Back Then And Now

By Kuroshitsuji_brat

804 16 3

"Don't forget me" "I will never..." Minato and Nami were really best friends when they were younger. They al... More

Ch 1; Where it all began...
Ch 2; Meeting each other
Ch 3; New Names
Ch 4; The News
Ch 5: Hearing the news...
Ch 6: Goodbye
Ch 7: 10 years later...
Ch 8: Mysterious
Ch 9: New Guys
Ch 10: Bowling...
Ch 11: Minato Kizami
Ch 12: Trouble
Ch 13: Sorry...
Ch 14: Friends
Ch 15: Performance
Ch 17: Gray?
Ch 18: Ayato-Bro
Ch 19: Sick...
Ch 20: Heartbroken
Ch 21: Nora...Kizami?

Ch 16: Truth or Dare?

29 0 0
By Kuroshitsuji_brat

A/N: This section is just the fun part. Treat this like kind of an OVA...if you know what I mean. I just want to make the 'friends' story a bit longer to make even sections of the whole big story....anyways, enjoy!

Nami's POV:

The weekend! Yay, finally...time to rest from all of those horrible, cruel, nasty teachers; especially...Mr. Ackerman...HE DOESN'T SHOW ANY EMOTION!!!! He's like a half alive robot, not really accurate but that's what he looks like to me, I don't know about the other girls...Some of the him. Uggh! I could throw up just from saying that. Bro he is...wait, I don't actually know his age...mysterious...Wait, why am I even thinking of him? Uggh! I'm just really bored. I know its the weekend, but what do I do in the weekend?

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello?" I spoke

NAMI!!!!! A familiar voice damaged my ears


You're the one shouting now... She muttered

I sighed "What is it?"

Oh She realised Kousei and the rest are going to the wanna come?

My eye twitched "Are you not tired from yesterday?"

No She replied So you coming or what?

"What time do I have to be there?" I questioned

About...1pm maybe? She answered

I groaned "Okay then...see you there..."

Mhmm... She spoke Bye!!!

I hanged up the phone and stared at the white ceiling...Am I really going out this much now? Is this what 'hang outs' do? Am I becoming a normal person? Well, if I am...good. I don't want to be a noobie or a special person...I just want to be ordinary, like everyone else. I sighed as I had a shower and got changed.

My taste was a bit happy so I worn light blue jeans, a grey top and a pink cardigan. I also brought headphones so I won't get bored during our hang out. I got set and went to Kaori's house...

12:48pm-At Kaori's house

"HI NAMI!!!!" Kaori cheered

"Kaori, con you please stop SHOUTING!!!" I told her "I just woke up so don't make me into a bad mood..."

"Gomen na sai!" Kaori bowed her head

"What?" Minato spoke

"Oh...Hi Minato" I smiled at him as he stared at me...stop staring at me, pervert...

"'Gomen na sai' Means 'I'm sorry' or 'I'm so sorry'" She explained

He nodded and closed his eyes...He looked at bit, how could I say this...cute! I smiled at him as I sat next to him...but not to close to him, I don't want Kaori teasing me...I could punch her in the face if she does, I'm just trying to hold it back.

"Sorry we're late..." Two voices came from the door "Let's go!!"

"Kousei, Gray!!" Kaori sighed in relief "Let's goooooo!!"

I sighed and stood up from the couch. We all when in the car and sat in the same place as before...

2:52pm-At Starbucks...

"This taste sooo nice!" Kaori hugged the cup "I love this sooo much!"

"Kaori...You say that every time you get that drink..." I stated

"Oh well..." Kaori looked at me "Not like don't really have a taste...all you get is water, get something new!!"

"Well..." I hesitated "Yea, you're right...I don't have a taste after all.."

"Uggh!!!" Gray moaned "Can we do something while fun...'cuz all of this shopping is sooo boring!!"

"'re a boy, you won't understand girls when it comes shopping..." Kaori explained "Let's see..."

"Oo!" Kousei jumped in "How about truth or dare?"

"Yea!!" Kaori shouted "You guys cool with that?"

We all nodded as Kousei placed his empty cup on the table and span it. It first landed on Gray!!!

"Gray!" Kaori pointed at him "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth..." He crossed him arms

"Why do you strip all the time?" I questioned him

"Well..." He explained "Let's just say someone got me into the habit of stripping..."

I stared at him, then whispered to Minato "Did you know about this?"

He shook his head...Really? That is his habit...of stripping?

Kousei span the cup, which landed on Kaori...I asked her truth or dare, she answered 'Dare'...always a risk taker...

"I dare you to buy another cup of anything and down it, even though it is really hot.." Kousei smirked

"Okay..." She smiled and ordered one of her favourite drinks "Let's.....DOWN!!!"

She drank the whole cup in a few gulps...Our mouthes dropped to see her perfectly fine...WHAT???!!!

Kousei span it really fast. Everyone was anxious about it, especially me. I didn't know what will Kaori do...Suddenly, it slowed down when it pointed at eyes widened. Luckily, it had the momentum to point at Minato...

"Minato!" Kousei exclaimed "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare..." He spoke blankly

"I dare you-"

"To kiss Nami!!!" Kaori interrupted Kousei...wait...WHAT?!

"WHAT!!" I started blushing "Kaori!!"

She giggled "On the lips..."

I glared at Kaori, trying to hold my hand from punching her. I then looked at Minato, which showed no can he be so calm at this situation? Minato leant his face closer to me, we were nowhere near 2 inches apart...I started blushing like mad...He leant his face towards m-

"Just kiss already!!!" Kousei pushed me into Minato


I couldn't finish my sentence because my lips fell into Minato's...we were kissing...
My face was as red as a tomato, eyes as wide as an owl, nothing to say or do...

He released the kiss and I quickly hid my face so he won't see me blushing...

"God..." I muffled into my mouth..

A/N: There is an part 2 so don't worry. Soz for the lack of update, 4 more weeks and I'm off of school!!...uuuggghhh!

Next Chapter is coming next week...BYE!!!!

Mr. Ackerman or Levi Ackerman- AOT

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