie" He kissed my forehead in response.

"Any time babe" Zayn said as I looked up to him and whispered "I love you"

Zayn smiled down at mean and pulled me into a kiss. "I love you too" He kissed me one more time before whispering "So. Very. Much" He gave me small kiss in between each word which caused me to giggle.

Sooner or later we just fell asleep in each others arms. Enjoying the warmth he gave off and just simply enjoying him and all his little things. ;D


Short? Yeah I know...

But today's my birthday! :D

I got a hamster for my birthday. A teddy bear hamster to be exact! :3

His name is Andy! He's so cute! I love him. ( Picture on the side, if there's no picture go to my twitter @iHorlik )

That's all! :3




Wish me a happy birthday? :D

- ZiallSmut

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