greed ( cedric diggory ) ✓

By badliarr

529K 21.2K 14.4K

❛ she's beauty, she's grace, she punched malfoy in the face ❜ cedric diggory x o... More

0; evangeline nott
1; the very beginning
3; games
4; conscious thoughts
5; the first task
6; a little help
7; frenemies
8; rejection
9; exes and ohs
10; yule ball
11; the second task
12; aftermath
13; lazy days
14; purple quills
15; one dance
16; the final task
17; the stages of grief
18; parting sorrow

2; cedric diggory

34.6K 1.4K 2.4K
By badliarr


Slowly she pulled away glancing up at the boy she'd just kissed. Avena Detroit was greeted by the blushing confused face of Cedric Diggory, Tri-wizard champion and a Hufflepuff who was actually popular. His golden brown eyes were searching hers frantically trying to find some explanation. Something she wasn't going to give him. She raised an eyebrow a smirk settling over her face as she spun around on her heels stalking off. She'd felt Draco's presence and hoped full well the bastard got a taste of her own medicine. Cedric kissing back had been a surprise she thought before stopping in the middle of the corridor processing what she had done. She'd kissed Cedric Diggory, one of the most attractive guys in the school and he'd kissed her back. Of course she was one of the most attractive witches so that made sense but it still unnerved her slightly.

Her robes swished around her as she steadily marched towards the school library. There was no way she was going back to her common room, the thought of seeing Draco's face made her want to puke. Her anger must have radiated off her because all the students that saw her almost jumped away. The hallways moving murals did nothing to make her feel better, the portraits shouted at her. Asking her what was wrong, if they could help but she ignored them. What would they know, they were just representations of people, they hadn't actually experienced human emotions?

The library was almost empty when Avena walked in, her hair messed up slightly by the wind. In the corner she could see the bushy hair of Hermione Granger and let out a small groan, if that annoying muggle born tried to talk to her so help it she'd be dead. Granger seemed to have it in her mind that Avena wasn't half that bad and Draco was just manipulating her, the mere thought made Avena chortle with laughter. If anybody was doing the manipulating it was her, no one but Avena in a corner.

The dark haired witch made her way to the curses section with the intent on finding a spell that would wipe the smirk of that sixth years' smug little face. Even now the girl's every feature was imprinted in Avena's mind. Her flawless features, straight golden hair and her eyes that seemed to hold galaxies. The foul expression she had grew even more repulsive as she found not one spell that fulfilled her desires.

"Would you mind telling me what just happened?" Avena turned around and was greeted by the face of Cedric. She looked and him blankly making him let out an exasperated groan. "Y'know. When you kissed me,"

"That," she placed the book she had just been reading on the shelf, "Was an act of boredom,"

"I thought you were dating Malfoy," Cedric pressed on, not impressed by her response.

"And I thought you knew to stay out of other people's business Diggory," she said in snide tone signaling the conversation was at an end.

Alas one snide comment didn't stop Cedric from pestering her about why she'd kissed him. He seemed to take it as a personal insult that she wouldn't tell him why and also continuously used the phrase, 'Come on, you felt the spark,'. The first time he had said that she'd punched him so hard he'd had to spend half of the day at Madam Pomfrey's whilst she received a particular vicious detention for attempting to hurt a competitor of the games whilst threatening to destroy everything he loved. The news of her and Draco's breakup and also spread like wildfire whilst the actual details were debatable, needless to say more than one hex had been cast that day by her, ranging in different degrees of intensity.

"Stop moping around," Pansy Parkinson said as Avena picked at her lunch, "Look I'm sad you to broke up-"

That statement caused Avena to laugh bitterly and send a death glare towards the pug faced girl. If anyone was happy about the breakup it was Pansy. The girl had been harboring a crush on Draco since first year but she hadn't had anything going for her, looks and personality wise. Avena had come downstairs the day after their breakup to see Draco flirting with Pansy under the impression that she would feel bad and come crawling back to him. Maybe he didn't know her as good as she'd thought.

"Yeah, keep trying to kid yourself," Avena replied eventually, taking a swig of her pumpkin juice, "And just remember which one of us is actually a functioning witch with good looks,"

Pansy opened and closed her mouth looking like a goldfish whilst Avena flicked her hand in a goodbye gesture. Pansy rose and hurriedly walked away, most likely to go to the fifth floor's bathroom to bitch about her. But as if anything Pansy would say would ever hurt Avena's feelings. Her thoughts had already left the girl as she saw Anastasia enter the room. Viciously she stabbed at the piece of meat in front of her regaining herself. By the time Anastasia glanced over smugly Avena no longer looked upset but glowing as she flirted openly with a seventh year. Anastasia glared as she looked over at her sending her a wink, no one was about to think they'd gotten the best of her.

Avena quickly lost interest in the older boy glancing over at the Hufflepuff table where Cedric had watched her passive-aggressive encounter with the other girl. He seemed like a smart boy and was undoubtedly working it out. As saw her gaze he raised an eyebrow standing and nodding for her to follow. Avena shock her head but found her legs moving of their own accord as she followed suit a few seconds later.

Draco had been watching and noticed what was going on an immediately stood up blocking her path, "Are you really going to talk to him?" every each of his tone suggested malice and disgust.

"Are you really talking to me after what you did?" she replied pushing past him with a flick of her hair.

Cedric Diggory was standing next to a gargoyle statue which Avena stared at it apprehensively remembering what had occurred nights earlier. He was humming a tune which Avena faintly recalled as a Wicked Sister's song with his hands in his pockets. The moment he saw her he lit up which did send a rush of confidence through her. "So I worked it out," he grinned rocking on the balls of his feet. She raised an eyebrow crossing her arms so he continued. "You caught Malfoy in the act with the beautiful yet promiscuous Anastasia and kissed me to get the git jealous,"

"Wow," Avena said in mock excitement, "You are genius,"

Cedric's grin didn't falter, "So I'll take that as I'm correct. Which leads me to my second more important conclusion," Avena raised an eyebrow at the attractive Hufflepuff. "You felt something," he continued holding up a finger, "Let me continue, you can't deny it. You get even more pissed and rude then usual whenever I say which leads me to the conclusion that I am very much correct,"

"What's your point?" Avena asked a smile wry smile playing on her lips. The small smile made Cedric's grin grow even bigger.

"Go on a date with me," he said, "Please?"

Avena thought for a moment as she looked at the boy standing in front of her, "Alright,"

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