The Streets I Walk (An Origin...

By Death_Frisbees_Suck

71 2 22

I run and get nowhere. Just another empty and dark hallway. My heart is racing and the bad feeling in the pit... More



7 0 2
By Death_Frisbees_Suck

I wake up in someone's arms. When I look up, I notice it's his arms.

I just realized that I have only ever referred to him as exactly that... Him.

I guess I should finally come to terms with it and say his name anyway.

"Jake..." I whisper.

My voice was almost impossible to hear. How he heard it is something I may never know the answer too.

But he did.

And he glared at me.

"Good, your awake."

He set me down and continued to walk; I just stood in place confused.

"Ummm, where are we going?" I ask looking at the ground.

He turned and shrugged.

"I dunno. We might lay low for a while. Ya know, to keep the police from getting us. But maybe not." He explained.

I nodded and took my place next to him. He smiles and starts walking again. I follow and wonder who's life I will have to ruin next.

Then I cursed at myself.

I had the perfect chance to ask him all my questions back there and I didn't ask him.

I'm so stupid sometimes.

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