
By Xxbethyboo01xX

184 1 16

She's cold. She's heartless. She's gorgeous.... annnd she's the biggest bitch in college. Was she always lik... More

Dammmnnnnnn Bitch (2)
Bitch, No (3)
Dangerous Bitch (5)
Don't Be Such An Ignorant Bitch (7)
Dirty Bitch (8)
You-You-You Bitch! (9)
I'm A Bitch, Suck It Up.
I wasn't a bitch once... (11)

Move Bitch (1)

18 1 0
By Xxbethyboo01xX


Smiling, I look in the mirror, I look hot. As always.

I'm wearing long black socks and ankle boots with a black skirt and long a sleeve black and white stripy top. And to top it off a grey flimsy body warmer and shoulder bag in black. My make up is perfect, any sign of spots? Gone. Tired bags under my eyes? Non-existent.

I wink at myself before walking out from my bedroom, dad has already gone, as usual. I frown, he is literally never around.

I grab my car keys to my beloved purple BMW, I've only had her for a few months but she is my baby.

I put on KISS FM as I drive to pick up Amelia, my best friend and the only person in the world that knows me. Like really knows me.

"Hey, my bitch! You are looking fiinnnneee." I laugh, something I only do with her,

"Sup my honey, not looking bad yourself. " She is very girly and loves pink, today is no different and she is sporting a mini pink pencil dress with black heels.

We arrive at school and I park in my space, nobody dares parks there. I put my roof up, saying goodbye to Amelia. I have something to do.

As I'm walking all eyes are on me, I have wavy brown hair with blonde highlights and big brown eyes, my skin (Apart from the odd spot and bags) is flawless, I'm taller than most girls but slightly shorter than the average boy and I'm naturally tanned.

Boys are morons and keep falling over and over again for me, but they never get a second chance, since year 10 I have never dated anyone longer than a week, I have sex with them once and bye bye. 1 maybe 2 every 6 months. And even with the whispered rumours and broken hearted boys someone else is always falling at my feet.

I strut down the hallway towards Eric, my last boytoy.

"Hey, babe." He smiles, he doesn't kiss me or hug me. I won't allow that. No kissing unless we are having sex and even then not on the lips. Oh and none of that soppy flowers, chocolates and holding hands stuff. Ew.

"We're over babe. Have a good life." His smile fades and his face drops.

"But..." I cut him off,

"No, Just no. Shut up." I turn and strut off, swinging my hips, until I see Amelia. She doesn't look impressed.

I hold up my manicured hand.

"I know, I'm not saying a word." She says, "But he was sweet." I glare at her,

"Sweet. Boys are only sweet when they want to get laid." She laughs,

"Ok, OK. Chill it." As we walk to our lockers people move out of our way, knowing that we would just carry on walking whether their there or not. But if we are in the way you either walk around or wait. Simples.

I get my books out for first lesson which is English. People don't know but really I love English and reading. It soothes me.

I'm just parting with Amelia when a masculine voice booms around the hallway,

"Move bitch." everyone stares in my direction gasping, I turn slowly,

"Are you talking to me?" I ask shocked, the boy was tall, muscly and has spiked blonde hair. He is dressed in black jeans and a cute red shirt with matching red converse.

"Well duh" I laugh, bitterly

"Well, sweetie, go and ask anyone who I am and they'll fill you in."

"I already have, sweetie, I just choose to ignore their advice, are you always such a bitch? Or just today because I mean you destroyed that poor kid earlier and seemed perfectly OK with that." He's mocking me, I raise my eyebrow,

"No, I'm not always a bitch.... Just kidding, go fuck yourself. And my advice is to listen to others people's advice because I warn you next time I won't be as nice." I smile sweetly before walking to class. Well that was exciting.


I watch from the sidelines with a dude called Jason, he was assigned to show me around, as the most perfect human being on earth walked down the corrider.

"Who's she?" I ask,

"Layla, she is the biggest heartbreaker here, we dated for exactly 7 days, we fucked on the 6th day and then on the 7th BAM I'm being dumped like a pile of shit. She was weird though, no gifts, no kissing, no holding hands, no hugs and no romantic stuff at all. And from what I've heard she has done the same routine with at least 1 guy every 6 months, maybe 2 if guys are unlucky."

This girl, Layla, walks up to a guy in football gear talks for a few seconds then struts off. The poor guy is stood there, tears in his eyes. Shocked.

"Okkaayyyyyyy, so if everybody knows why do they go out with her?" He laughs,

"Have you seen her? She's hotter than hot."

"Hmmm looks can be deceiving," I mumble to myself, I push away from my locker that I was leant on a stalk down the hallway, she's stood in the middle of the corridor talking to her friend, everyone else is walking around her but me. Nope, she can move, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I hear Jason warn.

I ignore him and say, "Move bitch." Everyone in the corridor gasps and looks at me as if I'm crazy. Funny.

She turns slowly, "Are you talking to me?" She asks, her voice is sweet and smooth and her face is openly showing shock and I have to admit she was hot, but her looks are just a mask. I know.

"Well duh." Was my reply

"Well, sweetie, go and ask anyone who I am and they'll fill you in." She says looking irritated.

"I already have, sweetie, I just choose to ignore their advice, are you always such a bitch? Or just today because I mean you destroyed that poor kid earlier and seemed perfectly OK with that." I mock her and she knows it, her eyebrows raise, and her reply kinda shocks me, she's more heartless than I thought.

" No, I'm not always a bitch.... Just kidding, go fuck yourself. And my advice is to listen to others people's advice because I warn you next time I won't be as nice." Her voice is full of warning and I don't doubt for a second that she's lying. She's going to be difficult to break but I will do it and I will enjoy every single second.

The rest of the day passes dully but throughout it I learned more about Layla. She doesn't just date college guys but older guys too, not too old apparently the oldest was 19 and she's 17 so that acceptable. Just.

She moved to America from England when she was 15 and has always been the same. No one knew her before and the only person that she is ever nice to is Amelia her only friend. She hates romance. Just like Jason said, everyone that she has dated said they fucked on the 6th day and left on the 7th. No kissing on the lips, no presents, no hand holding. Nothing. Weird.

I need to know why. Why is she like that?

"Hi." A. sweet voice says, I turn and see a pretty brunette, "I'm Lucy."

"Aiden," I say, putting my hand out, she shakes it and smiles shyly.

Hmm, Layla isn't the only heartbreaker.

I think I'm going to like it here.

Hey guys, My updates on this book may be slow as I am writing another book called 'Me and Mine', I hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for reading :)

Oh and this is Aiden,

And this is Layla

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