Fallen Angels: The Rise of an...

By kjkiller

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He saw an angel die once. When he was a teenager, he walked in heaven, met the archangels, and even met Jesu... More

Fallen Angels: Prologue
Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: Starting at a New School
Chapter 4: The Professor
Chapter 5: Invaded by Twins
Chapter 6: Gaphney Central

Chapter 3: Metamorphosis

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By kjkiller

A/N - Now, this will sound like a regular story, well not like it didn't before.  Now it's not in the first person point of view.  Enjoy and please comment :)

Metamorphosis is a sincere change from one form to another, the most famous animal that does this is the caterpillar.  The tiny insect curls up into a "J" form, then forms a cocoon around its interior.  The caterpillar stays in this stage between four to nine days.  While in the helpless state, the insect's body and structure change almost completely.  After the incubation period in the cocoon, the insect emerges as a butterfly.  It will never be the same, and can never be the same anymore.


When we ended off, Quin mysteriously made it to the academy, met the girl of his dreams, and met what will soon be his best friend.  When he shook that boy's hand, Quin's eyes went black and he fell into a coma, thus started his own metamorphosis.  Now, Quin is in a high tech incubator, its body was similar to a computer mouse with a transparent top on it.  Looking from the top down, you can see Quin.  You could see the wires hooked up to him, the oxygen pump, and for some reason, the belts strapping him down to his bed.  This wasn't the only incubation pod in this room, there were hundreds of these alien like pods.  It looked as if the Academy was trying to build an army or something, or were getting ready for one.  There were a ton of pods, but most of them were empty.  Out of the few hundred, only about twelve of them were being used.  The pods were all in order of the person's levels.  On the ground floor were the Phoenixes, middle were the Adders, and toward the top were the Grizzlies.


----Secret Location Near Bethlehem, NJ----

----May 20, 2011----

----12:34 A. M.----

Nick Orton walked into the incubation room, stood at the doorway for a minute, searching for the pod, then started walking to Pod 34B.  He walked pretty quickly, he knew what was about to happen.  28, 29, 30....He counted in his head.  Nick knew this was what the Prophet was talking about.  A boy will suddenly appear at the school with an elderly angel at his side.  The boy will enter his metamorphosis only at your touch, and will die that same day, this will bring you peace, my child.  The Prophet's words were so vivid in Nick's mind, he can never forget the her shrill voice, her hawk-like eyes, her pale skin, and that missing left eye.


The Prophet was a guest for Sunday Chapel, she was telling us about Sodom and Gomorrah.  About how they were so wicked that God destroyed them with sulfur.  She made the comment, They were so wicked that God destroyed them, so why are we still alive?  Look at all the sin and corruption going on in this world.  You cannot go through a big city without seeing somebody getting hurt, but have people keeping to themselves and not stepping in to help others in need.  What has happened to all of those heroes the world used to have?  Then she stopped, closed her eyes, and started making a buzzing noise.  Her body went limp and she floated into the air, a green mist surrounding her.  She started shaking and twitching like she was having a seizure, then she dropped like a waffle stuck to the ceiling.  She opened her one good eye, looked at Nick with a frightened face, she started speaking again.  I had a vision!  God will deliver the world the hero that it desperately needs!  You, boy!  The Prophet pointed at Nick and signalled him to come up to the stage toward her.  A boy will suddenly appear at the school with an elderly angel at his side.  The boy will enter his metamorphosis only at your touch, and will die that same day, this will bring you peace, my child.  He will also bring peace and joy to the world, but he shall also harm it.  The Prophet turned from the crowd and talked so quietly she almost whispered to Nick.  Promise me you will stay by him the night he enters his metamorphosis; this boy will be the only one of our kind to be reborn, you will see in a few weeks.  She turned back toward the congregation and proclaimed, "I will be back my children!  On the day of Winter Solstice, there will be a great battle at the Academy, I for see a great victory for you, but also a great loss.  Till then, my children, be good, and learn to trust each other!!"  At her last word she disappeared into smoke.


The light was shining out of the pod and the ground trembled a bit.  Nick ran to the pod and eventually got to it.  He looked inside of it and saw him, it was Quin.  His face was the same, he was just about a foot taller, his muscles were larger, more toned, and he had a glow to him; this is what Nick has been waiting for.  Nick's hopes were skyrocketing, his problems will finally be solved, but when he was at the top of the world, the worst thing that could happen happened.  Quin's pod turned red, sirens started blaring, and the pod opened up.  In a panic, Nick felt for Quin's pulse, but there was none...Quin was dead.


Quin's lifeless body was lying in the infirmary, a few people gathered around him.  Nick was there, so was the blonde girl Quin had taken a fancy to, some of her friends were there too, some first years from the Grizzlie clan was also in attendance.  They all were laying flowers on Quin's bed where his feet lay.  They decided to saying little things about him, nice things, of course.  Most of the kids were commenting on how they didn't really know him that well, but he was so nice from what they were able to detect about him.  It was the blonde's turn.  She kneeled down next to his bed and played with his hair a bit and gazed at Quin's face like she was gazing at a new born baby.  Her hazel eyes watching him gently.

"You were such a great guy," she started.  "I wish you'd remember me from when we were kids.  I knew there was something different about you when you stopped those guys from beating up my mother.  I know I don't know you that well, but I love you Quin."  She kissed Quin's forehead and joined her friends, a tear was rolling down her cheek.  It was now, and finally, Nick's turn.  He stood next to Quin.

"Hey, man," He was able to croak out. "The Prophet said you'd bring me peace.  I was hoping to finally find out what my powers are, I was hoping to finally not feel alone anymore."  Nick placed his right hand on Quins heart. "Quin, why don't you just come back to life!"  When Nick said that, his had was engulfed with a yellow mist.  The mist hovered around his hand for a minute, then shot straight into Quin's body.  With a start, Quin bolted up.  His eyes were open, he chest was moving showing that he was breathing, and he was smiling.  He looked around at everyone.  Nick was standing next to him astonished, the blonde girl and her friends broke down crying, and the first year Grizzlies were scared and urinated themselves.

"What just happened to me!?"  Quin half shouted at Nick.  All he remembers is shaking Nick's hand and everything going black.  Nick retold all that had happened to Quin.  Quin was amazed at what happened.

"I'm sorry," Quin started.  "I don't remember you exactly, but you do look familiar."  He was talking to the cute blonde girl.

"I'm Ellen, you saved me-" Ellen started, but  Nick broke into the small conversation.

"I finally know my abilities!" Nick stated. "You brought me peace.  Thanks, Quin."

Everyone was smiling wide.  Ellen wasn't even offended that he interupted her.  Everything seemed to be going fine, until the sky outside tured black and a storm brewed and started in four seconds.  A bolt of thunder shot into the room, an enormous figure came out of it.  It was the most beautiful thing any of them had ever seen.  His face was soft and kind and so inviting.  Then almost instantly, a man in his late 30's barged into the room.

"Leave this place, Lucifer!" The man proclaimed.

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