Adopted by The Sidemen ↠The S...

By joie242

159K 2.3K 1.2K

(I WROTE THIS In 2015 SO BE WARNED AS TO HOW CRINGEY THIS IS IM SO SORRY) Hey, im Alex. There's nothing much... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chaptet 39
Chapter 40
SEQUEL? & About Me

Chapter 24

2.9K 50 9
By joie242

Alex POV

"So how was insomnia?" Matthew asked me while we all walked down the hallway.

"Better than I expected to be honest. I thought it would just be sitting behind the sence being bored. But the fans actually wanted to meet me and they wanted me to do the QnA panel with the guys. So it was fun." I explained.

"Did you Volg it?" Rozzy asked.

"Yeah, it should be out some time during lunch." I said remembering the time Josh told me it would be uploaded.

"Awesome! Do we get to see the panel?" Tramine asked.

"Yup! It will be posted on youtube on the channel Multiplay."

"Are you going to try out for the football team?" Bella asked me.

"When is it?"

"Today, tomorrow and the day after."

"OH SHIT ITS TODAY?!" I was so tired from the trip that I must have forgot.

"Yup." Rozzy responded popping the P.

"Ughh, I cant try out in my uniform, that's not gonna work out for me." I sighed. "Are any of you guys gonna try out?"

"I am." Bella and Rozzy responded.

"Do you know if I can miss a day?"

"I dont know you have to ask Mr. Hepner. He's gonna be the football (I put soccer at first 😂) coach."

I nodded. "Im gonna ask him now."

With that I left to his room. I have about 2 minutes before school starts.

"Mr. Hepner?" I started, he turned to look at me. "Is it okay if I miss the first day of football tryouts? I have to go somewhere after school."

"You can, but just know that will lower your chance of making it on the team. Especially since its the first day, the first day shows us what you can do." he explained.

I nodded and left the classroom.

~time skip to the next day after school during try outs cause I have nothing else to write for this chapter 😂~

"1....2...3...4...5..6...7...8....9" The coach for the girls counted. We were stretching.

"Okay, so we're going to start off by doing a three against two. Who wants to be in goal?" Coach S asked us.

"Me!" I instantly said putting my hand up in the air.

But she didn't choose me. She chose a year 9 student named Dez.

"Who wants be a defender?" Coach S asked. And in 2 minutes we had everything aet up. I was playing offense.

There were 3 lines of offense on one side with 2 lines for defense near the goal.

When it was my turn to go, I saw that I had two year 9 students playing with me. Great. Year 9 and 8 students try as hard as they can to avoid any year 7 students from getting the ball.

When I looked at the defenders, I saw that it was Bella and Rozzy.

I sighed. The person in the middle got the ball then passed it to the other year 9 after dribbling it a few steps. We only had half the field, so we didnt have much room, the boys had the other half.

Anyways, as the year 9 who had the ball was going foward Bella kicked the ball away from her. The defenders just had to kick the ball away from offense and out of bounds. But when Bella kicked the ball to go out of bounds it ended up near me.

So i quickly got the ball in my control and started making my way towards the goal then finally shot it. IT MADE IT IN! fuck yeah! Fuck you older people who doubt me!

"Good job Alex!" Coach S said towards me.

We did a couple more rounds of this before coach moved on. Then we tried layoffs and just passing the ball.

"Line the balls up here please. Okay, so now we're just gonna practice shooting. One at a time, starting from here, you will try to shoot it into the goal. That simple. Who wants to be goalie this time?"

"Me!" I once again said copying my actions from before.

"okay go." She said towards me. I went in goal and waited for them to start going.

Once everyone was ready the first person went. I blocked it. Then we continued on. I was able to block most of them, but there was one or 2 that made it in goal.

The year 7 people knew to well that I was good in goal. Most of them watched the Sidemen and know that Tobi taught me. The ones who didnt know about the Sidemen knew anyways, people would tell them.

But  almost all of the year 8 and 9 students didnt watch the Sidemen and were never told about me. So as I kept blocking them, they tried going faster and faster to get me off guard.

But I still blocked most of them. In the end though, it hurt like hell. We didnt have any gloves so my hands are currently throbbing and red. These people have no chill. They were kicking the ball as hard as they can.

"Coach S! Would you like to do a little scrimmage?" Mr. Hepner asked.

"Yeah, sure! Bring it in Ladies!" we all walked towards Coach S and formed a circle around her.

"So, we are going to scrimmage the boys. We need to figure out who will play and who will sub in. I want Dez in goal, Alex you'll sub in later on....." I kind of spaced out after I heard where I would be. Before I knew it the game was starting.

Bella and Rozzy werent playing so we just had a nice little chat. By that I mean we talked about the most random things.

"Alex, I want you to go in goal, Bella switch out with Nicole, Rozzy switch with Nicky, Luna with Maria..... " I didnt hear the rest of the subs as I already made it to goal where I switched with Dez.

Once every one was in there position, we resumed the game. The boys made it past our defense, and this short guy, shorter than me, kicked the ball towards the goal. I had to dive to get the ball, and that's what I did. I blocked the ball from going in. Then I picked up the ball and looked for an open person to throw the ball in. You see there was one thing I couldnt do well when it came to football. I cant punt the ball very far. I saw that Melissa was open so I threw the ball in to her.

~Time skip to the end of try outs~

Try outs were finally over, Bella, Rozzy and I changed from our cleats into our normal shoes and we removed our shin pads. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

"ALEX!" I heard a familiar voice call to me as I started to walk home.

I turned around to see Simon. I ran over to him and hopped in his car. He drove away before anyone could notice him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We're gonna record a football video with Josh, Harry, Tobi, JME, Callux and Lewis."

"Ok, imma be behind the camera probably laughing at you while doing homework." I chuckled.

"You're gonna be laughing at them not m- weeeellllll actually never mind."

"Why? What are you guys doing?"

"Slip and slide football. Plus some other videos."

"Someone's gonna die." I laughed.

"Yeahhhhh, but at least we get the views if someone dies." We both burst out laughing at that.

"Oh, by the way, you did good during tryouts."

"You saw that?" I said a little embarrassed.

"Yup" he laughed at me.

When we arived at the pitch I saw Harry pouring water on the thing they're gonna slide on.

I grabbed my backpack (since I was going to do my homework) and got out of the car.

"Hello! Good luck, dont die, I need someone to drive me home." I said sitting down beside the camera.

"Wow thanks." Josh said. I just gave him a thumbs up as they started the video.

~A couple minutes later~

It was now Harry's final turn, and I decided I want fuck it up for him.

So i look at my last problem for math and saw it was 9 5/7 • 13/6.

"HARRY WHAT'S 9 5/7 TIMES 13/6?!!" I screamed as Harry ran on the slip n slide.

He screamed and lost balance, causing him to fall on his face.

Everyone started laughing while Harry got up, or attempted to he get up.

"13 13/14 THANKS HARRY!" I yelled once I solved it.





Harry did his outro and they started Josh's video, which was layoffs.

He started his intro and then they started doing the challenge.

"AHH FUCK I LANDED ON MY CLEATS! MY SHIN HURTS!" Harry yelled a few seconds later. Im guessing he fell.

"WAIT HARRY! I GOT SOME THING FOR YOU!" I said looked through my back pack for my shin pads.

Once I found them I threw them at Harry who caught them.

"Top Man." was all everyone said.

After many fails I decided to yell, "YOU SUCK!"

"OI! Why dont you try it!" Lewis said carrying me over there. I shrugged and kicked the ball to Simon who layed it off a little to the right as I continued to run.

I kicked the ball once i took a touch and BOOM! It went in the goal bitches.

Everyone started screaming and running around while i stared at the camera and dabbed.

I recently learned what a dab was, sooooooo yeah.

The guys laughed at me.

"How the hell did she, an 11 year old girl, do it on her first try but we cant do it?!" Callux asked.

"I came from football tryouts. And we did this there so I had practice...." I explained.

"SHE'S A CHEATER!" Harry yelled. Everyone started to yell it to.

"My family members are idiots, but I love them still." I said towards the camera as everyone continued to yell it.


Hey all you awesome sauce readers!

So somethings I need to say.

The timeline will be really fucking crazy (like it already isnt 😂😂)

So i'll break my schedule a bit and post a chapter of this book on Sunday instead of Monday for a Fathers day special.

But i also want to make a chapter about the charity match they did. So lets pretend the charity match is after Fathers Day.

That's all i can think to say at the moment. I mean its 1:37 am and im tired 😂😂

I need to stop pre writing late at night/ early morning.

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed, if you did,




Stay fabalas

~Joie out 😘💜💜

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