The Huntress Becomes the Wolf...

By heartlesstwin

322K 11.7K 939

I've always known I was different from the other hunters. My senses were always sharper, my sight more define... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 part 1
Chapter 42 part 2
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Editor Needed!
Important Changes

Chapter 14

6.9K 294 24
By heartlesstwin

Chapter 14

~Lucie’s POV~

I have been told that as a sister I am supposed to feel immense happiness when your sibling finds their mate. I did feel that way about Sonny. I WAS happy; was being the key word. Now I was completely consumed with emotions as they swirled through me. Fear, shock, anger… none of them directed towards my brother and his mate. All directed towards my pack that was debating locking my brother up for his sexuality. It’s not like he could control it! You don’t just wake up one day and say ‘hey I want to make everyone's life miserable, I’ll be gay,’ no… that doesn’t happen. I had known my brother for even a complete day, but I did know one thing about him. He didn’t have a bad bone in his entire body. No that boy was the embodiment of good. And for that reason alone I knew I had to do this. I had to make this right. I had to change the packs mind… and if I didn’t Sonny wouldn’t be imprisoned, he would leave, and I would be going with him.


“Lucie you can’t be serious! We can’t just let him spew lies around like this just because he’s your brother. He has to man up for what he said. Lying about who your mate is a serious crime. One that he shouldn't be overlooked just because of the blood that runs through his veins.” I didn’t recognize the speaker, or the four other wolves that surrounded him.

“Tobias Fletcher, are you sure that you want to go down this road?” Casey asked his hands folded lazily under his chin.

“Pfft what are you talking about? What road? There is no road, only trying to show you the lies that your mate’s brother is blurting out to whoever is around to hear him.”

“Now that’s a lie right there. He hasn’t told a soul about his mate, in fact I was the one who had to tell our parents that their little boy had found his mate because he was scared of people like you, and what they would do to him when they found out that he was gay.”

“Are you calling me a liar?”

“Indeed I am, mutt,” I spat, my nose scrunching up as I looked at the man named Tobias in disgust.

“Mutt? I wasn’t the little scum of a bitch that weaved her way into the pack by getting all chummy with the Alpha.”

“Are you trying to insinuate that I’m just with Casey just because of his status? Do you honestly think that I want to be here? Do you think that I want this power? I hate it. I hate every second of it. I was groomed since I was a little girl to be a leader. And ever since I have hated even the idea of power. Now let me ask you this Tobias, do you have a mate?” I sized up the homophobic man, seeing exactly what I had expected. Tobias was a middle aged man with graying hair and an untucked stained dress shirt.

“I’ll get my mate when I get my mate. All I know is that ain’t gonna be no fucken queer,” a growl escaped my lips and I felt my fist clench at my sides. I took a step forward, letting out a deeper and more menacing growl than before. I saw his Adam’s apple bob and his eyes drift cautiously between my mate and I.

“Aren’t you going to control your mate?”

“Why control her? You did just insult her family, which by pack-law is my family. Why would I defend someone who so blatantly showed me disrespect?”

“Because I’m true pack, not some wannabe werewolf hunter,”

“Watch your tongue!”

“Why are you going to cut it out for me?”

“LUCIE!” My name was said with a warning as I lunged forward, my hand raised to stick Tobias across the face.

“Yes, Alpha?” I seethed, not dragging my eyes the man in front of me.

“Step down,” my whole body froze at his words. I slowly turned towards Casey and met his cold hard eyes.

“I need you to back away from this man and let him leave unharmed. I have known this man my entire life. He has been a faithful and strong member of the pack…,”

“Look at him! He’s a good for nothing drunk, don’t give me shit about him being a ‘strong member of the pack’ because we both know the heaviest thing he’s good for lifting is a 24 pack of beer.” Chuckles ran through the men that flanked Tobias before he glared at them, efficiently silencing them.

“That's beside the point. The point is that Tobias is a more valued member of the pack then Sonny Carter. Carter can barely keep up with the other wolves, and shifted later than the rest of the boys his age. He is weak, and if I since this is my choice, I want the stronger wolf in my pack.” My heart stuttered in my chest. They were going to kick my brother out of the pack. My brother. The brother that I never knew I had, the one that I was going to lose if I didn’t do something, and quick.

“So you want to throw my brother out of the pack because he is slower, smaller, and shifted later than the rest of the other wolves? I grew up learned pack politics and what you’re saying doesn’t go by pack laws. You know that there is another way around this. You’re just too scared to say the words, Casey. There is always a Challenge.”

“You can’t be serious! He would be killed within a minute!”

“There are loopholes Casey. ‘If the wolf in question is not fit to partake in challenge a family member or volunteer can step in for said wolf, but normal rules would apply; till death does the challenge last.”

“And who would step up for the pathetic little faggot? You?”

“Yes me. The trained killer, me,” I hissed, feeling my blood race in my veins.

“No! You can’t be serious! I won’t have my mate challenge a member of this pack!”

“But, unless you, yourself banish one of the members of the pack, nothing can prevent this challenge.”

“The words have yet to be spoken, Lucie,”

“I, Lucie Davis hereby replace my brother Sonny Carter in a Challenge against you, Tobias Fletcher until death or submission. In submission the other wolf is subjected to the will of the winner of the challenger and will receive the punishment that the winner think best.”

“No! Reject this challenge Tobias!”

“I won’t let this little bitch best me, fuck no! I accept your challenge, Lucie Davis,”


“You shouldn’t be doing this for me Luc,” Sonny said, searching my eyes for a sign of regret. I knew he wouldn’t find any because the only emotion that was fueling me was determination, because if I let any other emotion in it would impair my fight. If I let anger in, my moves would become blinded by rage, my moves predictable and rash. And in a fight that was exactly what you needed to avoid.

“I can still get you out of this if you want Lucie,”

“No. I got myself into this and I’ll get myself out of it. I can’t always have you fighting my battles Casey. And if you think I will ever amount to that, you better find yourself another Luna, and fast.” Compassion filled his eyes as he stroked my cheek softly with the pad of his thumb.

“I could never want to change you, you are my mate, designed exactly for me. Body and soul, forever to hold as long as we both shall live,”

“Look at you, you little poet,” I teased lightly as I started stretching. The sun was about to set and the second that it did, our challenge would begin.

“Just don’t get too banged up out there. I can’t have my mate lookin’ worse than me no can I?”

“Just don’t go replacing me the second I get a little banged up, ya hear?” A genuine smile spread across his face, which I could only assume was a rarity by the looks that the people around us were giving him.

“The sun’s about to set, you better get everyone ready for the showdown,” a grim look crossing over his features. I felt a chill in me as the sun finally set and the people around me settle into a large circle. I walked to the center followed by Tobias and lastly Casey. I continued stretching like before, this time stretching my limbs as well. I eyed Tobias who was chatting with a small group of people, a deep frown etched into his face.

Soon the colors and sounds around me settled, as the crowd became eerily quiet. I meet the eyes of several of my new-found pack mates, each stared at me with a different expression, ranging from dismay and hatred to sorrow and regret, though the emotions ranged, one thing did not my determination to do this, not only for my brother, but for myself as well. I knew I had to prove myself to this pack and Challenge was either going to make or break me.

“Challengers, please get into position!” This wasn’t my first time sparring and in actuality it was far from it. I let my body relax and get into position.

“On my mark we begin: three, two, one, go!” A roar left Tobias’s chest as he lunged forward, his claws raised, aiming a strike to for my chest. I sidestepped it and brought my knee up, aiming my blow between his ribs. The breath left his body in a whoosh and soon I had my knee up and ready sending it colliding with his chin. I heard the crack of teeth breaking and he went down on his hands and knees and coughed up blood and chips of teeth.

“Stop you hurting him!” I heard a shrill voice call out from somewhere in the crowd. My eyes meet the voice and I felt my body deflate. Tabby. Tears were streaming down her face as her older sister Fawn was looking at me with distaste.

“Get her out of here,” by the time the words had left my lips Tobias was up and had his fist raised.

“You can end this now Tobias, submit. You won’t have to suffer any more pain if you just submit.”

“Never, you’ll have to kill me first!” I felt all emotion drain from my body as he spoke the words so many of my opponents had spoken before him.

“So be it,” I speed up my movements this time landing a punch to his throat and an uppercut to his sternum. He grunted and to an involuntary step back to steady himself. I threw out one of my feet in blinding speed, making him once again trip, but this time I let my left leg swing out and kick his knee, making him scream out and fall to the other leg. Raising my knee for another blow I watched as the determination fled his eyes, replaced by an emotion that I knew too well, fear. Instead I threw myself forward and landed on his chest, thrusting one of my knees into his already heavily bruised abdomen. I cupped I started to choke him, and then let out a hiss.


“I submit..,”


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