Sanguine (Kreuzberg Dragonshi...

By S-S-Long

4K 104 0

Richard and Paul's new life together changes still further when a new gastro-pub opens in Charlottenburg, Ple... More

Sanguine Part 1
Sanguine Part 2
Sanguine Part 3
Sanguine Part 4
Sanguine Part 5
Sanguine Part 6
Sanguine Part 7
Sanguine Part 8
Sanguine Part 9
Sanguine Part 10
Sanguine Part 11
Sanguine Part 12
Sanguine Part 13
Sanguine Part 14
Sanguine Part 15
Sanguine Part 16
Sanguine Part 17
Sanguine Part 18
Sanguine Part 19

Sanguine Part 20

207 5 0
By S-S-Long


I thought it best to warn for this, but whilst it's not strictly bestiality, there is attempted dragon-on-dragon sexy-times in this chapter. If that doesn't sound like your kind of thing, don't read it; I did pre-warn you about it.


one week later

The midday air was heated, and felt humidly heavy against the exposed expanse of Paul's bare skin, as he stepped out of the last of his clothing. Despite the fact that he knew there was no one else there, he checked around him all the same, every movement and glance swift and nervous. He felt reassured, however, when he saw that there was no one else there apart from himself, and Richard nearby, who, as ever, was the only one permitted to see Paul in this state.

They'd travelled to their usual spot outside Berlin, to fly above the trees over their habitual spots; that day was tempered with a certain determination, to practice their flying, to hone into something battle-ready and dangerous, to perhaps even to practice a few mock-fights if they had the time or were up to it. With the looming threat of a potential war, they both knew that they needed as much practice as they could get, in everything. Neither one of them knew when those skills would be needed, after all.

Richard was staring at Paul, gaze as heated as the air, and smile as lustful as it ever was whenever Paul was naked. That day was slightly different however, yet Paul couldn't exactly pinpoint why; it wasn't just the fact that they had the threat of war hanging over their heads. There seemed to be a certain shivering, shuddering expectancy in the air, weighted and watchful and incredibly arousing. Paul already was partially hard beneath the weight of that expectancy and Richard's gaze combined, and he turned into the other man when he felt Richard step close, to run one hand over Paul's cock, skin warm and slightly sweat damp against his flesh. Paul groaned and leant into Richard's touch, flesh and body responding in the same way that it always did whenever his lover was close; he grew harder still when Richard continued to stroke him, and he cursed sharply, viciously when Richard tarted to move away again, fingers sliding across his erect length, pulling shuddering groans from Paul's chest, before those fingers fell away completely, leaving Paul hard and unfulfilled and fully erect.

Richard smiled, eyes resting appreciatively upon Paul's erection, and Paul soon become distracted from his own discomfort by the sight of his lover undressing. Richard's tanned skin slowly became exposed to the light and Paul could see the hints of muscles flexing and contracting beneath Richard's skin with every movement the other man made. Paul started touching himself when he saw how hard Richard was, boxers pushed roughly away to reveal the other man was as fully erect as Paul was. Paul, again, had that sense of waiting, of watching, of almost-danger and he started working his hand harder against his cock, pained whines working their way from his throat as he did so. He wanted to come, and he almost did, yet Richard stepped in and gripped his wrist gently.

"Stop," Richard said, with enough order and bite in his tone to make Paul actually do so, even though his first instinct was to carry on until completion.

He was so close, lust and arousal fizzing in pin-prick expectancy in his abdomen, yet he gritted his teeth against it and tried to ignore it. Richard smiled when he realised that Paul had actually listened and had obeyed him; Paul was rewarded by a kiss that was almost chaste, lips pressing warmly against lips. Paul sighed into that kiss, and smiled, yet Richard stepped away before the kiss turned dirty and into something else entirely. Paul missed the loss of his lover's body against his, and the glorious slide of bare skin against his own. He remembered the nights they'd lain together, of Richard making love to him hard and fast and desperate, as if those nights would prove to be their last and they would never have the chance to lay with each other again. Of course, they always did, and Paul had no intention of ever leaving Richard.

Richard stepped in again and cupped one hand against Paul's neck, fingers digging and massaging into his flesh and Paul closed his eyes, leant back into Richard's touch, erection sliding alongside the other man's, with that one movement. Richard groaned and Paul felt the soft heated exhalation of his lover's breath skimming over the exposed curve of his cheek, and he repeated the gesture, hips surging forward to create more friction between them; Richard started meeting him thrust for thrust , control crumbling momentarily and Paul opened his eyes, started to thrust mindlessly, climax building in his abdomen and he almost released, yet Richard stepped away again and Paul cursed, anger heating his tones at that.

"Change for me," Richard said, yet those words did not come without effort.

Paul could smell Richard's arousal heavy and thick upon the air, yet he tried his best to ignore that and concentrate on his transformaition. He relaxed, felt the first rippling shifts and cracks of muscles and bone as they realigned into new shapes and configurations, felt the first rip of muscular wings ripping through his back, and the flowing of scales in place of skin. Within a few minutes, he stood in his draconic form, towering above Richard, and he could smell his lover's pleasure and his arousal ever more keenly than even in his human form. Even then, his senses were sharper, more pronounced than they once had been, and he watched as Richard, too, changed into his dragon form, soft dark green in place of Paul's midnight blue.

Paul wound round Richard's body, neck and tail and wings rubbing and buffeting against Richard's; he purred and rumbled in pleasure when Richard responded without hesitation, head swinging to rub alongside Paul's before he wound his neck against Paul's, one shoulder shoving gently, yet purposefully against him as though encouraging Paul to take to the air. Paul huffed and rubbed one scaled cheek against Richard's shoulder, before he waddled away, gait still a little ungainly upon the ground; he was grateful for being more graceful in the air, wings steady and slowly beating against the thermals.

Almost as soon as he'd taken off, he felt Richard behind him and was surprised when the other shifter barelled up alongside him, wings buffeting him and shoulder nudging him awkwardly in mid-air; Paul's neck almost became tangled with Richard's own and he angled away, concerned that Richard had perhaps bungled his leap into the air. He didn't think that likely, however, as Richard was better at flying than he was, more skilled and steady upon the thermals; he turned and twisted in the air again, as Richard nudged alongside him again, sudden deep huffs of laughter emanating from Richard's chest. Paul caught something else beneath those draconic laughs, something darker, deeper, more lustful and then Paul caught a scent of Richard's arousal, stronger now, keener and more potent, coupled with the bright rill of cerise desire behind his eyes. Paul felt a sudden corresponding surge of lust and he turned his head further into Richard's personal space, nudged him without bidding and wheeled away, tightly rolling as Richard's dragon-laughter grew louder, more triumphant as he gave chase.

Paul banked and wheeled, and slowed to the point where Richard had almost caught him, before he wheeled away again, bright trumpeting laughter rilling through the air at having escaped Richard's clutches once more. Richard gave chase and despite the fact that the other dragonshifter pretended annoyance, Paul could scent the lie on the breeze, and could see in a bright wash of heated pink behind his eyes that Richard was happy, beneath it all.

Paul banked and wheeled again, after Richard had almost once again caught him; he caught the scent of Richard's arousal again, stronger still and Paul felt his body tightening and reacting to his mate's lust, coupled with the beginnings of an erection as his cock began to slide free of its protective sheath. Richard wheeled closer still, keen nose catching the scent of Paul's growing arousal, interested growls rumbling in his chest at that; Paul rumbled an interested response back, even as he banked, wheeled, slowed, pretended weariness, and allowed Richard to catch him, at last. Richard's forelegs clamped around Paul's body with a loud bugle of triumph; Paul twisted in surprise when he felt Richard's tail lashing tightly around his own, and Richard's jaws clamping securely, yet gently, upon his neck, further binding Paul's body against his own. Their bodies entwined, whilst still maintaining flight and Paul turned back against Richard's body, as his cock grew harder at the intimacy of the moment, body acting on instincts older than they were. He felt Richard's erection pressing against his hip, as the other dragon was fully hard now; he felt the sharp, heated blasts of Richard's aroused breathing against his neck as the other dragon shifted his hips against him. Richard's breathing grew heavier still as he attempted to penetrate Paul mid-flight. Richard purred against Paul as his cock began to slide inside Paul's body; Paul lost control in his sudden surprise over the intrusion, and plummeted to the ground, great draconic body flapping and flailing and turning over in bowling sweeps until a tree stopped his fall. Richard landed more sedately than Paul had done, yet when Richard nosed over, it was to find that the shock of the fall had made Paul shift back into human form.

Paul felt Richard's scaled heated muzzle press up against his soft abdomen, scenting desperately whilst seeking for injury, breath hot and blasting against Paul's sensitive skin; Richard's anxiety was an almost blinding wash of turquoise inside Paul's head, coupled with a darker blue twist of fear, that told Paul that Richard was frightened that he'd hurt Paul. Paul knew he was unharmed yet found himself distracted by the feel of Richard so close, warm and real and magical against him. He reached up, spread his hands alongside Richard's scaled cheeks, rubbed his fingers over the dragon's eye-ridges, and Richard gave a huffing groan as Paul began openly caressing him, laid reassuring kisses against Richard's scaled muzzle, fingers exploring as much as he could reach of his lover's body, never once pushing him away when he knew that Richard could easily have disembowelled him. Paul trusted Richard with his very life and knew that the other shifter would never purposefully hurt him. He pushed an amber wash of reassurance over their link, trying to tell Richard without words that he was fine, that he wasn't hurt, and that reassurance was purposefully chased by a blinding tickle of golden dragon-love.

Richard stepped away, glad to note that Paul was unharmed by his fall. Paul waited until Richard had shifted back into human form, before he struggled to his feet, yet he didn't have time to say or do anything much, before Richard was upon him, pressing him up against the nearby tree, mouth locking tightly against his own. Paul felt Richard's very obvious erection pressing up against his thigh and his own body reacted again; the erection he'd lost in his unexpected crash returned and he grabbed a hold of Richard's hand, angled it between his legs until Richard was holding him, fingers immediately stroking at Paul's flesh until he was fully erect again.

Richard pulled away and led Paul in amongst the trees; he turned Paul around and pressed the Beta's forearms first against one of the trees; he pushed one knee between Paul's legs, until Paul spread for him. Paul's breath was uneven and choppy, excitement boiling in his gut as he heard Richard spitting into his hand behind him. A few moments later and Richard was working him open, spit-slick fingers sliding in and out; Paul rocked back into his lover's palm, keening whines pleading for more working in his throat and in his chest, until Richard was satisfied that he was prepared enough for him. Paul waited, when Richard eased his hand away, before his lover's fingers were replaced by the thicker feel of his cock, pressing in and thrusting deep inside him. Paul rocked back into Richard's body when the other man began easing away again, until they found their rhythm, hips slapping against hips, Richard's hands gripping at Paul's hips so harshly his fingers pulled bruises from his skin.

Paul began touching himself, eyes staring blindly as he lost himself to the feel of Richard against him, inside him and the feel of his own hand upon his flesh; behind him, he could hear the sounds of Richard coming closer to his climax, and Paul yelled in sudden surprise when Richard's mouth attached itself to his shoulder, teeth cutting into his flesh deep enough to draw blood. Paul's climax hit after that, pulled from him with a scream of Richard's name as he released hard across his palm and the tree before him; he was still coming when Richard's body went still against him and then started moving again, erratically, cries of aroused completion soon muffled against Paul's shoulder as Richard found release insie Paul.

In time, Richard drew away and wrapped strong arms around Paul's body from behind, mouth soothing kisses against the place upon Paul's tortured shoulder where he'd been bitten. Paul arched back into him, eyes closing and smiling before he wriggled awkwardly in his lover's arms to turn fully around. He rested his forehead against Richard's shoulder, arms sliding comfortably around his lover's waist; he stood there, re-learning how to breathe, as Richard soothed comforting patterns upon his back. Their love-making had always been good, yet that time it seemed different, more intense, more special somehow, but Paul didn't know how to put it all into words. Instead, he leant against Richard, allowed the other man to walk him backwards to press up against the tree, to press gentle kisses against his cheeks, his eyelids, his smiling mouth.

"I love you, Paulchen," Richard murmured against him.

"I love you too, my darling," Paul returned, before he gave Richard a messy, open-mouthed kiss.

He felt the return of some of his previous lust, strong and undeniable and ancient, and Richard growled against him, pushed harder against Paul's body so that Paul could feel the first stirrings of his mate's cock against his thigh. Paul panted against Richard's shoulder, even as Richard began running one hand over Paul's cock, until Paul was fully erect again. Richard leaned away, a dark look of longing in his eyes and a lustful grin upon his face. Richard growled, and eased Paul gently to the ground, before the Alpha settled atop him, familiar weight hot and pressing down upon him.

Paul moaned, and arched up into his mate's body as Richard eased inside him, knowing that whatever happened to them in the future, would be as nothing to what was happening to them now. As long as they were together, Paul knew they would fight, and they would love, and they would face anything, as long as they had each other. He, for one, had something very real to fight for, after all, and he knew that Richard, in turn, would to the death for Paul. And when Paul came, it was with a yell of Richard's name, pleasure and ecstasy mingling with Richard's own pleasure and love, and somehow, Paul knew that they'd be all right.


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