Murder from Within

By animelova2001

296 5 3


Chapter I
Chapter II ((UNEDITED))
Chapter IV ((UNEDITED))
Chapter V (UNEDITED)
Chapter VI ((UNEDITED))


69 1 1
By animelova2001

Art : Dxnime

Run. I have to keep running. My lungs burn with exhaustion as sweat pours down my forehead like a waterfall. It had been nearly an hour and a half, and yet they are still chasing after me. I ran through a forest that was miles away from home, miles from the murder that I had just witnessed.

Three hours previously. . .

The sun was setting and I was heading home from a couple of drinks at the bar with some friends. We were laughing as we walked through downtown, each of us intoxicated on different levels grasping for whatever sense was left in our minds. One of them, a man by the name of John, called my name, "Yo, like damn, I can't believe you twerked on that dude!" He laughed obnoxiously. I laughed along with him.

"I haven't twerked before, to think I'd start by doing it on a stranger? It was fun though!" I giggled, putting my arm around my other friend, Sana, for support.

"The poor guy, you should've seen his face!" Sana scolded, she wasn't as drunk as John and I, being the headstrong person she was. I simply laughed it off. We were close to the apartment we all shared. Being college students and all, it was better on our pockets to live with others; it lightened the bills a bit and the company kept us sane.

"Shh, you guys! People are sleeping," I tried to say, but instead ended up laughing. Strangely, everything seemed funny to me, but it was probably because of the heavy alcohol abuse. I did have a lot to drink that night, a little bit too much in all honesty.

"Girls, girls, please. We both know no one can keep quiet when they're around me," John smirked as Sana playfully punched him. I just laughed as I pulled the keys to the door of our cozy little home out from my purse; seeing as how we were already a few feet from the entrance. But there was something that made the three of us stop laughing and freeze dead in our tracks. . . the door was open, and no amount of alcohol could numb us from a shock like this.

Present time. . .

I can hear the dog's nasty barking and howling. It's becoming louder, and louder. The voices of men, I can hear them. They're close and I can sense it. They can smell my fear. It seems as if I have no chance of escaping anymore. How the hell I got into this mess, I have no idea. Why did this have to happen to me? I can't understand it.

As I run, the cold wind of the night slaps me in the face, making my face numb from cold and my nose runny. Whenever I turn my head to look behind me, my hair feels like a whip against my cheeks. The branches from trees claw at my face and bushes nip at my ankles. The blood from my own cuts began to mix with the blood from a body that wasn't my own. The night was cold. Cold enough for snow to begin to fall, but for some reason, it didn't. I looked up into the sky, wishing I could be there with them instead of running from the police, and if it were possible. . . from myself.

Tears flood down like a waterfall. I have no idea where I'm running to anymore. It's been so long since this all started. But, I just have to get away. My clothes are bloodied, my hair is messy bush of agony, and my head feels as if you slammed a rock against it and shot it with a fucking shotgun. "Why? Why? Why?!" I questioned, hitting the side of my head with my hands as I continued to run.

The moonlight faded away and it became dark. Wondering what had happened, I look ahead of me and see a mountain. My eyes widen in realization. I'm headed towards Mount Ebott. My pace is slowed in fear of the accursed mountain. No one has ever come back from that monstrous hill of doom, its frightening to even be in it's presence. People who never heard of the mount avoided it. Even animals avoided the mountain. The mountain itself was barren; the only decoration it had were the corpses of plants dead from lack of water. The dogs barking in the distance takes me out of my trance. It doesn't matter anymore, I just have to get away.

Bravery and determination surge into my veins and I begin to hike up the mountain. Every so often, I have to climb due to the terrain being too steep to run on. Still, no matter what, I press on. The dog's barks were fading and I couldn't hear them anymore. The voices of the police officers looking for me vanished as well. My pace slows from a run, to a jog, and then to a walk until I finally stop at the top of Mount Ebott to catch my breath. In my head, I thank the past eight years of track and cross country, as well as my incredible genes, for giving me so much stamina.

The moon is still high in the sky and the way the stars glistened around it accumulate, making the view ever so breathtaking. I stood up on the tips of my toes and extended my hand up at the moon and the stars, trying to touch them. But no matter how hard I try, I was too far away. I sigh and give up on the stars. Looking straight, I can see the city lights in the horizon. The world seems small and peaceful. It's beauty in its most natural presence. Down there, down in the small city I came from, it's like my problems are earth shaking, mind blowing, and important. But looking back on it, things aren't nearly as bad as they seem. From up here, my problems are so small that they were insignificant. All of my problems were, except for the murder. The scene was almost enough to make me forget about everything that happened in just one fateful night. . . almost.

I begin backing up a bit to get a better view of the world, but I stumbled backwards like the clumsy fool I am. "Woah!" I yell out. I lean forward and regain my balance. Turning around, I see that I almost fell into a very dark and seemingly extremely deep hole. My eyes widen in astonishment. "I guess this is why people never came back from Mount Ebott." I grab a nearby rock and throw it into the wide hole and wait for a sound. A few minutes pass, so I lean in closer to the gap to try and hear if it was still going since I haven't heard a single sound yet.

Suddenly, on my back I feel something very cold, very disgusting, very sinister touch my back and push me in. I turn around just as I descend into the scary abyss to see a figure disappearing in the moonlight. . . the only thing that I could recognize was an abnormally wide, maniacal black smile. . .


Hey guys, its the author here. First off, I'd like to thank BrentBuchanan for being an awesome editor and putting in the time to help me make this story better.

So, I have 2 (scratch that. I only have 1 since I recently unpublished a story) unfinished stories out and I know I probably shouldn't be posting another one, but GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE WANTED TO WRITE AN UNDERTALE FANFICTION.

I always knew I was going to write an X Reader about Papyrus, but I was never really sure what kind of AU. I chose UnderFell because I wanted to write some kinky stuff in here too (so I guess you can say that this story will go into the bone-zone every once in a while). But I wanted to write more than just the usual love stories I would write. I wanted something with a bit more action (which is why I kinda gave up on my other stories. I had no plan for them and they just got uninteresting).

But not to worry everyone! I actually do have stuff planned for this story here! Lets just hope my mind doesn't decide to SHIT itself and forget about everything. This story will contain so VERY mature content that should be for the ages 18 and up. But since society has gone to hell, I'm guessing children around the ages 14+ can deal with all this kink shit.

I'll just say this here before any of you become butt hurt or triggered. There will be A LOT of cussing and some very dark scenes that include sexual harassment, rape, BDSM (if you don't know what that means, it means you're too young to be reading this story), attempted suicide, and more rough wrong sex.

Well, I hope you guys enjoy. I'll probably burn in hell for this, but its ok. I don't give two shits anymore. I'll probably do anything for you guys though <3 I'll try to update every Saturday (or Monday, depending on the kind of chapter I'm writing).




How do you pronounce Mount Ebott? I get very confused. Comment on the one you think is how you pronounce it!

a) eh-bit



d) other

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