My brothers gang (Editing)

By emilyd0024

65.7K 1.6K 275

The Prescott siblings. Lethal and dangerous. At the age of 10 Lilly and her two brothers, Kai aged 12 and Tan... More

-Chapter one-
-Chapter two-
-Chapter three-
-Chapter four-
-Chapter five-
-Chapter seven-
-Chapter eight-
-Chapter nine-
-Chapter ten-
New book

-Chapter six-

5.2K 142 6
By emilyd0024

I scurried into the bathroom not knowing whether to feel afraid, over the moon or pissed off. Reaching for the cold white sink beside me I held it tight as I stared at myself in the mirror intensely.

Pull yourself together Lilly. I thought to myself as I twisted the cold tap on and splashed my face, the ice cold water instantly snapping me out of my complicated thoughts. I tugged on my hoodie sleeve and wiped my face dry before escorting myself back to my bitch cave and replaying the complicated event in my head.

He was angry, I was angry.

Then I punched the nose.

Then we were kissing?!

But he did it on he could be in control of the situation whilst I felt putty in his hands.

I slapped a hand to my cheek, "I'm so stupid! Why why why?!"

I thought seducing him would give me the upper hand but that backfired and turned into him seducing me? That sneaky asshole!

Shaking my head I raced downstairs, completely furious.

I peered my head round the door to see everyone but Tanner spread out across the couches. Inhale..Exhale. I mentally told myself. It took a second for me to realise my feet were moving towards the nine figures and soon realised I had plopped myself down on the couch between Kai and Justin. Seb sat at the end of the couch followed by a chilled looking Dustin and Luke. I locked eyes with Taylor who was soothing Ryan's sleeping head on her lap and Carter sat beside them. And last but not least the biggest prick of them all. Ladies and gentleman Aaron the self-centred, manipulative jerk.

Our eyes locked and I found it hard to avert them, he grinned cockily at me and shook his head mouthing the words 'You're too easy'.

I glared my cheeks flaming red out of anger whilst I mouthed the words back 'Game on'. He raised an eyebrow and smirked cunningly.

"Look who's finally came to accompany us" Kai teased, I was in no mood for jokes.

Plastering on a friendly smile with gritted teeth, I answered, "Yeah, just thought I'd get to know the boys" I gestured towards Carter, Luke, Seb and Dustin who all nodded in agreement.

"Hm maybe we should go out? What more is there to do here anyway?" Tanner perked up from the kitchen.

My eye twitched and I slowly turned my head towards my younger brother who was resting his body against the door way to the lounge, his arms crossed and a strange look on his face as he turned to face my mortified expression.

Before I could open my mouth to hesitate a chorus of cheers filled my ears, Aaron's being the loudest. Figures.

"Agreed, when should we leave?"

Seb, who looked very young maybe just about 17, perked up and before I knew it everyone began planning the ideal night out. My mind was ticking at me, telling me not to go and it was a very bad idea considering me and Aaron had practically made a silent war between us.

"Sounds good, let's all get ready now and meet down stairs in an hour or so?"

Tanner piped up again as I reminded myself to give him a click round the ear for suggesting this in the first place. Everyone scattered around the room finally making their ways to their room as I stood frozen.

A night out wouldn't do any damage would it? I thought to myself. It's not like they would let me stay at home by myself with everything going on no matter how much I could defend myself.

And as for Aaron I wouldn't let him bother me, this was all about meeting the new boys excluding Aaron.

I was not going to let him or anyone for that matter ruin my night of letting loose from baiting and actually having a good time. Pfft like that's going to lead up to my expectations with him there. My feet led me to my room where I debated whether going was a good or bad idea.

Deciding against my gut I figured I would be forced to go anyway and this was about getting friendly with the new boys, apart from Aaron of course.

Sighing I pulled out a matching white tight crop top with a flowing skirt they set just above my knees. After choosing my outfit for the night I hopped in shower. The steamy water soothing my muscles and numbing my aching knuckles, from when I gave that jerk a peace of my mind. I grabbed my fluffy towel and securely wrapped it around my figure letting it hug my body comfortably.

I sat down at my dressing table and began on loosely curling the ends of my brown and blonde ombré hair letting it flow down to my hips. I then got started on my makeup which consisted basically everything giving it a sexy sparkling golden look on my eyes, followed along by fake eyelashes and eyeliner. For my lips I decided to go for a iced mocha brown colour. As on cue Kai called from downstairs to let me know we were leaving.

We all cramped into our black Range Rover. Ryan and Justin decided to go back with Taylor and get a ride with her which left me, Tanner, Kai, Dustin, Luke, Seb, Carter and Aaron. Realisation hit me in the face when I realised I had to sit on one of these guys laps.

Not even hesitating I rammed into the overflowing car and plopped myself onto Luke I think his name was. He chuckled as I apologised and blushed at how close we were but didn't pay too much attention on the way there.

Once we pulled up at the club music was pounding so loud in the club you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if you were inside or out. I, of course, was the first to make an exit and find my bestfriend. Not bothered at all about this night, I didn't fake the exited enthusiasm and just settled with frowning.

Taylor was leant against the wall wearing a tight plain black strapless dress only just resting below her bum. Her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail leaving out her bangs that nicely framed her face. Justin and Ryan were wearing just a tee-shirt and jeans, Ryan's hair was gelled back into a quiff whereas Justin's was in a wet messy style with droplets dripping off each strand, a scowl etched upon his face. I smiled guessing Justin was taking his sweet time getting ready and they threatened to leave without him so he had to leave with wet hair which usually happens whenever we make plans.

"Guess who's ready to get shitfaced!" Taylor's voice earned a few unwanted stares and weird looks whilst I laughed and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Defiantly me! I need it"

As we strolled into the club the smell of alcohol and different colognes hit my nose instantly and I dragged Taylor to the bar ordering 12 shots each.

Taylor raised an eyebrow at me but didn't comment on it as I jugged the bitter liquids down my throat, lifting one glass and smashing down another. I'd basically finished by the time she was on her third, pausing she gaped at me and frowned.

"Okay what is it?" She demanded.

I shrugged one shoulder, "Aaron. I've barely known him 5 minutes and we're both playing a dangerous game with each other" I groaned.

She whistled lowly, "You tried to seduce him didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes before explaining, "Not like that! He was pissed and I was angry so I punched him for calling me a bitch and coming unwelcomely into my room. He had me cornered so I tired to flirt my way out of it and then-"

Taylor cut my off with her hand, "And it backfired on you?"

Rolling my eyes again I nodded, "He kissed me but it was all part of the plan, sneaky bastard"

She shook her head in laughter, "Honestly Lil did you really expect a gang leader capable of so much power to fall for your little trick?"

I scowled at her, "Whatever Tay, I came here to get to know the new boys"

Finishing off her shots she gave me a pointed look, "No, you came here to get pissed"

I couldn't argue with her on that one.

We soon joined the others on the dance floor and it didn't take long for the alcohol to take an effect and before I knew it I was making random conversation with Luke and Seb.

"Can I call you Lukey?" I asked slowly.

Luke flashed his pearly whites and threw his head back laughing, "Sure"

Turning towards Seb I slurred, "You look really young? Are you still in little school?"

Seb smiled at me with cute jelly bean sized dimples that made him look cheeky and full of youth. Shaking his head he replied, "Nah left school ages ago"

I frowned seeming unsatisfied with his answer, "Why?"

"I dropped out and joined these, I struggled a lot a school especially with socialising. Everyone else was normal but to them I was the fucked up psycho you know? Always angry. So I left, end of that" He replied with a casual shrug.

Patting him on the shoulder I grinned, "Huh, good on you. Bet you were eye candy for the girls tho am I right?" I giggled.

He smirked, "I did well"

One minute I was laughing with the boys and the next I was face first into someones back with another person on top of me. Quickly I gathered it was Taylor who claimed she tripped and stumbled onto me so I helped her up not paying attention to who's back my face was painfully launched into.

"Ouchy" Taylor frowned.

"Yeah fucking Ouchy! Now my head hurts!" I snapped.

Taylor shrugged sheepishly and skipped away into the crowd. Wiping my hair out of my face I could finally see clearly, but felt like dying in a hole when my eyes found Aaron's.

Clearly amused he chuckled, "Can't seem to stay away can you? Although I wouldn't expect much less from a baiter"

Caught off guard by his words I felt like I'd been physically slapped across the face, glaring menacingly at the man before me I puffed out a breathe of air and tried to calm myself down.

"What the fuck Aaron?"

His mouth curved down into a snarl as he turned away from me and headed for the exit. Well that hurt. Deciding I was done for the night I strolled over to Kai who was surrounded by a huddle of girls along with Carter, Tanner and Justin.

Feelings insecure, ashamed and hurt I tugged on Kai's shoulder, knowing it was me he shrugged my hand off and continued flirting with the desperate girls in front of him. Feeling anger boil at the pit of my stomach I gripped his shoulder and squeezed it hard.

Snapping around to face me he raised his eyebrow in question, "What do you want Lilly?"

"To go home. Now" I grumbled.

Kai rolled his eyes and turned back around leaving me in shock, the asshole. I was in no mood to wait around for him to giggle all night like a lovesick school girl so I took matters into my own hands.

Stepping in front of Kai I was as more mortified as ever. I was face to face with a blonde girl dressed in a tight purple dress that had her fake boobs spilling out of them despite the strap which was meant to hold them back. Rolling my eyes I smiled sickly sweet at her.

"Hey, mind telling my brother to stop being a prick and give me a ride home instead of wasting time with girls like you-" I began but was, as expected, cut off.

"What the fuck is your problem?! I'm busy with bigger issues here as you can see so go ask one of the wasted guys at the bar to give you a lift home! You're good at that" He hissed.

Gritting my teeth I tried to prevent myself from either breaking down into tears or beating the absolute shit out of my brother. His words stung like a wasp and he knew it. Although his eyes were apologetic he made no move to make up for it.

Shaking my head at him I replied with glazed over eyes, "Fuck you Kai. Hope you catch a sexual disease from one of these bitches"

With that I spun on my heels and stumbled out of the club, the cold nights air nipped at my bare skin as I found the nearest brick wall to slid down in defeat. Feeling sick and disgusted with myself.

Where Aaron's nasty comment came from, I didn't know. Maybe because I was shoved into his shoulder or just plainly because he was a dick but was there any need for putting me down like that?

And Kai's spiteful comment was defiantly uncalled for! If anything he was the reason I had to bait, for his gang. The fact that he didn't even apologise said enough and I was actually horrified with myself. I never let the baits get to me as a person, it didn't effect me because it's something I had to do for the gang but now, I was being portrayed as a cheap slut.

Like the big baby I was I began to break down into tears, once all the bad things they said tonight played around in my mind like a broken record I thought back to all the bad things. Soon enough I was thinking about mum and dad and how things would be so much differently if they were still alive.

I wouldn't be portrayed as a cheap baiter, I wouldn't be in a gang. I'd be with my family, in my home.

Me, Kai and Tanner were broken beyond repair, hiding behind the cracks of reality.

Resting my head back against the wall suddenly sat up straight and threw up onto the ground beside me.

Tanner came bounding out of the club and sprinted towards me looking panicked and anxious. Relief flooded his facial expression as he saw my curled up position. Strolling towards me he crouched down and picked me up into his arms, holding me a bit too tightly.

I didn't care though, I was glad I had Tanner as a little brother. At least when he said spiteful things he'd apologise, unlike someone.

"Boys are assholes, I hate them. I hate them all" I sobbed into his chest.

It's not like he wasn't used to my drunken emotional state because he was, he wasn't one to sugar coat things. He'd either tell me something straight up no fucks given, or he'd make a joke out of it.

Frowning slightly he replied with a small smile, "Not me though, you love me too much to ever hate me"

I sniffled, "No never you Tanner," I agreed, "Never you"

Helping me into the car an idea sparked into my head as I grinned mischievously and leant over towards Tanners ear whilst he was buckling me in the seat. Flicking him with my pointed finger he yelped in surprise and rubbed his ear with an annoyed scowl set on his red face.

"What was that for?!" He growled.

I burst into a fit of giggles, "That's for suggesting tonight"

He shook his head and muttered something under his breathe, although I caught that small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips as he got into the drivers seat.

Yawning I asked, "What about the others?"

Tanner smirked into the rear mirror, "I guess they'll have to find their own way back"

Satisfied with his answer I fluttered my eyes shut and passed out in the backseat.

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