What Was That Instagram Post...

By UntameableCar

54.6K 2.3K 1.7K

Vylad was just scrolling through Instagram, doing his own thing when suddenly he found a picture. This was... More

What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 2)~Crystal Lake
What Was That Post Again (Chapter 3)~Learning The Truth
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 4)~'I hate you' 'I love you too!'
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 5)~A Small Chat
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 6)~Not The Vylad I Know
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 7)~This Boy...
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 8)~Pushing Nicole's Buttons
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 9)~Don't Anger Dante!
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 10)~Little Pea
What Was That Post Again? (Chapter 11)~Finding My Prince
What Was That Post? (Chapter 12)~Ice Skates PART 1
What Was That Post? (Chapter 13)~Ice Skates (PART 2) - Finale

What Was That Post? (Chapter 1)~Nicole's Coffee

6.3K 226 136
By UntameableCar

A/N: Thank you all for 100+ Reads in the prologue! Also, if you want more Vlante/Vylante, I have a Vlante book on my main account CarWritesFanfic . The book is called Sweet As Sugar. So.... yea! :3 *SHAMEFUL CARLEIGH SELF ADVERTISING* lol.

Enjoy the chapter!<3

Song: Carousel Ride (MIXED MASHUP) - Melanie Martinez & Twenty One Pilots by Quentin Mashups

Vylad's POV

My blood is now practically boiling. "Dante!" I exclaim, backing away from him. "This isn't the way to show your love! Not by showing it publicly!" I scold. Dante looks down for a moment, then back at me. "You're cute when you're flustered." Dante compliments out of the blue. A furious blush breaks out onto my face. "T-T-Thanks?" My statement comes out more like a question. I somehow force the blush off of my face and push Dante away, "Don't try to get me off topic!" I exclaim. Dante chuckles as I cross my arms and scowl. "...Fine. Fine." Dante starts, "Fine what?" My voice comes off as harsh and cruel, even know that wasn't my (full) intent. "Fine, I'll leave you alone." Dante finishes. Dante practically pushes me from his room, "D-Dante!" I exclaim. "Nope! You got your way, Vylad!" Dante replies as he shuts the door. I stand at his doorway for a second, just starring at the white wood that separates us. A small sigh escapes my mouth before I somberly turn around and start to trudge away. "Baby Brother? What's wrong?" Garroth questions from the couch. "Nothing." I say, not wanting to go into further conversation about the topic. Garroth seems to notice, and respects my decision. He gives me a slight nod, then turns back to the TV where Laurance and Travis sit around him. As I open the front door to leave, I feel a hand on my free wrist. Or.. Once-free wrist. I turn around swiftly and see Dante standing there, towering over me. "Don't go..." Dante pleads. "You told me to, so I'm merely doing as you asked." I reply. Dante holds a chuckle in his throat, "I didn't mean for you to actually leave." Dante starts. "You literally pushed me out of your room." I state. Dante chuckles, "True..." He agrees. I can tell he's trying to make lighthearted conversation, but I don't know if it's really working... He seems uncomfortable. A small smile cracks onto my face, "Come on." I lead Dante out of the house, none of the three other guys noticing Dante or my absence. As Dante closes the door behind us, a whipping breeze flashes over to us. Shivers are sent down my spine at a rapid speed, but the scarf wrapped around my neck helps some. Dante immediately zips his jacket up, then stuffs his hands in the pockets of his red jacket. "So... What do you want to do first?" Dante asks as we walk down the sidewalk, leaving MyStreet Street. "Who ever said that we were doing anything?" I question playfully, yet serious. "I did." Dante replies. I let out a puff of air, which creates a small cloud of steam to fly above my head (A/N: Choo Choo! All aboard the Train of Steam Clouds! It's Winter in the story btw). Dante chuckles, small clouds of steamy air forming around him as well. A snowflake falls between Dante and I as we stay in silence. I glance up at the sky once the first snowflake hits the ground. A boatload of other snowflakes are barreling towards us. When you look up and see about one million snowflakes heading towards you, it's not all puppies and unicorns! Besides... It snows really... Really hard here in MyStreet. I grab Dante's hand and bolt thru the streets and sidewalks, that're now being filled with a white blanket of fresh snow. "Vylad! Slow down!" Dante exclaims as I continue to run at the speed of light. I ignore Dante's calls and complaints until I enter a coffee shop. I look up at the logo 'Nicole's Coffee' is plastered in nice, bright lights. Since the clouds and gray sky made everything about ten times darker, causing the lights illuminate a lot more than usual. "Nicole!" Dante exclaims with glee. Nicole looks up from the counter she was wiping, "Dante!" She replies in the same tone. I see Katelyn from the kitchen. Katelyn must be helping Nicole today. Katelyn notices my presence and gives me a small wave before assisting to the customers. I reply with a smile. Nicole makes her way over to us, completely ignoring me. She must not know that I'm here with Dante. Or his friend, to be more specific (She obviously didn't check his Instagram then). After Nicole and Dante exchange their hugs, Nicole looks at me impatiently. "Who're you?" She sounds slightly annoyed. Her face freezes, like realization smacked her on the head. "Oh! I'm sorry, sir! What can I get you?" Nicole's annoyed tone turns into a cheery and artificial voice. "N-Nothing... I'm just here with Dante." I reply, waiting for her reaction. Is it bad that I'm excited to see how she reacts? The smile on Nicole's face drops, causing her mouth to be slightly ajar. She looks from Dante to me on an endless loop. "Uhh... Is there something wrong?" I question, about to wave my hand in her face. Nicole snaps from her trance quickly then shoots daggers at me, "Are you two together?" Nicole assumes. Dante and I both break out into a mad blush, "N-No!" We both exclaim at the same time. A smile appears on Nicole's face again, it hanging from ear to ear. "Good! Now... Brownie, come with me." Nicole refers to me, obviously not in the know of my name. I glance at Dante, then walk off with Nicole. She leads me to the back room, "What's your name?" Nicole asks as she closes the door behind me. "Vylad... Vylad Ro'Meave." I answer. "Oh.. So you're a Ro'Meave?" Nicole states the obvious. I nod in response. Nicole pins me to the wall, anger evident in her facial expression. "I see the way you look at Dante. Stay away from him and everything will be fine. Got it, Brownie?" Nicole threatens. I nod my head rapidly, "Y-Y-Yes, Nicole!" I exclaim. "'Yes, Nicole' what?" She questions, waiting for me to say something else. "Yes, Nicole VanRosenberg!" I correct. Nicole nods in approval, then releases me. Nicole and I walk out, a smile being forced onto my face. "Is everything ok?" Dante asks. He looks up from his phone as he sits at a small table with a coffee I'm assuming Katelyn got for him. "Yep! Everything's fine!" Nicole exclaims before I get a chance to say anything. Dante glances at me. I reply with a nod, not trusting words. Dante gets up and hands me a drink. "Here.. I thought you might want something, so I got you this." Dante says as he hands me the foam cup. "Thanks." I smile. I can see a fuming Nicole from the corner of my eye. "Come on, lets go. We have stuff to do!" Dante exclaims cheerfully. My smile becomes genuine. Dante places his hand on the doorknob, "It was nice seeing you again!" Dante says to Nicole. She gives Dante a wave and a smile. Once Dante looks away, she glares at me as I take a sip of the hot chocolate Dante got for me. I give her the same glare, then walk off. "Hey, Nicole! Check out Dante's Instagram! You'll love it!" I exclaim as the door closes. Dante has earbuds in his ears, so he couldn't hear me. The two glass doors to Nicole's cafe closes, "WHAT?" Nicole shrieks. I snicker as she violently pulls out her phone. Her look of distraught turns into pure anger. I snicker even more. I give Nicole a cheeky smile then walk off with Dante. I pull an earbud from Dante's ear, "Hold my hand." I whisper in Dante's ear. A blush spreads across his cheeks. I wonder if it's just the cold... Don't know. "W-Why?" Dante stutters. "Just do it." I insist. Dante hesitantly slips his hand into mine. Dante looks forward, smiling. I glance back at Nicole, a huge smirk plastered on my face.

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