The Chronicles of Narnia: The...

بواسطة narniabearejectfan1

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Ashley is just a servant in Cair Paravel. So what happens when she meets the High King and sparks fly? Peter... المزيد

~ Chapter 1: Late & Dead ~
~ Chapter 2: Coronation ~
~ Chapter 3: Fire ~
~ Chapter 4: Embarrassment ~
~ Chapter 5: Date ~
~ Chapter 6: Courting and Tell ~
~ Chapter 7: Keep You Two A Secret ~
~ Chapter 8: Surprises ~
~ Chapter 9: First Kiss And Other Matters ~
~ Chapter 10: Alive ~
~ Chapter 11: Moving ~
~ Chapter 12: Answer ~
~ Chapter 13: Rescue Mission's ~
~ Chapter 14: Paranoia ~
~ Chapter 15: The Wedding ~
~ Chapter 16: Honeymoon ~
~ Chapter 17: News ~
~ Chapter 18: Unexpected ~
~ Chapter 19: High Queen ~
~ Chapter 20: Stories ~
~ Chapter 21: Bundles of Joy ~
~ Chapter 22: Missing and Killing ~
~ Chapter 23: Findings ~
~ Chapter 24: Adoption ~
~ Epilogue ~

~ Chapter 25: First Day ~

978 9 2
بواسطة narniabearejectfan1

Brianna POV

"Brianna? Brianna! What are you doing? Come back this instant!" I don't listen. Why would I? That lady is nasty and trying to hurt me. My eyes glance upon the nice lady. She's holding green jades, the most rarest flower in Narnia, and she's in a pretty dress! It's purple, my favourite colour, and pretty and long. "Brianna! Come back! Don't go to her!" The nasty lady wants to keep me, she doesn't want me to leave her side, but the pretty lady says that I can do whatever I like when I'm with her. My legs carry me faster and faster over to her before I leap into her arms.

"Oh, Brianna! You beautiful, little girl. You don't want to go back to that other lady, do you?" I shake my head at her and wrap my arms around her neck.

"No, I want to stay with you. Don't send me back to the nasty lady!" I plead.


"Come along then, my dear. Come and be my servant." That's not what I want though. I look over my shoulder to the nasty lady who is crying on the ground. She doesn't want me either though. Being a servant for the nice lady is better than staying with the nasty lady any day.


"Such a good girl. Now, why don't we get rid of this nasty lady?" Yes! Send her home! She doesn't need to be here anymore.

"That would be perfect." I get placed gently back on the ground by the nice lady. Something is happening though. The nice lady's dress tears into a million pieces as she starts to grow really big. Her hands get really fluffy and furry and the rest of her body turns grey. I don't know how nice this lady is anymore. Her head transforms into a dog, only it doesn't look like a dog. She's got blood in her mouth. I turn to look at the nasty lady. She's crying and still screaming my name. The wolf lady jumps over me suddenly before she sprints over to the nasty lady, swallowing her whole. I really don't want to be a servant for her anymore.

"Oh, Brianna. Come to me. Be my servant." She bares her teeth, letting a roar come from down within her throat. Run, Bree, run. I turn around, my legs already racing me forwards. The wood comes out from nowhere and I'm suddenly jumping over tree logs. They're too big for me though and it slows me down. I can hear the wolf lady running quicker up to me. "Brianna." I turn around and scream as she leaps forward before –

"AHHHH!" I sit up screaming; sweat is dripping off of my face and my hands are feeling very clammy and wet. My body is shaking with fear and I really can't help the tears as they cloud my vision before pouring over. That was really scary. I've never had a nightmare like that before. I lay back down and curl up into a ball under my sheets and quilt. Where am I? This isn't my bed! The tears race on, not stopping for even a moment. Sqqueeak. Huh, what was that? I curl up even more under my sheets as a stream of light comes pouring into my room. I look at the now open door; not taking my eyes off of it at all. A shadow appears, blocking the light. I try to hold back my sobs. I can't let it know I'm here. The shadow walks closer and closer to my bed. The sobs are starting to take over my body now, becoming increasingly louder. The shadow is right next to my bed now. Its hand is reaching out to grab hold of me. No! I won't let it! "Get away from me!" I yell as I jump over to the other side of my bed. Another shadow is entering now, only it's carrying a light. "NO! Leave me alone!" I cry.

"Brianna, it's us! It's okay, sweetie!"

"No! Go away! I'm scared!"

"Light the candle! You're scaring her for goodness sake!"

"Oh, of course! I'm sorry!" I just want the monsters to go away! Within a second of one of the monsters speaking, my whole room is lit up. I look over to the monster beside my bed, not being able to see clearly because of my cloudy vision. It's now sitting on the edge of my bed though. That much I can see.

"Brianna?" the monster says clearly. I blink away my tears and wipe my nose on my bed sheets as soon as I hear my name.

"Wh-who are you?" I manage to choke out as a whisper.

"It's Ashley. I'm your new mummy remember?" Ashley? Mummy? "It's alright, sweetheart. Did you have a nightmare?" she asks me in a calming voice. I nod. "That's not good. I get them all the time too. Do you mind if I lay down with you and give you a cuddle? I know cuddles always make me feel better." That's right! Queen Ashley and King Peter adopted me! I'm in my new room! I sniffle, my eyes filling up with tears again as I nod. She lays down next to me, propping herself up on my headboard for support before she opens her arms to me. I crawl over to her and cuddle up in them. Instantly she wraps them around me, one of her hands is even stroking my hair back.

"My nightmare was really scary, mummy," I tell her as the strokes along my jet-black hair continue.

"Well that's not good. What was it about?"

"A wolf thing."

"Yeah, wolves are scary, aren't they? I've had a lot of nightmares with wolves in them too." I wipe away my tears on her dark night gown.

"You have?"

"I have, but you know what?" I sit up slightly and shake my head slowly.


"When I wake up, I always remember that I'm safe and that it was just a dream." She lays me back down in the crook of her arm. "Try and get some more sleep, Brianna. Tomorrow will be a nice relaxing day as a family," she whispers to me. Eventually I let the drowsiness consume me and I fall into a dreamless slumber.

When I awake the next morning, mummy's gone and I'm alone in my new room. I push the quilt and sheets off of me and slowly hop out of bed. I can hear baby cries. They're really loud, but they don't bother me. We had lots of babies in the orphanage. Cautiously I walk over to my purple door, my nighty dragging silently on the ground. It's a little bit too long for me, even though it fits everywhere else. My hand twists around the golden lion-head knob before I twist it and pull slightly. The cries are much louder out here; as are the voices I'm still getting accustomed to.

"Shh, Anna. Go to sleep." The cries only get louder at the man's voice though. I open my door just enough to squeeze through before looking both ways in the corridor. One way is a dead end, so I should probably walk the other way. Within a few steps I'm at another door. I open this one and very quietly step out into the light room. The curtains are open and there is lots of sunshine. No one is here. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be either. I close the door behind me and take a few cautious steps on the dark floorboards. They squeak slightly beneath my feet. I curiously let my eyes wander around the room. The walls are cream in colour and there's a fireplace and a small kitchen and a balcony and a sofa in front of the fireplace and even a small, light-coloured table. We can have family dinners! There are some paintings too though. I walk over to the couch where the fire is roasting in the fireplace and sit on it. It's comfy and – bouncy. Very bouncy. I giggle and jump on it slightly. I'm going to like living here. Smack! What was that noise? I stop bouncing and whip my head over my shoulder before ducking slightly so I can't be seen from the door. That's what that noise was. The door slamming open. Followed by voices. People screaming to be exact.

"Peter, I do not need this right now! Just be quiet! You're going to wake the babies up! It just took us all night to get them to sleep so shut it!"

"I made it very clear to you that I don't have a choice in the matter yet you're acting as if it's my fault."

"Because it is your fault! You should've said no! You know how important having a family day was to us so why did you agree to attend five meetings today?"

"Because I'm High King and it's my job!"

"Well your family should come first!"

"Well I'm sorry that I'm a King and I have no control over these things!"

"You do have control – you say no! It's that easy!" Footsteps sound on the floorboards just as my new mother comes into view. She wants to sit down. I jump out of the way and sit on the other side of the couch to make room for her. She falls back, her eyes closed, obvious tears on her wet cheeks. She's crying. Why is she crying?

"You need to learn to understand that it's not that easy, Ashley! You should know that by now! In fact, I know you know that! You've been a queen for almost ten months now! Grow up and learn to deal with things at face value instead of flying off the handle at me for nothing. By Aslan's Mane, woman! I need to attend these meetings. I've already told you that we'll have this afternoon as a family, so calm down, stop crying, and put up with it." I wonder why father's shouting at mother? I touch her arm softly causing her to jump, her eyes flashing open and landing straight on me. For some reason her hand flies straight to her mouth before she closes her eyes again and leans her head back. She moves her hand away from her mouth so she can wipe her eyes instead and opens them again; her eyes are watery again. I smile, hoping to make her feel better.

"Peter, Brianna's here," mother says although her voice is very croaky from crying. I shuffle closer to her and wipe away more of her tears gently. I don't want to see her cry. She looks down at me, her brown eyes meeting my blue ones before her lips turn up at the sides in a smile. I made her smile! It's silent for a moment before more footsteps sound. My new daddy appears in front of the couch then. I don't know him very well yet, but I don't like that he's making mummy cry. I frown and cuddle in closer to mummy, my eyes never leaving him. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair before he sits down cross-legged on the rug in front of us. He puts a hand on mummy's knee before he smiles gently at me and then at her. Mummy's sniffles can be heard very clearly in the now quiet room. Daddy is the first to break the silence; his voice breaking.

"I'm sorry, Ash. I shouldn't have shouted at you and taken my frustration out on you, that was wrong of me. And I'm sorry, Brianna, that you had to hear that. We don't usually shout at each other. We're both just a little upset this morning." He smiles apologetically at me. It's silent for another minute before I watch mummy's hand slowly move so it's covering daddies on her bare knee.

"I'm sorry too. I know what you have to do as King. I'm just really tired after the past week and I was really looking forward to a day where it was just us as a family." She wraps her arm tighter around me and I cuddle into her. I look down to father who is looking at mother like she's the loveliest thing he has ever seen.

"Yerialds," he calls out, never taking his eyes off of mummy. I hear a door open and tuck myself into mummy a bit more.

"Yes, Sire?"

"Cancel today's meetings please. We're having a family day. There are to be no disturbances; not from anyone. Understood?" I glance slightly over mummy's shoulder so I can see Yerialds. He is a centaur. He must guard our room.

"Understood greatly, Your Majesty," he replies with a cheesy smile at me. I duck back down, my gaze resting on daddy. His eyes are red and dark. He looks tired. I look back to mummy who has a massive smile on her face and tears flowing down her cheeks. I wipe more of them away, earning myself a kiss on the head from her.

"Forgive me?" daddy asks. I hear and feel her slightly chuckle at him. Why? I'm not too sure, but at least she's not crying anymore!

"How could I not? And thank you." I hear slight shuffling and look back down to father who is standing up now. He leans over mummy and gives her a light kiss – yuck – before he runs a hand over my hair. I move slightly in closer to mummy. "It's going to take a while." I don't know what she means by that, but father moves away once she says it with a smile and nod.

"I know. You can take all the time you need, little one." Were they talking about me? A very shrill sound rings through the castle then. It's light and airy; almost as if it's calling fairies or pixies. I straighten up; my shoulders dropping back of their own accord as my ears search for where the sound is coming from.

"That's the breakfast bell." The breakfast bell? I will remember that sound if it means food. I glance up to my mother.

"Should we go down or did you want to stay up here?" father asks from somewhere else in the room.

"I think we need to teach Brianna the ways of the table."

"Ways of the table?" I ask at the same time father does. Only he sounds like he's laughing.

"You make it sound like some kind of ritual, Ash, but okay, let's go. We'll leave the babies up here to sleep."

"Are you sure they will be safe, Peter?"

"Perfectly." Another sound rings through the room then, even more shrill than the last one, before I feel the wind pick up through the open window. Something is rustling. I don't know what though.

"You called, Your Majesties?" a very airy voice asks. I look over my other shoulder and crawl up the couch slightly so I can look over it.

"We need you to watch the prince and princess whilst we go and have some breakfast. We don't wish to wake them up." The very pretty dryad curtseys gracefully at her King's words before her pink, petal face falls on me. She bows her head with a smile. I do the same only I think it was a bit faster. She laughs, her voice shrill like bells before another dryad joins her. This one is made of willows and daisy petals. She looks much older than the other one. She curtseys as well before her King.

"We will watch them like hawks, Your Grace." Her eyes meet mine in a moment of pure adoration before her lips turn into a happy smile. "Everything will be fine." Daddy walks over to us then before he lends both mummy and I a hand. I grab it hesitantly before he pulls me out of my seat. A giggle escapes me as I land on my feet and fall slightly against his leg and hip.

"Come along, you two." He chuckles. I smile up at him as mummy stands next to me.

"I am so hungry. I just need to put my morning gown on though. Give me two minutes." I notice her let go of his hand before she skips over to what I suppose is her bedroom. I wonder where daddy sleeps if she has the end bedroom? Before I can even think of somewhere she is back in the room with us. That was much shorter than two minutes. She's now wearing a long blue morning gown over her short nighty. She looks beautiful even in the morning. "Okay, lets go." I let go of daddy's hand and follow them both out the door. We enter a hallway that I hadn't really taken any notice of earlier before I get led down a staircase. A long staircase. It feels like forever before we get to the bottom. Once we're there, I follow them right before we walk down another big corridor. We come to a large set of doors which the guards open up to us. The dining hall is massive! In the middle of it is a table that seems to stretch on for ages! On the walls are paintings of lots of people and there's a fireplace in the room too. The walls are a dark red, making it dark but also cosy. There are some massive windows too that open onto the ocean. It's very beautiful.

"Brianna?" Hmm? I look over to see my mother standing near the table. I run over to her kneeling figure on the ground and crash into her. She smiles at me before standing up and leading me over to a chair. Around the chair are lots of people I don't know. I don't want to sit with strangers!

"I want to sit with you and daddy!" I cry, my eyes welling up automatically.

"This is not going to be your permanent spot. I promise. The servants are just trying to figure out a way to fit you up the end with us, but till they do, you need to sit here. I'm sorry, Bree. Here, take a seat." She pulls my chair out for me and gestures for me to sit. I do rather carefully. She pushes me in before leaning over my chair. "You'll be alright. Introduce yourself to the people around you, okay? You're going to be seeing them a lot." With those words she parts from me leaving me alone. I sniffle quietly to myself. Some family day! I look at my lap and play with my fingers, nerves threatening to push their way to the surface.

"Princess?" Did someone just call me a princess? I look up. "Beside you." I look to my left. Sitting next to me is a very pretty lady. She's not as pretty as my new mummy but she's not far from it. Her hair is orange and long, tied back into a princess crown. It's very curly. Her eyes are blue, the same colour as mine, but she's a little paler than me. She also has freckles. Lots of them.

"Are you talking to me?" I ask her nervously, my fingers twitching. She laughs at me slightly.

"Yes, dear, quite. My name is Lady Meredith."

"My name is Brianna," I say shyly. I don't like strangers.

"It is certainly lovely to meet you, Princess Brianna."

"You too, Lady Meredith." I look to my right then. Two green eyes stare back, a mass of jet black hair atop his head.

"How do you do, Princess?" the man asks me.

"Very well, Sir, what of you?"

"I, too, am very well. My name is Lord Vendrick. You have acquainted yourself with my wife the Lady Meredith."

"Quite, she is very lovely."

"How very kind of you, my dear," Lady Meredith comments from behind me. I smile. Maybe these people aren't so bad.

"How have you enjoyed your first night of living in the castle, Your Highness?" Lord Vendrick asks me.

"It was quite pleasant besides the nightmares, the babies crying, shouting, and mother crying."

"Nightmares? Shouting? Mother crying? Why whatever do you mean, my dear?"

"Princess Brianna! How about some fruit?" A very rude servant squeezes through Lord Vendrick and myself (I thought they had to be polite to royalty?) before she places said fruit, which I didn't ask for, on my plate.

"How dare you! This is an atrocity! Nobody dares to interrupt a conversation between a Lord and Princess, let alone put food on their plates without them asking for it! I suggest you get your head cut off for this treason." Lord Vendrick stands up. The servant straightens up too and looks him dead in the eye. I stand up too. I guess that's what I have to do. They did it.

"Do you want to know what else is atrocious? Asking a brand-new Princess all about her family life. I am fairly certain the High King and Queen would not approve of such a conversation."

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind with all of their apparent shouting at each other in front of their own children. They don't seem to have any decency anyway."

"What happens in the privacy of our own space is between our family and no one else. Brianna, King Edmund is going to come and sit up here. You are to come and sit with your mother and I – now. Malina, thank you, but you may get back to your chores. As for you, Lord Vendrick, I will not have you talking to my daughter about our personal lives thank you."

"No, of course not, because why would you want everyone in the room to know that you are an abusive husband to your wife." The ground vibrates as several people stand from their chairs; swords being drawn all around the table. It frightens me a little.

"How dare you accuse me of abusing my wife!"

"Your daughter made that very clear to me."

"My daughter did none of the sort."

"My husband does not abuse me!" I hear my mother exclaim over the table.

"Guards, have this Lord removed immediately," father orders as he pulls my chair out and helps me get away from the table.

"This is an outrage! Meredith, dearest, are you not going to help an old fool?"

"Of course not. You don't ask seven-year-old children about their personal lives then follow up by claiming our High King is abusive to his family. Let him rot in the dungeon for all I care, High King Peter."

"Meredith," his voice is pleading, but none can be done. The guards grab him before they pull him out of the room. This is all my fault. I look up at my father with a sorry look. His eyes aren't on me though.

"Please, everyone, take your seats, there is no reason for this. We must get back to eating." I look around and see everyone sit before I get dragged over to the other side of the table. Father pulls my chair out for me before I sit down. He then pushes it back in before taking a seat in his own at the head of the table. "We will talk about this later, Bree." I look down to my lap. He's angry at me. I can't do this. I can't be a princess. I need to go back to the orphanage where I belong. They don't want me here. They're going to send me back anyway.

"I need to use the chamber pot," I whisper to my mother who is sitting next to me.

"Okay, darling. I'll get one of the servants to take you over. Kabella?" A centaur runs up to us immediately.

"Yes, Ash? I mean, Queen Ash," she rectifies quickly. Mother – I mean Ashley, laughs.

"Bree needs to use the chamber pot."

"I will show her where it is. Come along, sweetie." I grab her outstretched hand in my own before she leads me out the door and over to where the front door is. She points to a small door on the left of it. "In there, princess. Would you like me to wait for you?"

"No, thank you. I can manage on my own." I watch her curtsey to me before she trots away down the hallway again. I enter the cold room before closing the door and locking it. I then let the tears pour down my face. I am not cut out for this life. I need to go back. I wipe away my tears before getting off the ground and unlocking the door. I look both ways before I run outside; running as fast as my small legs can carry me. Just follow the path, Brianna. I can find the orphanage again.

"Your Highness?" I'm out of the gates before anyone even has time to react. Tears blur my vision as I dash into the forest. I'm pretty sure this is the way back to the orphanage. Perhaps they can find a child worthy of their life who won't disappoint them. I wipe away the tears as I jump over a log. I look around for the path, but I've lost it. I don't recognise this place at all. Bash! I jump. Every bone in my body stilling at once.

"Who goes there?" Bash! "Hello?" A massive shadow glooms over the tree roots ahead before it jumps out. A minotaur! "Ahhhh!" I scream. I race the other way jumping over tree roots and dead logs as I go. A hollowed-out log is what I need. I spot an old oak tree with a hole that leads underground. I don't even think; I just jump straight in. The minotaurs loud footsteps come to a halt before he starts bashing on the tree. I'm lost and am probably going to die. Why did I ever leave the orphanage? I let the wetness in my eyes roll down my cheeks as I sit curled up in a ball. I'm going to die here! I let the sobs overtake my body immediately before I close my eyes and wish myself to sleep. It works.

Zing! I open my eyes a little while later to the sound of a sword being drawn before the echoes of metal against metal sounds. A fight. I can hear the minotaurs mighty groans as it battles with something. It could be anything. Maybe it's another minotaur. My eyes tear up again just thinking about it. Maybe I can make a dash for it? Okay, Bree, you can do this. BANG! The ground rocks and shakes bringing me to my knees. Was that an earthquake? I move back further into the tree trunk, my back hitting the bark, as I try to see what is happening.

"Brianna?" a familiar voice rings out. It can't be? I take a deep breath in before slowly crawling forward. I hold my breath before poking my head out a tiny bit. Bare feet. Human bare feet. Maybe it's safe? I poke myself out a little bit more and am immediately encircled by a strong set of arms. The clink of a sword being dropped is enough for me to know that I'm now safe. I cry into the shoulder of the High King as his arms tighten protectively around me. I feel a tear drop onto my head as he repositions me so I'm tucked under his chin. I grip onto his shirt and don't let go. I can't. I hear sniffles from behind me before I feel more arms wrap around me; this time from behind. "What were you doing? Running away?" Peter asks after a moment as he pulls away slightly, his grip loosening on me. I look up at his war driven face. His eyes are red and puffy. Is that from crying?

"I don't deserve to live in the castle. You're better off with another child," I reply, hiding my head again.

"Oh, sweetheart, that's not true. We love you already," Ashley murmurs in my ear. I can hear her voice cracking slightly, the same as this morning.

"So you do want me to be your daughter still?" I say wiping away the tears. Ashley – or should I say mummy – grabs me in a death grip. Her arms encircling me. Her response now very obvious.

"Never do that to us again," Peter – or should I say father – commands. I smile slightly. They do want me, even after all the drama I caused this morning. "Let's head back to the castle."

Once we get back dad and mum take me straight upstairs, our family day beginning immediately. I notice excitedly the food set on our table and run over to it. I am quite hungry now after all that. After all, I didn't eat earlier.

"Brianna, you must wait for us," mother says as she stands behind her seat opposite me. She gestures with her hand for me to rise so I do. Father stands behind his chair at the end of the table before he begins to speak.

"At the dining hall there are a few steps that must be taken before you may eat. The High Queen takes a seat first, ladies always go first," with this he gestures to mother, "before I take a seat." He now sits himself down. "Now you do." I nod once and sit down on the chair before reaching for a boiled egg.

"Brianna." I look back to mum with a sorry look, retracting my hand. I just want to eat. I am hungry!

"Sweetheart, you are not in trouble, we are simply teaching you what to do. Don't be upset; you don't know these things until we tell you." I smile at daddy.

"Okay," I murmur.

"Now, I always take the first bite of food whilst sitting at the table." With this he grabs a piece of toast and takes a bite. "Now you can eat," he tells me once he has swallowed his mouthful. I smile at all the food before digging into it. I've never eaten such good food before!

"Bree, sit up straight please. Manners are very important at the royal meals," mother tells me. I shuffle up on my seat. Like that I suppose? She sends me a smile to tell me I'm right. "Good job."

"Is there anything else?" Mother smiles at father before he shakes his head.

"You've got the basics – actually there is one more thing. Anything that happens up here stays up here otherwise we have issues arise like this morning. We do not discuss our personal life with anyone. Not everyone wants me on the throne, darling, some people will take any excuse they can to try and get me off of it. Understand?" I nod.

"Yes, father." He smiles before leaning over and kissing my head.

"Good." After we've all eaten, mother takes me over to my chamber where she picks out a yellow dress for me to wear. I put it on quickly before she ties my hair back in a pretty half-up half-down do. She then places a tiara on my head. It's gold – real gold – and encrusted with emeralds. I love my mummy already. And I know she loves me. We walk hand in hand back out into the main room where I see the two dryads again. They must've finished their duties for the morning. They both look at us as we enter. The older ones eyes shine at me as she gestures me over to her.

"Come to me, child. Let me have a look at you." I look at mother unsure of what to do. She won't hurt me, will she?

"Go on, darling. She won't hurt you; I promise." It's like she read my mind. I very slowly begin walking over to her. I'm scared so I stand back a little.

"Closer, child." I look at daddy for clarification; he's already standing near them with Brenton in his arms. He reaches out for me, his hand open an invitation.

"You can stand with me if you're nervous." I glance at the dryad before making a quick dash over to him. I grab a hold of his hand in mine nervously.

"You are very pretty, young one. In fact, you look just like your mother when she was your age."

"My real mother?" I whisper.

"Nay, dear one, your new mother." I look behind me to Queen Ashley. Her long, dark hair and sparkling brown eyes.

"But I'm not related to her."

"No, you are quite right, you are not, but that doesn't mean you can't look like her." I let go of Peter's hand before taking a step forwards.

"I'll take it as a compliment then."

"Good because that's exactly what it is. Now, Your Majesties, I have gifts for your new daughter along with your beautiful babies. If you would allow me to bestow it upon them of course?"

"Absolutely. We would be honoured," my mother replies as I watch her take fathers hand in her own.

"Princess Brianna, face me." I turn back around to face the willowy dryad. Her voice sounds like the calmest ocean imaginable.

"Brianna Pevensie: arimanta, clendolite, forela; I bestow upon you the three gifts of grace, beauty, and intelligence. You are going to be a magnificent queen when the time comes. Always remember this. Even in your times of trials and hardships, you are destined for greatness." I curtsey before looking into her eyes. I trust this lady.

"Thank you." I don't know why, but I now feel like this is where I need to be. Not at the orphanage, but here, with my family.

"Your Majesties, bring me your next eldest." Father walks forwards with little Brenton. He's awake, smiling at the old dryad.

"Brenton Pevensie: sermonta, kerilimea, xervonen; I bestow upon you, child, the three gifts of power, might, and valiance. Do not stray, child." Father bows his head in respect before mother walks forwards with Annabella. She's also awake, although she's squirming a lot.

"Annabella Pevensie: heritnal, poneilar, sevnacol; I bestow upon you, daughter of the sea, the three gifts of virtue, patience, and honour. You will be admired throughout all the lands." Mother bows her head also; tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much for this."

"Your Majesties, this age is the age of renewal. All through time it shall be known as the Golden Age. Use your time wisely and do not stray from Aslan no matter what happens." She turns to the other dryad then, the younger one. "We have other places to be. Come, sister, we must be off. Children, do not forget these gifts. They are precious and will be with you through your whole life." With that they're gone. Where? I am not too sure. All I know is that my mother and father look as though they've just been told that Christmas is never going to end. The smiles I hope are not going to leave their faces quickly. We now know that we have many more years to come and this is only the start. I will learn to be a good Queen. And I will follow the path that Aslan has created for me.

The End of this story, but wait! There's more to come, oh yes, there is. ;)

So there we have it. I wrote this epilogue as an expansion of sorts. Hopefully it gives you a little insight as to how Brianna is feeling about everything. 

So for all of you who love this story, I have officially posted the  sequel so go and check it out! It's called "The King and The Servant 2: A Nightmares End." It should be on my profile, more info on the story on the first chapter of that story. :) 

Drop me a comment if you did love this story too! I always love to hear some feedback. :)

Thank you everyone once again for reading! My heart and soul went in to writing this story and it means the world to me that so many people have loved it - make sure to comment if you enjoyed this story - it will make me write TKATS 2 faster. ;) Make sure also to put me on author alert if you enjoyed so you can see what other magical things I post from time to time and yeah, I think that's all.

Thanks for reading! Until next time and God Bless,

narnia and beareject fan 1 xoxo

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