Waitress On Fleek

By TalentedWriters

3.7K 205 140


Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5 (SPECIAL)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

141 7 6
By TalentedWriters

Fan art by @redglasses

Kawaii456_016n: The picture above is a fan art from redglasses. And a bit of editing done by @asugarkookie for the shading btw. OH OH and this is a pic of Crystal. Yeh...thats all I got to say...


The restaurant is going to be open late today. I waste my free time doing my homework on the counter with Lance sitting across from me with his head down.

It looks so cute!

His grey sweater is stretched, hiding all of his fingers. His head is resting on his arms and his auburn hair is curled up on his head, messier than usual.

    It's actually really hard concentrating on my work while he is there peacefully sleeping. I want to take a picture of his sleeping face or draw on it with my pen I am holding onto.

Oh! I got an idea.

    I get up from my seat and lean forward with my pen in hand. I press the pen gently onto his cheek, letting out the ink from the pen as smooth as possible so he doesn't feel anything. I try to write "BAKA Pink" (Stupid Pink) while drawing with a pink pen under it. Just as I am about to finish the drawing, Lance jolts up suddenly and grab onto my right arm and pulls it forward.

    I hold my breath for a second, us staring into each other's eyes for a minute or two. His grip on my arm is so hard that I can feel my blood stop flowing. He suddenly lets go of me.

"You startled me, I thought you were a thief," he says, sitting up straight. He wipes his hand on his cheek and squints at me. The ink on his cheek messily dribbles down to his chin, but he doesn't realize.

He rubs his eyes and stretches his arms. Then he notices a bit of ink that has fallen down his chin and onto his grey sleeve. It's a tiny droplet and can hardly be noticed. He takes out his phone and after some clicks and shifts, his jaw drops open.

"Baka Pink?" He asks with grit teeth.

"It looks cool?" I hesitantly say, not wanting him to get angry again. But I mean it was me who did this to him so he has every right to be mad.

"Cool? This is cool to you?" Lance suddenly grabs the pen from my hand. "To be fair, I should draw on your face too."

I try to escape but he comes over to my side and corners me to the side of the wall. Our thighs are touching each other and since I'm wearing shorts, it feels so strange and ticklish. I can feel the tightness between his legs, shocking me.

Lance leans forward and grabs a hold onto my chin and starts to place the tip of the pen onto my cheek.

"Baka Pink?" a voice comes from behind us. Travis comes just in time and I should really be thanking him at the moment.

"Problem?" Lance asks, not bothering to turn around.

"Oh I see. Crystal is so pretty that you won't even spare a second to glance at me," Travis says, smirking.

Lance starts to get pissed and turns around to face Travis. "You ruined my perfect time to-"

    "To what? Kiss her?" Travis cuts in.

    "Hmm, yes then I can torture her by doing so," Lance says with a smirk, looking down at me.

    Travis raises his eyebrows at me while I just shrug back.

    "Lance, can you maybe move a bit. Customers are coming in," I say. He finally moves away from me and walks to the counter. I sit back down with a deep breath while Travis sits where Lance had sat.

    "Something seems out of the ordinary between you two," Travis thoughtfully says, tapping his chin.

    "Really, what is it?" I ask just to keep him going. I begin packing my homework away while he talks.

    "Might it be..." he begins to say but stops. I raise my eyebrows at him as if to make him continue.

    "Love," he finishes. I take my binder and continuously hit him on the back. "What the hell woman! It's love, I tell you! Love! L. O. V. E. LOVE!"

    "Shut up before I do something to you," I threaten him.

    "Really? Do what?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

    "Oh my god, you sick dirty-minded perverted jerk!"

    "But you're the one who thought of something dirty when I said 'do what', you perverted psycho!"


"So immature. Anyways, wanna see my girlfriend? We're having a picnic tomorrow," Travis asks. "You can bring Lance if you want."

"Who said I would want to bring Lance?"

"So you won't be alone while I make out with Silvia right in front of you," he says grinning. He totally didn't understand my question, if he really is a normal human being.

"Fine, I'll bring Lance- I mean Pink." Huge slip of the tongue.

"Huh? I heard my name," Lance says, stopping by our table as he carries the plates in his hand but suddenly walks past us to give the serving to the family on our right. He walks back and rests his arms on the table and looks at us in shock. "Were you gossiping about me?"

"I don't want to bring him," I immediately whine in front of Travis to which he says, "You have to bring him."

    "Bring me where?" Lance asks, curious.

    "My girlfriend and I are having a picnic tomorrow so I thought I would invite you and Crystal," Travis explains, sending a silent wink to me.

    Lance's eyes suddenly lit up at the sudden news of Travis having a girlfriend. "I'll come!"

    "Huh?!" both me and Travis shout. It's not a reaction that we would have expected from Pink- the guy who's not very social at all.

    "What?" Lance asks in pure confusion at the outburst. I shake my head at him in complete shock.

    "You want to come to a picnic with other people?" I ask and with each word that utters out of my mouth, he nods.


    Megan lets us off to the picnic because she wants us to get a break off from work and school. Oh, I just love Megan. I look through the dresses in my closet to find one that would be perfect for a simple picnic.

    I lay out the three simple dresses that I really like from the sorted pile. But it's really hard to choose which one to wear because I like all of them. One dress is yellow which is long in the back but short in the front. Another is a baby blue floral layer dress which goes down to the knees. Last but not least, an ombre dress. It goes blue, purple and then to pink. It even laces down to one side. The left side of the dress is shorter than the right, which I think is pretty neat.

    I grab the ombre dress because it is the most noticeable one out of all of them and plus, the others would show too much skin which I am not comfortable with. Plus, it's freaking pink.

My phone suddenly rings as I finish changing my clothes. I pick it up and before I can say anything, Travis screams through my ears.

    "Hurry up you big and fat lazy penguin!" He shouts.

    "Whoa, what happened to you?"

    "Shut up, I'm outside waiting for you with my dear girlfriend who is patiently waiting along with me. We don't know where the hell you are and I don't like it. We still have to pick up Lance, you know?"

    "Coming, just wait five more minutes," I mumble. I go to the mirror and put some blush on my face and a little bit of lip gloss. I change my shoes to sandals and step out into the sunlight. The warmth of the sun warms me inside, calming my nerves. I'm so nervous to meet Travis's girlfriend, it's super scary!

    I look around to find Travis's car, which I finally set my eyes on and start walking towards it. He opens the car door and reveals a very pretty girl.

    She smiles and extends her hand out to me. "Hello, I'm Silvia Bloweed," she says.

    I shake her hand and grin back at her. "Hi! I'm Crystal Haven," I introduce myself.

    Her layered brown hair swishes to the left as she watches me with her grey eyes struggling to get inside, next to her.

    "Are we picking up your boyfriend, Lance?" she asks me.

    "Who, him?" I frown. "He's not my boyfriend."

    "Oh, forgive me for saying that," Silvia apologizes. I smile at her, immediately forgiving her. She's such a lovely person and I think we can become friends.

    Travis pulls up to Lance's house with Lance already waiting outside on his phone while sitting on a log of a broken tree.

    When Lance gets into the car, I say to him, "Ha ha I know where you live now. I can sneak up on you anytime I want."

"Are you asking for your death right now, Christopher?" Lance asks with grit teeth.

"Oh sorry, my bad," I apologize. I hear Silvia laugh and I turn to her in curiosity.

"It's just I can't believe Lance would ever talk to anyone like that," she says, her smile now fading as she realizes something.

"Aren't you Kacey's sister?" Lance asks.

He had sat next to Travis in the passenger seat, so he has to turn around to get a good look at us. His eyes wander to mine and we stare at each other for a couple of seconds until he breaks the eye contact by turning back around.

"Yes, I am her sister," Silvia says, her smile still failing to show itself.

"I never knew Kacey had a sister," I say.

"Oh, I'm not her real sister. Her parents adopted me," she explains.

"Of course, Christopher never knows when to keep her mouth shut," Lance teases. My cheeks start to feel hot and I can assure everyone that yes, I am officially blushing. Of embarrassment.

"Shut up, Pink," I say.

"You two are really close, aren't you?" Silvia asks.

"You have no idea, Silv. They flirt everyday I'm around and sometimes it just gets tiring," Travis says, laughing as he continues on the road.

"We do not flirt!" Lance protests to which I say, "Yeah, we do not."

Travis just laughs at our reaction. The rest of the car ride is in awkward silence. During the ride I can feel Silvia looking at me and then glancing away. Does she want to say something to me?

"Hey Silvia... how old are you?" I ask awkwardly.

"I am fifteen years old," Silvia replies dully.

"Oh that makes me only one year older than you," I say, trying to make the conversation flow.

    "Oh I see," Silvia says plainly.

    For the rest of the ride I stare outside and watch as everything unfolds before me. A few times I catch Silvia staring at Lance and I begin to wonder, does this girl like him too? Just like her sister? I find it so weird and confusing that both the sisters are beginning to take a liking to this guy. Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions because she is Travis's girlfriend.

    "Get out," Travis says once he parks the car.

    "Rude much?" I tease.

    He laughs and leads us to a tree which happens to be taller than Travis. Travis is short so a tree being taller than him is so hilarious. But wait, Travis is taller than me so I am technically insulting myself in some way too.

Ugh stupid brain, what are you thinking?

I watch as Travis lays down an orange plastic sheet near the shade of the tree that we all sit on. Grass and flowers are blooming at random places a little further from the tree. I sit between Lance and Silvia with Lance shooting me a glare as I sit down next to him.

The conceited jerk.

What's his problem?

I stick my tongue out at him and frown as he rolls his eyes at me.

    "Childish," Lance mutters under his breath. I decide to ignore him since that's what I'm good at.

    "Where's the food at?" I ask.

    "Patience, tiger," Travis winks. I pout while he just grins back. Silvia grabs the picnic basket and opens it, revealing a ton of food. My mouth starts to water as I lick my lips.

    Sandwiches, soda, salad, chicken, water, rice, and pudding start to unfold in front of my eyes. I take a piece of each from the plates and happily fill my stomach.

    After eating so much food, I go for a walk. Behind me I can tell Lance is following. It's not like he can do anything but follow me since Silvia and Travis are walking around together as well.

Pink doesn't want to interfere with their relationship. Sigh. It's just so cute.

    What the hell? Lance is not cute.

    He's adorable.

    A smile tugs at the ends of my lips as he jogs to catch up with my speed.

    "Why the hell are you going so fast?" Lance asks, furious.

    "After eating a ton of food, I find it relaxing to walk fast. It helps me digest," I reply with a smile.

    "Fine, whatever," Lance says and for once, he doesn't argue. Maybe he's changing? I find myself looking at Lance as he walks next to me. He looks at me, and we stare at each other once again. For, like, the hundredth time in life.

    "Like what you see?"

    Yeah, he's never going to change.

    I shake my head and smile to myself.

But it's okay if he doesn't change. Because I like the way he is now. Playful and nice and sweet at times.


Okay, more like never.

    We head back to the picnic place and look around for Travis and Silvia but they're long gone. I call Travis and he answers on the first bell.

    "Where are you?!"

    "Calm down, we're coming."

    "Alright, but where are you?"

    "We may or may not have gotten lost," Travis admits.

    "BIRD BRAIN! HOW COULD YOU GET LOST IN LIKE-" I quickly look at the time. "SEVEN MINUTES."





    Lance takes my phone from my hand and throws it on the floor. My mouth widens and I turn my head shooting him a glare.

    "What the hell?!"

    "Stop screaming!"

    "Fine," I say. I make a move to grab the phone from the ground but he kicks it away. I groan in frustration as Lance picks up the phone. "Give it to me."

    "No," he says, spinning the phone on his palm. "Listen to me, and I'll give it back to you."

    "I'm not going to listen to you," I say and try to grab the phone but he moves backwards and trips over the rock. I see in slow motion as my precious phone gets released from his hand, falling into the pond behind him. It was my new phone that I just got two weeks ago!

    Lance turns back to me with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

    "My precious! My baby! My life! It's all gone now!" I scream, hanging onto the rock as if my life depends on it. "Because of you!"

    "Stop acting like a drama queen," Lance says with a roll of his eyes. "Besides, if you had only listened to me in the first place it wouldn't have happened."

"I hate you so much," I go to Lance and start pulling his hair out. Oh, it's soft. Oh well.

    Lance grabs my wrist and pushes me away from him. "What are you doing?" he asks, fixing his hair.

    "Wait, let me touch it again!" I reach for it again, but he pushes my hand away.

    "Ugh, you're so weird," he says. He ruffles his hair putting it back to how it was before. Sheesh.

I have no cooties so no need to worry kid.

    I take my chance and grab his phone that sticks out from his sweater pocket. But I am too slow and I'm not able to grab it. Lance quickly grabs my arm and twists it.

"THAT HURTS!" I scream in agony.

    I knee-kick him in the stomach and Lance lets go of me, leans down and holds his stomach. "Ha, that's what you get for hurting a girl," I say, smiling to myself.

    Lance moves forward to do a move on me. From a distance behind him, I make out two familiar people so I run away from him, towards them instead.

    "Trav! You made it!"

    "Why are you so happy all of a sudden? You were just yelling at me a while ago."

    "Because you saved me, my friend!" I hug him and ignore the fact that Silvia is glaring at me.

    "Crystal," Silvia says.

    "Yes?" I ask.

    "Stop hugging my boyfriend," she says.

    From her harsh tone, I step away from Travis, suddenly scared of Silvia. What the hell happened to her? I'm only friends with Travis. She's the one who gets the intimate relationship with him, so why is she acting like this?

    "Silvia, it's okay. Crystal is just dumb and stupid. She's not going to fall for someone smart like me, only stupid like her," Travis assures her.

    "She seems pretty stupid," Silvia agrees.

    By this point, Lance has come up behind me and has been watching the entire scene. Before I can say anything, Lance hops into the conversation.

    "Only I can call her stupid," Lance protectively says, shooting Silvia a death glare.

    "Did she trick you with her stupidity too? Watch out, she's only acting nice to get good looks from others." She clicks her tongue. "But her true identity is evil."



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