Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

4.9K 107 41
By itshelbs

Camila's POV

Lauren was getting us settled in at the hotel's registration. I stood by a water fountain at the middle of the hotel. Others were walking by, carrying their belongings. I couldn't stop smiling; I couldn't believe that Lauren and I were actually here, without having to worry about being seen together, especially in a hotel!

"Camz," Lauren called me over to her. She held my hand while we waited to get our room key. Wow, it was strange. So many people were around, yet we were allowed to be affectionate with each other. I squeezed her hand, gaining a smile from her. "I have to talk to you about something," Lauren said quietly into my ear, then gave me a light kiss on the corner of my lips.

I nodded and smiled, that was wonderful. People were behind us, waiting in line. They saw when Lauren kissed me, and nothing bad happened. No scandal. No police were called. Of course, they didn't know that Lauren was my teacher...  No one knew but us, and that's one thing I love about being here.

"Lauren Jauregui, here you are Miss" the key was handed to her. "Just sign here," the lady instructed. Lauren released my hand to do so.

When everything was settled, Lauren and I headed to our room. The drive was long and tiring, I slept through a bit of the drive but Lauren was awake the entire time. She didn't have any other choice since she was the one driving. There were bags beneath her eyes, and she looked exhausted. We both needed a well rested nap. In each other's arms of course.

We got in the elevator, along with other people. Lauren looked at them and then looked at me, and then she reached for my hand. I loved how she was practically bragging about it. While we waited to reach the third floor, I leaned my head on her shoulder.

The elevator reached the second floor and that's where most everyone walked out on. Since there wasn't many people in here anymore, I held Lauren's chin between my fingers and directed her lips towards mine. I pressed our lips together, kissing her like I had been wanting to for the last few minutes. Though the kiss didn't last too long, the people in front of us were beginning to turn around.

Immediately, we stopped kissing, and grinned. 

Finally, we made it to the third floor, this was our stop. Lauren and I walked past the people and laughed when we made it out. It was amazing how Lauren would act somewhat immature when she was with me. It's not like she behaved like an adult or tried making me act like one. Of course, we tried meeting in the middle at times, but most of the time I brought Lauren down to my age.

With our fingers still intertwined, we looked for our room. And looked at the room numbers while passing each door. On our key, it said 2C. Apparently, we were walking from the opposite side. We saw rooms, 9C, 8C, 7C, 6C, 5C, 4C, 3C and finally, we came upon 2C.

"Bout time," I took the key from Lauren and unlocked the door. Being playful, she pushed me in when the door opened. "Calm down," I laughed. 

I walked in, and dropped my big bag on the ground, and checked out the room. My eyes immediately wandered to the king sized bed, which was placed in the center, against the wall. Thick and puffed white covers were neatly over it. The huge and white pillows looked so puffy and soft.

To my side, there was a wooden table, with a vase of flowers on top of it. There was a also a little note next to the flowers. Picking up the note, I unfolded it and read 'We hope you enjoy your stay at the Marilyn Hotel.' Aww, how nice.

"Let me see," I handed Lauren the note. As she read it, I walked further in and saw the rest of the furniture. Across the bed, by the flat screen television, there was a black leather couch. Between the couch and bed, a beige color carpet. A cleared and rounded mini table sat on it. "Camz, baby look," Lauren held my hand in hers and directed me to the curtains. She pulled them open, permitting the sun to shine through.

"Wow," the scenery was absolutely beautiful. Lauren slid the sliding glass door open and we walked out to the balcony. "The beach looks beautiful from here," I held the hand rail. Lauren came up behind me, her hands held the rail too, from either side of me.

"I know right," her chin rested on my shoulder. It was such a lovely view. "Come on, let's get some rest," she pulled my hand. She directed me to the bed and we climbed in. Once we were in, she pulled me close to her. "When we wake up we can go out to eat," she smiled while fixing her head on the fluffy pillow.

"Sounds good," it was hard to keep my eyes open. The bed was so comfortable, all I could think of, was of drifting off to sleep. As much as I wanted to keep looking at Lauren's gorgeous face, my eyes were closing. I couldn't fight it. I instead, gave in and let them close.

"Sleep well, Camzi," her voice sounded faded, not only because I was drifting off to sleep but also because she was falling asleep too. 

Soon, I was fast asleep.


"Wake up baby... Camz... Come on babe," ah, that soothing voice was awaking me. I opened one of my eyes, getting a glimpse of Lauren's gorgeous face. She was laying on her side as her hand caressed a strand of my hair. My other eye opened, somewhat. First, my eyes had to adjust. "Wakey, wakey," she laughed lightly.

"Lo," I yawned and smiled. "You're so beautiful," I needed to compliment her. Either way, it was the truth. Even with her hair all tousled from sleep, she looked beyond gorgeous.

"Look who's talking," she pushed herself closer to me and pecked my lips. "You're even more beautiful," she returned the compliment, making me blush. She was too cute. I was such a mess, yet she could make me feel like such a beauty. "Camila, get up," she requested, yet climbed over me, straddling me.

My hands caressed her thighs, "How am I supposed to do that when you're on top of me?" I smirked and then bit my lower lip.  "I don't know," she shrugged and leaned down to my ear, "Figure it out," she said seductively.

Oh Lauren, challenge accepted.

"Alright," I held her ass and looked her in the eyes, sensually. She bit on her lower lip, probably expecting for me to be all touchy-touchy. Uh-uh, instead, I tossed her to the side. Rolling on the bed, she almost tumbled off, but I caught her on time. I burst out laughing while holding onto her waist, making sure that she wouldn't fall over. "Don't fall," I giggled.

"Don't let me fall," she held onto the sheets and helped herself up. Now that she was sitting up, she jumped on me. "Why did you do that?" she questioned as she pinned me down and straddled me once again.

"Because you told me to figure it out," I retorted, still wanting to laugh.

"You're so mean," she stuck her tongue out. God, I loved when she was immature. That was a turn on. When she was mature, that was a turn on too though. Anything about her was a turn on, to be completely honest. "But I still love you," she let out a hearty laugh, but then stopped when she caught what she had just stated.

My eyes widened. Did she really just that she loved me? My ears were functioning correctly, right? They weren't playing tricks on me? Quick, what rhymes with love? Maybe I misheard her. Glove rhymed with love, but glove wouldn't have made sense in that particular sentence. My mind was going crazy, looking for an explanation.

Lauren climbed off me and sat to my side, looking the other way. With an expression of 'holy shit, what did I just say?'

"Lo, babe," I put my hand on her shoulder, wanting her to look at me. "Hey, it's okay, I won't hold you to it," I stated. Just to make her feel comfortable. I didn't want this trip to be ruined just because she blurted those three words on accident. As much as I would've loved to hear her say it again, I wasn't going to force her to.

"No," she shook her head and looked at me. She turned her entire body around, facing me, "Now that I've said it, I don't want to pretend like it didn't happen," she stated. Taking me back, I felt confused.

"What do you mean Lauren?" I needed her to elaborate in order to understand. So she was going to own up to it? 

Taking my hands in hers, she looked me in the eyes, inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, "Camila Cabello, I am in love with you," she bit on her lip, seeming nervous. Nervous of what my response would be.

My heart skipped a beat. Hearing her say it properly, made a thousand butterflies go crazy in my stomach. A bolt of happiness transmitted in me. I smiled widely, as if two fingers were happily poking my cheeks, not allowing me to stop. Wow, Lauren actually admitted it first.

"Laur," I breathed out. I wanted to say it back too, I really did, but couldn't. At least not at this very second. I was enjoying the moment too much. I was letting it all sink in. I smiled though, letting her know that I loved hearing it. That seemed to make her feel better. Tears of happiness strolled down my cheeks. "And I am in love with you, Lauren Michelle," I repeated it to her, meaning every single word of it.

Inevitably, a huge smile took over her face.

"You don't have to say it back if you're not ready though," she replied, as if I were only saying it because I felt obligated to.

"Lauren, I mean it, I love you," I assured. "I've been ready to say it for a while now," I added, reassuring. 

"I'm glad to hear that," she held the back of my neck and pulled me into her. We fell back on the bed, with me on top of her. "I love you so much," she spoke softly, close to my lips. Her hot breath sent a tingly sensation through my body. I needed her kisses, I needed the touch of her lips. Of those soft and full lips of hers.

Her hands slid up my shirt, from the back, caressing my bare skin. Her touch was so gentle and delicate. It made me feel worthy and special. My lips were opened by her lower lip, she sucked in my breath, leaving me breathless. Her tongue entered through the opening, and moved around the inside of my mouth. Still maintaining the steady pace, I could feel as if her entire soul was concentrated on the kiss. As if she only focused on the kiss and only me. As if I meant everything to her. Love transmitted, making my heart feel warm.

More tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks, I had never felt so in love or loved before. This kiss was saying a bunch of I love you's. It meant more than the actual words, I was actually able to feel it. I never knew someone could kiss me like this, and was able to say so much with the simple act of a kiss. The language of love.

Lauren slid my shirt off, never losing eye contact in the process. When my shirt was off, our lips met again. Transmitting the same loving feeling. We proceeded taking off the rest of our clothing. Until there was nothing left but our nude bodies.

We were under the covers. My breasts against hers, as our legs intertwined, as if desperately hugging together. That was love, when there was the urge of hugging that special someone even with your legs, because of how close you wanted them towards you.

Our hips moved at the same rhythm, becoming just one. Our lips wouldn't stop nibbling on one anothers. That was until, I trailed kisses down her jawline and down to her Adam's apple. That's what I loved the most. My teeth nibbled on her paled skin. Her head tilted back, allowing more access.

"I swear, I have never ever loved anyone, only you," I spoke into her neck. 

"Me neither," she replied. "I love you so much," she gasped through her lips. Feeling her nude body against mine, made my body quiver a bit. 

I continued kissing downward and reached her chest. Giving light kisses there, I kept trailing down to her breasts. I kissed in between, and still didn't stop. I moved downward as her hands got lost in my hair.

As I trailed kisses down her flat stomach, her back arched a little. Our legs released one another, as I scooted down more. My hands slid down her breasts, and massaged them while I kissed her thighs, teasing her.

"Wait," Lauren spoke from above me. I looked up and saw that she had lifted off her elbows. She cupped my face and directed me to kiss her lips. Again, I felt how much she really loved me. I kissed her back, showing her how much I loved her.


By the time we finished making love, it was dinner time. Seriously, we couldn't get out of bed. We didn't even try to at first. I just wanted to be caressed by her. I wanted her arms around me, tightly. I wanted to feel the warmth of her body, all day long.

There was something called hunger though. Yup, we were starving and we wanted to be seen in public. That was the whole purpose of this trip. Not to be in the hotel room all day, which was not bad at all. It was actually quite nice and entertaining.

Either way, the point of the trip was so we could flaunt our love to everyone. To go out and have other people prepare our dinner for us. To go out and simply be a normal couple for once. To just be Lauren and Camila, not teacher and student.

This trip became even more important now. Thanks to Lauren, who said I love you. Now our relationship has advanced, it grew. It was much more real than before.

"Are you ready to go?" Lauren asked while checking her hand purse. 

"Did you call in to reserve a table?" I asked her while adjusting my dress. It was a strapless one, so I had to make sure that my boobs wouldn't slip out. Even though I have small boobs, I don't want anything coming out. 

"Of course," she answered, as if the question had offended her. Yeah of course, Lauren knew how things were done. 

"Well okay then," my face scrunched in a playful manner. "Let's go," I walked to her, she was already standing at the door, with her hand on the knob.

"It's about time," she smiled playfully and opened the door and permitted me out first. 

"The restaurant is in the hotel, it's not like we're going to be late," I stated. "Oh wait, there might be traffic in the elevator," I joked, faking concern. 

"Are you this sarcastic with you parents?" she cocked an eyebrow.

I shrugged, "Maybe," I squeaked out.

"You are so cute," she chuckled and held my hand. Aww, I liked when she did that. I pretty much loved anything she did though. 

We had to hurry to the elevator though, since it was closing. Luckily, the man who was already in there, stopped it for us. We jogged the last three steps, it was an effort because we were both wearing dresses and high heels.

"Good evening, young ladies," the man was so polite. He reminded me of my grandpa, somehow. I would have told Lauren, but decided not to. Knowing her, that was probably going to make her laugh. And I didn't want to bother the nice man.

"Good evening," I smiled. Rebecca didn't say anything but she did smile in response. 

We stayed quiet while being the elevator, especially because the man kept glancing back at us. It was not weird at all, but because of that, Lauren and I couldn't kiss. We had to respect his presence.

We couldn't just go around making out in front of everyone just because we were allowed to. People would've thought we were being rude. 

We had to be classy.

For now...

The elevator stopped at the first floor. Lauren led the way to the restaurant. We were in there in no time asking for our table. A waitress showed us to our table and handed us the menus. I couldn't help but notice how people were looking our way, staring at Lauren, apparently. Why not, she was fuckin' sexy. Only a blind person wouldn't notice it... obviously.

I wasn't sure whether to feel proud or jealous. Proud because I was with her and she belonged to me. Or jealous because they were all desiring her, wishing to be with her. They probably wanted me gone, far away from her.

"Hey, Camz what's wrong?" Lauren looked up from her menu, noticing that I wasn't looking over mine. 

"Huh?" I was caught off guard. "Nothing," I smiled, pretending like everything was fine. 

"Camila, I know you, there's something wrong," she stated. "Please tell me," she insisted. 

"It's just that people are staring at you and it makes me sort of jealous," I told her the truth. 

"At me?" she questioned. "I thought they were staring my gorgeous girl," her eyes sparkled while staring directly into mine. How could it possibly be so easy for Lauren to make me feel better in a second? She always knows what to say. She was right, she knew me well.

"Thank you Laur," I reached for her hand, across the table. "Thank you for being the perfect girlfriend," that's what I meant. What I had been wanting to say. "Thank you for arranging this," I glanced at the rest of the restaurant. "For making us a real couple for once," I added.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you," she replied and gave my hand a squeeze. "Thank you for not giving up on us, for insisting when all I did was say no," she stated. Haha, ah those memories.

"You were only trying to protect me though," I replied. 

"Yes, but thank you for not quitting on me," she still thanked. "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even be together right now," she added. Well she was correct, hehe. She kissed my hand. "By the way, I have to talk to you about something," she was changing the topic. Hmm, she said that this morning though. She was probably going back to it.

"Okay," I waited for her to continue. 

"Don't freak out but..." she paused. Okay how did she not want me to freak out but then paused? That was obviously going to make me worry. I gave her a look, motioning for her to go on. "Um, my mom kinda knows about us," she informed.

WHAT? This was not good! How could her mom know. What was Lauren doing here with me if her mom knew? When did her mom find out? Why would Lauren tell her? Sure her mom seemed nice and all, but she couldn't know about us. That was too risky! Although I don't think her mom would've snitched her own daughter out. Of course not, she wouldn't want her daughter to go to prison. Either way, it was a big risk.

"How? Why? What?" I was beginning to freak out. Holy shit, my heart was pounding against my chest. Oh hell no, it was going to pop out. Was it just me or was the room spinning? I was started to get lightheaded. "Laur, why is the room spinning?" I asked, I started to feel my lips become cold and dry.

"Camz, calm down, you're going to have a panic attack. Baby calm down," Lauren's voice was fading away. "I told you not to freak out," she added. Oh sure, as if it were that easy. Her mom probably thought I was a slut now, just sluttin' it up with Lauren. "And the room isn't spinning," she stated.

Then that meant that my eyes were spinning. Were eyes supposed to spin? I didn't think so. Something was really wrong with me. Okay, I needed to stop freaking out and stop imagining things. I inhaled and exhaled, but nothing was working.

"I'm gonna puke," I covered my mouth with my hand. 

"Babe, no," Lauren looked worried as hell. She grabbed the napkin, and folded it, and started fanning me with it. "Is this helping?" she asked, sounding like she was really hoping it was.

I grabbed the glass of water and drank from it. That cooled me down. Perfect, that was really helpful. And of course, Lauren helped a lot too.

"Fuck Camz! You scared the shit out of me," she said with glossy eyes.

"I'm sorry Laur," I said while grabbing to hold her hand. 

Now that I was more calmed, I was ready for Rebecca to go on. 

"What happened?" I needed to know.

"Um, well, you forgot your hat at my house and my mom saw it, she remembered seeing you with it in class," she explained. Of course, the fucking snapback! Lauren was still wearing it when I took off to ask my parents for permission to come here. How could I have been so stupid!

"What did she say to you?" hopefully nothing too bad. 

"She was disappointed in me," Lauren looked down, seeming to sadden her. "But after I explained how we met and explained how everything happened, she started to understand," she added, hmm, that was good right? "I told her that it wasn't just a fling, that it was real and that I loved you," she went on. She looked back up, making eye contact with me. "She understood. She's not so happy about it of course, but she's definitely not against it. Besides, you made a great first impression and she adores you already," a smile formed on her beautiful face.

I couldn't help but smile too, "Really?" that was cool. Her mom was so sweet. I'm glad that she didn't try and convince Lauren to leave me. 

"Yes," she assured. "So don't you worry, kiddo," she teased. For some reason, I thought kiddo was funny and adorable coming from her to me.

"Okay," I felt relieved. "Does that mean that I'll actually get to meet her now as my mother-in-law?" I grinned, just teasing her though.

"I guess so," she played along. "I wonder what our last name will be when we get married," she thought about it. 

Wow, she was already thinking about marriage. I was flattered by it. Sure I wanted to marry her someday, but maybe not any time soon. Lauren was already twenty-six years old though, maybe marriage was in her plans already. On the other hand, I was only seventeen, marriage seemed so far away. Well not that far now that I was with Lauren. I knew that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life, but wasn't sure if I was ready to tie the knot just yet.

It didn't hurt to think about it though.

"I don't know," I gave it some thought too. "Maybe our last name could be hyphenated," I suggested. 

"Why?" she asked.

"Well because I love Jauregui, but I also love Cabello, so maybe we could do it as Cabello-Jauregui?" I questioned unsure.

"I love that," she stated with a smile.

Ha, yeah I loved the idea of it. I really did.

I looked around us, I was still amazed by how many people were here, yet we were too. Lauren kept touching my hand and being very affectionate, yet that didn't matter to anyone else. To them, we were just two normal girls. We weren't teacher and student. This was perfect.

Until I caught Lauren looking at the bar area.

"You want to go there after dinner don't you?" I asked.

"No," she shook her head, but I could tell that she was lying.

This part sucked. I was seventeen years old, meaning that I couldn't be at the bar area. I was able to tell that Lauren wanted to be there, like any other adult. If I were older, she wouldn't have this problem. It made me feel like such a kid, as if Lauren were babysitting me. This is when I was able to see the age difference as an actual problem.

"You know what, after dinner, you can go to the bar and I'll just wait here, playing flappy bird," with that said, I took out my iPhone. Looked for app and started playing.

"Camila, don't be silly," Lauren shook her head in disbelief. "I want to be with you," she assured. "I don't care about spending time with a group of strangers at a bar," she chuckled. Hey, her talking was distracting me from the game. "This trip is for the both of us to spend time in public," she stated. Just then, the bird hit one of the tubes. Fuck!

"Lolo, you made me lose," I whined. She shook her head in disbelief, but in amusement. "I heard what you said though," I informed. "Thank you," I couldn't stop thanking her. I said this before and I was going to say it again, she was the perfect girlfriend.

"You're welcome," she licked her lips. Ugh, she was making me weak. Even though we already made love this morning. "Hey, why are the students so obsessed with that app?" she wondered.

"Because it's a game from the devil," I replied while attempting it again. Fuck, I hit the first tube! How was that even possible. I always passed at least fifteen tubes. Lauren laughed at my response.

"You don't get it, it's not just a game," I stated. My thumb tapped on the screen, past a few tubes, my score was at 24, 25, 26, 27, I was almost going to past 29, which was my highest score. I tapped and past the tube, I had 28. I double tapped and no! The stupid fucking game decided to glitch. I didn't beat my high score! This game was addictive and evil! "I hate this!" I shouted, about ready to chuck my phone to the ground. People looked our way, giving strange and concerned looks. "Sorry," I apologized, feeling quite embarrassed. "Have a nice dinner," I gave a cheeky smile and a little wave.

"Camila, calm down," Lauren instructed for me to breath in and breath out. Which I did. "Let me try it," she extended her hand out, asking for my phone.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "You might become obsessed with it, by agreeing to play it, you're practically signing your life away," I warned. 

"Stop exaggerating," her eyes squinted skeptically. "Let me try it," she took my phone from me. 

"Fine," I raised my hands up in surrender. "Just don't take your anger out on me when you can't past the first tube." 

"I'll easily pass the first tube," she spoke confidently. Lauren began tapping on the screen and immediately, the losing buzz sounded. "What the hell?" her eyebrows connected in anger. "Hey, my cousin's little daughter has played this before and her highest score is 56, that's why I thought it was going to be easy," she explained. Well it wasn't. I tried warning her about it.

"Oh well," I tried reaching for my phone but Lauren pulled back. 

"No, one more time," she said. She tapped on the screen again but once again, hit the first tube. "What the hell," she groaned. "One more time," she pleaded and began playing again. And kept hitting the first tube. She couldn't even get a point.

She kept attempting it. Uh-oh, there was a problem now. She had become obsessed with the app. Flappy bird sure was an addictive game.

A/N: So Clara knows... and they said their I love you's haha. This chapter is more of a filler for the chapters to come. This book only has 5 chapters left! I wanna thank all of you for reading because we hit 3K:) Vote and share this story with others:) You guys are great

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