Mending Hearts (MaiChard)

By poutylipschinita

42.8K 1.5K 272

One of my favorite 90's movies is the Parent Trapped and I think most of you are familiar to that movie and n... More



3.9K 131 38
By poutylipschinita




Mendoza Residences, Bonton Landing, NY 2031

Maine is stacking up some things to put in the attic. Most of their stuff is going to be shipped back in the Philippines and some will be kept in the attic.

"Maine, where do you want me to put the box of kitchen utensils?" Shouted Angie from the second floor.

"Beside the tea cups labeled box, I don't know find it Angie!" She shouted back.

She then continued putting the DVD's and CD's in the TV room to a box. She was almost finished when she came across a blank CD. She decided to watch or listen to whatever the CD is. It is quite odd since she purchased and organised everything herself. When she inserted the CD in her laptop, a window appear and it showed the title of the CD: NDMF. It has only one item, she clicked and discovered it was a video.

At first, it was all black then suddenly letters began to appear. She waited patiently for the letters to complete and when it did, it was her name.

To Nicomaine Dei Mendoza Faulkerson

The screen then changed, it was kind of shaky at first and she can't comprehend what was happening in the video. It then stopped and she can clearly see what was happening, she gasped. It was their home videos that Richard loved to film. She already saw the videos but she didn't knew her husband— ex husband—had compiled all of their home videos. The first video was when the house was finished and they were moving in. They were still engaged at that time but Richard already build the house for them. She used to say that it was his house and he would argue and say it was theirs, their love nest. She remembered how Richard's eyes would shine talking about the future—their future. They sat in the couch and imagined the future ahead of them. While Richard was playing with her hand and talking about children she knew that it was the perfect timing to tell him.

"I'm pregnant" She recalled whispering to his ears.

"Yes, you're going to be pregnant with our little Richard and little Maine.." Richard was still in his bubble when she said it again, louder.

"Chard, I said I'm pregnant. 3 weeks."

She saw how Richard froze and how it made her worried but then he looked at her. She never thought you could feel so loved just by looking at someone's eyes. Richard smiled and tears pooling in his eyes and he suddenly touched Maine's belly.

"I'm going to be a father?" He whispered.

"Yes." Maine matched Richard's face. He then crushed her to a really tight embrace. And Maine knew, she can never be happy as she was in that moment.

Of course she was wrong, the next video then moved to a hospital, she had mild contractions for the whole day and the OBGYNE told her that it was only the first stage just like what they discussed. Richard is busy recording everything. He interviewed every family member in the room while Maine was resting. They all knew how excited Richard was and he kept smiling while everyone gave messages for the twins. He wants to make a this special and show it to the twins someday.

When she held their eldest, she knew she was wrong. This was the moment that she can never be happy as she was in that instant. Richard was holding the other twin. They mirrored each other's faces. They knew that they love each other and they were each other's better halves but having the twins in their arms, they never felt so complete, whole, contented.

"Hello, Rio" She cooed and the baby in her arms slightly smiled. There are tears in her eyes and she knew she might burst any moment.

"Channy, anak." She then heard Richard.

There were already tears in Maine's eyes while watching the video and remembering everything as well. The video changed and it was the twins' nursery in their home, she didn't knew this one. Richard is setting up the camera and then he held Rio in his arms. He then sat at the rocking chair. He was looking at Rio's face and smiled.

She thinks it was the time where the twins' are only months old. Maine was wondering where she was and Richard answered in the video.

"You know, Mommy is still sleeping. I just got home and I want to check up on you guys. Why are you still awake huh Rio?" He talked like Rio can understand him.

"Rio, would you promise me that you will grow very healthy and a good daughter to mommy and daddy?" He rocked back and forth with the rocking chair.

"I promise you Rio, you would only have the best because Mommy and I would shower you with all of our love. Grow up to the best version of yourself and we will be here supporting you all the way. Mommy and I are a team and together we would make your dreams come true."

Maine's heart was breaking because they weren't together as a team anymore but they are still trying their best to make their children's dreams come true.

She saw Richard putting Rio back in the crib and stared directly at the camera.

"I already made a promise Nicomaine and I know you would say the same thing." He smiled.

"I love you Nicomaine, we can do this together."

The video vanished and she thought it was over. She was about to get her kleenex when another video appeared. It was shaky like the first video when it went steady and the one holding the camera placed it in a table or something. She saw a bed and someone was sleeping on it. She realised it was her. She was sleeping sideways and the camera caught her whole face. A man appeared and sat in the corner of the bed. She felt her heart beating, faster than usual. She anticipated on what the man will do even though she know who it was. The man's face wasn't included in the shot, the camera was focusing on the sleeping Maine. He faced Maine and leaned in toward her face. She still can't see the man's face since he was facing her. She knew he planted a kiss on her. After what he did, he faced the camera and there he was.

"I know you don't like these kind of videos Nicomaine but you're so irresistible I have to." He then showed his dimples in the camera.

"I love you so much Nicomaine." He slowly said while staring at the camera with tears in his eyes, like he meant every word. And Maine felt it, his love, Richard's love. She felt it through the screen and she reached the Richard in the video, touching his face.

She heard herself calling Richard in the video.

"Love, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, go back to sleep."

Maine saw herself reaching for Richard and knew what she wanted at that time and Richard knew as well. He chuckled and lay beside her, holding her tight. She heard herself murmur in the video.

"Much better."

And the video stop with that, him holding her in the bed. She remembered it was like that every night, what happened? She closed her eyes because she knew exactly what happened. It was her fault. It was her doing. She was the one who left. She opened her eyes and only wanted one thing. To go back to his arms. She searched for her jacket, passport and wallet. She couldn't care about her stuff right now, she needs to go home. To him.

She sprinted toward the main door and Angie was there.

"Maine, what's wrong?"

"I need to go home."

"You are."

"No, I need to go home to the Philippines. I need to go now."

"Wait, Maine did something happened?"

"Yes-No, I mean nothing terrible but I really have to go." She was holding the door knob when Angie stopped her.

"Maine, you can't go to the airport with the weather like this."

Maine then saw how heavy the rain was. She didn't care, she thought.

"I'll just drive myself to New York."

"What? Are you kidding?!"

"I'm sorry Angie and thank you so much for your help!" Maine shouted as she ran to her car and let the rain soak her a little bit. She started the engine and drive away before Angie can catch her.

It was 3 and a half hour drive to New York and it gave her time to think. She kept replaying the videos in her head. The weather seemed to know her feelings since it was pouring really hard.

Regret. It was all she was feeling. She realised that it was her mind talking all these years and she thought she was being rational but she was just hiding. She didn't mean everything she told Richard. She just hope it wasn't too late.


Harry Winston, Manhattan, NY 2031

She's here, great timing. I saw her talking to our friend who worked here and just hung my left arm to her shoulder. She looked at me with a surprise expression.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her back.

"I'm just asking for something."

"Really? What a coincidence because I was here to help a friend who was finding something as well. He just left, maybe you missed each other. He found what he was looking for, maybe I can help you." I suggested.

"No, Tessa is already on it." She smiled.

"Oh baby, what is it? I thought you're not coming here until Saturday? Your flight is still on Sunday right?"

"Yeah, I need to go home but I have to get this first."

Tessa came back with nothing.

"I'm sorry Maine, its not there anymore. I asked and they told me it was sold to someone." Tessa said, even though she didn't told me but I know what she was looking for.

"I'm sorry Maine, oh hey, I thought you already left." Tessa said to me.

"Naah, I saw my girl." I smiled at Maine but her eyes already have tears.

"Thank you Tessa." She said.

"I'm really sorry Maine."

"No, it's okay. It was my fault." Maine then walked slowly to the door.

"Thank you Tessa, catch you later." I bid my goodbye.

"I hope his plan will work Jake. I'm counting on it." She smiled.

"It will."

I saw Maine walking to her car and stopped her.

"Maine you have to join me or at least come with me, I have an appointment in a salon and since you have a car, you should bring me there." I said.

She was trying to comprehend what I said.

"Uh, I'm sorry Jake but I have to go the airport."

"C'mon baby. You know we won't hang out until I don't know, next summer? Give me this day and you will fly out tonight. Sounds like a plan?"

She sighed and nod.

We drive to the salon I was talking about and told her to sit and wait for me. I winked at my favourite hair stylist and approached Maine.

He invited Maine in one of the chairs and Maine declined. She was so stubborn I have to cut in.

"What's happening?"

"He thought I was one of the clients."

"You are Maine."

"What? I- Jake."

"Darling, look at your hair. Since was the last time you went to a hair salon? C'mon you need this pampering or else I will carry you myself in one of the chairs." I warned and I know she remembered how I carried one time because she was being stubborn.

"Okay, okay." She said and sat on one of the chairs.

"Good girl." I pat her head.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

I was satisfied with what they done to my hair, they coloured it the way I wanted. I was checking out my hair when I saw someone behind me. I turned around and saw my best friend. She had light make up on and her hair is coloured with the brown like what she had when we met each other a decade ago, just like the one when she was still starting. Her hair was simple, it was style with big curls, she looked perfect.

"There's my best friend." I said.

"oh so our friendship was based on physical qualities?"

"of course! I wouldn't befriend you if you weren't pretty!"

Maine giggled and I hugged her.

"C'mon, I need to go to McQueen's to pick up something."

"Alexander McQueen's? When did you start to get interested with his clothes?" She asked.

"Oh just c'mon." I dragged her to her car.

Surprisingly, there wasn't traffic while I was driving and when we got there I quickly told her to wait for me. A woman approached her and told her to go roam around and try things. Maine liked to dress up and check out some of the dresses. I know fate and destiny is on our side when she chose a cap sleeve flared dress, the one that the woman kept shoving to her face. It's a mixture of brown-orange color, the one that makes you stand out in a crowd. It was knee length with a raglan shoulder.

I received a text and I know I have to do something.

I knocked at her fitting room and she was there, wearing the dress. It fits perfectly.

"What is it Jake?"

"M-Maine, P-Phil is with me here in New York, he went for something and h-he got into an accident!" I cried.


"We have to go to him Maine! C'mon!" I shouted

She tried to unzip her dress when I hold her hand.

"There's no time to change, c'mon!"

We rushed to her car.

"I'll drive Jake, where is he? What hospital?" She asked.

"We have to go to Time Square. He's still there, the ambulance haven't arrive yet."

She's in panic but she's trying to compose herself. It was a bit traffic and I can see the worry in Maine's eyes. It touched my heart, she cared for my boyfriend too. I know Maine has a good heart and she deserve this.

We arrived and when the car stopped I immediately ran outside. I heard her shouting my name amidst the crowd.


Times Square

"JAKE!!" I shouted I don't care that people are staring. I surveyed the area and I can't see his new platinum blond head.

Oh God, I hope Phil is okay. What happened to him?

I prayed while clasping my hands together.

My phone suddenly rung and I'm surprised I was able to get my bag. I check what it was, it was a text from an unknown number and it says look up and I did.

I was in the middle of Time Square when suddenly all of the screens played my videos. My videos from the behind the scenes of my magazine photoshoot, my endorsements, my dubsmash videos when I was young, my Eat Bulaga prod numbers. For a minute, Time Square was filled with videos of me. Time Square was filled with me. I just stood there and some people watched as well and even recognised me. After the video, I saw myself in all the screens in that exact moment. I saw myself wearing a really bright orange dress and my face is shocked, astonished of what I'm seeing. And I remembered I'm still wearing the McQueen dress. I stared at myself at the screens and that's where I saw him in my back. I turned around and he was there. He was holding a bouquet of pink carnations and had this nervous smile.


I don't care what he was going to say I just and hugged him.

"I love you too. I'm sorry I was late." I whispered. His body was tensed and when I told him I love him, he relaxed and held me tighter.

"It's okay. I love you so much Nicomaine." I let go and faced him, without hesitation I kissed him. I kissed the father of my children. I kissed the man I love.

I said I love you between our kissed and it made him chuckle.

"Oh Nicomaine." He sighed. He held me again, tighter. I saw the screens again and there we are in the middle of a crowd. Time Square was filled with us.


Nuvali Laguna, 2031

"RIO!" Channy shaked her twin sister.

"What? Channy, its 4 in the morning." Rio groaned.

"We're going to be a family again."


"Look what Tito Jake sent me." Channy showed Rio a picture.

"It that Time Square?" Rio asked.

And there their parents were, kissing in the middle of Times Square. 

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