Forbidden Love

By Lenox_Clare_

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I watched the water drip down his nose and onto his beautiful full lips. I craved the warmth of his touch. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

1.3K 38 2
By Lenox_Clare_

You're beautiful.
My heart seized as the memory invaded. I closed my eyes to quiet his voice. To force away the feel of his fingers brushing my cheek and the intensity of his steel-blue eyes looking at me.

I squinted my eyes open as the morning sun seeped into my bedroom. Today would have been a perfect day to catch up on Vampire Diaries, to doze off and forget about everything that has happened, but unfortunately it was Monday.

Sighing at the thought, I gently removed my duvet and climbed out of my cosey bed.

One more week.
I kept telling myself. One more week of school before the holidays.

I stripped off my pajamas and stood under the blast of hot water in the shower until it turned cold. I still couldn't feel anything. No emotion. No sensation. No thoughts. Just silence. The voices were vanquished. I stared at the mirror that had tiny droplets dripping down it, avoiding eye contact with the girl who starred back.

I fumbled for a towel to wrap around my head and another to cover my body. I emerged from the fog-filled bathroom, clouds of vapour billowing out after me when I heard Dylan's music blasting in the opposite room.

I shut my bedroom door and switched on my radio to block out his loud, shouting noise that I hated with a passion.

I opened my curtains and the sunlight blinded me. Squinting at the clear blue sky, I felt giddy as today looked like a good day. Smiling at the thought, I slipped on my favourite summer dress along with brown sandals.

I quickly applied savlon to a small piece of cotton wool and dabbed it gently onto my knee. After rinsing it off with a wet cloth, I peeled open a plaster and stuck it over the wound.

Stuffing all my books into my bag, I slung it around my shoulder and grabbed my phone before heading out my bedroom. I passed Dylan's room with a loud bang on the door, and went downstairs.

I laughed evily when I heard Dylan open his door in an irritated matter and slammed it shut again.

Entering the kitchen, I glanced around for the usual lunch box Lisa set out and smiled when I noticed it placed on one of the counter tops. Just before I wanted to grab it quickly, I noticed a sticky note stuck to the lid.

'Have a great day.' I crumpled the paper and threw it away in the bin.


"Psst Demi." Dylan whispered, poking me in the arm softly. I ignored him and stared out at the teachers demonstration in the front.

"Demi." He whined before poking my arm much harder. "What's the answer?" I scoffed. Do you know how long it took me to figure out those answers? Dylan sensed my defiance and groaned quietly before throwing a pencil at me. My lips curved up in amusement.

Dylan's hand darted for my exercise book, but I pulled it away, my smile morphed into a full blown grin. Dylan growled, figuring out that I was playing with him. I chuckled. "Demi." He whispered, a tone of desperation evident in his voice. "Please, I need the answers."

"Mr Michaels," Mrs Woodley paused the equation she was busy with on the white board and turned around to face the class, "What's your answer for 2.3?"

Dylan's face turned blank. Girls were mouthing the correct answer to him but he had a difficulty with understanding what they were saying. A scoff of laughter escaped my lips as Dylan frowned frustratedly at the poor girls who were only trying to help him.

"Dylan, is your homework complete?"

He dropped eye contact. "No ma'am."

My eyes widened in shock at his honesty. Usually he would come up with pathetic excuses. Mrs Woodley grabbed a detention slip off of her desk and slammed it down in front of him. "I assume you already know how to fill in this form."


"How have you and Dylan been?" Raquel asked as we seated at our usual lunch table. "Still bugging you?"

"Actually-" I started but got interrupted when Chase slid in next to Raquel and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He stole one of her chips and popped it into his mouth. Stunned, I watched as Eric grabbed a chair from the opposite table and pulled it to ours and sat down, along with Aiden.

Raquel glared at Chase as she shoved his arm away. Chase smirked before Dylan slid in next to me. "What are you doing?" I asked as the boys made themselves at home.

"Can't we sit with you?" Dylan smiled.

I was about to reply with a snarky comment but Eric cut me off with a chuckle. "I think we interrupting girl talk, guys."

"Looks like it. Tells us the gossip babes." Aiden leaned in eagerly, teasing us. I swated him playfully before scooting over till I could no longer feel the electric charge that shot up my body each time Dylan moved a muscle too close to my frame.

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I will give it back." Chase asked Raquel in a playful manner, leaning in to make kissy noises by her ear. She laughed before shoving him hard in the chest.

Watching the two of them was like watching a soppy romance movie about two teenagers who banter and throw nasty remarks towards each other but secretly liked one another. I smiled at the thought and Dylan noticed. His arm draped around my shoulder, tingling my nerves.

What is wrong with you? He's your step brother!

Feeling eyes on my back, I froze before turning around to survey the scene. Almost every girl I spotted or made eye contact with, gave me the death glare. If looks could kill, I would be dead. I stiffened beside Dylan and he felt it. His hand slipped away as he sent a quick smile in my direction.

"Anyway," Eric cut in, "There is a reason to why we interrupted your peaceful lunch time girls." Both Raquel and I rolled our eyes. "This Friday we decided to have a small get together and the two of you are invited."

Raquel glanced my way skeptically.
"Small?" She laughed. "Do you guys even know the meaning of small?" She scoffed.

"Of course we do." Eric gasped dramatically, lifting his right hand up to his chest, acting as if that statement hurt his feelings. "It's the size of Chases dick."

I muffled a laugh that was eager to surface as Chase glared at Eric. "Seriously dude?"

"Who's all invited?" I interrupted.

"Just the people at this table." Aiden smiled, coughing back a laugh that was eager to surface.

"What exactly will be happening at this small get together?" Raquel questioned, clearly not falling for their ridiculous attempted at a lie.

Chase gripped her leg and bit down on his lower lip before clasping his lip ring between his teeth. "What ever you want baby. Maybe you could find out for yourself how big my dick actually is."

She smiled sarcastically before lifting her foot and stamping it down hard on his. "Touch me again," she started as he grunted while clenching his teeth, "I'll cut off your ball sack in your sleep, understand?"

A laugh escaped my lips, which led to everyone around the table laughing while Chase sat puzzled and frightened next to Raquel for the rest of lunch period.


I entered the house, kicking of my sandals and dumping my school bag to the floor. What a day.

I automatically entered the lounge, knowing that after a long day at work, my dad would be lazily sat on the couch watching football. "Hey pumpkin, how was school?"

I sighed before plonking down onto the couch beside him. "Long."

To my relief, he changed the channel to comedy central. "This weekend Lisa and I are going to Vegas to check out the wedding reception."

How is it possible that I had completely forgotten about the wedding. With all the camosion going on at school, it must've slipped my mind. "Okay."

"Will you be fine here with Dylan?" My stomach tightened. "Just until Monday." I glanced at my dad and offered him a reassuring smile, "And don't forget about tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"The dance classes, Demi." I sighed heavily. "You and Dylan must be ready by half past three."


"And Lisa said something about a carnival on Wednesday, which Dylan usually attends. I think it's a great idea if you go with him. Lisa and I will be back by then, but probably much too tired to go to a loud fair."

"Yeah sure. Sounds fun." 

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