get pride: get pucked sequel...

By hemmingslaugh

72.2K 2.9K 664

Jude Thomas, number twenty-seven on the National Women's Hockey League team, Boston Pride. Luke Hemmings, for... More



2.3K 93 30
By hemmingslaugh

I decided to make Monday an updating day too :)

Jude sat in the apartment living room on her laptop. She just got back from the gym and wanted to do nothing other than sit. She pushed her way through social media, giving her something to do. Ayce sat behind her at the bar in the kitchen. He sat in his laptop as well, most likely doing something for work.

Suddenly, the FaceTime app popped up on her screen and Ashton's name was displayed across it. She hit accept and soon his face popped up.

"Hey stranger," he smiled.

"Ashton!" She yelled. "Oh my god, what's up superstar!"

"Well, I was thinking about how long it's been since we've talked, and believe it or not I actually miss you!" He explained.

"At least you're admitting that I'm an awesome person," she smiled.

"I never said that," he clarified.

"Who's that babe?" Ayce asked.

"Ashton, I want you to meet someone," she stood up and brought her laptop over to where Ayce sat. "This is my boyfriend Ayce!"

"Hey!" he waved to the camera.

"Ayce, this is Ashton Irwin. He's one of my best friends from my hometown. He's the drummer for-"

"5 Seconds of Summer?" He asked. "My sister's boyfriend works for their tech crew."

"Really, what's his name?" Ashton asked.

"Louise," he answered.

"Ah! Really blonde hair?"

"Yeah," Ayce smiled.

"We always play video games together!" Ashton explained.

"He's so good at games it's actually scary.." Ayce chuckled.

"Damn it, I know. I can never win against him."

"Alright, enough boy talk," Jude interrupted.

"It was nice to meet you!" Ayce smiled. Ayce was genuinely the nicest guy. It was a relief to know that he would gave people a good first impression.

Jude walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

"So," Ashton smirked.

"What?" Jude giggled.

"You're living with him?" He asked.

"Yeah, we've been living together for a couple months now."

"Why haven't you mentioned him?"

"We haven't spoken in forever!" Jude laughed.

"You're right, you should come to one of our shows. The boys miss you," He admitted.

"I don't think that's such a good idea..." She sighed.

"C'mon, are you still mad?" He asked.

"Mad? I'm not mad. I'm hurt. He didn't ever give me a chance to apologize. I felt like an idiot for weeks when he was ignoring me, and then it turns out he did exactly as I said! And he didn't even say goodbye!"

"I know, I know," Ashton sighed. "I just miss seeing all of us together."

"Well, I wouldn't have time to come anyways. We've had nonstop practices and workouts. I'm swamped with things to do."

"How's that going by the way?"

"It's amazing, Ash, I'm living my dream," she explained.

"When do games start?" He asked.

"In a few weeks," She answered. "When is your tour finished?"

"We have four shows left," he explained. "Then we have a break for a couple months, but we'll be recording a lot in that time."

"I can't believe you're going on world tours now, that's insane," Jude shook her head.

"Me either, it's such a weird feeling," He sighed. "Hey, maybe we can come to one of your games!"

"Sure, I can leave you guys tickets at will call if you just let me know in advance," she agreed.

"Alright, that sounds amazing to me. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too," She smiled. "Are you gonna be home any time soon?"

"After the tour, we might spend a week there to hang with fam. You should come too! We can skate at the rink for a while, like old times."

"That sounds tempting, have you heard about Harry?" Jude asked.

"Harry Styles?" He clarified. Jude nodded. "Just that he's in one of the biggest boy bands in the world? Nah, haven't heard anything about it."

"That's insane too," Jude shook her head.

"How's Setha?" Ashton asked.

"She's doing good, misses you."

Setha went on to college to become a teacher. She realized she loved it after teaching a skating class. Because Ashton started traveling, they decided to break it off. Long distance was just too hard for them.

"Have you not talked to her?" Jude asked.

"I mean, not really. Time changes and everything," Ashton shrugged.

"I see," Jude nodded.

They talked for a few more hours until Ashton really started falling asleep. She was exhausted herself, so she said her goodbyes. She missed him so much it hurt. She just wanted a few days for things to go back to normal, no matter how much she hated Luke.

She wasn't sure if that meant she missed him. She tried not to think about it.


Practice started and Jude's energy was running high. Jude's skills were the best they'd ever been. With the professionals practice, she was at practice five days a week. Not to mention that she was at the gym every day. Her muscles were actually frightening.

As practice wrapped up, all the girls sat on the ice for a water break. Ayce walked out on to the ice and all the girls greeted him. Jude stood up to remove her helmet. When Ayce kissed her, everyone ooh'd.

"Alright, alright," Jude laughed. "Grow up."

"Ayce just couldn't stay away," Denna, one of Jude's good friends on the team said.

"I mean, she's right," Ayce looked down at her. Jude blushed and kissed him once again.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I was here and wanted to stop by and say hi to everyone," he explained. "I hope I'm not interrupting," he smiled as he looked around at the other girls.

"Not at all," the team captain, Joie assured him.

"Please, come by any time," another said.

"Alright," he chuckled. Jude could tell everyone was drooling over him. It made her feel like she had succeeded. "Want to go get something to eat when you're finished?"

"Sure," she smiled.

"Alright," he smiled. "See you ladies later!"

"Bye, Ayce," everyone waved. As soon as he was gone, many of the girls spoke up.

"I literally hate you, he is so hot," Denna told Jude.

"Seriously, I think I would cry every night if I had a boy that looked like that," another said. "What a babe."

"Geez, he's just a person," Jude giggled.

Finally Jude was out of practice, showered, and ready to spend time with her boyfriend. When she got home, all she did was throw on heavy jacket and then sit in the living room next to Ayce.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Mhmm," she smiled. She took his hand and kissed it.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing his keys.

The weather was a lot colder compared to the usual weather. It was early October  and Jude was ready for the cold. Boston was supposed to be getting to the low 40's in the next few days, making Jude feel at home.

Ayce drove them to a retro burger place. It was casual, the way Jude liked it. She sat across from Ayce and ordered her food. While they waited, they made small talk.

"So you know Ashton Irwin?" He asked. "From 5 Seconds of Summer?"

"I know all of 5 Seconds of Summer," she explained.

"How do you know them?" He asked.

"They play hockey and I was on their hockey team back home. We were all best friends. Them and Rett."

"They play hockey? Impressive."

"I miss them a lot," She sighed.

"Why haven't you gone to see any of their shows?"

"I just, it's complicated," she bit at her cheek.


"Yeah, a long story too."

"You dated one of them huh?" He guessed.

"Yeah," she stifled a laugh.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I told him he should go for music instead of hockey. He got really mad that I kept 'taking the others side' and 'not supporting his love for hockey' so he broke up with me... he ended up choosing music anyways. Didn't even say goodbye."

"Seems like an ass," Ayce wrinkled his nose.

"Definitely is when he wants to be, but he really loved me and I loved him. It took us a while but we got along great until then..."

"Well, who knows. If that never would have happened, I wouldn't have been able to call you mine," he smiled.

"You're right," she blushed. She sure did love Ayce.

"So I have a question," he begun.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Don't get scared, okay?"

"Uh, alright?" she laughed.

"Have you ever thought about marriage?" he asked. "Between you and me?"

Jude froze up. A whole bunch of thoughts sprinted troughs her head. She had only been dating him for seven months. She was still so young and  was her second boyfriend, ever.

"By the look on your face, I suppose you haven't thought about it?" He chuckled.

"Yeah," Jude admitted.

"I just wanted to bring it up. I love you Jude. A lot. I want to spend a lot more time with you... You're something special and I will be ready when you are. Just say the word."

"I love you too, Ayce. I do, trust me. But I am so young and I feel sixteen still at times. It's... it's just not the right time yet."

"I understand," he smiled. "I get it. Trust me, I just thought maybe mentioning it wouldn't hurt."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I wouldn't mind marrying you," She admitted. "But I just found out what a marriage was, like, yesterday."

"Well that's good to know," his smile grew wider now.

After they ate they decided to get some hot chocolate. The Starbucks was small, so the decided to walk around the small shopping center across from it. Most things were closing up because of the time, but a small flower shop stayed open. Ayce smiled and walked into the shop.

"What are you doing?" Jude asked as she followed. He didn't respond as he looked around. He picked up a very small bunch of roses and went to the stand to purchase them. Once he paid, they walked outside of the shop. He handed them to Jude and she smiled.

"You can never go wrong with flowers," he said. His goofy smile made her grin. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. She truly loved him. Marrying him was something that couldn't come across her mind quite yet, so for now she would just love him as her boyfriend.


I love Ayce but I love Luke SOS

jayce or juke?

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