Pinky Promise

By xxelmocupcakes

41.3K 1K 69

Brinley, the average teenager is forced by her mother to do a favor - deliver a box to the local teen homeles... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 4

1.6K 55 2
By xxelmocupcakes

"Do you want community service hours or not?" He snarls, prying open a can of orange with a screwdriver.

I pick up a paintbrush and dip it in a soft yellow, ignoring his question.

We paint for a few minutes. That's when music blasts through the room. I glare at Niall whose standing next to a pair of speakers.

"What? No one else is here. They're all on the field trip." He says, as if that justify the fact that he broke one of my ear drums.

Once he turns around, I dip my paintbrush back in the yellow. When he turns his head, my feet are sneaking across the floor boards as fast as the drum solo in the song. I'm too fast for him though. Yellow paint is splattered on his chest and face. His face changes from angry to playful when he dips his paintbrush into the dark purple. I blink and my face is streaked in the paint.

"Got you." I smile and take a bucket of blue into my hands, dropping the paintbrush to the ground.

I can see he's eyeing the can of purple again.

"Drop it." He menacingly whispers, as if I'm a dog.

I give a light giggle. I stare into his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed. That's when he tackles me to the ground. The paint can spills, and I stand up looking like a Smurf.

"That did wonders for my spine." I grimace, touching my vertebrae. "Can I use the bathroom, maybe a sink to rinse off?"

"You can't use it." He replies simply, back to his cruel, stony self.

I glare at his back as he walks over to the stereo, thankfully turing the music down to a reasonable level.

"Seriously?" No response.

"Clean up the paint YOU spilled before it stains the hardwood."

I'm standing there dumfounded when he walks back over to me.

"God are you deaf?" He's right in front of my face.

I walk past him, shouldering his chest. I find a roll of paper towels and start mopping it up. After I use about half the roll, I'm over joyed to find the paint did in fact stain. Niall notices and shoves me out of the way.

"Why do you always mess up? Jesus."

"What are you talking about? YOU were the one that shoved me and it was an accident."

"Oh shut up."

I've had enough. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"Does it matter?"

I take my foot and shove his side from his kneeling position. I sit down on his stomach and cross his arms.

"What the hell? Get off!" He tries to shove me off but I'm not budging.

Having an older brother has taught me patience and to always aim for below the belt. I sigh, acting bored.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me why you hate me."


"Yes." This continues for another five minutes until he lets out a frustrated sigh of exasperation. That's when he explodes.

"Because! You have a family and I don't! You have someone to call mom and dad. You can talk to them about your problems and worries. They will always be there for you, supporting you. You actually know who your family is where I'm in the dark. You can fight with your siblings where I don't even know if I have any. But most of all, you have people that endlessly love you and know they won't give up on you. I have none of that. I'm lucky if people even tolerate me."He finishes by whispering, "Lucky you."

I immediately stand up, shocked and surprised.

"Sorry." I stick out my hand to help him up but he waves it off. He storms outside and turns the corner, disappearing out of sight. I twist my fingers together and feel my cheeks heating up. Well I wasn't expecting that. I hunt around the same corner where I found the paper towels and soon find cleaning supplies. In a few minutes, the paint is completely gone from the floor. Niall still isn't back yet. I have five hours left to paint four walls. I have a feeling he won't be back for awhile.

I open a fresh can of orange and start to paint over the previous yellow. It's a deep, sunset looking color. This gives me inspiration. I paint a setting sun, with shooting rays fading into the dark purple sky. The next wall I paint just like Andy's walls from Toy Story - blue skies and white clouds. By now, I have two more walls and only an hour to do them in. Shit.

I jump up and down in panic. I have a bunch of colors but they're all half used or empty. There goes the option of painting just solid colors. I try to crack open all the windows to let in some cool air, and to hopefully dry the walls. I study the third wall and think of an easy idea. Only half an hour later and the entire wall is filled with dashes, dots, bubbles, and splatter paint in a rainbow of colors.

I sit down, exhausted. The windows have brought little to no air into the room. Niall still hasn't re - appeared. My arms kill, I've already got in my arm work out for the day. As if I ever really work out. 

Due to the stifling heat,  I change into my usual lazy day outfit. Underwear and a bra. As he said, no one is here. Including Niall. I throw my tank and sweats in the corner and let my thoughts wander. How would it feel to live in a homeless teen shelter? You never really have a home. That's it! I take the black and cream color, set on painting a house. I'm half way done when the back door opens and Niall walks in. I refuse to look at him. He comes and stands by my shoulder, studying my work.

"It's a surprise you know. No one knows that I'm doing this but you."

I'm shocked."Really?"

"Uh - huh." I give an approving nod then resume the painting.

"The kids will be two hours later than planned, they wanted to stay later. Want anything to drink?"

Niall must've taken something because he doesn't seem to have a problem with me anymore.

"Oh that's awesome. Um, do you have water?"


Just as he's about to leave the room he stops.

"Oh and I'm digging the Power Puff Girls. Cute." He gives a wink and leaves.

I blush and bite my lip, trying to focus on the paint strokes. Let's just say I'm no big - busted booty bouncin' gal. I'm a flat chested, tiny butt child. I get the best pick of the kids' sizes. While he's gone, I throw my clothes back on and clean the brushes.

Oh and if you could check out my new series, 'Imagines' - they're just imagines of all the boys - that'd be awesome! Thank you!

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