The Nerd Effect #Wattys2017

By poseidons_fury

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Don't think of this as your typical 'Nerd meets Bad Boy' situation, because I'm telling you that's not what h... More

Chapter 1- High School Sucks
Chapter 2- Tenth Doctor VS Eleventh Doctor
Chapter 3- Lunch, Flashbacks, and Annalisa
Chapter 4- The Ice Cream Thief
Chapter 5- Pancakes are amazing! School however is not.
Chapter 6- Secret Places and Almost Kisses?
Chapter 7- Harry Potter Fixes Everything
Chapter 8- Ancient Greek Embarassments
Chapter 9- Confessions
Chapter 10- Gay Best Friends & Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 11- My Saviors
Chapter 12- We Need To Face The Future
Chapter 13- High School Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 14- Amusement Parks & Brotherly Advice
Chapter 15- Together? Together.
Chapter 17- Almost Time To Grow Up
Chapter 18- What'll We Do Now?
Chapter 19- I actually Socialize (Somewhat)

Chapter 16- Genevieve

76 5 14
By poseidons_fury

"What are we going to do with our lives?" Liv asked. She was laying on my bed next to me and we were staring up at the ceiling.

"Um... Nothing? I have no clue," I replied jokingly. We were currently waiting for Andy to get back from the airport with Gen, and the nerves were slowly building up. 

The day hadn't been as eventful and heartwarming as I thought it would be. We sung Days of Summer as our special chorus farewell song, and about 98% of the kids didn't know what it was or where it was from. All of my classes basically ended in things like overall goodbyes and yearbook signing. The same as every other year. Nothing was as fun as history, and I just felt empty now.

Olivia exhaled and turned over on her side, propping herself up on her elbow and looking at me. "I'm glad everything's better with your brother. But damn, I'm going to miss you when I'm in England."

"I'm going to miss you too Liv," I sighed. I didn't want my best friend leaving me, as selfish as it sounds. "I don't think I'm going to make it without you."

"Meeting new people in a totally different country? Yeah. Sounds just like something I would enjoy," she tried at sarcasm but it didn't sound like it usually did.

"Who's going to make sure I don't go batshit crazy whenever I'm left alone in a group of people? Liv, I don't want anyone to replace you in that job. Not even Christopher." My voice was starting to crack, and tears were starting to form in the corners of my eyes. "I don't even know why you have to leave. Isn't America good enough?"

"Oh stop it." She glared at me. "If you start crying then I'm going to break. And we'll both be complete messes when Andy gets back with Gen."

"Andy and Gen should appreciate that we are such emotional messes." We heard the sound of the front door opening downstairs, and after sharing a look of excitement, ran to meet Gen and Andy.

Shoving Liv out of the way, I run as fast as I could to the bottom of the stairs before stopping to catch my breath.

"Andy!" I yelled and I heard Liv fall down the stairs behind me. I didn't really care though, as I flung myself at Andy and hugged him.

"Woah, slow down there Kiddo. You could have knocked me down!" He joked before squeezing me a little.

"Kiddo? Really? I'm graduating tomorrow."

"You will forever be a kid to me," he smirked, patting my head like I was eight. I stuck my tongue out at him and slowly turned when I heard an unfamiliar female giggle.

For a second I had forgotten Gen was there. I turned completely to her, and just looked at her. She had shockingly blue hair and dark green eyes. She did look like someone my brother would date. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a Pierce the Veil shirt, and biker boots.

There was a few seconds where the four of us just ended up staring at each other, but I soon walked over and hugged Gen. Shutting my eyes and wrapping my arms tightly around her midsection. "Thanks for convincing my brother to come back to me," I whispered.

She hugged me back and I could hear her heartbeat before I finally let go. She smiled at me and then at Andrew.

Liv decided to interrupt, and stated, "Your family moments are absolutely  touching, but Kendra's starving. Can we order pizza?"

"How did you know?" I asked as I turned to my best friend. She hadn't even bothered to stand up after falling down the stairs. She was seated on the bottom stair, looking up at Andrew and I.

"You're always hungry. And I'm psychic."

"Yup." I smiled. "Pizza?" I turned to my older brother.

"I was going to cook and everything," Andy said in a hurt voice. "I'm not that bad you know."

I laughed and said, "Well hurry your ass into the kitchen. We are hungry."

"Alright, alright. I'm trying my best!" Gen pushed him towards the kitchen playfully, and once he disappeared she smiled at us.

"So, you're graduating tomorrow. How does it feel?"

"Bloody terrifying," Liv said and finally stepped off the bottom stair.

"Hold on there Livy. You're not in England yet," I sneered at her.

"You're going to England? That's awesome! I've always wanted to go!" Genevieve exclaimed.

"It was apparently less expensive for my parents if I went to college abroad. And I'm excited for it."

"I'm not," I muttered. Gen gave me a sympathetic look, before returning her smile to her face.

"Well then, I have some learning to do. I can't be a good girlfriend if I don't know anything my boyfriend's sister and her friends," she started, walking towards the living room.

"I guess that's true," I said and followed her with Liv next to me.

"So, first question. Are you dating anybody?"

Liv and I looked at each other and tried not to smile, "Yes, actually." She said. "Kenny's got new guy and I just got my first girlfriend."

"How long have you guys been in your relationships?"

I replied this time with, "Well, Anna asked Liv out two days ago and Christopher and I just started dating yesterday."

"Woah. So, not long at all?" She grinned again and then leaned in closer to us. "I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was in junior year. It went absolutely terrible, and I was a wreck. Then I fell in love with an artist in college. Man was she a heart breaker. I could go on about my past relationships, sure, but I'm with Andy now."

"How did you guys meet?"

"Well, both of us were getting tattoos one day in this same parlor. We then started up a conversation, exchanged numbers, and ended up falling in love. I know, it's seems really trashy, doesn't it?"

Smiling I replied with, "Actually, I think it's cool. I've always wanted a tattoo, I just don't know what I would get one of."

"You aren't getting a tattoo Kenny," I heard Andy yell from the kitchen.


Gen snorted. "His first tattoo was of a butterfly, a terrible shade of yellow I might add, that read 'love is death' in red ink on it."

"I got that when I was 15. I was a dumbass then."

"I can take both of you to get one if you want. A graduation present, and a symbol of your adulthood," Gen offered.

"That would be awesome! I honestly don't know what I would get a tattoo of." I replied.

"Something that's meaningful to the two of us," Liv said and I nodded.

"Okay, enough talk about inking your body parts permanently. Let's eat!" Andy called from the kitchen.

"Finally!" I yelled, running towards the kitchen.

When I walked in, there was a plate of ham and a bowl of mashed sweet potatoes on the table. I hadn't had very high expectations for Andy, and he pretty much met them. He was also wearing a very frilly apron that had the words 'I love bread more than you' stitched on the front in pink swirly letters.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I gasped.

He twirled around like he was showing his outfit off, and said,"I found it in the closet."

Genevieve stopped on the doorway, stared at her boyfriend, and then walked over and kissed him.

Liv leaned over to me and whispered, "I ship it."

"Me too!" I quietly squealed, before bursting out in quiet laughter.

"Bon appetite!" Andy yelled out of nowhere, a ridiculous grin breaking across his face as he swung his arms over the table in a 'come sit now' gesture. We were already seated except for Gen and him, and I had to duck to avoid being it in the face.

"You almost hit me, Jerk!"

"I didn't mean to, Bitch!"

I laughed, remembering how we started calling each other that after watching Supernatural and seeing Dean and Sam say it.

Gen and Liv gave us weird looks before I started to grab some food and place it on my plate.

"Why don't we just leave the two of them to their sibling-ness, and go have some 'I'm your boyfriend's sister's best friend' bonding time." Liv suggested to Gen.

"No! Nope, stay seated. WE MUST EAT LIKE A FAMILY, THAT ISN'T AN ACTUAL FAMILY. Well, except me and Ken..." Andy yelled.

"And you and me," Gen corrected him.

"Oh yeah! And I'm guessing Olivia is like a sister to Ken, meaning I guess we really are a family!"

"We're a really messed up family that was separated for years."

"But, we are all together now and that's all that matters."

I nodded and stabbed a slice of ham. Despite there not being much to the meal, I hoped it tasted good at least.

"At least if this is a flop, Chick-Fil-A is open."

I quickly took a bite and moaned at the amazing taste of the ham.

"I didn't expect it to be that good," Andy said and looked over at me as I shoveled more ham in my mouth.

"Shut up and let me eat!"

Andy let out a laugh and ate dug into his own food, letting out the same reaction I did. "I honestly thought this was going to be terrible," he shook his head.

"Well, I never doubted you babe," Gen replied, patting his hand.

"I'm just glad you didn't burn this house down," Olivia shrugged.

"You"- Andy pointed at Liv- "can't judge me. You don't live here." He said it in a joking way, even though he was trying to make his voice stern.

"I wouldn't have minded, we could have forced Andy to pay for a really nice hotel room." I joked, poking him in the side.

"I would never pay for an expensive hotel! Are you kidding?" Andy shouted. "You can sleep on the cold hard ground of the burnt ashes."

"You are a weird brother. You know that right?" I replied. Andy shook his head and shrugged.

"I never knew you were such a great cook Andy." Liv said.

"Cook? I'm not even at the title of Chef yet?"

"You have to earn that one. You're not there yet."

"Just like Taylor hasn't hit giraffe status?" I joked, chuckling slightly.

"Pretty much."

"Who's Taylor? A friend of yours?" Andy asked, his eyes furrowed. I had momentarily forgotten he had no clue who Taylor was.

"He's one of my best friends, as well as one of Liv's."

"Just imagine a male Kendra, but deathly skinny with a neck that looks as if someone gave up on death by stretching halfway through."

"I will look for that tomorrow at your guys' graduation. Speaking of, what are your plans afterwards?"

"Well, our prom was kind of cancelled so someone is throwing a party for all of the seniors. I'm going with Chris."

"And I'm going to go with Anna." Liv said, then corrected herself, "Well, follow Anna around for a little bit before I feel my introvert senses being overwhelmed and then need to hang out in a corner with Kendra."

"I hide in holes remember, not corners. I'm just hoping Chris doesn't make me socialize."

"He is about the most awkward and adorable person ever. I'm sure he'll force you to socialize."

"That sentence started somewhere, and ended somewhere completely different." I told Liv.

"It was sarcasm Ken."

"Still, I have no idea what it means." I shrugged and then shook my head.

"Honestly, neither do I." Olivia just said back.

"Well, it looks like you fixed things up with Lover boy, Kenny." Andrew joked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I smiled and said," with all the eavesdropping you were doing before dinner, I thought you would know that."

"Excuse me, I was doing an honest day's work of slaving away in front of the stove. Not eavesdropping, thank you very much."

"Yeah, yelling 'you aren't getting a tattoo' when we were talking about getting one isn't eavesdropping."

"If I just happen to overhear you while you're talking in the next room, is different than 'eavesdropping'."

"Fine. You weren't eavesdropping."

"I believe I've won this," he leaned over and said to Gen.

"Or maybe she just took pity on you." She replied, pecking his cheek.

"I don't like  sympathy kisses," Andy said and stabbed his fork loudly into a piece of ham.

"I have no idea what is wrong with your brother, Ken," Liv leaned over and whispered to me. "But I love it."

"I do too Liv. I do too."

"You guys wanna watch Finding Nemo after this?" Andy proposed and all of a sudden he got a manic glow in his eyes.

"Um, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say no," Liv said warily.

"Good. I really want to watch Finding Nemo."

"Oh really? Do you now?" Andy looked at me with a sassy once over, and I just looked back at him and tried to suppress a giggle.

"Yup. I mean, Finding Dory is coming out soon."

"I'll race you to the living room Ken."

"You're on Andrew."

"They act as if he never left," I heard Liv mutter to Gen.

"That's good, right?"

"Oh absolutely."


This was a filler chapter, but I absolutely love it. You get to meet Gen, and you see some family bonding between Kendra and Andrew. I absolutely love Andrew, as does Emma, and we hope you guys like him too because I believe he's here to stay. Forever. No shaking him now.

There were a lot of inside jokes in this chapter. We actually call Thomas, the kid Taylor is based off of, an ostrich because he hasn't quite hit giraffe level yet. (He also knows this, and jokes about it too. He's pretty awesome that way.)

I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
P.S. Please vote, comment, and share! It would mean the world to me and Emma.

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