Ice Age: The Beginning

By serpent_fox99

451K 9.7K 2K

Two Sabers, a sloth and a mammoth are all what it took to bring a baby human back to his father. Sarabi a sab... More

Welcome to 'Ice Age: The Beginning'
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Little A/N's
Chapter Eleven
Sorry guys
Chapter Twelve
Out of Hospital
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Sorry guys
I'm Back
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
To My Lovely Readers

Chapter Fourteen

12.1K 335 44
By serpent_fox99

OMG you guys, I love every single one of you! Making me so happy with your comments on this book. (Even the spider that is sitting next me as I type this is happy)

Anywho....... let's get down to business..... (To defeat the Huns) and continue on with the story

***EDITED: 24/06/2018***


"Well, would you look at that!" Manny exclaimed. "The tiger actually did it." 

Sarabi chuckled quietly to herself as she followed her brother's gaze. There stood before them, in a distance, Glacier Pass. The two then looked over at Diego giving him a smile, knowing that they are closer to returning Roshan to his people and more importantly his father. 

"How could we have doubted you?" Manny spoke causing Diego to smile.

Sarabi, who was standing next to Diego, nudged his shoulder causing the saber to look at her, smiling at her as she smiled back.

'Oh that smile.' Diego thought to himself. Liking the fact that he was the one to make her smile this time.

"Look at that! You're almost home little buddy." Sid announced happily to Roshan who was being held by Manny.

Sid who was behind the others stopped before feeling something. "My feet are sweaty." He commented worried and confused.

"Do we really need to get a newsflash from you every time your body does something." Diego asked annoyed as he turned his head to look at Sid.

"He's doing it for attention. Just ignore him." Manny advised Diego.

"Seriously! My feet are really hot!! Ow ow ow ooowwww!" Sid complained as he jumped from foot to foot.

Soon Sarabi stopped walking when she heard the sound of rumbling entered her ears, which caused both Manny and Diego to stop walking as well.

"Tell me that was your stomach." Manny nervously asked Diego.

Soon a blast of heat/steam came from the ground right next to Manny causing everyone to let out a scream of fright.

"RUN!!!!" Sarabi yelled before running with the others right behind her.

Diego who was at the end of the group, skidded to a halt keeping him from falling into the pit of lava when the ice broke separating the group.

"DIEGO!!!!!!!!" Sarabi shouted, fear lacing her voice. Scared for the saber who she has grown fond of.

Shaking out of his scared state, Diego took a couple steps back before running and leaping to the group.

"Wow, I wish I could jump like that." Sid said as he watched Diego made it safely stopping right behind Sarabi.

"Wish granted!" Manny exclaimed before kicking Sid in the butt from his position on the ground making him sail through the air whilst screaming in surprise before landing on his head and skidded across the ice and smacking into a rock.

Sarabi taking a few steps back, quickly sprang into a small run before jumping over the other side. Landing safely she stood by Sid as she watched Manny and Diego still stand on the ice above a river of lava.

"Come on move faster!" Diego shouted to Manny as he saw how fast the lava was swallowing the ice.

"Have you noticed the river of lava?!" Manny exclaimed scared that they won't make it.

Sarabi, who was watching Roshan the whole time, saw that he was burring his little head into Manny's trunk furs scared for what's about to happen and she was so sure that she heard a little whine come his mouth. Making Sarabi's heart to contract at the noise.

Manny then jumped (or would you say leap?) across to the other side as a piece of ice dropped from where he landed, leaving an even bigger gap for Diego to jump across. 

Everyone watch with wide eyes as they saw Diego jumped to make it to the group. However, he didn't make it. Only his upper half of his body made it whilst his other half hang over the side of the edge claws deep into the ice to keep himself from falling.

"Hold pinky!!" Manny exclaimed before passing Sid Roshan.

Rushing over to help Diego, Manny held out his trunk as he got closer to him, trying to get close as possible without breaking the ice. For it was getting weaker by the second as ice continued to break off from the bottom.

Once Manny was as close as he could be without breaking the remaining ice, he reached as far as he can with his trunk outstretched. Diego reached out his paw and managed to grab hold of Manny's trunk. 

Hearing a cracking sound caused Sarabi to let out a gasp, as she watched helplessly as her brother and the male saber that she has started to like struggle.

Also hearing the cracking sound, Manny used all of his strength before throwing Diego all the way over to where the other's stand safely from the ice.

Smiling in relief and letting out a breath of air that she didn't know that she was holding, as she noticed that everything was going to be okay. 

She watched happily as her brother turned around and started heading back. But that happiness was soon replaced with horror as she watched the ice finally cracked and broke off, taking Manny with it down to the lava.



"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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