The Rich And The Dangerous

Von AlexandriaRoseWalker

82.5K 2.1K 84


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

4.6K 113 10
Von AlexandriaRoseWalker

As the lunch bell rings I pick up my things from the music room and head to the cafeteria, I walk into the corridors and squeeze past people rushing to get food.

I finally reach the cafeteria I open the doors and walk in to see what most people would call typical me on the other hand would say 'hoc aemuli nostri similis patri pugnans' (translation; this looks like my father battling with our rivals) there are kids throwing things few making out screaming and chattering people sat at specific tables; jocks, popular and cheerleaders are sat in the middle tables on the right side of the room are what seem to be the emos, nerds, and weird club groups and to the left they look pretty normal but I always tell myself 'looks can be deceiving' I walk into the cafeteria more and towards the food section.

I walk past the table and sat there are a bunch of guys wearing leather jackets one of the guys I recognise as Jacob he's sat with three others that look like one another, only cause of what they're wearing, I continue walking past and head towards the line of waiting students when out of nowhere the bitch who told me to stay away from Jacob appeared in front of me. Great. Note the sarcasm.

I lift my head up and look her in the eye with a blank expression, and she gives me an angry face 'she looks constipated' my-self tells me I couldn't help but laugh she looks at me with a confused face "are you alright you look constipated?" I ask her, that removes her confused face and in its place is a full on rage "Listen here bitch" at this point the whole cafeteria is silence except for her voice, "I told you to stay away from Jacob he's mine, that means no talking to him and no looking at him" she seethes.

At this point I have an amused look on my face also biting my tongue trying not to laugh, now Krista's face is getting redder and I'm pretty sure steam is coming out of her ears she opens her mouth to speak 'great what other shit is going to come out' her pupils get smaller as if she's about to pounce on her prey which would be me, I also here a few snickers from other people in the room "what did you just say you little whore?" "what the hell-" I'm suddenly cut off by my face flying to the side and my left cheek throbbing I turn my head back to her and take a deadly step forward then I went Latin literally "Audite cunnus es officere cum iniuria chica Attendite karma causam suus canis et etiam media nomen meum" (translation; Listen here slut you're messing with the wrong chica beware cause karma's a bitch and it's also my middle name) with that I walk out of lunch and outside to the parking lot, I hop into my car and drive home.

When I get home I walk inside, no one's home cause uncle Carlo is in Washington and Aunt Sophia is at the aquarium where she works.

I walk up to my room and pull out my bikini and put on some shorts and an over top. I grab my bags placing in my phone a towel, my I-pod, and my purse inside.

Making my way down stairs I go through the back door and walk towards the speedboat on our dock.

Climbing in I start it up and begin driving to the aquarium.

Thirty minutes later I park the boat on a dock tying it tight I make my way inside to the aquarium.

I walk into the back where they bring all the new comers to the place and I hear a dreadful noise, some animal is in distress, I get closer and closer and spot my aunt Sophia stood on the edge of a pool with a few employees.

"Hey Aunt Sophia" she turns to look at me and gives me a tired smile.

I walk up to where she is and stand there looking at the pool "what's going on?" I ask I look into the pool and spot a male dolphin covered in fresh cuts and one that goes over his left eye "this is what's going on" she points to the injured dolphin "some of the men rescued him from being killed by a shark, he's about four years old from the size of him, but no one can get near him, he's also a full male which is twice as dangerous".

I crouch down to the edge of the water and hum and part whistle a tune in Latin, it was a song my father used to sing to me, slowly the dolphin surfaces and places his nose under my hand I carefully begin stroking him.

Out of nowhere he jerks backwards, I look up to see some people have stepped closer to me and the dolphin "guys it appears to be scared of you lot" I tell them "Lexi we need to get close to clean his wounds" my aunt Sophia speaks in a hushed voice, "what if I do it, I've done it before and only I seem to get near it?" she gives me a nod placing down the things ill need she gets everyone out of the way so I can deal with him.

Slowly and more consciously he comes back to me "hey boy how about we get you fixed up?" I ask in return he collects water in my mouth and sprays me with it "arrrrr" jumping back a bit, I couldn't help but laugh.

I stood there watching him, watching me, I thought I'd try something I lift my right hand and gave it a wave and he copied, then I did it with my left and he followed, he did a lot more tricks; lifting his tail spraying water flips allsorts.

"Okay" I spoke to no one in particular, motioning with my hands, he jumped up onto the side of the pool and out of the water, and once he was settled I began cleaning.

Ten minutes later id finished cleaning them and I had to do a few stiches here and there he rolled back into the pool with a splash and began swimming in circles I couldn't help but laugh at scar, oh I called him scar cause of the gash across his left eye it was a lot deeper than the rest, the others will heal so will this but it will leave a scar in its place.

Cleaning up the mess I had done whilst tending to scar I placed the rubbish in the trash and headed out to find my aunt.

I gave her all the things back and told her what I'd done to scar and by the time I had finished it was already late, I grabbed my items and headed back home

Laying on my bed at 8pm with nothing to do, I hoped out of bed and headed for my closet I pulled out a white dress that stopped mid-thigh a pair of black high top high heels and a black leather jacket.

Putting them on my bed I walked into my bathroom and stripped down stepping into the steaming hot shower, cleaning my body and washing my hair in my favourite scented shampoo and conditioner and body wash I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel round me.

Walking to the bathroom sink I brushed my teeth and began my hair and make-up; putting my hair into curls and adding hair spray to keep them in place I began my make up; putting on some eyeliner mascara and lip gloss also doing Smokey eyes.

Walking back into my room I put on my outfit and grabbed my purse and phone then headed out to find something to do.

Driving in my 1970 dodge RT I drive through town looking for something to do.


I find and abandoned straight race track well it's not exactly abandoned there are a bunch of teenagers with their fancy cars drinking and some making out in corners.

Parking my car, I get out and head towards a stand where they sell beer. "One beer please" I tell the lad behind the bar thingy. He nods his head passing me the beer taking a swig of the beer I hear a small cry coming from behind the bar thing, deciding to investigate I walk round the back and see two huge men standing in front of a child about four years old I listen in on what they're saying "boss is going to like this, he always wanted a newbie having a kid and train him hell become a real killer" one of them tells the other.

Knowing this is bad I decided to step in "and what do you think you're doing scaring this little boy?" I question they turn around facing me, their breath stank of alcohol "no of your business sweetheart now run along" the other speaks in a slurred manner "okay ill just take him with me" I say pointing to the boy who's cowering in the corner.

They both begin laughing "try and take him then" on says, shrugging my shoulders and step towards him, ten seconds later both are unconscious on the floor, kneeling down next to them I pull out their ids stuffing them in my pocket I stand and turn to the little boy crying.

I crouched down in front of him "hey, hey don't cry I won't hurt you did those men do anything to you?" I question him looking at me he shakes his head "right now what's your name?" I ask "j-Jamie" I smile "my names Lexi how old are you Jamie?" I ask holding up four fingers "four" he tells me in a whisper voice "right come on ill help you find your family" I pick him up placing him on my hip "right who did you come here with?" I question "m-my brothers" he says in a croaked voice "what are their names?" I ask in a soft voice "Joe, James, Jayce and Jacob" he says barely above a whisper "what's your last name Jamie?" "Black" speaking with a confident voice.

'Wait, there's a Jacob Black in our school, could that be his brother?' I question maybe it's his brother, we'll just have to find out.

Walking towards burger van I place Jamie on a seat and turn to him "Jamie what do you want to eat?" he looks at the food on display then grins "fries" he yells throwing his hands into the air, laughing slightly I turn to the guy "one large tray of fries please" "coming up" I smile sweetly at him and he winks back. urgh he's deffo not my type I tell myself which I can't agree more to, passing me the fries I begin pulling out my purse "no, no its on me" I lift my head to look at him and he gives me a wink I smile and grab Jamie and the food and walk off before he can say anything.

I walk around with Jamie on my hip eating fries. Looking round at everything we pass. "Jamie, where do you think your brothers might be?" I ask he scrunches up his eyebrows while thinking. It looks really cute while he's thinking I take a look at his face properly he is just a mini version of Jacob except with brown hair instead of black.

A smile appeared on his face "they always hang out with Nick" he says I sigh I can't really expect a four-year-old to remember so I go to the next best thing I walk up to a bar thing, there's loads round and signal the guy to come over "hey I'm looking for a bunch of lads that have the last name black and always hang out with a guy called Nick?" I ask his face shows confusion but he still answers "yeah I know who they are and so does everyone else, you knew round here?" I nod my head he looks at me then at Jamie "This place isn't the best for kids" he says with worriedness laced in his voice "I know, now where are they" asking him getting annoyed he gulped heavily "there at the end of the car strip next to the only bikes here" he tells me I nod my head and walk off.

Walking in the direction he told me I begin seeing the end of the parked cars and spot the pile of bikes with a bunch of teenagers. Jamie stirs in my arms I stop and look at him "What's wrong Jamie?" I ask "they going to be mad at me" he says whilst sniffling "no there not Jamie I promise no one will hurt you okay I'll be right there and you don't have to let go of me if you don't want to" I tell him I look at his face and his eyes start drooping "close your eyes and go to sleep Jamie its late and I know you're tired" I speak placing his head on my shoulder, he snuggles down putting his face in the crook of my neck his breathing steadies out, knowing he's asleep I begin walking towards the boys again.

Closer and closer I get I see a few of them pacing back and forth looking worried, they all look the same so I'm guessing there his brothers.

I'm now about twenty foot behind them and I can see some of their faces more clearly one I notice instantly its Jacob Black the one I go to school with so he's Jamie's big brother I look at the other faces they all look similar the hair colours vary from light brown through to black but all in all they look the same.

One stands out from the rest of the guys because he doesn't look like the rest but he looks familiar. Oh well.

I walk straight up to them and listen to what they're saying "moms going to kill us if she finds out we lost Jamie and dads going to flip" one of the lads says, I couldn't help but laugh a little at what he says, cause I laughed all heads turn towards me so I give them a smirk "Lexi" Jacob says with a confused face "hey Jake" I say everyone looks between me and Jacob "you two know each other I nod my head "yeah I started at his school today" I tell them "Jesus Jacob you work fast" another one says "yeah fast as in he's already hit on me given me a nickname and also drooled over my car then yes you could say he works fast" I say a few chuckles come from the guys "it's nice to know you remember kitten" he says with his huge smirk I couldn't help but laugh.

Forgetting Jamie in my arms he starts stirring again I immediately stop and look at Jamie who's now settled again "why do you have a kid?" one guy asks then turns to Jacob "dude you're going after a girl who has a kid nice" saying with a grin "i-i didn't know she had a kid" he slightly stutters 'this is a good time to mess with them' my conscious tells me I give a sly smile "here I introduce you guys this is Jamie he's four and your brother" I tell them there whole face turns into utter shock "did you just say that's Jamie?" on says I nod my head . They all rush up to me trying to grab him he jumps awake and starts panicking and grips me even tighter then begins screaming, everyone stops and looks at Jamie confused. I bounce him a little and start singing the lullaby my father sang to me when I was a baby in Latin, he slowly calms down and nods back to sleep.

Looking back up to the guys the all looked shocked "is there a car I can lay him in and I'll explain what just happened" they all part and one opens a car door I place Jamie inside and close the door turning back to face them I explain "I arrived about two hours ago I went to grab a drink at the bottom and I heard crying coming from behind I went round and found Jamie crying and cowering in a corner with two huge men stinking in alcohol, they said that their boss would like him and they would train him up to be a killer" after saying that their bodies tensed but I carried on "so I knocked the dickheads out and took off with Jamie, I then gave him something to eat and drink and then we began walking round searching for you". They all relax a little after listening to what I said,

I realised something then I pulled my keys out and held them out in front of Jacobs face, he looked at the keys and then back at me, doing this several times "today you asked if I race my cars or just drive round in them I said both so here are my keys to my 1970 dodge RT care to see how fast it really goes bad boy?" I ask with a smirk a huge smile appeared on his face he took the keys and began running down to the car at the other end of the lot. I couldn't help but laugh.

"so which one is Joe, James and Jayce?" I ask looking at them, "I'm Joe I'm 21 this is James he's 20 and Jayce is 19, and who might you be officially?" he asked "well I'm Lexi and I'm 17 soon to be 18" I tell them "oh and also know your moron of a brother" I added on the end they smiled.

The revving of my dodge roars getting closer and closer I turn to see Jacob pulling to a stop next the other cars he has a huge grin on his face "enjoying the car?" I ask he nods and gives his smirk "defiantly kitten" he tells me.

He gets out the car and walks over to me "thanks kitten" he says swinging his arm over my shoulder, "how could someone tell me who's this big and almighty Nick that everyone is talking about?" I say in a flat voice "kitten he's stood in front of you" Jacob says I look at the gut stood in front of me it was the guy from before when I walked up and I thought he looked familiar "your Nick?" I ask very surprised for once "yep the names Nick Coleman" I look at him, 'that names familiar, but where have I heard it?................... oh yeah mike head guard for watching me who at this moment is in Washington with my uncle how ironic he's always going on about a son who he hasn't seen in a while' I whip out my phone and scroll down my contacts until I find mikes number I hit ring and put the phone to my ear.

The lads look at me confused and I give them a smile ring ring, ring ring, ring rin- "hello mike's phone" "mike that is terrible never say that again" "oh hey Lexi what can I do for you?" he says in a happy tune "when was the last time you talked to your son?" I ask very cautiously "Lexi I haven't spoken to him since he was 15 and his mother took him away five years ago why?" he asks sounding slightly upset and curious I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face "what if I told you I found Nicky" I say, he's very quiet on his side of the line all you could hear is heavy breathing "Mike?" sounding very worried "Lexi are you sure that its him" he says with his voice cracking at the end "yes mike I'm sure he looks like you and has the exact same name although his deffo a lot fitter than he was when he was 15 and I was 12" say laughing a little I look at nicks confused face, I pull the phone from my ear and thrust it toward nick "Nicky, someone wants to talk to you" he grabs the phone and speaks "hello" with a small voice "Nick is that you?" Mike asks, I can hear him crying "dad?" "It's my son" tears start forming in his eyes I couldn't help but smile.

After talking for a few minutes I hear mikes voice again "I talk to you soon Nick, now put Lexi back on really quick" he passes me the phone "what's up mike?" I ask "thank you Lexi for this" he says "it's no problem really hey even I missed the idiot he was the only friend I had there I mean I was depressed for two years before Demon, oh when are you coming home, with uncle I know you only left this morning for Washington but I guessing you want to get back fast now" laughing "soon Lexi soon"

After saying our goodbyes, we hung up. I looked at everyone "right I need to get going, I'll see you tomorrow Jacob" and I walk to my car I open the door and start getting in when a hand grabs my forehand stopping me. I look to see Jacob stood there "yes?" I ask "where's my goodbye kiss?" he questions whilst pouting I chuckle and kiss him on the cheek "that wasn't a kiss, this is a kiss" he says and he wraps his around my waist pulling me towards him and inches closer to me.

I could smell his minty breath on my lips, his other hand places round my neck then crashes my lips to his, moving in sink, sparks fly everywhere and my stomach flips in a good way my lips go all tingly he licks the bottom of my lips asking for entrance in which I deny he growls slightly in which I smirk at, he then bites my lip so I give in and his tongue slips in my mouth, our tongues battle for dominance I let him win.

We break apart gasping for air I look into his eyes and smile "bye Jacob" I kiss him on the lips, I jump into my car and drive off home.

'That was my first kiss and it was amazing'

Jacob's POV

That kiss was like no other, it felt so good her lips were so soft and she tasted like strawberries and smelled like lavender. all the other girls I've kissed were boring and sloppy this kiss was soft and gentle, my stomach had butterflies 'Jake listen to your self you sound like a girl' my inner self says, which I do I've barely know here and she's already doing this to me.

I turn around and see the guys stood there with smirkson their faces "what?" I ask innocently and keeping my calm "youlike her bro" my oldest brother Joe says "naa I don't" a littlevoice then speaks "is she your girlfriend Jacob? cause I like her and I wantto see her again" Jamie says popping his head from out the car "maybelittle man" Jayce then butts in "she's something alright if you don'twant her I'll gladly have her" my head snaps round to face him "stayaway from her Jayce she's mine" I snapped the boys laugh, and Jayce smirkshe did that on purpose "see your already whipped bro and you've known herfor a day" James say I don't like her though 'yesyou do' great this is just perfect . NOT. What am I going to do I'ma bad boy I don't fall in love besides dads says he's setting me up with thedaughter of the Rodriguez gang, after he's taken her I'm to marry her andtogether well take over the most feared gang in America, but I don't want to dothat I want to have fun and get drunk.


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