Masked ✔

By AlwaysWillTry

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* * * "...Why are you following me?" I only muttered in case no one was really there. I didn't want any surro... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen

Chapter five

381 18 18
By AlwaysWillTry

chapter five

It was the start of the day we'd reach and explore the abandoned island. I only woke up because someone was shaking my shoulder, I definitely could have slept for another fifteen minutes, or an hour, fuck it; I probably could have slept for another decade.

"Vivienne, come on, wake up." I knew that voice all too well but I was still half asleep so my brain hadn't processed the fact that the Masked Mysterioso was trying to wake me up.

"Mm... Ten more minutes..." I grunted and turned onto my stomach, burying my face into the fluffy white pillow under me.

"Vivienne - "

I grunted and kicked the covers around. I forgot about the fact that I had taken off my clothes the night before while Jackson - Mike - was still on the deck. I was laying in my bed, dressed in nothing but black laced underwear and a matching black laced bra. Once I kicked the covers around my skin was exposed. Still not registering shit, I just dozed off right there. My hair looked like a damn jungle, my arms buried under the pillow, my legs sprawled out in different directions.


Finally my head ducked out from the clouds it was stuck in and I lifted my chin up, fluttering and batting my eyes open while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I came down to reality.


"OhmyfuckinghellgetoutrightthissecondorI'llripyourheadoffyourneck!" My eyes shot open and I basically screamed, pulling the covers over my head.

"Dumbass, I'm trying to get you out of here! We're anchored on the island right now so get dressed and let's go. I'll be waiting outside your room."

He left the cabin, way more calm than I was, leaving me to freak-out over what had just happened.

Oh. My. Fuck.
Oh my fuck.
O H! M Y! F U C K!

I wanted to cry, I hadn't been so embarrassed since the time a stranger saw me without pants on when the glanced up at my bedroom window, and that was two years ago. My face burned almost painfully.

"Mike! I fucking hate you!'

* * *

chapter five, part II

After getting dressed I stood at the cabin door, reluctant to open it. I didn't want to. The only thing on the other side was awkwardness waiting to happen, and I wasn't up for that. I was so flustered at that moment I couldn't think straight. I just stood there, my mask on, dressed in my usual dress with the Masked Mysterioso's oversized black cloak. My lips were pursed, my cheeks a fiery red as I stared down intensely at the doorknob. It suddenly looked so menacing, despite just being an innocent, lifeless doorknob. I hated my decisions at that moment, I hated Jackson, I hated the Masked Mysterioso, I hated the ship, I hated the fucking doorknob.

"Hey, did you die or something?" The Masked Mysterioso's voice hollered from the opposite side of the wooden door, his tone low and husky. I didn't respond. I couldn't. I was too dumbstruck to even move a hand towards the doorknob. There was a thick lump in the back of my throat, basically preventing my voice from functioning. Seconds later I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Hello?" He began to bang on the door with a fist, far from a knock. His voice proved he was clearly growing irritated. I bit my lip and clenched my fists harshly. I took in a deep breath, trying my best not to die of embarrassment. I grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open with such force I was afraid the weak door would fly out of its hinges.

I was staring directly at the Masked Mysterioso's chest, nothing but a couple inches between us. I slowly and shyly trialed my view up to his gaze. It was intense and I felt intimidated as all hell. I gulped down the lump and pursed my lips. His vibrant lime green irises stared down, right back at me. We said nothing as I stood, my cheeks bright red, with him I front of me, his lips straight. I couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling. That's one curse of the masks; you can never tell how the other person is really feeling.

"Come on, we'll be late." He firmly grasped my wrist and began to pull me along.

* * *

chapter five, part III

Just as we were about to step off the ship the Masked Mysterioso, still holding my wrist, leaned down to my ear and whispered, "you know, you look nice in thin lace bras and panties."

I looked up at him, not sure how to react. Do I thank him? Do I cuss him out? Do I punch him? Do I hit his twins? At that moment, standing on the ramp leading up from the land to the deck, I was too out of it to respond properly. I was tired and still quite embarrassed. I stared up at him, my mouth open to say something, but my mind was blank. I averted my gaze from his hard stare and pursed my lips. I felt blood rush to my cheeks and I harshly yanked my wrist from his grip. I ditched him and walked off the ship on my own.

Gah! He's playing with my head! I hate that guy! Shit, I probably look as red as a ripe strawberry.

The island was pretty at the first glance. We were anchored on the beach, the tip of the ship almost hitting the pale yellow sand. Conch shells and palm frees were scattered across the area. Looking further, there was a lively green forest once you left the beach area. It was pretty. I stepped off the ramp and the first thing I stepped in was dead seaweed that had washed up onto the shore. Seaweed creeped me out. You know when you're swimming and you get a sudden fear that something will grab you from beneath, like a tentacle will wrap around you ankle, or shark jaws will clamp on to your foot, and you'll be dragged down, and that's the last of you and probably nobody would notice the final bubbles that will pop on the surface in the same exact spot you were just gleefully swimming in but it's too late and you're already dead? Yeah, you probably don't. But I do, and that fear is so creepy. Then this seaweed shit wraps around my feet or legs when you're swimming, I flip the fuck out. Yeah, I know. I'm overreacting this whole seaweed subject. Don't judge me.

"My Gem! Please, come, let us move on. We've been waiting for you. That man - he offered to go get you. You should thank him." Captain Gareth called out to me, only standing meters away. He stood out in the crowd of crew members. It looked like there were two hundred men, all masked and some holding swords, a few of them even had large pistols and guns. A couple buff masked men were carrying huge barrels. What was in them? Beats me.

What? Did the captain just tell me to thank the Masked Mysterioso?

I stood, seriously reluctant to thank the masked pervert. All I could do was stare back at the captain. The crew members all turned to me. A few bickered things such as "who's she" or "when did she get here". One even had the audacity to scoff, "a girl". I briefly glared at that one. I still didn't speak. My eyes trailed to my left and there he was, standing with a grin, his arms crossed. If there was one think I could not do, it was thank him. He was like toxic to me. Plus, after he rescued me from that thug, I didn't even thank him. I owed him a thanks for saving my sorry ass, I owed him a thanks for giving me his cozy (and damn good smelling) cloak, I possibly owed him a thanks for telling me I rock lace garments, and now this. I owed him a thanks for retrieving me. Then the thought struck me.

He's actually a caring person...?

I squinted up at the grinning fool and cocked my head, not believing the fact that he was caring.

Well, he did save me from the rapist... and he warmed me up when I was cold, he even gave the cloak to me... perhaps he does deserve a thank you after all?

"Come on, Babe, thank me." He whispered to me so no one else could hear. By then, all eyes were on me. I was feeling extremely pressured. I glared to the cocky man and slightly snorted.

Yeah, no. Not thanking him.

"Hey! That was Captain's order! Thank the guy!" One man suddenly yelled at me. I couldn't find the man who had yelled at me in the crowd, they all blended together.


"Unthankful bitch!"

"Woah, who just said that?" The Masked Mysterioso's proud grin fell into a bitter frown. He was pissed. He glared over the crowd of men but no response came from the crowd and the pirates all began looking at one another suspiciously, all wearing innocent faces on top of their masks. This was it. What I had meant with the masked could be anyone. The Masked Mysterioso uncrossed his arms and turned his body to the men. "Who called her that disgusting word?"

"Men, which one of you did that? She's a gem not a dog." Captain Gareth began to look concerned.

The men began to bicker and point fingers. Honestly, I skint care that whoever called me a bitch called me a bitch. I was terrible with emotions and being called a name was like throwing a pebble at steel. It didn't effect me in any way. Maybe I was just heartless or my heart was too cold to understand such a minute insult? Whatever it was, I had enough of the commotion.

"Okay, okay, boys - er, guys - I mean men - whatever happened happened. Can we just get moving? I want jewelry."

Everyone seemed to agree and move on. It seemed they had already forgotten about me and my pending thank you. Captain Gareth began leading us onward, a few pirates staying behind to guard the Masquerade Messes ship. As the tension between all of us faded into the air, the men began having their own conversations in their own groups. I walked at the very end, the Masked Mysterioso walking by my side, grumbling things under his breath which I couldn't understand. He was clearly still upset.

"What gives that guy the right to call you that?" I finally understood a sentence that came out of his bitter mouth. He walked, hanging his head and frowning. I decided to respond to his little problem.

"Why are you so hung up on that? It doesn't bother me one but yet it disturbs you so much...? Captain Gareth didn't even get as upset as you did." Walking by his side, I glanced up at him, having to squint because the bright sunlight was directly above him. You would think wearing a mask would help with the sunlight. Not a bit. It only made me hot, and no, I mean temperature hot type of hot.

"Yeah, Captain Gareth... What's up with him? Always 'oh my gem! My beautiful gem has arrived! Gem, gem, gem! Gem this, Gem that!'. 'Gem' my ass." He bit his lip after he mimicked the Captain, but made him have a very high-pitched voice. He made him sound like an overdramatic woman. I really wanted to laugh at his imitation of him, but I didn't want to upset him any more than he already was. That would just be poking the pissed bear with a stick, and I was not about to do that. As I fought to restrain amused grin that began to tug up on my lips, realization hit my head like a rock. My eye slightly widened.

No way. Is... is he - no way.

I began to grin.

"Like, honestly, who does he think he is, your boyfriend?" He flinched as be put emphasis on the word "boyfriend" and gritted his teeth. I glanced down to his clenched fists. He was ranting like a teenage girl and that didn't mean he was mad; it meant he was maaad.

Yes, yes he is! Unbelievable! The Masked Mysterioso is -

I unleashed a full grin from ear to ear and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" He glared down at me, teeth still clenched as well as his fists. Yeah, I poked the bear. Oops.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" I concluded as I laughed. My laugh was louder than I had expected it to be and I surprised myself. But it was amusing. I never would have thought the Masked Mysterioso would get jealous. I couldn't help but laugh hard. Really hard. It was too funny.

"What? Me? Jealous? What? What are you talking about? Why would I be jealous? What? Why? No - what?" His reaction was so full of flaws I began laughing so hard beads of tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I wiped them away with the bottoms of my palms, trying to calm down. He suddenly raised his head to look straight into the distance. His eyes widened, his green irises grew smaller. Then, he mumbled under his breath, "I'm not jealous, am I?"

"Ahaha! You're jealous!" I held my stomach and I burst out laughing all over again.

"H - hey! Shut up!" He stuttered again! He never stuttered. He always kept his cool (other than getting irritated every so often) and seemed so confident and collected. This only made me laugh harder. So hard my cheek hurt and I was desperately gasping for breath.

"I said shut up!"

He caught my wrists and held them so tight my blood flow began to tighten. He wouldn't let me go and we were lagging behind the rest if the crew. I gulped down hard. Then, I took a little closer look at him. Unbelievable. He was blushing. He wasn't angry, he was flustered. I put in too much salt this time and managed to upset him.

"I'm sorry." I immediately apologized. His eyes soften just the slightest and he dropped my wrists almost in a way as if he hated them. He walked on, ditching me this time. I just stood in place and began to feel an emotion I hadn't in a long time. I felt sorrowful. I was feeling guilty. I ran and caught up to him, hoping to make things better.

Sugar, not salt!

"I'm sorry," I froze in speech. I was about to say his name but, well, I didn't exactly know it. It wasn't the time to accuse him of being Jackson, and it wasn't time to joke about him being Mike. He didn't even glance at me. He hung his head and forced his eyes shut. His cheeks were seriously on fire of something, it almost looked like they were glowing pink and red. He slapped a hand over his face before responding in a mutter, "it's fine."

"Are you sure? I really think I went too far this time." I leaned to his side and peeked up to his face, trying to see if he was crying or something. As I had expected, he wasn't crying. I couldn't imagine him crying.

"No, no. It's really fine cuz... well," He uncovered his face from his hand (I wish he uncovered it with his mask) and glanced down to me. His eyes were softer and a little gentle smile tugged his lips upwards. "I think I am jealous."

How he could just admit something like that dumbfounded me. Hell, this guy was fill of surprises. For all I knew he could be a horse in a body suit under that mask. But at that moment, I decided to accept it. He was jealous.

"Hey, I called it." I winked up at him, just only to ease the mood because I never winked, unlike him. He winked so much he made it look like a serious addiction.

"Uh-huh. But I was the one who decided if it was true of not." He smirked deviously down at me. Unbelievable. His mood changed just like that. What was also unbelievable was how nobody could ever take credit or be the slightest bit better than this guy, he just wouldn't allow it.

"Sure, but don't get so ahead of yourself. I mean, you're not that great." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, tying to fight back a smirk of my own and failing.

"Whaaat? I am so great. Better than you, at least." He nudged me with his elbow, slightly pushing me off my balance. I almost tipped over but I managed to regain it before I could fall. I briefly looked around us for a mere couple seconds. We were in the forest. I was so caught up in bickering with the Masked Mysterioso I hadn't even mentions the major change of scenery. I didn't know where we were heading but I trusted Captain Gareth enough to believe that he knew.

"The only thing you're better at than I am is being a complete weirdo. You totally win that competition. You're so weird! You probably have a journal full of stupid pick-up lines and ways to make yourself sound so great. And you probably read it over and over each night." I laughed at my imaginative thought. Sure, I was joking, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

"Hey, that's cold. I do know one thing I'm definitely better at than you though." His smirk angled up so much his teeth were showing. I didn't want to ask what it was he was better than me at, probably because it was something perverted it creepy, but I did.

"Oh? And what would that be?" I quickly regretted asking.

"Kissing." He winked yet again. There it was again, him trying to be flirty. He seriously sucked. He was such a fucking dork, it was funny. But I think that was what made him so attractive to me. He would try so hard and fail so bad. He would try to be tough while in reality, he was shy. He would try and flirt left and right yet when he got a simple teasing, he'd blush like a fool. I finally felt like I was removing his mask. Not literally his mask mask, but the mask concealing his personality. I was beginning to get to know and understand him.

"How would you know I'm not a master at kissing?" I asked, cocking my head and raising a brow in question as I looked up at him, trying my best to match his pace. My legs were getting tired. Who was I kidding though? I rarely even talked to anyone before I became a part of the crew, let alone kissed someone. I hadn't even had my first kiss, but there was no way I could tell him that.

"I don't know, but I bet I'm better than you." Suddenly he leaned his neck down to me and unexpectedly whispered into my ear, the surprise of his low, husky voice sending shivers down my spine. "Want to compete?"

I laughed and pushed him away by gently shoving his chest, forcing his grinning lips away from my ear. "No way! You'd probably suck anyways!"

I prayed to whatever gods above that he hadn't noticed the soft light pink that tainted the skin on my cheeks.

"The only thing I'd suck at during a kissing competition is suck at your bottom lip or your tongue." He scoffed with a brief chuckle. I really could never beat him. He was too good, too good at being cocky. He was no better than me, yet he was. He was such a dork, always prepared with terrible puns and the worst pick-up lines. He was so awkward too. He pissed me off, I hated him, yet he was so fun to be with. I found myself craving his presence whenever he was away, and yet when he was near I found myself rolling my eyes at him and shooing him away.

I snorted once again at his words and shook my head, hoping strands of my hair would save me from him seeing the big, goofy smile that spread across my face. I tried to force an annoyed tone as I spoke, but it came out as a laugh, "I hate you."

* * *

chapter five, part IV

After forty-five seemingly endless minutes of walking behind a herd of masked men lead by our Captain, we came to a halt. The Masked Mysterioso and I were just on the subject of how badass crocodiles were when we noticed the bickering men.

"Hey, what happened?" I tapped the back of a fellow crew member and asked. They completely ignored me. The Masked Mysterioso and I looked at one another and exchanged a nervous glance. What the hell was going on? I pushed my way through the masked men and my my way to the front of the crowd, my masked idiot following my footsteps. Captain Gareth was on the ground, digging with his hands. I squinted and tried to take a closer look.

"What's wrong, Captain?" I asked couching beside him. The Masked Mysterioso stood by my side, watching the captain dig.

"This soil - something was buried underneath." He gave a plain response. This surprised me. He finally said something to me without the word "gem" involved. I turned my head and looked up to the black masked man beside me. I had no idea why I looked at him, but I just had the need to. He caught my glance and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Captain, how do you know something is buried? How can you tell by just looking at the soil?" I asked, furrowing my brows as I turned my attention back to the captain. The captain was on his knees, digging like a dog. He only glanced at me for a mere split second before looking back at the hole he had yet to dig.

"Don't question the captain!" A harsh unfamiliar and unrecognizable voice hissed behind me.

"Hey, I don't know who just said that, but whoever said it better shut up or I'll find out who you are and I'll cut you into thin slices of meat and feed you to pigs!" The Masked Mysterioso quickly barked back at the voice with a threat. No response came and it seemed that the person understood.

"Why the hell was that threat so specific? Why thin slices? And why feed to pigs? Do you even have access to any swine?" I immediately began to interrogate the Masked Mysterioso. Who knew, maybe under that mask was a serial killer who chopped up their victims and fed their limbs and entrails and whatnot to farm animals. The Masked Mysterioso only rolled his eyes in response, no words spoken. I turned my attention back to the captain once again. Suddenly his face lit up. Seeing his reaction, the entire crew crowded around into a large circle around us and the hand-dug, two-feet-deep hole and the mound of discarded soil across from me. The masked swarm began to call out.

"Captain, Captain, what is it!?"

"Hey! Let me see!"

"Is it gold? Treasure?"

"Is it... jewelry?" I squealed with excitement. My eyes glistened with passion as the image of a beautiful red ruby popped into my mind.

Captain Gareth reached into the dug hole. Suddenly, his lit up face fell. He looked dreadfully dumbfounded.

"Captain Gareth? What's wrong?" I immediately asked, noticing his expression. He turned his head to me and pulled out something from the hole. I looked at it. Everybody looked at it. The bickering silenced like a crazy flickering candle being blown out by a chilly breeze. The excitement and anticipation drained from all of us in a matter of a split second. Seeing what it was I reached grabbed the Masked Mysterioso's hand, not taking my eye of the item held in the captain's hand. I pulled myself to my feet, my legs suddenly weak and shaky. I forced my eyes shut and threw my arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest.

"Who would do such a thing? To a child too!" I sobbed against his black shirt. My shaky voice was heard loud and clear by the entire crew. I felt the Masked Mysterioso's gentle arms wrap around me, supporting me against him. He didn't say anything, he just stared. Everybody stared. All they could do was stare at the head of a little girl. Beheaded. She was freshly thrown buried. Her face was small, her blond hair dirty, and her lifeless beady blue eyes just stared. I felt like they were staring at me. I glanced to her once more and flinched. Blood was seeping out from where her neck would start. I wanted to puke.

"Ah, I see you found my little sister!" Suddenly an unfamiliar voice called out. All our heads turned and the crowd split open across from me. A man walked into the circle, his own army behind him. Their faces were all covered with tattoos. Teardrops, diamonds, hearts, circles, so many shapes of different colors on their faces. They all had cold, icy glares. The crew I was in seemed so cheerful and warm but this crew - they were the opposite. The man who broke the silence stood in front of the rest of them, holding a sword with blood dripping off its tip, dripping and absorbing into the forest's grass. Despite the forest looking so beautiful everything just got twisted. It suddenly looked terrifying. But nothing was more terrifying than the grin on the unknown leader's face. He had slicked back black hair and narrow eyes. Despite being a mad man, he was good looking. He was dressed in a faded dark royal blue shirt and blood red torn pants. His sword's handle was gold, clenched tightly by his long skim fingers. His skin was pale. His eyes looked almost black, he was the definition of unwelcoming. He had a blood red pirate captain hat with a large painted pale blue feather sticking off its side. He had a single sky blue teardrop printed onto the front of the hat, identical to the tattoo on his right cheek. He looked crazy, exactly what he was.

Looks like this island isn't so 'abandoned' after all... Ethan was wrong.

The leader laughed a menacing cackle, staring at the head of his little sister, held up by her hair. He was the only one laughing, even the only one grinning, not to mention the only one with the slightest bit of a smile. His entire crew was scowling. That was not what I expected when I got out of bed that morning.

"How can you be laughing!? Didn't you just say she's your little sister? She's your family! Your sibling! How could you hurt her? You're a monster! You hear me? Your a fucking monster!" The Masked Man who was just holding me had let go of me. He yelled at the laughing man. Close to his chest, I could hear his heartbeat. It was rapid. I looked up fearfully into his eyes. They were burning with rage. He gritted his teeth so hard I thought he would break a tooth. I had never seen him this furious. But he had every right to be. As he had told me, his own big brother murdered their parents. I wished I could have had helped him. He was ferocious. I let go of him and he slipped past me without breaking his menacing glare at the laughing freak.

"Hm? Is my little sibling I believe the correct word is was. You see, she was in my way. So, I got rid of her." The man stopped laughing and gave a simple shrug. He showed no sign of emotional pain. He didn't look guilty or distressed in any way possible.

"You fucking monster! I'll kill you!" Suddenly the Masked Mysterioso pulled something out from his pants' pocket. It was a weapon. A pistol. He immediately raised it to aim at the leader's head, who stood just meters away from him. My legs seemed to move on their own. I dashed to his side and grabbed his arms, trying to push them down so he couldn't aim properly at the man.

"No! You can't do this! Please!" I cried, pushing down with all the strength I had in me.

"Hey! Put that gun down!" Captain Gareth yelled at him but the Masked Mysterioso didn't even flinch or budge the slightest. It we no use, I was too weak. I couldn't push his arms down.

"What? You want to shoot me? Okay, go ahead - do it!" The crazy man stood with his arms extended horizontally, his legs spaced out, making a star shape. He was insane and apparently suicidal.

"Y - you heard the captain's orders! Drop your weapon!" A random crew member yelled.

"Drop the gun!"

"Do it!"

I was surprised the crazy man's crew members were just standing there. They all seemed so cold. They showed no emotion, they just stood there like statues.

"Drop the pistol!"

"Don't shoot!"

All voices seemed to blend together, all so distant. Everything was chaos. His hand was ready in the tribute and the mad man was fucking setting himself up as a target. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. So I did.

"You can't do this! Please! Don't shoot him, don't shoot anybody!" My scream devoured everybody else's. Everyone went silent and the Masked Mysterioso glanced at me, still trying to tug down his arms. The look in his eyes was cold and icy. Suddenly. I didn't recognize him. He felt like a... stranger.

"Come on! What are you, chicken!? Shoot me already!" The mad leader demanded.

The Masked Mysterioso turned his attention back to him and his finger slowly began to push onto the pistol's trigger.

I gathered up everything I had buried inside of me, all my strength, my hurt, my hate, my loss and packed into one bloodshot scream.

"Please, don't! I can't bare to see another person killed! I know you want to avenge her death, but this just isn't right! People make mistakes, some make mistakes that could never be forgiven, but nothing gives you the right to take their life!"

The Masked Mysterioso's eyes widened and he looked at me. At the exact moment I felt his arms weaken, I took advantage and pushed down his arms. Not expecting this, he unintentionally shot. The bullet dove into the soil directly in front of him, the gunshot echoing across the island. Birds in nearby trees cried out and flew up in chaos, scattering into separate directions. Then, everything went silent. I looked him in the eyes and he stared right back, humanity seeming to return to his lime green irises. His eyes grew soft and sorrowful. Seeing he was no longer trying to blast bullets through someone's guts, I threw my arms around him. I began to sob into his shirt yet again, unleashing the fear I had held in me.

"Sheesh, that's one dramatic chick you've got there. What do you want for her? A couple hundred gold coins?" The insane leader began to try bargaining over me. The Masked Mysterioso did not like this.

"You really want me to shoot you, don't you, you bastard." The Masked Mysterioso basically spat out his words with disgust and wrapping his arms around me possessively.

"No, I'm serious. She seems cute enough." The leader shrugged, readjusting his pirate hat.

"Yeah, no. This girl here - " the Masked Mysterioso looked down at me into my eyes. "She's irreplaceable. She's weird and stupid and gets all flustered and cute trying to figure out who I am. I'm keeping her to myself." His arms around me tightened. I could barely breath but hearing those words out of his mouth made me blush so hard I could barely pay attention to the loss of air in me.

"That won't do! Tell me, girl, what is your name?" The strange captain walked to us and began to eye me.

"Her name shouldn't matter to you since you won't be seeing her again." The Masked Mysterioso turned around about one hundred eighty degrees, taking me along with him.

"Tch. Well then... I'll be seeing you later. You too, girlie. This crew as well - including that stupid-looking captain of yours! My name is Kevin, Captain Kevin, but I'm known around as Kevin the Crazy! I'll tell you my crew's name once and only once so listen up! Remember the name, the name Psycho Freaks!" He hissed, backing up to his crew.

"Oh, trust me, the way you've been acting, that won't be hard to remember." The Masked Mysterioso grunted in response, looking over his shoulder.

"Whatever! Men, let us leave this empty island! Forget burying the corpse again, that would just be a waste of time. Let's go!" Kevin spun around and made his way through the crowd of his men. They all glared at us before turning away, walking off and following their leader. The Masked Mysterioso, Captain Gareth, the rest of the crew, and I watched them walk off into the distance, their figures fading behind trees and bushes.

We were all left to take in the moment. Captain Kevin and his icy crew. His little sister's corpse. Everything was silent again.

* * *

Dear Reader,

Yup. Me. Again. I hope this chapter wasn't too harsh. Yeah, the entire chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions, I know. Other than that, I'm impressed. Impressed about the fact you've made it to chapter five and you're still reading! Potential loyal reader? Check. Well, you know what's next by now.

Vote/Comment to help me out.

Every little bit helps. : )

Thanks as usual!


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