Darkest Free(Young Justice Fa...

By puddleswrites

7.4K 208 8

Mel was 9 when she taken by the Joker and his goons while walking less then 2 blocks home from her friends ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

361 12 2
By puddleswrites

(Robin's P.O.V)


"ROBIN!!!" I heard Batman scream from the library. I was in my room doing homework for school cause as smart as I may be I still have to do the work."COMING"I screamed back. Quickly running down to the library to get to the clock that leads to the Batcave there's Bruce at the open entrance waiting for me.

We both run in grab our suits from there stands and change minus the mask and cowl for now."There's been a Joker sighting in the poorer part of Gotham dangerously close to the home of Mel Brown" Bruce said venom dipping in his words. You see the Joker has not been seen in the past month since Mel decided to escape, and we both knew it was only a matter of time.

Before the Joker would come for his revenge.


(Mel's P.O.V)

It's been at month since I escaped the Joker and my parents was right about my friends and school. I was still ahead but in stead of three grades ahead I was only two. I think I'm OK with that though. As for my friends they all had the exact same reaction as Ana had.

My ribs were still hurt but they were healing and I had been having nightmares since I got home last month and the one I had last night was the worst so far...

All I hear is the three pairs of foot steps, being my moms,mine,and my dads, slapping against the ground as we ran and the pitter patter of rain. I had no idea why we were running I didn't even know were we were and when ever I asked it was as though they didn't know I was there. All that was around me was brick walls and fire escapes so it was an ally way.

All of a sudden I hear two gun shots and my parents fell along with them. I looked down shocked not even crying yet I look up at the shooter and with tears now running down my face I see the man who made my life hell for three years... the Joker.

Then I woke up tears still streaking down my face.

The next night my parents wouldn't tell me were they were going but I knew they were going to get more alcohol and drugs, remember earlier I told you that I didn't have the greatest parents but then they were all loving and stuff when I was found, well what I meant was that they are both alcoholics and drug addicts and they smoke. So when my dad was drunk he was abusive and mom was so giggly she didn't care and they were dealing illegally. Then smoking is just bad in general. That is what I meant when earlier when I said I didn't have the greatest parents but I still love them for some reason.

Sorry I felt like I had to clarify for some reason. My point is they were dealing and buying alcohol even if they didn't tell me I knew.

So for tonight I was alone with some cash for pizza, I ordered and was watching TV. After I finished I got ready for bed and went to lay down. Thank god I had redecorated earlier this month my room was still small I just had less toys and more books because in three years I had not read one book and I was behind. I drifted of after reading for about 30 minutes.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of sirens and someone banging on my door. Why are the police at my door?


OOOOHHHHHH so what do you think of this chapter please comment and tell me what you think. Also I probably will usually update at like midnight because honestly I sleep from like 1am to like 2pm and are awake the rest of the time cause I like being a night owl. So don't judge but most of my updates will in the middle of the night.


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