Veil Of Eden

By FreesiaEversor

224 4 16

The girl, or gregori, suddenly yelled in panic, "He took it!!! He took my wings!!! He's going to start it... More

Unveiled Truth
Routines and Work
Detective Kickass
Uriel and His Shinanigans
Glowing In the Dark (Not Literally)
Baffling Mysteries
Love and Forgiveness
Veil of Eden
Sorrow to Forget

The Heart of it All

3 0 0
By FreesiaEversor

"Be careful," I whispered to Mike.

The entire family sans me were preparing for raiding the place. Since it was too dangerous for me to go out, I was staying indoors with Keterina, who insisted that I should call her Kitty.

Mike hid some concecrated blades inside his boots, followed by a few more knives in his pockets. Kissing me on the head, he told me, "I will. You stay within the wards, okay? I had Uriel renew the wards just a while ago. You should be safe as long as you stay within the house."


After a few seconds, I asked, "Am I really not allowed to watch Fifty Shades of Grey?"


"But, OUAT's Graham was there!"

Mike ruffled my head, commanding, "Stay indoors. Don't open the doors to anyone and don't invite people at random, no matter how kind they are."

After the guys were done assembling, the group left, leaving Kitty and I alone. She instantly plopped on the table, saying, " and Michael, huh?"


I was taken aback by her words.

She smiled coyly. "There is something there between you two. I could sense it. It was as if he wanted to hover over you or something."

"Well," I replied slowly, "I kinda ran away and he was all panicky and stuff. When I came back, he was all over me, apologizing. He and I bonded for a bit, and, yeah..."

"And you like him romantically," she factually decided.

I shook my head, "There will be none of that. He's my brother. Besides, if I did like him," which I do, bit, as obvious my affections for him were, she didn't have to see any more of it, "that would be incest."

"And so is my relationship with Dimka."

My eyes widened at her words.

"Girl pal, you are only related to each other due to the fact that God made you together. Just like your relationship, or should I say, pseudo-relationship with Sariel, you guys are Angels of various degrees."

"That still doesn't make it right," I reasoned. "He is still in love with Joan, and this fact alone must be kept in mind."

Kitty scrunched her nose. "You, my girl, must go out of that comfort zone of yours and think properly. Yes, he's still in love with her, but, what if he's actually falling for you, too?"

I shook my head. "I'll still keep away from him. Right now, I have to focus on Sariel and his plans, plus, the Angels whose wings got cut off. And, I'm turning eighteen soon. The moment I come into full powers, I'm going to need some help in order to survive this transformation."

"Suit yourself," she shrugged. "I was trying to be a good niece baby sis."

"And there goes that weird naming again," I muttered under her breath.

Kitty was no innocent, but, her charades and beliefs were, and that even made me regret allowing her here in my privacy.

"Wanna watch Disney?" Kitty piped up all of a sudden.

I nodded eagerly, demanding, "Descendants! I need a dose of Mal meaness."

We rushed towards Mike's room that held a wonderful flat screen telly with a Blue ray DVD player.

Just as said, we were singing and dancing to the beat, sometimes snorting at how corny the movie was but loving the characters all the same. I even danced to the song Did I Mention, imitating the male lead quite poorly while she tumbled around, clutching her stomach while snorting from time to time.

Half way through the movie, the doors rattled, making Kitty and I jump in surprise. We knew that no one else but my brothers and Dmitri could open the door, yet a horrendous gutt feeling settled around my stomach like cement. Without much ado, we rushed towards the office, leaving the movie playing on.

The first thing that hurled my warning signal was Kitty gasping with fright, her hands flying directly to her mouth, followed by the sight of a bleeding Fiel, who was being carried gently by Mike, whose face revealed anguish. Raph was already busy working on his powers, placing his hands on Fiel's chest as Mke lowered him gently on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked, rushing near the group. I knelt beside Mike, who was too focused on Fiel to answer.

Jibrel and Uriel had grim expressions on them, but, I was too focused on an important scene that involved Carrie Almeswith holding hands with Uriel, her body shaking.

"Sariel happened," Carrie said, which I ignored. Either way, why was she with them?

"Heavenly fire," was Raph's reply.

I paled, wide eyed.

Heavenly fire - the only thing that could kill us. It was guarded well by Father's Seraphims, his warrior angels. How could Sariel steal such holy power?

I placed my hand on Fiel, quickly realizing that all the golden blood came from his back.

Another realization struck me.

"Fiel, what happened to your wings?" I asked, tears pouring down my eyes uncontrollably.

Fiel wiped away the tears with his bloodied hand, resting his hand on my face. He hushed me, saying hoarsely, "Hush, little one. I'm fine. I'll be fine."

I shook my head, touching his said hand at the same time.

Raph pressed his hands on Fiel even more, trying to do something as light ignited from his hands, glowing brighter with more effort. There was no emotion on his face, only determination. But, the blood continued to flow, and there was no stopping at the sight of golden liquid pouring from his body.

I tried to engulf him in my purification, hoping that I could help. His hands shot up the moment he realized what I was doing, crying angrily, "No! You will not waste your power on me!"

"But -"

Mike pulled me away from him as Fiel rasped, "Raphael is easing the pain. And it is decided; His will, my dear.

"I have a lot of regrets, Anariel," he went on, smiling despite his agony. "I regret being harsh with you," he grimaced, gasping. He added with a slight wince, "Also finishing your yogurt without permission."

He could actually joke at a time like this?!!!! Talk about class clown.

"So, you got to live, now that you admitted to stealing it," I gritted out, trying not to sound too angry at his situation without success "You owe me a pint, Lucifer. You need to pay it back in kind."

He shook his head. Looking at Mike, his expression turned from agonized to fierce and determined. He gritted his teeth. "Promise me, Michael. Promise me."

I watched in agony. There, in front of me, were two warring brothers, coming to an understanding, a reconciliation. It was a sight to be held. You could feel the acceotance and forgiveness, of trust and love, of felial respect. There was a silent communication of deep trust and love that I never thought I'd see. With Mike holding Fiel's hand in that manly way men do, he finally replied, "I solemnly swear so to do. You have my"

A smile left his expression. With a final sigh, Lucifer's body, instead of self-combustion, slowly disintegrated. A warm light filled the room, filling us with a gentle warmth that made tears flow even more easily. The winds blew in gentle caresses until Lucifer was no more.

"Farewell," Jibrel said, "Samael, the Mighty, the Morningstar, Brightest of all God's Creations, Brethren to All Angels, Lord of Hell and King of the Underworld."

My scream broke through the walls, agony dripping in my entire body. I felt my heart being torn into pieces, the pain slowly turning into rage and lust for revenge. All I could see was red, and in that red, I found my determination, my will to kill the demon who slaughtered his king, my brother.

By killing my brother, Sariel just made an enemy out of me. He wants a war? He will get it.

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