Darkest Free(Young Justice Fa...

By puddleswrites

7.2K 208 8

Mel was 9 when she taken by the Joker and his goons while walking less then 2 blocks home from her friends ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

617 13 0
By puddleswrites

(Robin's P.O.V)

I watched as Joker attacked... Did she give me her name? Guess not. I watched as he attacked his "partner" I was surprised she actually was really good at defending herself.

Then my heart skipped a beat as he tricked her and got her in a choke hold "Get any closer Batsy and and I slit her throat" he growled as batman stepped forward. Then I saw her eyes widen as she screamed and elbowed him in the stomach saying "aw hell naw" he released her she knocked the knife out of his hand but then I saw his other fist collide with her temple and she fell into the ground.

I looked over at Batman he and I had one our eye contact conversations. He nodded and attacked the joker in time for me to get to the poor girl laying on the ground I picked her up bride style and run with her back to my motorcycle I put her in front of me made sure she was succure then I wrapped my arms around her and sped of towards the batcave.

Once we got there I yelled for Alfred seeing as he was a former surgeon."Master Dick what happened?" He asked while getting the first aid kit"when had a little run in with the Joker. He had her with him as his "partner" she pulled me aside and asked for my help" I explained as batman walked in. "Alfred you should have seen the fear and pain in her eyes then she broke down right in front of me. I had to help her get away from Joker. Then as we walked back over to Bruce so we could get away he must've snapped seeing as we weren't fighting and attacked her she was doing pretty good..""then he got her in a choke hold she elbowed him and he hit her temple."Bruce finished for me cause I was talking kinda fast at this point.

Alfred sighed and set her on the metal exam table and looked her over after taking of her swords and jacket she had bruises on her neck were Joker had her and bruises on her arms and a few cuts and scrapes,but looking at her arms you could see all the scars from what looked like knifes cigarette burns and whips.Alfred then checked her head.While doing so I noticed Bruce had goon to the computer and was tracking the joker.

"She has a slight concussion and a few broken ribs Bruce your going to need to help me set them when she wakes up for now I need bandages for her head and some ice I'll be right back."he said before walking out. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

"Go to the mountain Dick cool down with the team when she wakes up I'll call"Bruce said noticing my stress."hmf,ok yeah I guess I'm just worried she never even told me her name"I said walking over to the zeta tubes and typing in my destination it scanned me "recognized:Robin B-01"

I looked over at her one last time before I was engulfed in white light I herd my recognition again and I was at the mountain. The first thing I herd and saw was Artimis and Wally fighting again over who knows what. I cleared my throat to get there attention, Wally looked over and then used his super speed to rush over and started talking to me to fast for me to understand.

"WALLY, English please!" I yelled over his rambling. "Please tell Artimis I have skill and that if she wasn't so stuck up she would see all the swooning girls" I decided to mess with him "Wally are the girls imaginary,and last time I checked the skills went through one ear and out the other"
He glared and they went back to arguing while m'gann was baking, superboy was watching static ,Wally and Artimis were still fighting, kaldur and I decided to play a game of chess.

This went on till I got a call from Batman.Our mystery girl woke up.


See y'all later!!!

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