The Guide Home (under Revisio...

By Twistering-Winds

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This story is under heavy revision. Some parts might not make sense The day had started normally, there was n... More

Author's Note
Prologue: Boring Day
Chapter 1:


82 6 0
By Twistering-Winds

The group floated through the ghost zone, unusually quiet. Finally Danny broke the silence.

"So why really did you let me lead them through the ghost zone?"

"You know why." Charon answered softly. Melody nodded her head in agreement.

"I don't, why did you let my Phantom take us on that journey?"

"Two reasons child." Charon sighed. "If I would have came while your classmates were still living, I would have killed them. Second if I didn't Danny had a chance of becoming evil due to grief. The ghost king cannot become evil."

The class was silent once more. Danny spotted a group of doors coming closer.

"Is this the spot." He murmured barely audible.

"Yes." Charon smiled at the tired king. Danny was emotionally spent and physically exhausted.

"Do you want me to tell them?" Danny asked Charon.

"Go ahead O king." Charon agreed.

"Guys," Danny said turning around, "We're here."

The ghosts gave him blank looks.

"Are those doors gateways to our homes? Will you explore them with us? Are you leaving with Mr. Fenton? Will you visit us?" Leanna asked with her ever present smile.

"Yes, I can't, Yes, only if you want me to?" Danny replied. Leanna nodded satisfied with his answers.

"What will happen to Plasmius?" Dash asked, "And what about Mikey?"

Charon answered his question. "Plasmius is in a thermos and shall never leave it." She motioned for Jack to give her the thermos which Jack reluctantly did. "Mikey has found someone else to be an apprentice for."

"So Mikey is safe?"

"Of course Dash."

"I guess this is goodbye for now." Danny told the group. He grabbed his father's arm. "We need to leave soon so Mr. Fenton can have some medical attention."

"Bye Phantom, Take care of Kwan for me!" Dash called entering his lair.

"Good Bye my love." Paulina said kissing his cheek. "Tell Star to be brave but not steal you or she will be haunted for life." She then entered her pink door.

"Give a hug to my brother for me." Leanna smiled. "And then run or he'll arrest you!" Danny laughed but tears were threatening to come out.

"Your Highness," Melody bowed. "If you ever need me don't be afraid to call."

Danny nodded as Melody entered her new lair.

He grabbed his father and sped through the ghost zone. He didn't want his subjects seeing him cry, and his dad really needed medical attention.

Danny sighed in relief at the familiar sight of the Fenton portal. He barely managed to drag his dad and himself through the portal. He was more tired than he realized.

"I'm proud of you son."

Danny looked at his father in surprise.

"Yes, I know it's you Danny, you don't need to hold up your disguise anymore. You can rest now, you're home."  

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