The Other Girl

By Pepsi-Girl

649 17 16

I've always been the other girl. I was the secret lover to a guy I thought actually had feelings for me that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

135 5 3
By Pepsi-Girl

"What are you going to do with those?" Marvin questioned as I take out the scissors and hold them near his face.

When I found him he was hidden behind a tree that was a little ways off the walking trail behind the school, clutching onto his face. His shirt was crumpled and decorated with dirt. Literally. He had splotches of mud and was obviously thrown around in the dirt.

"Are you going to tell me how I have to give you more than two sutures? The cut is jagged. I have to cut the uneven skin. If I don't and I stitch it there is a possibility it'll cause an infection. Plus, I use them to help me out," I replied as I grab at the loose pieces of skin and snip them off until it was even enough to actually sew his skin back on.

"Is it gonna leave a scar? My mom is gonna freak when she sees them," Marvin sighed as he closes his eyes and I begin to stitch him up.

"Not really. My aunt is a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills and she showed me how to do stitches without leaving noticeable scars. The cut isn't very deep and so I hope it won't be noticeable if there does happen to be any scarring," I muttered as I put on butterfly bandages to cover up the five stitches.

"All your family, are they doctors?"

I stand up and take off the latex gloves, shoving the disinfectant swabs and all the other trash before shoving them in my bag. I give Marvin a hand and he accepts.

He gets up and dusts himself off while I grab our bags. I untie my hair from the pony tail I had it in and run my fingers through it. Marvin leads us out of the mini woods area and we walk back to school on the trail. It was a hot day here in Sterling and I was really tempted to take off the jacket and shirt.

"Pretty much. Neurosurgeon, heart surgeon, pediatric surgeons, basically any type of surgeon besides trauma. They're all spread out in the country in big cities," I chirped as I pulled the twenty churros Gerald bought me. I nudge Marvin and he takes one, the sugar falling and sprinkling over the jacket.

"I also had pizza, but I left it at the hospital. So Gerald probably ate it. But there was this lady who was selling these and I just had to get some. God, they're delicious," I groaned as I closed my eyes and savored the deliciousness of this sacred bread.

Marvin just laughs and tells me he had never seen anyone get so happy from eating a churro. We make small talk about how the weather was and how nice or mean the two teachers I've had today were. We also talk about the two principals.

So Timberlake was supposed to be the head principal of the school, but Woods came out of the blue and worked at the elementary school that was down the street. The schoolboard loved how he was with kids and so they put him as the principal here at the academy. Since last year there have been less fights, less flunking, and less anger against one another. His young chirpy bright attitude has been positive for the school with his constant prize giveaways.

When we arrived at the office the office ladies were ready to shred us apart with their fake long nails and light pink lipstick. It wasn't their color. A bright shade of red would do them better justice.

"And where were you two? You two have been marked as unexcused abscesses from your gym class," Olivia, snapped at us as she looked up from her computer, but still continued to type away. It was obvious that she was the nice type, she was faking the mean attitude.

"Have you ever tried a more bolder lipstick? You have the skin tone to pull off bright, bold colors," I blurted out and Marvin pinches me.

"We were at the hospital. We were visiting Jeremiah," Marvin sadly replied and the office lady stops typing and looks at us with side eyes.

"It's always a good idea to go see a friend. Here you two go."

Marvin guides me out of the office and bursts out laughing the minute we turn the corner and head towards the gym. "You always tell people they need to change their style of makeup?"

"What? She would really look nice with a bright red or any bold color. I like to help girls or guys with their makeup skills. I hope to bring out even more beauty than what they have. It's one of several of my life goals," I explained and Marvin just laughs harder at me as I stop and wait for him to finish crying. I are exactly two and a half churros when he sobered up and the only reason for that was because Mr. Timberlake was walking in the halls, looking for students who were skipping class.

Marvin breaks out into a sprint and grabs my hand, pulling me away. His shoes squeak against the marble floors while mine just 'click clack' with each step. We hear Timberlake shouting for us to stop, and it only seems to push us to go farther.

We burst through the double doors and everyone in the class turned towards us with wondering eyes, momentarily stopping their stretches.

"Three o'clock is the gym teacher. Charles Jefferson. Worst teacher to ever teach gym. We're going to get death row for being late," Marvin muttered as I turn to see where the gym teacher was.

I resisted the urge to drop my jaw. He had the light brown hair, bright eyes, obviously well built, and the jaw structure! Oh my God, he looked just like Chris Evans.

"You two are late. You better have a good explanation onto why you're late on your first day of class," He snapped at us and my eyes widen at how deep his voice was. Mr. Jefferson walked towards us and snapped at the others to continue their stretches, or there would be suicides to run. The sound of shoes hitting the ground starts again, and the sound of people gasping for breath was very loud.

This is what hell looks like.

"Well, Marvin and I were going out to eat some pizza during lunch and while we were at the-"

"Does this story have an ending? I have miles that need timing on students," He muttered and I narrowed my eyes as I resist the urge to snap at him.

It wasn't nice to interrupt. It isn't nice to be mean to someone you don't even know. I hadn't even said a full sentence. Someone sure did have a bitchy attitude, but his looks canceled that negativity out.

"Marvin got hurt and I had to take him to the hospital to get stitches."

I eat the rest of my churro and listen to Mr. Jefferson's long speech on how he hates tardiness. It ruins perfect attendance, school work is sometimes missed because students don't show to class, it interrupts other people who are learning, he had at least three other reasons. I zoned out and wasn't really even listening. I was actually staring at his bulging arms.

By the time he finished the students in front of us had finished their stretches and warm-ups. They were talking amongst one another. I had finished my half churro and ate another churro.

In result we received another lecture on why it is not good to eat during gym. And why churros are bad. They were sugary, they were fried, you will throw up during class because you ate, you will want to go to the nurse because you don't feel good, his reasons then led back to his earlier statements.

I bet Chris Evans would let me eat during class.

"The locker rooms will not be ready until next class and so the bathrooms over there are your changing rooms for the day. You have five minutes to be changed and ready to do stretches in front of the whole class. This is the consequence of being tardy for my class. Let this be the only time you two are late," Mr. Jefferson barked at us. Marvin and I quickly walk to the bathrooms, my sudden hunger ruined because of the gym teacher. But, I would never stop eating churros.

"I hate this class already," I told Marvin who just shook his head at me.

It was in every person's nature to hate gym class. Mostly because they push you to your limits, or until you have a mental breakdown and want to drop out of school. Or because people were better at a sport than you were. I just hated it because in past classes students are always so competitive in activities that are supposed to be fun. Like kickball.

"What was that Devereaux?!"

"Just telling my friend that I can't wait to participate in this class!" I shouted back with fake enthusiasm as I raise my hands in the air. Others in the class laugh at my comment and Mr. Jefferson seems to take it seriously.

"That's the spirit!"

"The spirit leaving my body and wishing to be anywhere, but here," I whispered as I entered the girls bathroom.

It was only one stall and quite small. I lock the door and tie my hair with a single hair tie. I take off my school uniform and replace it with a pair of black shorts with white lining and a plain white t-shirt. I traded my black heels for a pair of socks and some black converse. I didn't believe in running shoes. You could run in all types of shoes, some may being more difficult than others, but they were all the same. Whether they were Nike brand, stilettos, sandals, boots, cleets, all they did was cover your feet.

By the time I finished Marvin and the others were waiting for me. I set my bag down where the others were and join Marvin who looked like he was about to pass out.

"Exactly five minutes," Someone shouted.

"Thank you for the information Rafael. Now, Devereaux and Dominguez please follow Laura's instructions on how we stretch in my class," Mr. Jefferson kindly said with a smile as he motions to a girl that was behind us. I was about to turn around when she came to our sights.

It was her.

The mean girl.

The girl I beat in an argument in English. She gives me a smug smile as she sits down in front of Marvin and I.

We take a seat and she shows us all the different types of stretching they do.

Ten seconds of touching our toes.

Ten seconds of pulling an arm to the opposite side.

Ten seconds of stretching our left leg.

Ten seconds of stretching our right leg.

Ten seconds of sitting with our feet touching each other as we sat with our legs crossed.

Ten seconds of having our hands touch behind our back.

One minute of me really wishing I did P.E my freshmen and sophmore year.

"Thank you Laura. Now that you have stretched you are going to do warm-ups. Cole, please inform these two what we do," Chris Evans said in such a light tone he didn't even sound like the man who was telling me churros were bad for me.

Marvin and I get up and Laura goes behind us while our new gym instructor stepped into our line of vision.

When the tall male steps forward with the same name as summer romance guy, I didn't expect them to be the same guy.

Then it all clicked into place.

Cole's friends were the ones that bruised Marvin's face up. They were the ones who made fun of him. Marvin had a friend with a brain tumor. That's who Jeremiah was.

"You have got to be kidding me," I said as I cover my face with my hands and let out an angry sigh.

"Is there a problem, Devereaux?"

"There are many problems in the world Mr. Jefferson. You know like bullying, school shootings, suicides increasing in teenagers, but in this class there isn't a problem. I just happened to remember I left the stove on at my house," I stated as I stared at Cole's icy blue eyes. He wouldn't break contact with me. I wouldn't do it. He had to do it. I was mad at him.

Jefferson didn't say anything and just told Cole to tell us what to do. There were lunges, skipping, butt kickers, jogging, and then sprinting from one end of the gym to the other.

When we finished Marvin was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. His face had turned a light shade of red. Me, I was breathing slightly harder than usual.

"Alright. Now that you have done that let's all of us go outside. We have a game of kickball to play people!" Jefferson shouted as people begin to scurry out the door.

"What about their punishment Mr. Jefferson?" Mean Girl Laura cried out as she gave me a long glance.

Yes, bitch. Stare at my beauty. Feel jealously because you can't be me. Feel jealously because I will become successful in life and you will only be a mean girl with some kindergarten teaching degree.

"Performing the stretches and agilities in front of everyone is punishment enough."

"Why aren't you dying?" Marvin gasped as we walked outside. I could feel Cole's eyes on me.

"My brother is in the army. Stepdad is with the SEALS. I would be woken up at five in the morning to join their daily exercise. Or as I like to call it 'the daily morning of wishing I had broken their legs while they were sleeping.' This compared to that is like doing stretches," I replied and Marvin lets out a laugh that turns into a cough.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Cole questions as he catches up to where Marvin and I were.

"Can you explain to me why Marvin has five stitches on his forehead?"

"Davina he didn't do-"

"Oh I know he did. His friends did that to you while he didn't do a danm thing. I told you not to talk to me unless you did something about your friends. I doubt you did. So don't even look in my direction," I growled as Marvin pulled me away from hurting Cole.

"I want to ask, but at the same time I don't."

"I met him in California," I simply replied as we climbed up a hill to join the rest of the others that were already waiting. We were going to play on the soccer field because janitors were busy painting goalposts on the football field.

"You're the mystery hot girl?" He whisper shouted as he grabbed onto my arm.

My eyes widen at his sudden excitement and he gives me an apology as he lets go of my arm. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that Cole had some summer fling while we were all on break. Rumor is he was tired of not getting action from his current girlfriend Elizabeth Fitzgerald. So he found himself a girl and that she was like some superstar or something. Point is you are the girl every girl in this school hates!" Marvin exclaimed and I shook my head, my anger boiling.


"Laura is her sister. You can ask any girl and they'll confirm this juicy gossip."

I didn't have a chance to reply because the teacher was already talking. He had people who's last name started from A to M sent to the field as everyone else was starting to bat.

Cole was luckily batting first. Marvin was on my team and we walked together to the pile of jerseys that make me thankful for smelling detergent. Spring daisies make me so happy.

"So who is this Eleanor girl? What did you say her last name was?"

"Elizabeth Fitzgerald. She's over there by Jefferson. She broke her leg by falling down some stairs. I'm sorry, but we haven't formally met. I am Jessie Madrigal. Marvin's hotter, better in bed, and attractive stepbrother. I can tell we're going to be great friends mystery hot girl," Someone said in my ear as I let out a squeal at the warm breath that fanned a side of my neck. I stand by Marvin who was glaring at the guy.

Jessie Madrigal was at least six foot four as he blocked my view from Cole. He had curly brown hair that resembled springs and had a slight resemblance to Harry Styles's hair when he had it shorter. His skin was light brown and similar to Marvin's. He was built to be able to at least throw good punches and if not almost kill someone if he had them in a chokehold. He had these pretty brown eyes that reminded me of coffee. The only reason they were pretty was because coffee made me happy.

"Leave her alone Jessie. Excuse my very horny stepbrother who happens to love juicy gossip more than a white girl loves Starbucks. No offense," Marvin kindly apologized as we walked to the second base, which no one was covering.

"Oh none taken."

"You're pretty and if you were the one who stitched my little bro up, you're smart. Them makeup skills too, they be making me think you're some angelic little thing. But if you were to sleep with Cole it means you aren't so smart. Pity he got back with his girlfriend. You beat that Fitzgerald any day in the woman department," Jessie whistles as he slings an arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards him.

"You seem like the type to only want into a girl's pants. But I'll tolerate you for today because I have no friends besides Marvin. Now tell me which one was she?" I sweetly asked as I put a smile on my face and faced Jessie. I also take it as my chance to push him away from me while twisting his arm.

"Shit! What are you trying to do? Sprain my wrist?" He cries out as he cradles his left hand to his chest.

"She can probably do that," Marvin snorted as he gave me a high five.

"You have goals in life. You're pretty as hell. You can possibly break all the bones in my body. Shit, you seen like the one to text first. Where have you been in my life?"

The first person in line watched as the ball rolled to him. It looked like he was going to just tap his foot against it and run, but he used all his force. The ball comes flying towards us and I watch as it heads straight towards Jessie. Marvin and I step away, covering our face's.

Jessie was oblivious to the fact that the ball was coming his way until it was too late. The ball richoceted off of his face and bounced towards me. My hands were open and the ball falls right into it. My hands clasp it while I die of laughter with Marvin. Everyone else was quietly chuckling.

"What the fuck?!" He roared as he clutched onto his nose. There was no bleeding, but I'm sure it would have hurt.

"And you're out Zorn! You alright Jessie?!" Mr. Jefferson questioned as he turned to face us, his hands ready to catch the ball.

"I can't. I can't breathe. That just made my day ten times better," Marvin laughed as he clutched onto his stomach.

I had tears going down my face as I throw the ball towards Jefferson. Only that Jessie blocked it and grabbed the ball. He lets it drop and kicks it towards the sad kid who was slowly walking back to home base.

"Orlando!" Jessie shouted and the poor guy actually turned around.

The ball heads straight for the kid. One minute he was standing, the next minute he was on the floor holding onto his bloody nose.

"I feel better now, coach!"

"Jessie! That wasn't nice!" I scolded Jessie while everyone rushed to the kid who had a waterfall of blood coming out of his nose. He was circled before two guys took him inside to go see the nurse.

"He does that Davina. It's in his nature," Marvin sighed as Mr. Jefferson came stomping towards us. He was beet red and resembled a tomato.

"Marvin, over there where no one is at. Davina, nice job. Jessie, start running laps. You also have a detention. Get going, the mile isn't going to run itself," He snapped at us as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked like he was about to say something else, but went against it and went back to serving the ball.

Marvin left my side and went closer to third base where no one was besides a skinny girl that resembled a twelve year old. She kept staring at Marvin as her cheeks stayed a rosie pink color. Jessie, pissed off, left my side and started to run the track that layed next to the soccer field.

Now I didn't have anyone to talk to.

People came and went while half the team just let the ball roll past them. Marvin put somewhat of an effort as did the skinny girl. Laura complained about the ball being too bouncy and that it made it hard to catch.

When it was Cole's chance to kick he made sure that it landed in Laura's small area. The ball was in the air and she was screaming that she could catch it when the ball bounced right through her fingers. The team lets out a groan as they watch Cole pass by her. He even had a chance to make it back to home base, but decided to stop where I was.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming here to Landon?" He immediately asked as he looked towards third base.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? I told you I was dating someone I met you, but the minute I actually started to mess around with you I ended it with him," I snapped at him as I turned to face him. "She's actually kind of pretty. She reminds me of a like Barbie doll. She has that-"

"Stop, stop, stop. I know you're pissed at me. She doesn't mean anything to me Davina. I wasn't with-"

"Why should I stop? You didn't stop when you took me to fucking bed. And you know I've heard that line before. Yeah, my best friend used it all the time when he hooked up with some girl. By the way I know you're lying. You're not looking me in the eye and you're doing that wiggling finger thing. Stay the hell away from me Cole."

"You shouldn't even get a reason to be mad at me Davina. The fling we had was a one time thing. So if I had a girlfriend so what? You didn't even care when you would show up at my house ready to jump my bones," Cole growled as he turned to me, finally facing me.

"Because I am not the other girl. I am not the sidechick. The homewrecker. Whatever the fuck you want to call it. Reasons not to be mad at you? How about you and your friends bullying someone-"

"Again with the bullying," Cole groaned as I saw someone from his team run to first base. She decided to stay there as she pumped her fists into the air.

"Did I ever tell you I was bullied when I was younger? Yeah, all the kids would make fun of me because daddy went to the store for some milk and never came back. My mom was always working and so I was left alone at my house when my dad left us. The kids would call me orphan and tell me that my parents didn't love me. They would pick on me and no one wanted to defend me because orphan girls aren't loved. Orphan girls are ment to die alone," I cried out as my voice broke and my eyes got watery. Someone was approaching the coach who momentarily stopped the game.

"You made her cry? What the fuck is wrong with you man? Get away from her," Jessie barked out as he appeared out of nowhere. Cole and I turn around and see Jessie standing five feet away from us.

"Jessie it's nothing. Don't worry about it," I sniffle as I wipe away at the tears that slipped.

"This estúpido made you cry. That's not alright. I might tolerate you picking on my brother but only because he doesn't want me to get arrested. But her? You don't even the danm right to look her in the direction when you fucked her over. Isn't Elizabeth pregnant? Did you tell her about the miscarriage your girl had before summer? Oh, what about now? I hear she finally-"

Jessie didn't even get the chance to finish what he was going to say because Cole tackled him to the ground. Fists were thrown and body parts were going to be bruised.

"Cole! Get off of him! Jessie!" I screamed as I watched as the two rolled around in the grass.

The crowd instantly circled around as some of the guys tried to pull off the two who were angrily shouting at one another. Jefferson and his friend pushed through the circle and helped peel Jessie away. The other students grabbed at Cole.

Cole had a nasty cut on his cheek from a ring that Jessie was wearing. He already had a bruise forming around his eye. Jessie had a bloody nose that looked broken. He had bruises already blooming on his pretty face.

"What in the hell is going on here?!" Jefferson roared as he looked between the two angry people.

Neither spoke.

"Davina, start talking."


I looked up from the grass and looked up and searched for the person who sounded so familiar. Mr. Jefferson's friend.

He looked just like him.

Fat and ugly.

He had the same scar on his chest.

It was the dumbass who left me.


"Quit lifting your head up. Quit looking at Cole. Jessie! You're bleeding all over. The blood is going to go to your danm throat if you look up. Lean forward and press this against your nose. Cole, I swear if you're looking at Jessie I will make that cut worse," I snapped as I whip my head towards Cole who was glaring at Jessie.

"The worst they'll probably do to him is suspend him from a maximum of three games. Me? I'll be suspended for about a week," Jessie said before looking up at me and letting out a nasty cough. I close my eyes and look down at my white shirt which was now splattered with blood.

"Head forward!"

I take a seat in the chair that was between the two battered boys as I notice two figures walking towards the door. The door is opened and then closed as two men come in front of all of us.

"Does someone want to explain to me what happened? It's the first day of school and there has already been one fight. One. We are supposed to start this school year on the right foot. Not with the football and soccer player getting at it with one another. Why are you in here Davina?" Mr. Woods questioned as he looked down at me.

"According to Jefferson she was with the two before the fight broke out. One of the three start explaining," Timberlake said as he crossed his arms over his chest and tried to look intimidating.

Cole and Jessie burst out with information and begin arguing with one another. They even get out of their chairs and begin pointing fingers. I just calmly stay in my seat and have a thumb war.

"Both of you sit down! You're only giving one side of the story to protect your own back. Davina start explaining," Woods roared as the room ceases its noise. Seats are taken and everyone turns towards me.

"Miscommunication leads to arguments. Arguments lead to fists. Fists lead to bloody noses and scratches. Bloody noses lead to me being coughed on and my shirt being covered in blood. My shirt being covered in blood is because people don't lean forward when told so," I mumbled as I stared down at my shirt.

"Miscommunication how?"

"Are you going to call parents?" I suddenly asked.

"It's mandatory especially when there is a quarrel," Timberlake chipped in and I let out a groan.

"That's dumb, but I see why. Anyways miscommunication because when I get angry I cry. Not like full on sob like when a dog dies in a movie, but I get tears and my voice shakes. I was talking to Cole and I got mad. Jessie saw me crying and thought Cole made me cry and here we are in this situation. Can I go back to class? I wasn't the one throwing punches," I say as I let out a long sigh, staring at the pictures of students that hung on the wall.

"No defending any students today? That seems like a shocker," Woods said as he put a small smile on his face.

"I have no makeup on my face, my churros are in my bag and not in my mouth, there is blood on my shirt, and I am here in this office for no reason. I defend when I am in the mood. I am not in the mood."

"You can leave now Devereaux," Timberlake yawned as I stand up to leave the room an idea popped into my head.

I should buy more churros.

I leave the room and many eyes of students turn towards me. Marvin was one of them. He gets up and out of the chair he was in and hands me my book bag.

"Jefferson let class out early. Came over here as soon as possible. You alright?" He immediately questioned as he looked to me and to the door.

"I want to go home. Honestly, I am exhausted," I replied as another thought popped into my head. "Give me a minute and I'll explain everything."

I go back into the room and hear Woods giving out the punishment. Suspension for a week. When I walked in it went silent as everyone turned to me.

"They were both using self defense. In the school handbook it talks about you not being able to suspend anyone if it was self defense. So you can't suspend them. The most you can do is give them detention!" I exclaimed. Timberlake narrowed his eyes at me while Woods tried to suppress a smile.

"Someone must have thrown the first punch in order for the other to defend himself," Timberlake argued as he handed the two students suspension papers they were supposed to sign.

"Miscommunication. People take words different ways. They took the meaning of the words the other said a way that ment harm. They only did what they did to protect themself," I snapped at him as I narrowed my eyes at him. I was going to win this.

"That does not justify that these two interrupted a class to throw hits at one another."

Woods and the other two looked at Timberlake and then they looked at me. It went back in forth as I argued with the man.

"Jefferson's friend interrupted the class the minute he stepped onto the field. It didn't affect anyone's learning on how to kick a ball and go to first base. I don't see Mr. Jefferson here with his friend getting a suspension."

"Shane Fitzgerald is a visitor to this school and even helps teach health class."

"How is that relevant? We were playing kickball not learning about the toll drugs do to a body. Face it Mr. Timberlake, you and Mr. Woods can't do anything to Cole or Jessie besides detention. With that I rest my case."

I felt like the baddest bitch on the block. I defended those two idiots and didn't lie about anything like I usually did when it came to getting someone out of a suspension. I was unstoppable.

I was a goddess.


I dialled his phone number as I was heading to the hospital. I know he would answer it.

"I thought you weren't speaking to me."

"I can see your car following me. Cut it out or I will call the cops," I threatened as I stepped on the brakes as the yellow light turned red.

"I have to go to the hospital. I can't do stitches by myself. Besides, Landon Memorial Hospital is closer than Saint Joseph Hospital. Gas is expensive these days," Cole argued making me role my eyes in return.

"His girlfriend is the one driving. You see they are actually going the speed limit? Blinkers are being used a hundred feet before turning. There is an actual space between the car in front of them. She likes playing it safe," Jessie groaned as he turns in the passenger seat so he would face me, a towel covering his broken nose.

"Are you trying to cause a fight Jessie?" Marvin questioned as his head poked between me and Jessie.

"Is that why you aren't saying my name? Because your girlfriend is with you? And I showed you how to do stitches you asshole. You know as much as I do!" I roared as I step on the gas, Jessie and Marvin holding onto the seats as if it would somehow help them not die.

"Is that your mom? Tell her I say hey!"

"Cole, sweetie give me the phone. I'll talk to her."

Marvin snatched the phone between my shoulder and ear and pressed the end call button. "We want to live. Now I know we have just become friends during first period, but you should know I value my life. I am sure Jessie does also. Arguing with Cole will possibly kill us."


By the time we arrived at the hospital Jessie was complaining about the pain and the money he would have to spend to get his nose realigned. That is where I proceeded to scold him for getting into a fight.

"He's mine! He's mine! He's mine!" Chris Pratt look alike shouted as the interns ran towards us. It was like a race. Jessie happened to be the finish line and the grand prize. They sprinted towards us and pushed one another trying to get ahead.

Chris Pratt was the first to arrive by my side. "I will take good care of him. Please use this time to think of nice things to tell Calavera and the chief."

Miranda, Jocelyn, Maria, and Whitney all glare at Gerald as he takes Jessie away towards the, Marvin following like a lost puppy.

"He got the scoliosis surgery. Shane got the tumor surgery. What do I get? Nothing. God must really hate me," Whitney muttered as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths.

"There was someone who needed sutures. He was right behind-"

"Mine! I call him!"

"This isn't first grade. Whoever gets to him first gets to do sutures!"

"The pit doesn't have anyone. Literally no one has cut themselves with a piece of glass or fallen down some stairs. We need something to calm the thirst. All we've done is check on post operation patients," Miranda told me as she guided me inside the hospital.

"When the interns in New York said that they would usually jinx it. There would be an overflow of people from accidents, attempted suicides, anything you could think of."

"We're back. The twin bitches don't want newbies, but they want a trauma surgeon to stitch up the perfect boyfriend. I would give a hundred dollars to the person who teaches plastic bitch a lesson," Jocelyn groaned as the others caught up to us with frowns on their faces.

"Twin bitches?" I questioned as we got on the elevator.

"Shane Fitzgerald's daughters. He is head of trauma here."

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